//------------------------------// // The Cutie Mark Chronicles // Story: My Little Discord: Friendship is Magic Season 1 // by Musiclover435 //------------------------------// After the fiasco with his aunt's phoenix, Discord was happy to have a bit of normalcy before the gala. He would have to leave in a few days to do the last minute preparations for the gala which meant he would miss Pinkie's surprise birthday party the girls were planning. For now, he was content with hanging out with Fluttershy and helping her with her animals. Fluttershy stood in the middle of the road as the CMC raced down the road. The girls screamed and Scootaloo skidded to a stop just in the nick of time but the girls fell off and landed on the ground hard. "All right, little ones, this way." The small ducklings happily walked across the road with Discord following them from behind. "You really should be more careful. Somepony could get hurt." "Yeah, where are you going in such a hurry?" Discord asked after the ducklings were safely across the road. "We're trying to find Rainbow Dash so we can hear how she earned her cutie mark." "Oh? They would be interesting. You know, I wouldn't have gotten my cutie mark if it weren't for her." "Rainbow Dash? Really?" "Oh, yes. It all started at Summer Flight Camp." As Discord listened to her story, the race she briefly talked about sounded familiar but he couldn't put his hoof on it. Discord was taken out of his thoughts when he heard Scootaloo said, "What happened to Rainbow Dash? What about the race?" "Oh, well, I wasn't there, so I don't really know what happened." "Come on, Crusaders. We've got to find her. Besides, I can't take anymore singing." "Maybe my sister knows where she is," Sweetie Belle suggested. The girls smiled and left the two ponies to themselves. "Bye, Fluttershy! Bye, Discord!" "Bye, girls!" "Bye, girls! Good luck finding Rainbow Dash!" With that, the girls went on their way leaving Fluttershy and Discord alone to continue with what they were doing. The Mane 6 and Discord were at Sugar Cube Corner with Rainbow Dash and they told her that the CMC were looking for her. "I hear you're looking for my cutie mark story." Scootaloo sighed with relief. The CMC sat down and listened to Rainbow's story. Discord listened in as well as Rainbow talked about the race at Summer Flight Camp. As she spoke, it began to sound more familiar and when she talked about making a Sonic Rainbow that's when he remembered. During that time, he sensed a magical disturbance and left to check it out near Cloudsdale. It was a purple Alicorn and a pink unicorn fighting over their destiny or something. He couldn't quite remember what they were fighting about. The Alicorn recognized him quickly and called him an ally while the unicorn saw him as an enemy. He wasn't sure what was going on but he needed them to stop or they could disturb the time stream. Somehow, they were able to stop and make up with them returning to their timeline with destroying this one. He isn't sure when they are from but he has a feeling he will meet them again one day. He was taken out of his thought when the girls kept shouting that if it wasn't for Rainbow, none of them would have earned their cutie marks. "Wow, that's amazing. One small action had the greatest impact on all of you." Discord commented. 'They really are connected through the elements and their cutie marks.' "What about you, Discord?" Scootaloo asked hoping to get rid of the nappy-pappy talk. "How did you get your cutie mark?" "I... I don't know. It's a not very interesting story. It's not as cool as theirs and probably won't be as cool as yours when you get them." The girls gave him a pleading look along with his friends. He sighed. "Okay." He would have to make up his story as he told it, after all, his cutie mark wasn't a real one. "I was probably your age when I got mine, maybe a bit older. Most ponies look at mine and think it's a twister. While it is, it's more than that. See, my magic is different than most unicorns. I can create anything I want. When I was a filly though... I couldn't control it." Discord could remember all the times his magic would make something out of nothing or completely change how something looked: talking plants, soap floors, checkered ground, and more. If he thought it, it became a reality. "One thing I liked as a young colt was causing trouble. It was fun to play pranks on ponies and cause chaos but it would get out of control sometimes. I can still remember a few times when I had the castle turn upside down. It took hours to fix it." Discord smiled at that memory. His mom and aunt said his magical outbursts were worse when he was a baby. They were lucky that they were able to fix it but it was difficult. "Anyway, one day, I looked at the clouds and thought to myself, 'wouldn't it be cool if they were made of cotton candy and it rained chocolate milk?' and in an instant, the clouds changed and started to rain chocolate milk. After that, my cutie mark appeared, you know, after the ponies freaked out. I fixed it, but man, was my aunt so upset. She was happy I got my cutie mark but she made me fix the clouds. Took forever to fix them though." Everypony laughed at his story. It was sprinkled with a bit of truth but the others seemed to believe it. "Wow, who knew you were a trouble maker? Guess that's why you're always so good at pranks," Rainbow commented. "Yeah, but it took me a long time to learn not to take them too far." "But like I said, my story isn't that special. Girls, I know you want your marks more than anything but they take time. Finding out what one is supposed to do takes time. You'll find your marks one day." "I have an idea. Let's sing a song!" Everypony agreed except for Scootaloo who screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Later that day, Twilight returned to the library with Discord, who needed to pack the last of his things to leave for the gala. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned something amazing. Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe even before she's met them. If you're feeling lonely and still searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows? Maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow. "Groos. When did you get so cheesy?" Discord chuckled as he watched Twilight look out to the sky. "Just keep writing, Spike. It's a long story," Discord told him as he brought his bag upstairs. "Need any help? I'm sure I could help once I finish writing this." "No, thanks. Luckily, this is my only bag. The carriage should be here soon and I'll be in Canterlot until the gala is over." Spike's ears drooped. "Don't worry. You'll see me at the gala. I'll have to be with my aunt for a bit but then we can hang out with our friends." Spike smiled at that. Twilight watched the rainbow and as she did, she noticed the approaching carriage. "Discord, the carriage is here." "All right, I'll see you at the gala. Stay safe, Twilight." "You too, Discord."