//------------------------------// // Chapter VII: The Calm Before the Storm // Story: The Muneris Pony // by Music Brush //------------------------------// Cora followed close behind Night Wing as they walked toward the Golden Oak Library in Ponyville. Cora never took her eyes off the black Muneris since yesterday in Canterlot. The thought of potentially losing her oldest friend to some crazy pony who steals power terrified her to the core. Cora would rather die than lose her closest friend. Night Wing opened the door to the library, where the ring of a small bell filled the air. "Twilight?" Night called as Cora followed close behind. Night and Cora looked around to find Spike putting away a few books on the top of a ladder. The baby dragon looked at his guests and smiled. "Oh, hey, Night and Cora," Spike warmly greeted. "Twilight and I were gonna come look for you after I put these books away." Spike placed the last book on the shelf before sliding down the ladder. The sound of hooves coming from upstairs caught everyone's attention and they all looked up to find Twilight trotting down with a smile. "Night Wing, perfect timing!" Twilight beamed. "I take it you got a message from Princess Celestia?" Night asked as she watched Twilight trot up. "Yes," Twilight said as a serious look replaced her warm smile. "Celestia told me about Dusk and the other Muneris." "Kinda surprised you're not quizzing us about them," Cora observed as she watched Twilight. "Oh, I have many questions, but they'll have to wait," Twilight stated as she stood before Night and Cora. "Right now, we have to worry about Dusk. What can you tell me about him?" "I don't know anything about him right now," Night answered. "We just know he steals power and he's trouble," Cora added. "So, no new information," Twilight observed as she scratched her chin with a hoof. "Well, we have access to the Elements of Harmony when needed, so we're okay there." "Where are the Elements, anyway?" Cora asked. "Cora, that's not something for us to know," Night protested. "There in a safe place," Twilight answered. "Trust me, we'll be ready for Dusk." "See, Cora?" Night smiled at her friend. "We'll be fine." "I'm not gonna settle down just because Twilight says so," Cora countered. "Besides, what about that other thing you wanted to ask Twilight about?" "Other thing?" Twilight asked. Night looked at Twilight. "At the meeting, something came up that made Fire Fly angry," Night explained. "What can you tell us about fusion?" "Fusion?" Twilight raised a brow. "Why would fusion have anything to with this?" "Crystal said it might be Dusk's end goal and Fire got all hissy and ran off," Cora explained. "Spike, could you bring me the book on--" Before Twilight could finish her sentence, Spike held up a large book with a smile. "Here you go," Spike proclaimed proudly. Twilight smiled at him as she took the book in her magic and carried it to a stand, laying it open and flipping through the pages. "Let's see," Twilight said as she flipped through the pages. "Fusion magic isn't complicated, but can still be very dangerous." Night stepped next to Twilight as she watched the book. "What's so dangerous about it?" Night asked. "If done correctly, nothing," Twilight explained as she landed on a page. "The result is always a combination of the parties involved. Strength, intelligence, and magical ability. But, there's also the strong possibility of one or all parties involved being lost forever." "When you say "lost forever," you mean?" Cora queried with a raised brow. "There's no clear answer," Twilight answered as she flipped a page. "It could be anything from one of the participants being completely absorbed by the other to all involved just becoming a single being. No trace of either involved at all." Twilight looked at Night and Cora. "For example, if Spike and I fused--" "Eeww!" Spike gagged. "Fuse with you?! Not happening!" Spike turned his head as he held a claw up at Twilight. "It's just an example, Spike," Twilight countered with a furrowed brow. "Anyway, like I was saying. If we were to do something like that, it's possible the result could be more pony than dragon, or vice-versa. Or, the result could be entirely pony or entirely dragon. You wouldn't be able to tell if it was a fusion at all." "Are the effects pertinent?" Night asked. "I don't know," Twilight answered as she flipped another page with her magic. "All of the information in this book is just conjecture." "Then how do you even know it's possible?" Cora asked as she pulled the book closer to her. "The techniques were created by Starswirl the Bearded himself," Twilight answered. "Starbeard who now?" Cora raised a brow at Twilight, who rolled her eyes in response. "Starswirl the Bearded," Twilight answered. "He was a genius in magic and created numerous spells. There's a whole room dedicated to him in Canterlot Castle." "Never heard o' him," Cora sighed. "Even so," Night piped up before Twilight could protest. "I don't suppose there's anything in there about Muneris fusion?" Twilight began flipping through the pages with her magic again. "Nothing," Twilight said. "Spike, do we have anything on the Muneris?" "Let's see," Spike said as he looked through the shelves. "M for Muneris." He stopped in the M section. "Ah huh!" He pulled out a book and rushed up. Twilight took the book in her magic and began skimming through the pages with her magic. "There's plenty of information on Muneris cultures as we know them right now, but I don't see anything about fusion," Twilight explained. "Fire Fly said it was a taboo," Night explained with a raised brow. "It really shook him up at the meeting yesterday." "A taboo, huh?" Twilight began flipping through the pages again. "It looks like that may be the biggest taboo of them all. The Erisumn forbade almost nothing and the Serinum kept a close eye on absorbing magics." "And the Muneris have nothing on the subject whatsoever," Night added. "I guess it's something we'll have to play by ear." "There's NO way I'm letting that creep get anywhere near you, Night," Cora fiercely proclaimed. "I know I can count on you, Cora," Night smiled at the griffon. "Parden me, but are you two a couple?" Twilight asked with a friendly smile. Cora blinked at the question while Night smiled. "Oh, we're just friends," Night answered. "Yeah, just friends," Cora agreed. "Okay," Twilight giggled. "I was just thinking how you two could be great together." Twilight grabbed both books in her magic to put them away. "Why do you think that?" Cora asked with a raised brow. "Oh, it's just that you two are always together," Twilight observed as she put the books back where they belonged on their shelves. "You've known each other for a long time. You get along quite well." Twilight paused to smile at them. "You almost remind me of Lyra and Bon Bon or DJ P0n3 and Octavia." Cora scratched her chin as she thought about Twilight's words. Cora knew Night Wing her entire life and never once had she ever thought about taking their relationship further. She was happy being there for her whenever and wherever. The thought of being more than a friend was both strange and appealing to her. Perhaps she should take a leap of faith with Dusk out there. Any day could be their last together. If there ever was a time to take the next step, now would be that time. "Well, thank you for your help, Twilight," Night offered. "Any time, Night," Twilight replied. ~~)oOo(~~ A week later, Crystal was seen in Ponyville. Night and Cora rushed out to meet her in the streets. They found her passing in front of Sugar Cube Corner. "Hey, Crystal!" Night called out to get her attention. Crystal looked at the two and offered a warm smile. "There you are," Crystal greeted. "Any word on Dusk?" Night asked. "I'm afraid not," Crystal frowned. "I've found out Fire Fly returned to Equestria with a search party. Dusk is nowhere to be seen." "So, where is he?" Cora asked. "I can't help but fear he's left Equestria to gain power from other nations," Crystal observed. "There's no telling what kind of power he'll gain from other creatures." "What if he gets so strong that not even the Elements of Harmony can stop him?" Cora asked. "I don't think that's possible," Night observed. "The Elements are the most powerful magical objects known to Ponydom. They were used to stop Nightmare Moon, twice, and Discord and he was basically a deity." "Night's right," Crystal added. "If the Elements could stop one as powerful as Discord, then stopping Dusk shouldn't be hard either." "Why do I get the feeling we're all gonna regret those words?" Cora observed. "Lighten up, Cora," Night said as she rubbed a hoof on Cora's shoulder. "Night, let's go on a date!" Cora suddenly said. Night and Crystal stared at Cora with wide eyes. Cora blushed when she realized what she said. She had been thinking about it ever since Twilight said something. Every day she thought about spending at least one day or evening with Night, not as a friend, but as a lover. The fear of Dusk coming for Night Wing only fueled those thoughts. The idea had been building up every day and it finally burst in that moment. "I mean, um-" "Cora?" Night's soft voice pulled Cora out of her stunted state. Cora looked at Night, who warmly smiled back at her. "Do you really wanna go on a date with me?" "Yes!" Cora answered without hesitation. "We've known each other for a long time. I've always cared about you. Dusk could show up any day to try and take you from me. I want us to spend at least one date together before I might lose you forever." "Cora, you're not gonna lose me," Night assured Cora as she stepped closer to the griffon. Cora hung her head in shame. "You're right, it was stupid of me to say something," Cora admitted in defeat. "No, it wasn't," Night countered as she grabbed Cora's cheeks with her hooves to look her in the eye. Night smiled. "I'm glad you said something. And, I'd like very much to go on a real date with you." "Seriously?" Cora asked with a raised brow. "Zuloiezra," Night inclined her head. Cora smiled as her eyes welled up a little. "Well, this is a wonderful occasion," Crystal observed. "I'll say it is!" a familiar pink pony cued as she poked her head out from behind Crystal. Crystal jumped with a scream of surprise at the sudden appearance of Pinkie Pie. "This calls for a party!" Pinkie cheered as she pulled a party cannon out of her tail and fired it into the air. Confetti rained from the sky all over everyone. "Qji pu ngos?!" Crystal cried out. "This is Pinkie Pie," Night chuckled. "She's the town clown." "A clown?" Pinkie raised an eyebrow. "I'm not a clown. I'm a party pony!" Pinkie proceeded to bound around Night and Cora. "And you two deserve to celebrate becoming a couple! We'll need balloons! Streamers! Confetti! Oh! I need to write up some invitations!" Pinkie bolted out of sight in a second. "Um, we're not actually going to have a party over this, are we?" Cora raised a brow. "I think it's a wonderful idea," Night observed. "We can plan something afterward." "An Equestrian party?" Crystal scratched her chin. "I think I'd enjoy some of that." "What's this about a party?" Zuro trotted up with a pegasus mare that almost matched his color pattern perfectly at his side. "Night and Cora are going to have their first date!" Pinkie cheered as she appeared between them. "And you two are invited to their happy-first-date party!" "Oh, that's wonderful," the mare smiled at Night and Cora. "I was beginning to wonder if you two would take that step." "I knew it all along," Zuro observed. "Congrats, you two!" "Thank you, Zuro, Angel," Night offered with a warm smile. Angel Wings was the name of the mare at Zuro's side. She moved into Ponyvile just before the Summer Sun Celebration. Not long after that, she and Zuro became close friends before becoming a couple. "Maybe we could make it a double date?" Angel offered. "It'll be fun. I mean, you two are always together. Why not share the moment with some friends?" "I think that sounds lovely!" Night observed. "Well, I was kinda hoping it'd be just us, but that actually sounds cool," Cora observed. "Why not? Let's go on a double date!" "Oh, I'm gonna need lots of punch!" Pinkie beamed. ~~)oOo(~~ "I mean, what are you supposed to do on a first date?" Cora asked as she sat in the middle of Rarity's boutique while the fashionista took the griffon's measurements with a smile on her face. "Darling, you simply must relax," Rarity chuckled as she used her magic to snip a few ribbons as she took Cora's measurements. "You and Night Wing are the best of friends. It's not like a date is going to destroy that." "How can you be sure about that?" Cora raised a brow at the white unicorn. "Darling, my friends and I have had many disagreements since I've known them," Rarity explained as she used some fabric to fashion a bowtie around Cora's neck. "The key is communication. Why, not too long ago, I convinced Fluttershy to model for me and Photo Finish turned her into a supermodel. I was so jealous, I wanted Fluttershy to fail." "I was wondering why I started seeing pictures of Fluttershy everywhere," Cora observed as Rarity adjusted the tie around Cora's neck. "Yes, well," Rarity smiled at her work. "As it turns out, Fluttershy hated being a model. Eventually, we talked about it and found out that if we communicated better, I wouldn't have been so jealous and she wouldn't have to be a model. She hated the spotlight." "That still doesn't answer my question," Cora stated. "What are you supposed to do for a first date?" "Darling, all you need to do is spend time with her," Rarity smiled. "We do that all the time," Cora countered. "Honestly, it's driving me crazy not having her by my side." "Cora, darling, all you have to do is take her to dinner," Rarity began as she took a brush with her magic to brush Cora's feathers. "Go to the movies. Make the day all about her. Nothing else matters." "You really think it's as simple as that?" Cora asked as she stood up. "Dusk is out there and we--" "Stop right there," Rarity interjected with a raised hoof. "That right there is what will ruin what could be a fantastic evening with the one you love. Forget about that awful character this one time and focus on Night. What does she like to do? What's her favorite meal? That kind of thing. Dusk doesn't exist." Just then, Night came out from behind a curtain with a long blue dress draping over her flanks and tail. A crown of flowers dawned on her head. She smiled at Rarity and Cora as she trotted up. "How do I look?" "Simply gorgeous!" Rarity beamed as she admired the dress. "You look great," Cora added as she smiled at Night. "But, I have to ask why we're getting all fancied up like this?" "Don't you want to look your best for your first date?" Rarity asked as she raised a hoof. "Of course we do, Rarity," Night said as she stepped next to the unicorn. "These outfits are lovely! Might even consider wearing them for the next Grand Galloping Gala, if we get invited." "Oh, these outfits are much too simple for the gala," Rarity waved her hoof. "I'll design the perfect outfits for you for the gala!" Rarity used her magic to grab her crafting tools. "Woah, hold up there, sister!" Cora stated as she rushed to Night's side. "We're not going to the gala, we haven't been invited to that." "But, why not?" Rarity pouted. "You two have met both the princesses twice. You should be invited to the next gala." "It's alright, Rarity," Night giggled. "We'll worry about that when the time comes." "Yeah, we'll be sure to come see you if we get invited," Cora added with a roll of her eyes. "You at least have a plan for tonight, don't you?" Rarity queried. "Oh! I know the best restaurant for any occasion!" "That's okay, Rarity," Night smiled at the fashionista. "I have faith Cora will treat me right." Night smiled at Cora. Cora's cheeks flushed red as she smiled. "Hey, are you two ready?" Zuro asked as he walked into the boutique with Angel at his side. "Oh, you're just in time!" Rarity chimed. "They just finished getting dressed!" "Night, you look beautiful!" Angel beamed as she trotted up in a simple dress. "Thank you," Night smiled. "Lookin' sharp in that tie, Cora," Zuro observed with a warm smile. Cora smiled as she adjusted the tie a bit. "Well then, don't let me keep you from your special night," Rarity offered. "Thank you for the outfits, Rarity," Night said as she walked with Cora to the door. Angel and Zuro followed close behind. "My pleasure, darling," Rarity beamed. "Now, go have some fun!" The two couples left the boutique side-by-side. "So, what are we gonna do first?" Night smiled at Cora. Cora scratched her chin as she thought about it. Rarity suggested thinking about Night's favorite things like food. "This way," Cora smiled and led Night Wing through the streets until they came to Sugar Cube Corner. "Here?" Night asked as she looked around. "Aren't we a bit over-dressed for the Corner?" "Who cares?" Cora asked. "I know you love the treats here." "I think it's a great idea!" Zuro stated as he smiled at the bakery. "Here here!" Angel cheered. "And I've got the perfect cake for the occasion!" Pinkie said as she poked her head out of the door. "Come on!" Pinkie grabbed the couples in her forehooves and yoinked them into the bakery. Pinkie planted all of them next to a table before quickly placing a cake with Night's and Cora's faces on it in front of them. Colorful letters were placed above the images that read "Happy first date!" "Thank you, Pinkie!" Night smiled at the party pony. "How'd you--" Cora began to ask before she shook her head. "Never mind." "And one for you two!" Pinkie cheered as she placed a cake in front of Zuro and Angel. It had the same theme as Night's and Cora's, only the letters on this one read "Happy Couple!" "Pinkie's Pinkie Senses were tingling, so we fixed something up for you," Mrs. Cup Cake said with a warm smile as she walked up. "Let me say I'm happy for you all." "Thank you, Mrs. Cake," Night said as the baker helped cut the cake for the couple. Their time spent at Sugar Cube Corner was filled with laughter as the Cakes tried to keep Pinkie Pie under a leash from her usual antics. What was left of the cakes was stored away in a box for Night and Cora to enjoy later. After a delicious treat, the couples went to a movie for the rest of the evening. When the movie was over, the quartet left the building with smiles on their faces. "Hey, guys!" Blazing said as he found the couples leaving the theater. "How's your first date going?" Blazing asked Night and Cora. "I've been having a wonderful time!" Night cheered as she hugged Cora. Cora smiled as she draped a wing over Night's shoulders. "Wonderful!" Blazing cued. "And, I'm glad to see you two are going strong, too." "What can I say?" Zuro said. "She's my Guardian Angel!" "Oh, stop it!" Angel giggled as she nuzzled Zuro's cheek. "Okay, now you guys are making me jealous," Blazing chuckled. "You don't have a mare friend?" Cora asked. "I had one long ago, but..." Blazing trailed off as he hung his head. "It's a story I don't want to relive." "I'm sure things will change for you soon enough, Blazing," Night assured. "One can only hope," Blazing offered a soft smile. "When that day comes, I'll be sure to let you know." Night and Cora smiled at their friends as the moon illuminated the night sky.