//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: The Dark Wyrm Arrives; the Umbra Lord Rises // Story: White Dragon // by Blaze-saber //------------------------------// There was complete silence as Flash and Scootaloo were shocked by this news about their father as a superhero known as Silver Defender. Flash can stop looking at the holographic projection of his father as it keeps on switching between his father in the armor and his police uniform. Flash was then snapped out of his trance when he felt a hand touch his shoulder before he turned to see Twilight with a concerned look on her face. "Are you feeling okay?" She asked him as he looked back at his dad. "I just…I just don't know what to do." He replied with a conflicted tone before looking over at his mother. "How long has dad been a hero?" "For a few years." Misty replied. "He and Silver sort of bonded together when he was your age." "It's true." Silver spoke up. "He has always been an adventurous spirit kind of a guy and he always wanted to be a hero. I guess that's why he took the job as a cop in the first place when he got older." "But when we got married and had you kids, he stopped being the Silver Defender and just be a father, a father that you both need." Misty continued before she had a sad look on her face. "But he was taken away from us--" "Because of Sombra." Flash finished what she was going to say while sounding a bit angry. "I know that look, and ya shouldn't." Applejack spoke up. "I'm with her on it." Chemical agreed. "You really shouldn't do it." "He shouldn't do what?" Pinkie asked as she tilted her head. "Flash going after Sombra." Raven told her. "It's a bad idea, you'll end up making yourself look like a bad guy." "Make myself look like the bad guy?" Flash repeated, sounding a bit more angry. "Sombra is the bad guy here! He killed my father by hiring some hitman just so he could get Silver!" "Whoa, Flash calm down." Sunset told him. "No! Alright, I will not calm down!" Flash shouted. "He then tried the same guy with me and there's a bunch of robots to hurt a bunch of people just to get to me! Alright, this is like Shang-Lu when he fought against an army of invaders when he lost his family during the Don Dynasty! How do I know that?!" "It's your link to the Silver Draco." Zena spoke up to get their attention. "It's growing stronger by the minute." She then pressed up on the console to pull up a holographic image of Flash with mini streams inside of his body. "You see, the Silver Draco was designed to bond with its host at a cellular level. It has bonded to every cell within your body and is trying to become one with you." "What, you said Silver is 'trying' like something is wrong." Rainbow pointed out. "Is there something wrong?" Rarity asked before Zena typed something on the console to show some sort of percentage of both Flash and Silver. "You see, they're only at 45% in synergy." Zena told them. "They should be at 100% but it seems like that something is blocking them from becoming that." "Look, I don't care about that right now!" Flash shouted while sounding furious. "You all can't expect me to just sit here and let some guy who hired someone to kill my own father roam around free and continue to put people in danger!" "Whoa, Flash, let's not rush into anything!" Silver told him before he stormed away in a huff. "Flash wait up!" She then flew after him as Scootaloo followed behind. The two of them went down some quarters of the ship to search for him until they found him in the cockpit of the ship, sitting in the chair. "Leave me alone." He told them when he heard the two approach him. "Look, I get it." Scootaloo spoke up as she walked up to her older brother. "You're angry about Sombra getting away with it all. But don't forget that he was my dad too. I barely remember him, but I'm just as mad as you are right now." "Look, Zena may have fixed my memories but my memories are still putting themselves together." Silver spoke up as she looked at him with a sincere look. "I don't remember very much about your father, other than the fact that he loved you very much. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't want you to throw your life away just to get revenge. Sombra fooled him because he was his oldest friend in the past." She then sat down next to him with a sad look. "I'm not wanting to get revenge. Flash mentioned. "I just want to see justice for what Sombra did." He then leaned back in the chair as he looked at the two. "I mean, it's not right to let him do whatever he wants just because he has the money and power to do it. There's gotta be a way to take him down." The three of them just sat there for a moment in complete silence as they thought it over. Silver then thought of something as she had a bright smile before she flew right in front of him. "I think I may have an idea on how to take him down." She told him which really got both his and Scootaloo's attention. "So what exactly did you put Flash in?" Velvet asked Zena as she and the others watched her work. "Yes, it looked like the material was made out of metal." Rarity mentioned. "It's a very sophisticated material that's from the planet where I was made." Zena simply answered. "The one he is wearing goes to the one of the highest honor that has been chosen by the Silver Draco. The first one who wielded the Silver Draco wore it a long time ago, as well as those that came before him." "Okay, but what happened to the guy that had before you came here?" Night Light asked, which caused her to stop. The robotic eyes then made a sad look as she looked down and let out a sad sigh. Just when she was about to tell them, they heard what sounded like an alarm buzz which caught all their attention. "What is that?!" Fluttershy asked with concern as Zena started going back to work on the monitor. "Are we under attack?!" "No, the airlock was just opened." Zena assembly replied as she was typing something in on the console with a confused expression while she was looking at the monitor. "And it's one near the control deck. But why would the airlock there be opened up and then-Oh my nebula, they didn't." She gasped when she saw what was on the screen. "What, who didn't?" Chemical asked her. "Flash and the Silver Draco, they got out of the ship and are heading back to the city right now." Zena told them as she pointed to what looked to be a tracking system which showed a yellow dot with an alien language connected to it flying away from the ship. "What, why are they doing that?!" Misty questioned just as Scootaloo walked in. "Scootaloo, where is your brother going?!" "Dusk Industries." Scootaloo simply answered. "WHAT?!" They all shouted in shock. "Oh no, he's gonna get himself killed if he's going after Sombra!" Sunset exclaimed. "I try to tell him not to go after him!" Applejack grunted in frustration. "And he's not even fully synchronized with the Silver Draco, so it arrives, we're all doomed!" Zena complained with a frustrated look on her screen-like face. "When what arrives?" Misty asked her before Zena looked at them with a very concerned look. "Look, there's something you need to know about the home planet where I was made, the Silver Draco and the Dark Wyrm." Zena said as she sounded very concerned. Meanwhile, White Dragon flew through the air as he was heading back to the city. "Hey Silver, are you sure this plan of yours is going to work?" He asked her as he was making his way towards Dusk Industries Tower. "I mean, this seems a bit risky about what we're doing and everything." "Trust me Flash, it's going to work." Silver replied as they were getting close to the tower while she was scanning the structure. "We'll find the CEO office at the top of the building. Land on the balcony and hold your hand up to the keypad next to the door." "Okay." White Dragon landed right on the balcony and walked up to the keypad before he did what Silver instructed. "Now what?" Tiny sparks of white came from his palm as tiny wires came out from his palm and attached to the keypad. "What are you doing?" "I'm hacking through the security system so that we will be able to get in without raising any alarms." Silver explained as the tiny wires seem to be letting out small sparks at the end before the keypad turned green. "And we're in." White Dragon then walked through the door as he looked around the large CEO office for any sign of Sombra. "Hey Sombra, I think you and I are overdue for a face-to-face chat!" He called out but got no response. "What, do you only go by Umbra Lord when you're talking to someone?! Is that what you did with the last guy who had Silver?! Where is he?" Under the visor, he could see that it seemed to be scanning the whole room until it was highlighting one of the bookshelves. "What's that?" "Well well well, it seems the Umbra Lord has a secret chamber here in his throne room." Silver jokingly said as White Dragon walked over to the bookshelf. Silver detached herself from his back as she floated over to the bookshelf and scanned each book. "Okay, pull the red book with the title that has the word dragon on it." White Dragon looked and saw the book she told him about before pulling it. It acted like a lever as there was some sort of clicking sound before the bookshelf parted and revealed a secret laboratory behind it. "What is with rich people and their secret rooms?" "Must be to keep something of theirs private away from the public." White Dragon mentioned as they walked into the secret laboratory where they saw many historical pictures of past wielders of the Silver Draco. "Wow, Can someone say 'obsessed much'?" "Obsessed much." "I was being rhetorical." He told her as they looked around before he noticed a large computer monitor that had White Dragon and his previous fight. "No way, Sombra was studying me! That's all those drones knew how to overwhelm me and everything!" "Not to mention that he's been trying to get my source code for a project of some sort." Silver mentioned as she was typing something on the keyboard and saw schematics of herself and a bit of data. "But because of my hibernation mode, they didn't get much." "But now I'll get the rest of it now that you're here." They heard Sombra's voice coming from everywhere as they frantically looked around for him. "Sombra, I know about what you did!" White Dragon called out. "Silver got some of her memories back and she remembers that the previous owner, Silver Defender AKA Trail Blazer, was your friend and you hired someone to kill him!" "So what if I did? He was in my way for greatness." They heard Sombra say. "After all, sacrifices had to be made for the betterment of mankind." "Is that why you sent those robots to attack the town, and even hired the same assassin to get me?!" White Dragon called out. "If anything, you're only making sacrifices to benefit your own company!" "I wouldn't expect a novice like you to understand." They heard Sombra say as he stepped out from around a corner, wearing a tank top. "But since you came all this way, I might as well give a test run on the prototype battle armor." "What battle armor?" White Dragon asked with a chuckle. "That tank top?" Sombra only smirked as he reached behind them and they both heard him pressed something. It sounded like beeping before metal material started expanding from his back. Soon they started to see some sort of wires coming out from his back as they started to form armor on his body. It mostly covered his top half of his body as red lights flickered on before a helmet covered his face which had six eye holes that glowed red. Silver quickly attached herself to White Dragon's back as mini shoulder Rockets formed on his shoulders while mini gatling guns formed on his arms. Soon red lights lit up on the armor as it sounded like it was powering up. "Say hello to Project Prime Dragon, and now you'll experience its power!" Sombra declared before he fired a beam from his chest that sent White Dragon flying out of the lab and crashing into a wall. "Okay…D-Didn't see that coming…" White Dragon groaned as Sombra walked out of the lab. "This it's just the prototype, it has tons of data of your fight against the robots from earlier." Sombra said as white dragon quickly got up and tried to throw a punch, but Sombra quickly caught it. "I know all your moves, White Dragon." Soon another blast from his right arm blasted White Dragon out of the building and he started to fall. A couple of workers were exiting the building right before white dragon came crashing down right on one of their cars. "Oh man…that hurt…" He groaned before rolling right off of the car and onto the ground. "Silver…was that robot attack…?" "Was for us to show off our moves and everything so he can make some modifications to this Prime Dragon project, yeah it was." Silver said before they looked up and saw Sombra jumping down and landing right across from them. "Boy, that's got to be hard on the knees." "If you think that was powerful, just wait until I get the source code from the Silver Draco." He said as he held up his arms as the mini gatling guns started to warm up. White Dragon quickly stood up in front of the workers as a quick flash of light created wing shields before the guns started firing. "Flash, that armor is giving off very powerful energy readings." Silver informed him. "If he adds my source code into it…" "He could turn that thing into an unstoppable war machine." He finished what she was going to say. "Got to stick to the plan and hope for the best." He then turned to the workers who looked frightened. "All of you stay inside!" They quickly complied as they ran back inside before his right arm flashed and transformed into a claw. He then quickly turned around as the claw extended on a metal cord and grabbed hold of Sombra. "Let's go for a ride!" A flash of light appeared on his back before dragon wings formed and they took off into the sky. Sombra struggled to get the claw off around his waist as he was being dragged through the air. He then used the missiles on his shoulders to fire right at White Dragon, which hit him directly. This caused him to fall out of the sky and crash into the ground as both of them struggled to get up. "Flash?! Flash, can you read me?!" White Dragon heard Twilight spoke through some sort of communication. "T-Twilight?" He asked before his wings suddenly became a shield when Sombra started firing at him again. "How are you calling me?" "Zena gave a communication system that only connects to Silver and you." Twilight replied. "Look you know what you're up to and revenge is not the answer! Besides, there is something very important that you need to know!" "Who said I'm after revenge?" He asked before he was pushed back a bit when Sombra fired more missiles at him. "I'm going to have to call you back! Also, watch the news! You all are going to love what you're going to see!" Before Twilight could say anything else, he hung up as quickly turned around and transformed both his arms into blasters to fire back. Sombra quickly tucked and rolled out of the way before charging right at White Dragon. He soon tackled him as the two of them rolled down a hill before crashing on the ground in front of a large crowd. After seeing the crowd, White Dragon quickly got up and blasted summer back before using his wings to extend out and protect the people. "Hey, maybe we can take the fighting down a notch or take it somewhere else away from all these people!" "I told you before, sacrifices must be made for the benefits of mankind!" Sombra shouted as he continued to put on the pressure. "I don't care who is in my way, for I will be rid of them and gain power!" "So you mean you would kill anyone just to get power, any friends, any family, you kill and you get power!" White Dragon shouted. "Power is everything, and sacrifices must be made to obtain power!" Sombra shouted before he started hearing White Dragon letting out chuckles. "What are you laughing about?!" "Look, you're on TV." He told Sombra as he pointed towards one of the shops with a TV at its window. It showed live footage of White Dragon's perspective in front of him. "You see, Silver came up with this awesome plan of exposing you for the fraud that you really are. Once we arrived, Silver hacked into every news station in the world. We've been live streaming everything I've been seeing, but cut out some things that I've been saying to myself, and we knew you couldn't help but tell us everything like any bad guy would. Starting with you not caring about killing others gain power, and admitting that you hired someone to kill an officer of the law." Soon police sirens were heard before a bunch of police officers drove up and came out of their vehicles before aiming their guns right at Sombra, including Shining Armor. "Down on the ground and come quietly, Sombra!" Shining demanded as Sombra clenched his fist in anger. He then roared in rage as he began to make rapid fire around him, causing the police officers to quickly take cover while the civilians ran away. "Okay, now that we exposed him, you think we should stop him before he kills someone?" "Yeah, enough going easy on him." White Dragon said before his hands flashed in a bright light as they became giant fish before he pounded them together. He then charged right at the Sombra as he delivered a few punches to his chest before flipping over and kicking him right in the side. Once he was on the ground, White Dragon quickly grabbed hold of the device on his back and ripped it right off. This caused the armor he was wearing to fall apart before white dragon had his right arm morphed into some sort of launcher before he launched some sort of claw to latch onto him. "You're done Sombra, that was for Trail Blazer." He said before he crushed the device in his hand. "Sombra Dusk, you are under arrest." Shining said as he placed the cuffs on his wrist and put his arms behind his back. "Let me go!" Sombra demanded as they started to drag him towards a transport vehicle. "You can't do this to me!!" As soon as he was put in the transport vehicle, White Dragon took off into the air as none of them noticed a dark shadowy figure on top of one of the buildings as it let out a dark chuckle. Sombra sits quietly in the police transport vehicle with a glare on his face while a bunch of other police officers had their weapons trained on him. "I can't believe this was behind all those crimes when he runs a good company." One of the officers said to another. "Who's to say that his company was even good?" A female officer questioned. "For all we know, there could be some dark secrets he had in that company and all those good deeds were just cover-ups." Suddenly they felt the vehicle shaking a bit before the vehicle suddenly came to a stop and they heard screaming coming from outside. The moment those screams became silent, they saw some claws rip into the back of the transport vehicle before they were ripped off to reveal a dark armored figure with blood red lights around it. "The hell is that thing?!" One of the officers shouted when the officers saw the armored figure before a black claw launched right towards one of them and pulled the officer close to the armored figure. The officer shouted with fear as he felt heat rising within the claw before a bright red light zapped his face and his body became lifeless before the armored figure tossed him away. The other police officers started firing at the black armored figure, but the bullets seemed to be having no effect as he marched in before a black cloud covered its arms and they transformed into blades. Then one by one, the black armored figure struck down each officer until it was only it and Sombra left in the vehicle. It grabbed him by the tank top before a black cloud swirled around its back before forming wings and taking off through the roof of the transport vehicle. They flew for a bit until they were in the middle of the woods and the armored figure sat him down before breaking the cuffs on his wrists. "What…What are you?" He questioned the armored figure but got no response. "You almost look like White Dragon, only you have horns and your appearance is very different from his… like a wyrm." Then suddenly, the black armored figure fell to the ground lifeless as this surprised Sombra. He then saw the armor disintegrate as he saw some sort of bones before he saw a whole skeleton of some sort of creature like he had never seen before. The only thing that is not made of bones, was a black metal creature connected to the spine of the creature with red lights in its carving. The black metal creature looked like a wyrm with two horns on its head as it made a snarling sound before it looked towards Sombra. Before he knew what was going on, the metal creature pounced right onto him. "YEAH-AH-AH-AH!" White Dragon cheered as he flew through the sky in celebration. "That was awesome!!" "Heck yeah it was!" Rainbow spoke the communication as he heard each of his friends, his sister, and his mother praising him for this plan. "You were spectacular, darling!" Rarity complimented. "You both were, Flash and Silver!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. "The look on Sombra's face when you exposed him was priceless!" "Okay, now that you finally bested your foe, please return now!" Zena spoke up. "We have very important matters to discuss right now!" "Zena, you sound very worried and need to relax." White Dragon told her. "Sombra is heading right to prison as we speak and now we can finally relax about--" Suddenly, he was blasted right out of the air as he fell straight towards the ground and created a crater upon impact. "Ow…" "Flash, what was that?!" He heard his mother ask with concern. "Flash, that blast that hit us came from a similar energy reading as ours." Silver informed as he climbed out of the crater. "What…What are you talking about, what hit us?" He asked before he nearly dodged a red orb that shot right past him and incinerated a tree. "Okay… whoever's there, come on out!" He stood his ground as his arms transformed into blasters in a flash of light. He kept his guard up as he looked around before some sort of black Claw on a chain launched out and grabbed hold of him by the center. He was then suddenly pulled right into the air as he saw a black armored figure attached to the chain by the arm with red lights and a blood red visor. The armored figure dragged White Dragon across the sky before they were back in the city and he started to drag him along the buildings. The black armored figure soon pulled him in clothes before punching him against a building before throwing him through another. He then appeared right in front of White Dragon before he blasted White Dragon down towards the ground as his golden visor shattered. Soon he crashed onto a car before falling onto the ground. "Okay… that really hurt…" He groaned as he stood up before he heard a teenage girl scream. He turned to see a bunch of people staring at him with a frightened look. "What?! What is it?! Is something-OH MY GOD!!" He exclaimed when he noticed his reflection in one of the windows as without the visor, his face was covered in silver white scales, his were dragon eyes with a golden yellow glow, and he had sharp teeth as well. "Is that what I look like without the visor?!" "Well yeah, basically." Silver replied. "But I think we should be more concerned about him!" Soon the black armored figure landed right in front of White Dragon as he stood tall. "White Dragon, now you shall pay for everything that you've done to me." The black armored figure spoke with a familiar voice before the visor vanished in a dark cloud to reveal his face. "Sombra?!" He exclaimed when he saw him. "But how?!" "I discovered something very unique." Sombra said with a grin. "You see, whenever there is light, there's always darkness. You have the Silver Draco…" they then heard something detached from his back before white dragon saw what looked to be a blood red holographic creature that looked similar to Silver, but with horns on its head. "...I have the Dark Wyrm." "Hello, sister." The Dark Wyrm said with a dark tone before Silver detached herself from White Dragon and looked at it with a frightened look. "B-But that's impossible…" Silver gasped. "If you're wondering why and how I'm here, I picked up your energy signal halfway across the galaxy and I traveled all this way…" The Dark Wyrm told her before gesturing to Sombra. "And like you, I chose a new host when I got here. Now let's pick up where we left off years ago…" "Flash… we need to run, now…" Silver whispered before she quickly reattached herself to his back. "Silver, what are you talking about?" He questioned her. "We can take them on." "If you're not going to listen to me, then I'm sorry in advance." Silver said as she took control of his body before forming wings on his back to fly away. But then Sombra quickly grabbed hold of his leg and slammed him down the ground before throwing him right through a wall. "And one more thing, I told you before to call me Umbra Lord." He told White Dragon as his red visor formed again before blades formed on his arms. He charged right at White Dragon as Silver controlled him to create some Shields to block each attack. Soon Umbra Lord created a large blaster on his shoulder to blast him and break through the shield. The blast sent him flying back before Umbra Lord created a claw hook to grab him by the leg and pound him on the ground a few times. He was then slammed right into a bus before Umbra Lord picked up white dragon and slammed him on the ground. His right foot was then covered in a dark mist before transformed into a giant foot and stomped right into his center. He then picked up White Dragon and slammed him back into the bus before he took a few steps back as a laser cannon formed on his shoulder and he blasted it. It exploded and White Dragon was sent flying before crashing into a wall. Silver struggled to get White Dragon up just as Umbra Lord landed just a few feet from them. Just before he could approach them, multiple fires from the sky came down and nearly hit him before he looked up and saw the ship flying by. "G-Guys…" White Dragon wheezed out before he saw Umbra Lord form two cannons on his shoulders as well as his arms to fire right at the ship. The lasers not only hit the ship, but the impact caused it to fall from the sky. "NO!!" He called out as the ship came crashing down towards the woods. He clenched his fist as he struggled to fight Silver's control before Umbra Lord launched another claw on him as he dragged him closer. "That will to care for others makes you weak, and now you're going to be part of something." He told White Dragon before wings formed on his back and he flew off with White Dragon struggling to break free. Soon the sun started to rise as the Rainbooms, Scootaloo, Twilight's parents, Misty, Raven, and Chemical came out of the wreckage of the downed ship. "How…are we…not dead?" Velvet questioned as they looked around. "You can thank me for that." Zena said as she stepped out. "You all are very lucky. I'm a very good pilot, but I'm very unlucky because I spent decades repairing this!! And now, the Dark Wyrm is here, has chosen a new host, and once he kills Master Flash, you'll have the power to reshape the universe in his image!!" "The very same power that the planet you were built on fought over?" Twilight asked with concern as she held Spike close. "Oh yeah, a real bummer that one is." They heard a familiar voice say before they saw Smolder climbing out of the wreckage. "And if you are wondering how I got out of my little cage, all the systems went down when the ship went down, that includes my cage. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be finding my way off of this planet before armageddon happens." Just before she could walk away, Zena extended her arm out as a laser rope extended out and attached to the collar around her neck. "Oh come on!" "What did she mean by 'armageddon'?" Applejack asked with concern. "Well, if the power of both the Silver Draco and the Dark Wyrm unite as one, it could literally rip apart the universe." Zena told them with a concerned tone, which did not make them feel better. "We need to find Flash and stop Sombra before that happens!" Sunset declared. "Normally, we would tell you kids that it's too dangerous and leave it to the professionals, but I think this is out of their hands." Night Light mentioned. "So you might as well count me and Velvet in too." "Same here!" Misty spoke up as she stepped forward with a determined look. "He hurt my son and killed my husband, it's about time I get some payback." "I liked all your enthusiasm, but the system is down in the ship so we can't track the Silver Draco." Zena pointed out. "I believe I have something that might help, or more likely, my husband had something to help." Misty said before she gestured for all them to follow her. They followed her through the forest for about a few miles before they reached the bottom of a cliff. And then saw her move a small rock out of the way to reveal a keypad before she started typing in some numbers. They then heard it beeped before they saw a couple of boulders move out of the way to reveal a large door. They were surprised to see this before the doors opened and they followed Misty inside. She then flipped some switches on the wall as lights turned on to reveal some machinery, scaffolding, and a few other things covered in some tarp. "Welcome to the Dragon's Lair." She told the group with a small smile.