Life as a Sonic OC Redux

by Kitsulestia

Crusaders of the Lost Mark/ The One Where Danyelle Knows

*Cozy's POV*

I was hanging out with the Crusaders since I was trying to figure out my talent.

Mamoru was hanging upside down by the tails since he had gotten pranked by Diamond.

Mamoru whines "Not funny Diamond..."

Diamond giggles "Oh calm down. It’s only a prank."

Bluestar spoke "My mom's been on edge for some time though. I don't know why."

Applebloom spoke "It was like she was anxious ta show somethin’ but didn’t wanna ‘til the right time."

Lance asks "Maybe it had something to do with Cadence?"

Sweetie Belle spoke "We don’t really know for sure."

Volt asks "Hey Applebloom, is it okay if my girlfriend joins the club?"

Applebloom asks "Uh, what’s her name?"

Volt spoke "Her name's Amiya."

Amiya whines "*Pout* Volty! You could’ve let me introduce myself!"

A cheeach colored gryphon male about the same age as Amiya chuckles.

The gryphon chuckles "You want some cheese with that whine rabbit girl?"

Amiya pouted again before her stomach growled.

Volt hands a bag of grilled flavor biscuits to Amiya as the other Crusaders laugh.

Amiya spoke "Sorry, guess your family’s appetite is rubbing off on me."

Volt chuckles "My family may be chaotic but it's nowhere near as chaotic as Discord's family."

Amiya spoke "Yeah, and Jasmine is like a sister to Michelle."

Jazz and the rest of the female Crusaders gang up on Amiya and Volt before tickling them.

Volt spoke "*Laughing* H-Hey! Take it easy!"

Amiya spoke "*Laughing* S-Slow down! It’s hard to control ourselves like this!"

Myuri laughs "Scootaloo started it!"

Volt and Amiya kept laughing from the tickle torture.

Lance's left ear twitches since he heard a knock.

Lance spoke "I'll get it."

Rusty asks "Pip, what's wrong?"

Lance spoke "*Shocked* That was quick!"

Rusty spoke "Go cough up a hairball Lance."

OOH!!! Burn!

Mamoru spoke "I heard from Ruby that a council meeting was happening in Canterlot."

“Really?” I asked.

Amiya spoke "Yeah plus Doctor Asuma is at the meeting as well since this threat is one we can't handle ourselves."

Diamond spoke "Agreed, my stepmom's also at the meeting with Anzu's parents."

Bluestar spoke "Due to the lingering hatred between the Dazzlings and the Pillars, my mom had gone with Adagio to make sure Starswirl doesn't try to lash out."

The tickle torture soon stopped as Amiya and Volt calmed down.

Scootaloo asks "Any idea on how we can get our cutie marks?"

Sweetie spoke "I… really don’t have any idea."

Myuri asks "Why don't we try being campaign managers?"

Applebloom asks "Really?"

Myuri spoke "Are ya'll kiddin' me, Crusaders? Ah know that if we really put our minds ta it, we can do anythin'!"

Wow, she really knows how to rally.

Lance spoke "Yeah but the only problem is, we Mobians and Poke-Mobians can't get cutie marks."

I don’t know why, but I suddenly said… “What if they can?”

Myuri spoke "Well, Lance and all of his siblings are Equestrian-born Mobians so it is possible they could get cutie marks. Same with Rusty and his cousins. Ah guess it depends on where the Mobian was born."

“W-Wait, you’re taking this seriously?” I asked, surprised that they’re actually listening to this crazy idea.

Lance spoke "She's got a point though, I wasn't born on Mobius like my dad was."

Applebloom spoke "Anywho, let’s get ta work!"

The other Crusaders and I cheer.

*at the Ponyville schoolhouse,*

Myuri asks "Miss Cheerilee, is it okay if I move the broken playground equipment somewhere else?"

Miss Cheerilee spoke "Of course."

Myuri shifted to her true form before carrying the broken equipment away.

Diamond spoke "I can ask my dad to help purchase new equipment for the playground."

Myuri spoke "That’d really help, Diamond."

Silver Spoon couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

*Once the new playground was set up*

Jazz spoke "I've been thinkin', Crusaders. We spend an awful lot of time fussin' and frettin' tryin' to discover our true talent. But when we take a little time off, we end up helpin' other ponies figure out their true talent!"

Amiya spoke "I couldn't agree more!"

Sweetie asks "Yeah, and I think that's way more important than worrying about our cutie marks, don't you?"

Scootaloo spoke "Absolutely! I don't care if I ever get my cutie mark as long as I get to hang out with my best friends."

Applebloom asks "So what do you say, Crusaders? Want to just focus on helpin' others find their cutie marks?"

Bluestar spoke "Yeah!"

Applebloom, Sweetie and Scootaloo hoofbump each other, causing something amazing to happen! Their flanks weren't bare anymore!

Applebloom asks "Whut?"

Sweetie Belle asks "Did something happen?"

Scootaloo asks "Why are you looking at us like that?"

Diamond spoke "It’s your cutie marks! They’re amazing!"

The trio exclaim "We all got the same cutie mark! Cutie Mark Crusaders forever!"

Lance spoke "Hold on girls. Though the shields are the same, there are some differences. Sweetie Belle has a music note and a star on her mark, Applebloom has an apple and a heart while Scootaloo has a lightning bolt and a wing."

“That means you’re still yourselves while being part of a team.” I realized.

Lance spoke "Way to go Applebloom!"

Rusty spoke "You’re so awesome, Scoots!"

Myuri's tail wags happily.

*A few days after the party,*

*Danyelle's POV*

I was constantly avoiding Twilight since I couldn't tell her about Cadence's pregnancy.

But then my comm rang as I answered, seeing Professor Kukui.

I spoke "Alola Professor!"

Kukui chuckles "Hehehe, alola Danyelle."

I ask "can you keep a secret?"

Kukui spoke "Yes."

I spoke "Princess Cadence is going to have a baby but I can't tell Twilight about it yet."

Twilight asks "Danyelle?"

I zoom off like a bullet since I couldn't tell Twilight just yet.

I spoke "Sorry about that! I got spooked by Twilight."

Kukui chuckles "Hehe, surprises, am I right?"

I ask "And what about Burnet?"

Kukui spoke "Well, *Chuckle* Ash and the students gave her and I a surprise wedding."

I felt my neck for my inhibitor ring, noticing that it was gone.

I spoke "I'll call you back later... I got a stupid potato wolf to chase down."

After ending the call, I chase after Aphmau.


Aphmau spoke "Try and catch me!"


Aphmau spoke "*GASP!* You wouldn't...!"

I grab Aphmau with magic before shaking her, causing all the stolen items to fall out of her pockets and throwing her at Aaron thus causing the two to kiss.

"Hahaha! Gotcha, Aph!" I smirked.

I take back my inhibitor ring before I hear Zane's voice screaming my name.

I spoke "Catch me if you can Zane!!!"

I zoom off fast after switching to Mew form.

*Shadow's POV*

Hmm... It seems that Bliss is still alright, despite recovering.

Blossom spoke "I fear that by the time that fight draws near, I won't be able to help out."

But then Blossom's stomach growled.

But then Blossom bolted to a washroom before throwing up into the toilet.

Blossom spoke "Ugh… I don’t know if I’m starve-craved or overstuffed…"

I spoke "Or morning sickness... It's something that all pregnant females deal with."

But then Blossom's stomach growled again, this time in ravenous hunger.

Buttercup asks "Are you joking?"

I spoke "Does it look like I'm joking around? That's the stupid tanuki's thing."

Bubbles spoke "Wow."

I spoke "In time, you two girls might have the same issue as your sister."

Bubbles spoke "Actually, I am pretty hungry."

Buttercup spoke "Same here, dude."

Butch and Boomer ask "Uh, why are you looking at us with that look on your faces?"

Brick spoke "Oh, so it's not just me. My memory's a bit fuzzy."

Cadence asks "Don't tell me... *looking at Butch and Boomer* You two had gone and knocked your girlfriend up?"

Boomer and Butch spoke "We have no idea what you're talking about!"

A portal opened up as Jasmine popped her head out. "Need to book a room?"

Cadence flings Buttercup at Butch, causing the two wolf Mobians to tumble through the portal into the Chuddle Hotel.

I chuckle "Nice one Cadence."

Cadence giggles "You two bunnies are next!"

A now blushing Bubbles grabs Boomer and darted off to the hotel.

Brick laughs "Oh jeeze! You are such a prankster!"

Cadence suddenly gleamed a smirk at Brick and Blossom as the vixen smirked at Brick, making him a bit nervous.

Brick asks "Wh-What's with that look?"

Blossom asks "*Giggle!* What? No surprise throw-in?"

Cadence spoke "You're pregnant, and this'll be the first time as yourselves."

A quiet mewl was heard but it wasn't from Izzy.

Ruby pops up suddenly with a pair of wings on her back.

Ruby spoke "Dad!"

"Huh, guess it was only a matter of time." I noted before Cadence held an infant gryphon.

Danyelle soon pops up but her wings were limp due to a scar across the back.

Cadence gasps "What in the name of Faust!?"

Danyelle spoke "My anger got the better of me when I was over in the Warrior-verse..."

*Groan!* Why am I not surprised?

Danyelle spoke "I'm actively using my magic to keep the muscle nerves alive until Zoey can find more blue aqua."

But then we heard a groan.

The leopard groans "Ugh... What's... happening...?"

We looked, seeing Bliss starting coming to.

Danyelle spoke "I think she might want a familiar face nearby."

Danyelle teleported before reappearing with Professor Utonium.

Danyelle asks "*Calls Blossom on the comm before putting it to her ear while whispering* Blossom, you all good?"

Blossom asks "Yeah and should I get my sisters too?"

Danyelle spoke "*Wince* Eh… Depends."

Brick was in pony form while snoring as a back leg twitched.

Danyelle snickers "Had a bit too much fun huh?"

Blossom spoke "*Giggle* Yeah, but I can’t help but wonder more about him doing that in normal form."

Danyelle giggles "I got a joke for you Blossom."

Blossom asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "Knock knock."

Blossom asks "Who’s there?"

Danyelle giggles "Owls."

Blossom asks "*Confused* Owls who?"

Danyelle laughs "*as Digger popped up via Teleport* That's right! Owls hoo!"

Digger laughs "Good one Danyelle!"

Blossom asks "…Huh?"

Digger spoke "Owl joke."

Blossom asks "Doesn’t that seem… Ironic?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't mind the birdbrain."

Blossom spoke "Anyway, I’ll check on Bubbles and Buttercup."

Danyelle spoke "Okay, Cadence and I are gonna head to Ponyville."

"Alright, but be careful." I warned.

Danyelle spoke "Jeeze Shadow, I can protect myself and my kids."

Danyelle heads back to Ponyville with Cadence via warp ring, arriving in Twilight's castle.

Twilight spoke "Cadence!"

Cadence spoke "*As Shining showed up* Heehee, hey Twilight."

Danyelle had bandages around her upper body thus binding the wings.

Zoey spoke "The others were wondering where you were Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, Shadow needed my help."

Luke and Akari were playing tug of war with a rope toy.

Shining spoke "Hey everyone."

Elia was talking with Roll.

Cadence spoke "May I have everyone's attention please? Shining Armor and I have an announcement."

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Cadnece giggles "I'm having a baby!"

Elia spoke "But she's not the only one though. In nine months from now, I too will be having a baby. And so will Charybdis."

Others were surprised and shocked, but none was more than Twilight.

Twilight asks "You mean... I'm gonna be an aunt?"

Akari was starry eyed since she was getting a new cousin.

Danyelle spoke "This was why I couldn't tell you Twlight, Cadence wanted it to be a secret until she announced it."

Twilight exclaims "*starry eyed* This is the best surprise ever!"

Sonic spoke "But we can't tell Silver about Elia though since it could be problematic."

Danyelle spoke "I agree with you on that Sonic."

But little did we know that things will start getting weirder and weirder.
