The God of Death

by TenebrisScholar

Chapter 7

Three weeks went by, with Alric teaching the girls how to read and write and teaching them theology and mathematics. Luna had a bit of difficulty staying awake while he read to her and Celestia had trouble with getting bored and not paying attention. They were both very young, so he didn’t hold it against them. But he had no idea how to make the lessons more interesting for them.

At night or whenever the girls were playing he spent his time in his lab, library, or study trying to research a way to return to his world. He was sent here, so going back should be possible. No path was truly one way.

He took a few minutes every day to grow the crops in the garden and his treants spent the day harvesting and packing them. He put a few spells on the crates and barrels to keep the crops inside frozen in time until they’re removed, thus preserving them essentially indefinitely. Or until the barrel breaks or the enchantments fade. It was to help lessen waste and hopefully ease the burden of the famine just that little bit more.

The Pegasi would be arriving again soon to take the crops he’d harvested for them, thus he had crystal golems walking through his castle carrying the crates and barrels outside on pallets so the Pegasi could take them.

They had already come to collect once since he had made his cursory agreement with them. This would be the second time. After which Alric wanted to send the next couple of harvests to the unicorns. He knew the pegasi would take some issue with that, so he was going to have to speak with the unicorns, get an ambassador. Then he would need to arrange a meeting between himself, the Pegasi, and the Unicorns on a schedule for delivering crops to each of them.

He was also going to have to find out if the Earth Ponies had already left or not then travel to a few villages and maybe their capital city, and see about growing more of their crops for them so they wouldn’t have to starve on their journey. The only reason he hadn’t done so already was because his schedule was already very full. 

Between growing his own garden, teaching the girls, cooking meals for the girls, conducting his own research, finishing his castle and the defenses in the cathedral at the back, making sure the crops he had already grown were stored and organized properly by the Treants, and attempting to fill and organize his library with all the books in his bottomless box, he was quite busy. And trying to find the time for anything outside of his castle was actually rather difficult. Especially as he wasn’t quite used to having to abide by a strict schedule as he wasn’t used to time flowing linearly as it did in this world. Thus he was still learning how to manage his time properly.

At the moment it was the middle of the night and the girls were sleeping so he was in his lab tinkering with some portal magic. He needed whatever he created to be two ways so he could check what was on the other side, see if he had succeeded, and return if he hadn’t.

So far he had only managed to make portals to different areas in the world he was currently trapped in. Even using Gwyn’s Light Soul, which he had to have used to set the trap that sent him here, he was met with no success. But that was to be expected, of course. He had only just started. It wouldn’t be a very good trap were he able to find a way to return immediately. He suspected it might take him a couple centuries. Maybe a thousand years or so if Gwyn had figured out something particularly clever or devious.

But that was fine by him. He had spent far longer researching a way to end the curse and traveling the world and abusing the broken time of the world to restore three of the four Lord Souls to their former glory. Speaking of which, he hadn’t had a chance to fully restore the Light Soul but it was still stronger than the Death Soul had been when Alric killed Nito. This was especially true after he had fused it back together with the fragments Gwyn had gifted to Seath and the Four Kings.

Unfortunately time wasn’t broken in this universe, so he couldn’t abuse that to restore the Light Soul. He had magic that could let him travel through time, the same magic that let Manus pull him back to the time of Oolacile. But using it to try and fully restore the Light Soul would mean creating paradoxes. Paradoxes that could potentially shatter time in this universe, which was something he would prefer to avoid.

Regardless, the Light Soul still had plenty enough power to be usable for his purposes. Even if it was now currently the weakest of the Lord Souls. Ironic considering it was once the most powerful of them.

After yet another failed attempt to make a portal back to his world, he decided to take a break.

And by a break he, of course, meant working on another project for a bit.

In a room hidden behind a false wall and powerful sound dampening enchantments, he had a Windigo in an airtight crystal box, with translucent sides. The cage was also enchanted to prevent its cold from leaking out into his castle and the room was perpetually burning with Chaos Flames as a precaution in case something went wrong and it managed to crack the cage enough to slip out. If the enchantments failed or if the thing somehow managed to escape its cage the room itself would mitigate how much its power could affect his castle.

Though if it escaped, the flames would kill it. He had originally thought these things were like ghosts, and thus transient curses would be enough to let him catch them, but no. He hadn’t been able to touch them even with transient curses or cursed weapons. Rather it seemed they were made of air, frost, and magic. That fact made it an incredible pain to get the thing into the box and back to his castle. Though it also meant the thing was vulnerable to fire, as the fire would burn up the air and melt its frost leaving nothing for the magic to hold together. Thus it would die.

He had captured it about a week ago and had been studying and experimenting on it ever since. He disliked experimenting on live creatures, but he needed a test subject. He just didn’t know enough about the Windigos to find a solution to get rid of them without total extermination. This was the only way he was going to get the data he needed.

One of his more remarkable discoveries was that Windigos did not have souls. At all. In any capacity. He had thought only the dragons had no souls, being from the Age of Ancients long before the First Fire sprang into existence. Yet here it was. Another being devoid of a soul. Just a mass of air and frost animated by magic.

“Good evening…” Alric greeted the Windigo, which just stared back at him in silence. “I am still not quite certain if you are sapient or not. So I do not know if you can understand me. Regardless, I do sincerely apologize for this. Please believe me when I say this is nothing personal. You must understand, I am simply doing what I must to assist the ponies. Your kind have thrust the land into perpetual winter, are the cause of a mass famine, and kill entire villages by freezing them. The suffering you cause cannot be allowed to go on as it has. And you shall be my key to learning about your kind and thus finding a way to end this without having to hunt your species to extinction.” 

Alric waited, hoping the creature would respond to him. It didn’t. He sighed. “Perhaps that is of no consolation to you. After all, you are here, trapped in this cage in a room consumed by fire, and you must endure my experimentation… Well, regardless, through your sacrifice the rest of your kind shall continue to persist. Again, I apologize for the pain you have endured until now. But fret not. My next few tests and experiments should be painless.” Alric told it.

He proceeded to run some tests and experiments upon it for several hours. Stopping only to teleport out and jot down some notes.

In the end he went over the notes he collected and scowled. He wasn’t satisfied with the data he had gathered. Most of it was useful, yes, but it wasn’t what he needed. He wanted to find some way to repel them. What he’d gathered was a lot of very interesting little facts, none of which told him what might repulse them. Kill them, yes. Drive them off, no.

He would kill them if he had to. He didn’t like it, but he couldn’t wait a century to find what he needed in order to drive them off.

The unicorns were all sorcerers. He heard the mention of “Wizards” several times. These Wizards had to be what they called their master sorcerers. Though it had to have some slightly different meaning or cultural context otherwise his Old Witch’s Ring would make him hear ‘Sorcerer’ instead of ‘Wizard’. Perhaps it was a distinction because all unicorns were born sorcerers. Thus a Wizard may be like a scholar of magic, distinct from the rest of the population. But this was all speculation, he didn’t really know for certain. Regardless, the ponies had been dealing with the Windigos for some time now, so he would be shocked if their wizards hadn’t tried studying them. Whether they’d successfully captured one like he had was a different story. Even he had trouble with that.

He was going to have to go to their city and try to get an audience with one of these wizards so he could discuss what they had learned of the Windigos.

He decided he would take the time out of his day to do so and perhaps get some other things he needed to take care of done as well. The girls had been working very hard so they deserved a break for a day or two anyway.

Before they woke up, he made their breakfast for them and prepared their lunch and dinner in advance. Then when they finally did wake up, he then informed them he would be going to the city on business for the day and they were free to take the day to run and play however they saw fit. He trusted Celestia to not let Luna get hurt.

Thus whilst they were still eating their breakfast he had a couple of crystal golems grab the Windigo’s container and he teleported all of them to just outside the city.

Walking up to the entrance, leaving his golems and Windigo far enough away to be out of sight, he waved at the guards. “Hail, good sirs. I would like to request an audience with whichever of your scholars or wizards knows the most about the Windigos. I have captured a windigo for study, and would like to collaborate on conducting some research upon it, if at all possible.”

The guards stared at him as if he’d grown a second head.

“You’ve captured a Windigo? Do you think we’re stupid, creature? Nopony can catch a Windigo anymore than they can capture the wind itself!” One of the guards declared, giving him an annoyed glare.

“I have it with me right now. I left it a ways away so as to not cause a panic by bringing it too close to the city without permission. I could bring it here or one of you could follow and I could show you. But I have captured a Windigo and can prove it quite easily.” Alric stated patiently, crossing his arms behind his back. 

“Bah! We have no time for these games, beast! If you have no real reason to be here, then leave and cease wasting our time!” The guard growled.

“Then I will take that as permission to bring the Windigo here so that you might see it and know I speak the truth. I shall be back in a moment.” Alric said before turning and walking back the way he came.

He returned a couple moments later with the golems and trapped Windigo in tow. He had his golems set the Windigo down beside him. He then motioned to the caged Windigo who was staring at the now completely horrified guards in silence.

“As you can see, I spoke the truth. I am a magic user myself. Thus it took some effort, but with the right spells I have indeed managed to capture this Windigo for study. Now, I would like to request an audience with a Wizard or Scholar familiar with these beasts. Will you grant my request?” Alric inquired.

“I… I…” One of the guards stuttered before swallowing hard. “I shall go retrieve our commanding officer!” He then turned and sprinted back inside the city walls leaving Alric with the second guard who looked utterly terrified.

“You needn’t be afraid. The container is sealed such that not even air can escape. The only way in or out is through teleportation. I have made certain of it.” Alric attempted to reassure the guard.

Unfortunately the guard didn’t respond, continuing to stand there trembling, clutching his spear in terror.

A few minutes later about two dozen guards came out, led by a unicorn in golden armor. Alric raised an eyebrow at that. No, it couldn’t have actually been gold. It had to have been brass instead. Or steel with a thin coating of gold. Gold was too soft and heavy to be worn as armor.

All of the guards seemed to freeze in place as they saw him, his golems, and the caged windigo.

The leader recovered the fastest, shaking his head to snap himself out of it. He marched forwards, glaring at Alric. The Chosen Undead simply crossed his arms behind his back again as the officer approached him.

“I am Viscount Bright Shield, what are your intentions here?! Why have you brought that beast to our city?!” The unicorn demanded.

“Greetings. I am Alric of Vinheim. A human. I am a scholar and a master sorcerer. My intentions here are simple. Collaborative research. I have captured this creature for study so that I might find a way to drive them away and end this perpetual winter and ease the famine. However, I suppose I’m rather impatient for results I can actually use. Thus I have elected to request aid from you unicorns in my research. I also have a means of growing food via magic. I have been supplying some to the pegasi for the past month and I would like to work out an agreement to provide you unicorns with food as well. I cannot produce enough to stop the famine, but I hope to provide at least a bit of relief. However, this needs to be negotiated between myself, the pegasi, and an ambassador of your people to ensure a fair division of the food I can produce.” 

Viscount Bright Shield stared at him in disbelief for a moment, before glancing at the Windigo. He turned towards the other soldiers. Pointing at four of them in turn he ordered, “You and you, go retrieve Star Swirl the Bearded and Clover the Clever. Tell them to meet me at the Royal Castle. You and you, go inform Princess Platinum and King Bullion that there is a… human with magic to grow crops who would like an audience with them to discuss providing relief for the famine. Inform them I sent you.”

The unicorns saluted and ran off to carry out their orders.

He then turned back to Alric. “Human… No, I suppose I should use your name. If what you say is true, I owe that much courtesy at least… Alric of Vinheim. You will follow me. Have your living statues bring the Windigo. But be careful not to let that glass case break, or the beast escaping shall be on your head.”

“It’s crystal, not glass. Though I suppose it doesn’t matter. Very well.” Alric made a quick motion with his hand and the golems picked up the container once more. Carrying it on steel poles running through three thick crystal rings on both sides of the container, which Alric had added only recently specifically for ease of carrying.

The viscount started leading Alric through the city. The remaining guards, save for the two who had to stay and guard the gate, surrounded Alric, the golems, and the Windigo on all sides. Likely ready to attack at a moment’s notice.

Ponies stared at the procession curiously, but that curiosity rapidly turned to fear whenever they got a look at the Windigo in the crystalline container.

Eventually they arrived at the front of the Royal Castle where two cloaked unicorns were waiting for them.

One was gray with a white mane and beard. His cloak was blue with embroidered stars and moons. He had a large pointed hat that vaguely reminded Alric of Big Hat Logan’s hat, albeit with a much more reasonably sized brim. The other was green with a darker green mane and tail with single yellow streaks through both. He wore a brown cloak held onto him by a length of rope.

“So is this the ‘Human’ who supposedly captured a Windigo?” Star Swirl asked, looking at Alric and the caged Windigo behind him.

“I shall let the human explain for himself.” The Viscount stated, stepping aside.

Alric raised an eyebrow at that but stepped forwards regardless. He bowed politely. “Greetings. I assume you are Star Swirl the Bearded and Clover the Clever. I am Alric of Vinheim. Indeed I am the human in question. In terms of my profession, I am a scholar and a sorcerer. A sorcerer being similar to a ‘Wizard’ of your kind, I would assume.”

“Hm… You can cast magic then? How? You do not appear to have a horn.” Star Swirl asked, examining him curiously.

Alric drew his tin crystallization catalyst and held it up for them to look at. “You are correct. I do not have a horn. I cast sorceries through a catalyst such as this. It functions in a similar manner to your horns but it is not a part of me. I would demonstrate, but I do not wish to intimidate the guards by casting spells unprompted. Instead you can see my work just behind me. I used crystal sorcery to create the box I trapped the Windigo within. It’s also how I created the golems and animated them.” He put his catalyst away.

“I see… What spell did you use to stop the Windigo from freezing everything outside of its container? And how is the box not shattering from the winds it can conjure?” Clover asked, looking at the Windigo.

Alric put a hand on his chest as he explained. “An enchantment of my own design. I haven’t bothered coming up with a name for it considering its rather niche use.” He lowered his hand and looked back at the cage. “And the walls of the box are about a foot thick of solid crystal with rounded insides instead of sharp angled corners to more evenly distribute any force across it. It can withstand immense pressures. At the cost of making it immensely heavy, I suppose. Thus why I have four golems carrying it. It’s completely sealed such that even air cannot escape. And as I have discovered Windigos are made of air and frost animated by magic, it cannot escape either.”

“I see. Quite the secure prison. Though, how do you access the beast? I was informed you captured it for study. I would imagine the crystal gets in the way.” Star Swirl asked.

Alric shrugged. “I simply teleport inside as needed. I wouldn’t recommend you do so without some preparations as it will freeze you alive. But I have spells and equipment that do allow me to be all but immune to such chill temperatures. Ah, but speaking of study, I would like to ask if either of you would like to collaborate with me on researching the Windigos. I am making progress but it's slower than I would like. I cannot wait a century to find a way to end this winter. Thus I believe working with other sorcerers, or wizards I suppose, and having others with whom to compare notes might speed things along a bit. Especially as I cannot devote as much of my time and attention to this as I would like as, unfortunately, I am quite busy.”

“I would love to. I’ve studied the Windigos as much as I can but I’ve never managed to get so close to one before. Let alone safely. I would be elated to look over your notes some time.” Clover stated.

Star Swirl raised a hoof to his chin in thought. “I suppose I might be willing to work with you on this as well. We do need to find a way to drive off the Windigos and this is, perhaps, the best opportunity to find it that we have been afforded.”

Alric bowed politely once more. “I am most honored. Once I am done speaking with the royal family, I shall take you both back to my laboratory in my castle and show you around. I may be busy today, thus we may not be able to begin our study immediately, depending on how this day goes. However you shall at least know where my place of work is and may become acquainted with my facilities.”

“The royal family? What business have you with them? I am Princess Platinum’s Royal advisor.” Clover inquired.

“Relief for the famine, hopefully. I have… Well, I shall be explaining it to the royal family soon. As you are her Royal Advisor, perhaps it would be best for you to follow. That way I needn’t explain this twice.”

“Very well. Then let us not keep her majesty waiting.” Star Swirl stated before turning and heading to the castle. Clover followed.

Alric looked at the Viscount. “Should I simply leave this out here?” He motioned to the Windigo.

“Indeed. My soldiers shall keep it under guard until you return for it.” The Viscount stated.

Alric nodded and turned to follow Star Swirl and Clover. The Viscount followed as well.

The four of them walked through the castle. They lead him to the throne room. The Viscount remained outside while Alric, Star Swirl, and Clover headed inside where a unicorn was sitting on a throne waiting for them. There were, of course, armed guards all throughout the throne room, as one would expect.

The Princess had white fur, a light purple almost pink-ish mane, a large platinum crown and a regal purple cloak with a collar with a platinum trim. She sat with perfect poise and posture, portraying herself as regal as possible.

As the three of them approached, Star Swirl and Clover bowed to her. Alric followed suit, bowing politely.

“So this is the so-called ‘Human’ who claims to be able to end the famine?” Princess Platinum inquired.

“I am. My name is Alric, a sorcerer of Vinheim. Though to clarify, I can not end the famine, only provide relief. I have magics that can grow food in a matter of moments. I am already providing some relief to the pegasi and I have helped a single Earth Pony village, thus I would like to provide aid to you unicorns as well. However, considering my agreement with the Pegasi I am going to have to set up a meeting between myself and ambassadors from both the unicorns and the pegasi so we might work out a fair distribution of the food I can produce. My garden is quite large but it does not have enough space to feed two entire kingdoms at once even with my magic to grow the crops. Nor can I spend all of my time traveling the land growing the crops in the fields of every single village or city. Thus, as you might expect, all I can provide is relief, not an end.”

“Then why not teach us to cast this magic? You wish to keep it for yourself to hold it over our heads, I presume?” Princess Platinum asked disapprovingly.

Alric frowned. “Do not insult me, Princess. I am not some avaricious lout and I do not appreciate the insinuation. Besides, quite frankly, there is nothing you could possibly offer me that would be of any interest to me. No, if I could teach others I most certainly would, but I cannot. That said, I do have a solution I am working on. For several of the problems your kind is facing.”

“Oh? And what is that?” The Princess asked.

“I will be making two goddesses. A Goddess of the Sun and Fertility and a Goddess of the Moon. I have two foals I rescued from a village that was destroyed by the Windigos. I will be granting them divinity, once they are strong enough to withstand it. Celestia will be able to bless your crops and control the Sun whilst Luna shall control the moon. Thus your issues with food shall be solved, and no more unicorns shall have to sacrifice their magic to continue the cycle of night and day.” Alric stated bluntly. He was not in the mood to dance around the truth or play political games with lies and deception.

Everyone stared at him as if he had gone crazy. Which was about the reaction he had expected.

“Goddesses? How quaint… Star Swirl, Clover, remove this imbecile from my presence. I have no time for delusional fools.” Princess Platinum stated, waving a hoof as if to shoo him away.

“You do not believe me. I suppose I’m not surprised. However, it’s quite true, I’m afraid. Here. Allow me to give you a demonstration. We needn’t even leave this room. This window over here has an excellent view of the sky.” Alric said walking over to a large window on the side of the throne room, with a clear view of the sun.

“You cannot truly expect me to take this seriously. And I am in no mood for jokes, creature.” Princess Platinum stated.

“Why are you unicorns all so stubborn? Just come here. I have something to show you. If it turns out to be a waste of your time you could banish me from the city.” Alric stated

“Or I could simply banish you now and save myself the trouble.” The Princess stated.

“You could.” Alric nodded, calmly. “However it would be unwise considering you would then lose out on the food I have to offer. And thus your people shall be the only ones not receiving any relief from the famine. A tragedy that your people would suffer for your hubris.” He wasn’t being serious. He wouldn’t help them officially, but he would still find a way to get food to the unicorns without having to deal with the royal family directly.

“He has captured a Windigo. Star Swirl and I saw it with our own eyes. So perhaps he is speaking the truth again. You lose nothing to humor him just this once, your majesty. As your advisor I would recommend at least witnessing whatever demonstration he has in mind before making a decision.” Clover advised.

Princess Platinum sighed in annoyance and rolled her eyes. “Oh very well…” Getting up from her throne she strode over to the window.

Star Swirl and Clover joined them.

“What is this ‘demonstration’? Some petty parlor trick, I imagine?” Princess Platinum asked.

“Hardly.” Alric said, drawing his catalyst. Pointing it at the sun through the window, the head of the catalyst began to glow brightly as vast arcane forces were channeled through it. Immediately the sun fell, casting the sky in pure darkness. Then the moon rose and the stars appeared. The moon fell and the sun rose. The cycle repeated a few times before suddenly gaining speed. The sun and moon whirled across the sky fast enough that they appeared to form solid lines in the rapidly flashing sky.

He didn’t have Gwyn’s Light Soul with him and he was not using the soul of Gwynevere, Gwyn’s First Born, nor any other deity. He was as powerful as Gwyn during the height of the age of fire. This was purely a display of his own raw personal power. It was taking a lot out of him, admittedly, but he was trying to prove a point.

He made the sun and moon come to a sudden dead stop with the moon fully eclipsing the sun. A blazing ring of fire burned in the sky. Vaguely reminiscent of the Dark Sign.

He then lowered his catalyst and looked back at the ponies, who were now staring at the eclipsed sun in shock and awe.

“I am no petty peddler of snake oil. I am no con man seeking to enrich myself at the expense of your family or kingdom. I am not even some merchant trying to sell you my wears. Hear me now, Princess Platinum. When I speak I do not lie. Only weak men lie, and I am not a weak man. I speak only the truth or I do not speak at all. Only honesty leaves my lips. So when I speak of providing food for your people to ease the burden of the famine, I am being sincere. When I say there is nothing you can offer me, I mean it. When I tell you I will make two goddesses to control the sun and moon, I am being very serious. I may laugh and joke at times, but I will never truly lie. And right now I am not laughing. Are we clear?” Alric asked in a deadpan tone.

This entire display was incredibly childish and petty of him. He knew it was and it embarrassed him. But this was the first thing that came to mind to prove he was being honest so the Princess would actually hear him out. Perhaps there was another solution. A better way he could have handled this. However, if there was, he simply hadn't thought of it in the moment. Regardless, it was too late to take it back now. Thus he simply had to proceed.

The Princess looked at him, now very clearly terrified, and nodded. “I… I apologize… If… If I caused any offense…”

Alric sighed. “No, your highness. It is I who must apologize. I am sorry. Truly. It was never my intent to intimidate or frighten you. Seeing you or anyone else frightened of me… It is far from pleasant… I apologize. Rest assured I have no intention of harming you or anyone else. I was merely trying to prove that I was indeed being honest with what I told you. I do wish to help your people as much as I can. Would you be willing to have a polite discussion? I have an herb known as Green Blossom. It is magical and has properties of restoring one’s stamina. I find it makes delightful tea.”

He tried to put on a reassuring smile.

She started calming down. “It’s not quite tea time, but a cup of tea does sound quite lovely. Very well… Though, and please do forgive me this one insolence, would you be ever so kind as to set the sun and moon back the way they were?”

“Of course.” Alric nodded, raised his catalyst and returned the sun and moon back to their proper paths and positions in the sky before putting his catalyst away once more.

Princess Platinum led him, Star Swirl, and Clover to a sitting room. Alic gave a servant the green blossom and they set out a pot of water to boil.

“Ehem… Whilst the tea is being prepared… This is terribly embarrassing but I can’t seem to recall your name.” Princess Platinum stated, looking at Alric.

“I am Alric. A sorcerer of Vinheim. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, your highness.” Alric told her once again.

“Oh the pleasure is all mine I assure you, Lord Alric… You call yourself a sorcerer, yet you say you can make goddesses… Forgive my ignorance but would that not mean you yourself are a god? Your display earlier would certainly suggest as much. If all the unicorns in the land worked together I do not believe we could come close to matching the power it would require to do what you did with the sun and moon.” Princess Platinum inquired.

“That is actually a matter of intense philosophical debate in my homeland. I ask you, what is a god, really? Big Hat Logan, one of the most famous sorcerers of Vinheim, would say it is any being who meets a certain criteria of raw power. Others would suggest intrinsic divine power is what determines if one is a god. Divinity in their very soul. I am certainly powerful enough to qualify under Logan’s definition. But also, no in that my soul is not that of a god. I have no ‘divine spark’, as it were. I cannot hear prayers, nor can miracles be derived from me.”

“So what is it you want? Followers? A religion in your honor?” Star Swirl asked, looking at him with a cautious guarded expression.

He shook his head. “No, no. Certainly not. What I want is to help. That’s all. No payment, no debts, no religion, nothing of the sort. I want to help simply because I feel it is the right thing to do. No strings attached.”

“Then, if I may be so bold, why tell us you are making goddesses? You could have simply said you were training apprentices or some such.” Princess Platinum asked.

“To be perfectly transparent, there is quite literally nothing you or anyone else can do to me or my wards that I do not approve of. I am more than confident in my ability to defend them and myself with ease. Kidnapping, assassination, a siege on my castle. All of it would only end in death for any who tried. And no amount of political maneuvering can force me to do anything I do not wish to, such as setting up arranged marriages for them or some such barbaric nonsense. So there is no harm in being honest with you, now is there?” Alric stated bluntly.

He then shrugged. “I suppose it could prove a bit tedious for me as you may try to play some petty political games now that you are aware, but I am already going to be dealing with politics, am I not? I will inevitably be caught between your kingdom and the pegasi as I try to provide what aid I can to both of you. So really, what changes if you know? Very little… Besides, this will inevitably be directly affecting the lives of all of your people. Thus, as one of their leaders, I do believe you have a right to know the truth in this regard. I feel it would be somewhat unfair to do something like this in the shadows when it will be directly affecting so many lives. I am attempting to do what I believe is fair and responsible for one with the power I wield.”

“You said you are going to make your wards goddesses. Under which of the definitions you suggested will they become goddesses?” Clover asked.

“Both, of course. I have slain many gods, and I have taken their souls. Thus I will use those souls to make them goddesses.” Alric stated.

That caused all three of the unicorns sitting with him to stiffen in surprise and horror.

He looked around at the horrified unicorns. “What? Does the fact I have slain gods offend? It was in my youth. I had taken issue with the gods over something I had learned and foolishly decided they were all evil. So I slew them… It was a rash decision made in the throes of rage and hatred. I have long since come to realize how pointless it all was… I do regret it, but there is no changing what is done.”

“No. The fact you have slain gods is not what’s concerning, though that you are so willing to kill does reflect poorly upon you. What is concerning is the fact you took their souls.” Star Swirl stated, glairing at him.

Alric gave him a confused look. “What?”

“You just said you took their souls after killing them.” Clover stated.

“Yes. Of course I did. Who in their right mind wouldn’t?” Alric nodded, still not understanding.

“Ehem… Lord Alric… Please forgive my impertinence but is taking souls… common in your homeland?” Princess Platinum asked.

“Yes…? Is that not the case here?” He asked uncertainly. 

“No, it most certainly is not. What dark magics must you use to perform such a heinous act?” Star Swirl demanded.

“I see… How strange… I don’t understand… How could such a thing even…?” He muttered to himself with a hand raised to his chin in thought, completely perplexed. Particularly powerful souls tended to linger over the body after death. Even normal living humans could take them at that point. Only undead could consume weaker more transient souls, but the souls of gods could be held even by the lowest of peasants should they somehow manage to grab it before someone else did. They might not be able to do much with it but they could certainly take it. Even without gods, there had to be at least a few beings whose souls were powerful enough to linger after death. At which point the living would inevitably discover them. It made no sense to him that they wouldn’t know of this.

He then shook his head and refocused. “Well, regardless. Rest assured I used no profane magic to take their souls. But if this is not a matter of common knowledge in this land, perhaps it would be best to keep it as such. Some knowledge is best kept to oneself lest it be abused.”

He was no fool. He knew that some might try to kill Celestia and Luna for their souls if they knew how easy it was to take them. Fools overestimating their own abilities and coveting the power of gods, not understanding that trying to claim such power unprepared would destroy them. So keeping that knowledge to himself was an added layer of protection for them once he returned to his world. Not that they would need it considering they would be vastly more powerful than any mortal, but still.

“Quite right. I do not want ponies going about stealing souls in my kingdom.” Princess Platinum nodded in agreement.

“Indeed. Regardless, my plan is to implant the souls of two of these gods within them. I’m afraid they are too weak to survive the process at the moment. So we are working up to it. Unfortunately that could take a very long time. Perhaps years.” Alric explained.

“Then perhaps using foals is not the most optimal choice. I know of several very powerful unicorns who might be better suited to receiving these souls.” Princess Platinum stated. Obviously coveting this power. Thus proving he was indeed correct to keep such information to himself.

He shook his head. “No. Even the most powerful of your wizards wouldn’t be able to survive the process either. It would take just as long for an adult to acclimate to such power as well. Age does not matter in this regard nor does one’s knowledge of the arcane. I found these children and saved them from the Windigos. They are orphans with nowhere else to go. I can care for them, give them a decent life, raise them to use their power wisely and responsibly, and hopefully trust them not to abuse that power once they reach adulthood. I cannot say the same for strangers I do not know.”

“Why not do all of this yourself? You are very clearly more than powerful enough to handle raising the sun and moon, and you can grow crops yourself. So why go to all the trouble of making two goddesses?” Star Swirl asked, very clearly still trying to gauge him. It was quite obvious the bearded unicorn didn’t trust him.

“Two reasons. First, I am quite busy. I must find a way to return to my homeland as soon as I possibly can. It is vitally important. I have my reasons. And when I leave I will very likely never come back. So even if I did take over all those roles, you cannot rely upon me forever. Yet I do not wish to simply help now only to abandon you later. Second, I am not omnipresent thus I cannot be everywhere at once doing everything. I am powerful indeed, however I am but one man. There’s only so much I can do, especially as I need to properly manage my time. So delegating where I can is wise. Would you not agree?”

“I suppose I would…” Star Swirl stated.

Then a servant came forward with the tea. They started setting out the cups and filling them.

“Ah, it would seem the tea is ready. As much as I’m enjoying this conversation, perhaps it's time we move on to more pressing matters. Specifically the food I am producing.” Alric stated.