Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny

by Dragonfan101

38: The Panda Village

Spike had traveled extremely far with Po, Li and Smolder, they had left the Valley pretty early in the morning so they can head out to the Panda Village to figure out how to learn Chi and bond with they're family's. Spike was really excited to be heading out so far like this, he had never been so far into the mountains before, and given this is to spend time with his family, it feels really exciting.

They had traveled for many days and nights, far away from the Valley of Peace, Spike really loved it when he traveled through this world in anyway, it felt so much more ancient with it's history, and it reminds Spike of the time he traveled with Viper to her village, Li had a lot of energy for a regular panda given how far they've traveled, they were days away from the valley at this point, and they looked to be only halfway there.

We open to a small scene where Po was starting to feel hungry as they traveled through a few with beautiful trees that had blue leaves.
"Oh, lunch break?" Li suggested hearing his stomach growl.
"That sounds good to me, you up for some lunch Spike?" Smolder asked while she started to sit down.
"With how far we've been traveling, I'd really love some food right now." Spike said while taking some breaths of his own.
"You all read my mind.." Po said relieved before he sat his travel pack down until they heard something.
"Ow!" A familiar voice said inside it which got Po and Spike's attention.
"Dad?" Po asked looking in it.
"Yes?" Li replied thinking that was going to him.
"Not you sir, Mr Ping?" Spike asked with an annoyed look as they opened the pack, and they saw he had snuck his way in the pack and had traveled all the way with them.
"Yes?" Ping asked nervously while Spike slapped his face.

Spike should've expected something like this, even though Ping really cares for Po as his father, they had to leave to keep him and everyone else safe, now they have a new problem to deal with.
"What are you doing here?" Po asked while Spike helped him out.
"Were you really in there for the past 3 days we traveled?" Smolder asked shocked with how long he stayed silent.
"Yes I did, and this gave me a bad back ache! Did you have to step on every rock?" Ping asked while he cracked his back a little after being still for so long.
"No, we mean why are you here?" Po asked wanting an answer for this.
"What was I supposed to do huh? What if the pandas don't have food you like? You and Spike never gonna be able to save the world, on an empty stomach, I consider my presence, mission critical!" Ping said turning to Li who was a bit nervous to tell him something important.

Smolder turned to Spike who only shrugged his shoulders at this and kinda figured something like this would happen.
"Is he always like this?" Smolder whispered to him, and Spike just stretched out his arms in response.
"Yeah, you'll get used to it, but it's for a good reason at least." Spike answered as he wasn't too upset about this.
"About that.. we can't exactly share the location of the village with others, so..." Li asked as he thought he'd give them away.
"Oh you think I can't keep a secret huh? I raised Po for 20 years, until I finally told him he was adopted!" Ping said giving Po a hug which surprised them.
"Seriously?" Li asked surprised to hear that.
"Yeah." Po said with a small smile.
"Okay then, I guess it would be cruel to make you fly back." Li said as he decided to start heading out again while Po was shocked.
"You can fly?!" Po asked amazed to hear that.
"I'm a bird Po." Ping replied casually while he followed behind.
"You act like that's nothing new since I have wings." Spike added while he flew off with Smolder too.

After that talk with Ping now accompanying them, they all had to make they're way's through the mountain to reach the village, the weather had gotten really cold by now and Spike had to keep his body warm with the spare clothing Viper packed for him, he hoped she was alright with how long they've been gone by now, but hopefully she's doing okay without him.

But soon enough, they all finally reached a cliff at the top of the mountain after days of traveling.
"We're here!" Li announced with a proud look.
"Home sweet home!" Smolder said proudly as they all looked above and saw it was a long way up there from climbing.
"More stairs... again?" Spike asked annoyed with how much more they have to climb.
"It sure is a long way up there.. and Spike and Po don't like stairs, so it's time to go home.." Ping insisted wanting to leave which Li chuckled at.
"We're pandas, we don't do stairs." Li explained which relieved them both.
"I've waited my whole life to hear those words..." Po said amazed to hear that.
"Honestly figured that out by this point." Spike said smugly just as Li pulled a chain of sorts, and it was revealed they were on an elevator of sorts which began raising into the air.
"Rats." Ping said with a disappointed look as they kept on rising.

They all kept rising in the air as they were finally reaching the top, everything looked pretty foggy right now, but that's mainly due to how early in the morning it is.
"Whoa... huh?" Po asked suddenly not seeing anything from the heavy fog, everyone got off the elevator and started making they're way to the entrance.
"This is the panda village?" Spike asked a bit confused with not seeing anything right now.
"If it is, then it's no wonder they keep it a secret." Ping joked which Smolder scoffed at.
"And 3... 2.. 1..." Smolder counted down just as they finally entered the village and everything started to clear up.
"Now you can Whoa..." Li joked while chuckling still.
"Whoa..." Spike and Po said at once as they all finally saw the panda village.

To put things simply, this village was beautiful, it was extremely high up in the mountains where everyone was able to be safe, Spike could see dozens of pandas all over the place, all of which looked so much like Po, to think so many pandas are still alive out here is so amazing to see. There was some waterfalls that fell into rivers for pandas to get some through buckets, and there were tons of kids playing around with kites, just like how he saw in that vision with Po.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Smolder asked nudging Spike's shoulder while they kept looking around it with awe.
"It's.. amazing..." Spike said amazed with how beautiful this place was, and one of the pandas had noticed them arrive.
"Li? Smolder?! Everyone! Li and Smolder are back!" The panda announced which got everyone's attention.
"They're all back!" Another said amazed to see them here.
"They found they're son and brother!" A small kid said amazed to see this too while all the pandas started to run to them.

Spike and Po had a look of amazement seeing so many pandas were still here, after what they went through with Shen, seeing all these pandas still alive was such a treat to see, and Smolder had a proud look after being able to bring them back. All the pandas came up to them to welcome to the village.
"Everyone! This is my son Po, and Smolder's brother Spike!" Li announced while all the villagers gave them some hugs.
"Whoa! Triplets!" Po said amazed seeing some smaller ones on his shoulder.
They're so cute!" Spike said gleefully seeing them like that.
"tell me about it, they're like little siblings to me!" Smolder said while laughing a bit.
"They're so handsome! Just like they're father!" A grandma panda said pinching they're cheeks a bit.
"Thank you!" Ping replied thinking that was for him which made Smolder shake her heads.

"Sons, these are your cousins! Dim, and Sum!" Li announced motioning to two more pandas.
"Welcome!" Sum announced while he put a necklace on them that was made of dumplings.
"Are these buns?" Spike asked looking at the detail.
"Yeah, we call it a snacklace!" Dim said playfully before they all suddenly ate the dumplings because they were hungry.
"Eh.. we'll get you two another one." Dim assured which was nice to hear.
"It is so nice to meet you all, I never thought I'd get to see something like this.." Spike said amazed with seeing so many pandas.
"I know, to be living in a place like this my whole life, and yet everyday I always love being here." Smolder replied giving Spike another hug too.

Po looked around all of the pandas and just felt so amazed seeing that he's not the last one.
"You look just like me but a baby..." Po said looking at a small child who had his Tigress action figure.
"Your like me but old!" Po said amazed while turning to the grandma panda.
"Your like me.. but fatter!" Po said turning to a fatter panda which Spike chuckled at.
"It's really amazing to see so many pandas here, it's really great to meet all of you." Spike said with a smile while he twirled his hat around a bit.
"You all look at me!" Po said while looking over all the pandas in the village.

"Let's feast! In Spike and Po's honor!" Li announced which everyone cheered at and they began rolling down the hill.
"What?" Po asked confused seeing them all go down the hill.
"Panda's don't walk.. we roll!" Li announced before he rolled down too.
"Watch and learn brother!" Smolder said proudly before she rolled down too to catch up with them.
"Oh no you don't!" Spike said playfully before he rolled down too and actually got a good handle on it.
"Have you ever seen someone look so ridiculous?" Ping asked chuckling at the sight until he saw Po was ready to roll too.
"Po what are you doing? Po!" Ping shouted just as he started rolling down the cliff too, but unlike Spike, he was having some trouble getting the hang of all of it.

Spike had went with Smolder and Li to a small table near the village, he was waiting to eat while Smolder was sitting right besides him.
"So.. I have to ask, how.. long have you been living here with them? You said you lived here most of your life, but.. how did you end up with them?" Spike asked looking at her who tried remembering how it happened.
"It's still a blur to be honest, but I've lived with them for most of my life, I've been Li's daughter since he found me, and even after all this time, I'm just glad to know I do have a brother." Smolder answered smiling at him which Spike was glad to hear.
"Yeah, we found her when she was an egg by the river at our.. old village, we didn't know what it was, but I felt something different about it, my wife did too, so we took care of her when she was an egg until she finally hatched, fun fact, did you know Smolder often burned the bean buns at dinner? She always freaked out when she saw them for some reason." Li joked which most of the pandas laughed at.
"Oh come on, I was like 3 months old or so! You can't tell me no baby dragon would've done that." Smolder said in defense hearing that.
"Hey, I understand that, I often accidentally burned things too when I was a hatchling, it gave Twilight some trouble I'll tell you that." Spike said with a chuckle as the pandas brought out some dumplings for them to eat.

Po kept rolling down the large cliff until he finally slammed into the table roughly which did hurt him a bit.
"Ow.." Po said said with pain while Spike helped him up.
"Your right that is better then walking." Po joked which all of the pandas laughed at.
"Eh, flying is better in my opinion." Smolder added which more of them laughed at as more bowls were being handed out to them all.
"What kind of panda doesn't know how to roll?" A small kid asked a bit confused still.
"Well I'm still new to this whole.. being a panda thing.." Po said in defense until the kid asked something again.
"Hey, what kind of panda are you? You have a funny neck.." The kid asked looking at Ping.
"I'm not a panda at all." Ping answered before the kid asked what each of his body parts were which was pretty funny with how rapidly he was asked and answered them all.

"Here son, I packed you chopsticks." Ping said as he handed Po some which amazed the other pandas seeing them.
"What are those things?" The kid asked amazed seeing them.
"These? These are chopsticks, they're for picking up dumplings." Po answered picking one up.
"You mean you only eat one at a time?!" The kid asked holding multiple out with his paws. Po looked all over and saw each one was eating with they're paws and didn't have chopsticks which made him gasp in realization.
"I knew I wasn't eating up to my full potential!" Po said with shock seeing this.
"Well then, if that's the case..." Spike said right before he slammed his bowl into the air and all his dumplings flew out, Spike jumped in the air and quickly ate each one like how Shifu did during they're training before he landed down and revealed he got all of them at once which amazed the whole crowd.
"Nice! How many do you think you can eat Spike?" Smolder asked playfully while she held out some more bowls.
"Heh, I've been training with Po with eating a lot of dumplings, and with this.. bring it on!" Spike announced before he started chowing down on them swiftly which the other villagers laughed at.

But as all of them were eating, they all suddenly heard music starting to play, and just looking ahead of then, they saw a group of pandas dancing around with one specific one with a red ribbon giving Po a " certain" look which was confusing to him.
"I.. am Mei Mei, Oh look at that she's so beautiful! That's sweet Po, but please save your compliments for after the performance." Mei Mei introduced which Spike chuckled at seeing.
"Me? No I didn't say..." Po said right before she shushed him.
"Shut it.. after the performance!" Mei Mei insisted while she twirled her ribbon around.
"Ooh.. Someones got a crush on you Po.." Spike teased while nudging his shoulder which made him nervous.
"Welp, nice knowing you Po." Smolder joked as well as Mei Mei began dancing around.

Mei Mei began twirling her ribbon around in a similar way that Viper does and she suddenly had instruments appear right near two other pandas.
"Best ribbon dancer in the world! At least that's what she said." Li explained which Spike chuckled at.
"Nothing's ever gonna beat Viper for me." Spike said as he had one ribbon in his pack too while she kept dancing around.
"Look away! Look away! But no, you can't can you?" Mei Mei teased while she was dancing off screen now.
"Dad, why does she keep staring at me like...( he then noticed Mei Mei was suddenly on the table still staring at him which spooked him).. That!" Po finished with a nervous look.
"Try to keep up." Mei Mei teased before she wrapped the ribbon around him and he was suddenly being twirled around the village in a dancing fashion.

"I don't really know how to dance!" Po said nervously while she was moving him all around.
"Of course you do! All pandas know how to dance." Mei Mei replied before she pulled Po directly to her again.
"I know what your thinking Po" Mei Mei teased which made him a bit scared.
"You.. do?" Po asked with a worried look.
"How could one panda be so beautiful?" Mei Mei whispered before she twirled him all over the village to make it look romantic until she pushed him to the table.
"Help me guys. " Po begged looking at Spike, Smolder and his two dads.
"Yeah, no. Your on your own." Li replied laughing at this.
"My hands are full at the moment Po, sorry!" Spike joked while he ate even more dumplings while watching this.
"This is so fun!" Smolder said laughing at all of this.
"Your doing great son!" Ping encouraged until Po was brought back to her again.

Mei Mei brought him back to her and unwrapped him and handed him the ribbon.
"Your turn." Mei Mei announced which shocked him a little.
"Ooh! Let me show you how it's done Po! Me and Viper learned some skills together!" Spike insisted while he was getting his ribbon.
"You know how to dance too?" Smolder asked shocked until Spike pulled out the ribbon Viper gave him back during the holiday.
"Watch and learn!" Spike announced before he flew in the air and started twirling the ribbon around, Spike breathed some fire in the air for spectacle and the audience was amazed seeing him demonstrate.
"Not bad, now you Po!" Mei Mei advised turning to him, Po tried to twirl the ribbon around which only resulted in a small gong being whipped to his face and he fell down after the ribbon wrapped around his foot which the audience flinched at a bit.

Mei Mie grabbed the ribbon and twirled around some more before she held Po on top of her while Spike landed down while holding out his own ribbon which made the audience cheer for them all.
"Yay Po and Spike!" Ping cheered just as he was thrown back on the table with Li and Smolder chuckling at this.
"Who knew my brother was a great dancer!" Smolder said amazed to see all of that.
"Don't worry, you'll get used to it!" Li assured while Po felt so at home seeing all these pandas.
"I have so much to learn..." Po said amazed with all that's happening right now.
"It's gonna be a fun time, that's for sure." Spike replied while the whole village was cheering for them, while Spike and Po have a lot to learn here, it's at least gonna be a really fun time bonding with all these pandas.