//------------------------------// // Surprise, Surprise // Story: Life as a Sonic OC Redux // by Kitsulestia //------------------------------// *Brick's POV* Just my luck, I got turned into a pony but I soon heard that I had a time limit of 24 hours to get Blossom to kiss me or I'd be stuck as a Pegasus for the rest of my life. Cadence spoke "Okay, I’ll use a quicker version of the spell I used on Bubbles and Boomer that has more distance on Brick and Blossom." Say what? Gyah! I started feeling… warm. But why? Danyelle drenches me with water, cooling me off. Danyelle spoke "Cool it pony boy." Grr…! If only I could find some way to talk in this girly pony form! Danyelle teleported before reappearing with Blossom. Gyah! I couldn’t help but run. But the leash had prevented me from getting far. Blossom seemed too nervous to go at me before Danyelle brought out some kind of cake, making Blossom’s eyes follow it. Giggling, Cadence threw the cake with magic thus causing it to land on me. The cake was right on my nose as Blossom drooled, only focusing on it before she rushed at me on all fours and lunged, making me panic while accidentally making the cake fall off my nose. Blossom then got the cake, but… It was right in front of my mouth, which meant that… she… she… *Cadence’s POV* Another score for the Love Duo! Blossom kissed Brick without even realizing or knowing it! Danyelle giggles "We got 'em!" Brick turned back to normal as Blossom noticed what she was doing before running off in complete embarrassment. But Brick couldn’t care less as he had a bit of a dopey expression. “I know what that face means.” I snickered. The leash was still on Brick's neck. Brick spoke "Oh shut up." I whispered to Danyelle. “Those two will be having crazy dreams for each other for the next two nights.” That made Danyelle giggle. Danyelle whispers back "You forget Cadence, Blossom has kids on the way." “I know that.” I whispered. “Which is why Brick will want to look for a ring tomorrow.” “And ya know what else?” I whispered. Danyelle asks "What?" “Boomer’s gonna be looking for a ring for the next two days, while Butch is gonna be looking for one for the next three days.” I whispered as Danyelle snickered. Danyelle snickers "I sense a triple wedding coming up." “Triple honeymoon too?” I giggled. Danyelle snickers "Most likely at the Chuddle Hotel." “Definitely. You and Ben still up for that double date with me and Shining?” I asked. Danyelle spoke "Izzy's still being clingy." Izzy mewls. Danyelle spoke "See what I mean? I can't leeve her alone for more than five minutes." “Can’t you get a babysitter?” I asked. Danyelle spoke "Tried that one time, the babysitter couldn't keep Izzy quiet long enough." "...Oh." I noted. Danyelle spoke "So yeah, it's not easy dealing with a clingy mitten." I spoke "Perhaps we should help Brick with finding a wedding ring." Danyelle spoke "Sometimes, we should let them handle things on their own." I spoke "Too bad we can't help the catgirl." Danyelle spoke "*Whispers to me* Doesn’t mean we can’t at least try." Brick spoke "I need your help. I'm totally clueless as to what kind of ring I should get for Blossom." “Ever heard of a ruby?” I asked. Brick took off like a rocket to the nearest jewelry store to get a ring. *Brick's POV* I soon notice that my brothers were also in the jewelry store, looking for wedding rings. Boomer was looking for a sapphire ring while Butch was looking for an emerald ring. “What’re you doing here?!” The three of us gasped at each other. Butch spoke "I asked you first!" Boomer spoke "No, I did!" I spoke "Both of you, shut up!" *Danyelle’s POV* …Aaaaaaaaand the RowdyRuff Boys are in a fight cloud. Cadence asks "*As both of us had a bead of sweat* Should we…?" I grab the leashes on two of the Boys with my magic, yanking them in different directions. I spoke "That's enough out of you three!" Cadence asks "Was that really necessary?" I spoke "Butch and Brick still had the leashes on so I had to." Cadence asks "Did we forget to take them off?" I spoke "Yeah but... *looking at the Boys* You three shouldn't be arguing like a trio of idiots, especially before the proposal." The three just scoffed. I pulled on the left ear of the three hard, causing them to yelp. I ask "Do each of you care about your girl?" I could already tell the answer was yes, but I wanted to hear it from them. The Boys spoke "Of course we do! It's just, marriage is a big step for us." Cadence spoke "It is for EVERYONE." I giggle "Okay Cadence, down girl." Cadence asks "*Giggle* Oh what? Getting hungry again?" I spoke "I'm not having any more kids. Including adopted, I have 16 kids total." Cadence spoke "Dany, I didn’t mean it like that." My left ear twitches. I spoke "You might as well come out Professor Utonium, I know you're hiding." The male spoke "I must admit, I was quite shocked." I spoke "It's my keen senses. Oh, I'm Danyelle Hikari. The alicorn is Princess Cadence and the little one in my neck fluff is Izzy." Utonium spoke "But please, give me some privacy to talk to the boys." I spoke "I already scolded Brick for what he had done so go easy on him." Utonium spoke "Very well." Cadence, Izzy and I have the professor and boys some privacy as it didn’t take that long for them to finish their talk. I decide to go looking for Blossom. I spoke "There you are Blossom." Blossom spoke "*Sigh* Go away…" I put Izzy onto Blossom's lap before the little Mew looks up at Blossom with cute eyes. I ask "You wouldn't say that to a little kid right?" Blossom spoke "*Whimpers with tears starting to fill her eyes* N-No…" I switched to my nekomata form before sitting down beside Blossom, draping a wing over her shoulders. I ask "You love Brick right?" Blossom spoke "*Sniffle!* Y-Yeah… I g-guess so…" I spoke "And he feels the same way about you, enough that he's out there right now to get a wedding ring for you. And if my prediction is right, he should be arriving in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." Brick soon arrives with a small box with a ruby studded wedding ring inside it. Brick spoke "Blossom, there's something I want to ask you." Brick knelt down on his left knee before revealing the ring. Brick asks "Blossom, will you marry me?" Cadence spoke "*Shocked* That was quick!" I laugh "Chew on that Cadence!" Cadence asks "Can we NOT focus on that right now, please?" I spoke "I was just teasing you Cadence." But then we heard a tackle as we saw Blossom giving Brick a ferocious bear hug while bawling freely. I spoke "Her emotions are all over the place right now." Cadence asks "*Bead of sweat* Was I like that at times? *Stomach growls*" I spoke "Any bride to-be would have that reaction. And I heard from my OC-verse counterpart that she caused a cake to explode one time." Cadence spoke "Yeesh. Well, I’m hungry again." I spoke "Well, you are eating for two now." Cadence spoke "Still, you wanna grab a bite?" I spoke "Sure." At that very moment, my eyes had flashed white, indicating a vision of the future. In the vision, I saw a little alicorn filly along with a pair of Mobian foxes. My tails wag a bit in happiness, surprising Cadence. Cadence asks "What is it?" “Oh, *Giggle!* just a little secret I saw in the future.” I simply smiled. Cadence giggles "I can't wait to see the look on Twilight's face when she finds out about my foal." “Heehee, definitely.” I agreed before my comm device went off. Cadence asks "Huh?" I ask "Danyelle Hikari speaking, who is this?" Shadow spoke "Danyelle, it’s Shadow. I found something that you may wanna see." I spoke "Cadence and I are on our way to your location right now." I then ended the call. “Ready to fly, Cadence?” Blossom spoke "You might as well count Brick and I in too." That caught me off guard. Brick spoke "Remember, ya can't tell that purple pony about the secret yet." “Oh, right.” I noted. Blossom spoke "It won't be easy to hide a pregnancy later on." “Okay.” I admitted. Cadence spoke "We can pick the others up on the way." “Others? You mean…?” I realized. Blossom spoke "My sisters and soon to be brothers in-law." “Should’ve seen that coming.” I berated myself. Blossom giggles "It's not my fault if you're an idiot." “…Are you saying I’m stupid?” I asked. Blossom spke "What? No." “Do I look stupid to you?” I clarified as Blossom then started laughing. “Oh jeez… This is reminding me of a movie’s bloopers.” Brick was on his back while laughing when I hear laughter from Bubbles, Boomer, Buttercup and Butch. Cadence giggles "Heehee, that was pretty funny." A loud POP was heard since Brick had poofed into pony form due to laughing too much. Butch chuckles "What's the matter Brick, vixen got your tongue?" Discord chuckles "Oopsie." Brick sets Discord on fire. I laugh "Toasty~!" Brick spoke "I just hope Discord can undo this." Discord spoke "Well, it’ll take the counterspell a while to charge up." Blossom giggles as she picks Brick up and hugs him. “Well, everyone ready?” I asked. Cadence spoke "Yep." The Girls spoke "Same here." The Boys spoke "Ready to go." *One warp ring to Shadow's location later,* I spoke "Hey Shadow." Shadow spoke "About time you got here." I spoke "Well excuse me Mr Grumpy hog, I had to get the rest of the Powerpuff Girls and Rowdyruff Boys." Buttercup had bitten back a snicker. Shadow spoke "Well, like I said, this is something you may wanna see." Blossom asks "What is it?" Shadow spoke "It’s better if you just come with me." I follow Shadow with the others. While we followed him, I looked around, seeing ourselves in some kind of secret laboratory of the government like the ARK. I spoke "Boys, please don't touch anything." The Boys spoke "Fine..." I ask "What is this place Shadow?" Shadow asks "Did Eggman tell you where he first managed to find me?" I spoke "According to a vision I had, it was Prison Island." Shadow spoke "Yes. Surprisingly, where this lab was hidden was like Prison Island." I ask "But why are we here?" Shadow spoke "Well… Let’s say someone’s been here for a while." We arrived at a door before Shadow opened it, revealing something that shocked me, Cadence and the girls. Brick asks "Uh, what are we looking at?" What we saw was an unconscious puce-colored female panther Mobian wearing purple clothes, a blue headband with a pink heart and having long neon cyan hair with brighter cyan highlights floating in a regeneration pod. Shadow spoke "When I found this place, I found her here, regenerating and sleeping like I was when Eggman found me." The Powerpuff Girls gasp "Bliss?!" The Rowdyruff Boys were a bit skeptical. I had to hold Butch back by the leash since he was getting the urge to destroy something. Obviously, Bubbles held Buttercup back from smashing the glass as Blossom panicked to find the button to free Bliss. I spoke "Girls, calm down. If we wake her up now, her body won't be able to stabilize itself." Shadow spoke "It will take time." I spoke "Shadow's got a point there Girls." Blossom asks "But what do we do when we get her out?" Shadow spoke "She’ll need help and training." I shot a fireball at a wall, causing it to crumble thus revealing an alien male. “Gantu?” I noticed in confusion. Blossom asks "You know this alien?" "Yeah, but don't worry. He's not an enemy anymore." I assured. At that moment, my comm device goes off but only Gantu could understand the language. "Oof." I winced. Cadence spoke "Even I can't understand it." I spoke "Guess Equish and English would be confusing languages to an alien..." Gantu spoke "*Sigh* Oh blitznak..." I spoke "Good thing I had gotten an extra blessing when I got immunity to all illnesses. I can understand any language, including Tantalog." Cadence spoke "Wow." My nose twitches before I pick up the scent of hamster alien. I shove Izzy into Cadence's forelegs before pouncing on Hämsterveil, pinning him down. Gantu spoke "Don’t bother, that’s only a realistic hologram capable of emitting touch and scent. I know Hämsterveil, and he isn’t one to boldly move in without an army." I spoke "If that's so the case, I should send word out to every combat ready fighter." Cadence spoke "We can't idly stand by and let that gerbil take over our world!" I contact Celestia and Luna via telepathy. I spoke "{Celestia! Luna! I request a gathering of nations, a major threat is coming.}" Gantu spoke "Calm yourselves. You’re losing focus on what’s going on. It’s clear that Hämsterveil won’t be making any move now that he’s escaped for the time being." Butch spoke "Yeah, you’re kinda overreacting." I spoke "Right but it doesn't hurt to be on guard in case he attacks before we have time to prepare. Oh and Gantu, you should know by now that I can't turn my dimensional scream off." Shadow spoke "Still, you should focus more on today rather than tomorrow." I spoke "I don't know when Hämsterveil will attack so we should be careful at the very least. Plus it'll take time for the other nation leaders to get to Canterlot." Shadow spoke "Well, she may wake up by the time that happens." Aria poked her head through a warp ring. Aria spoke "Hey guys, Charybdis found something that you need to see." “Hmm?” I asked, confused. Charybdis spoke "*voice in background* The Siren Queen is alive!!!!" “…Say what?” I gasped. Charybdis spoke "*voice in background* I'm just as shocked as you are Danyelle but Queen Crescendo wants to meet the cat who defended her daughters from the Pillars of ancient Equestria." “Nice!” I cheered. Charybdis spoke "And… Aleena’s children." “…Oh.” I dreaded. Cadence asks "As well as her grandkids?" Charybdis spoke "Afraid so... Queen Crescendo is unaware of the fact that her daughters have kids... Or the fact that Adagio is a lesbian..." I spoke "Something tells me that this council meeting is going to be a rather interesting one." End