Equestria Girls - The Tale of Two Sunsets

by HumanSunset63

Chapter 3: Major Life Changes

Sunset had finally made her way back to CHS, and as advised by Trixie, ran straight towards the cafeteria. This particular area of the school always had a more significant role throughout Sunset's journey, as she recalled the various events that occurred here, over the years. More specifically, this was the same cafeteria where Princess Twilight had rallied the entire school to revolutionize against Sunset's tyranny, as well as the very place where the Dazzlings had initiated the Battle of the Bands. The most meaningful aspect of the cafeteria to Sunset, was the fact that this was the main place where the girls had strengthened their bond with her, almost making lunchtime her favorite time of the day. Then again, who wouldn't rather take a free lunch break, especially over unprepared pop quizzes, and tediously long essays in class?

As Sunset opened the doors to the cafeteria, she immediately noticed that there wasn't any lunch being served at all, likely because today was a half-day for all students, not just the seniors. However, Trixie was in fact telling the truth earlier, after Sunset had scanned her surroundings, and noticed that five of her six friends were sitting at a table, located in the far corner. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were all present, but Pinkie Pie was mysteriously absent, which was definitely surprising. It seemed very unlike Pinkie to not be around the rest of the group, especially given how the graduation gifts in the music room were most likely her idea, in the first place. Regardless of where Pinkie was, Sunset began approaching the table her friends were sitting at, as the group began to take notice of her.

"Sunset, darling!" Rarity greeted. "How nice of you to join us, we were all admittedly wondering where you've been, this whole time."

"Hi, girls!" Sunset waved to her friends, as she took a seat next to them. "Well, I was searching around the school for you all, and I kinda got caught up with doing something with Trixie in the yearbook room, let's just say."

"Trixie, huh?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "What'd she do this time, persuade you into editing her face onto photos where she didn't belong? I sure hope those new yearbooks haven't been tampered with, especially after last year's. I still can't get over the fact that Bulk Biceps' award was right next to ours! Trixie did that on purpose to make room for her 'Greatest and Powerfullest' page, didn't she?"

"No, it was nothing like that, Rainbow." Sunset giggled, after being reminded of the junior yearbook mishap. "I'm afraid that mishap was purely due to a publication error by the yearbook printing company, after one of the pages got mixed up, and every other section went in the wrong order. But as for Trixie, we actually had a pretty interesting discussion about career prospects, and she even mentioned that you were all having a pretty serious talk here, before I arrived?"

"Well yes, that's one way to put it." Twilight nodded. "We were all discussing what we're planning to do after graduation, since it'll certainly be a big step in everybody's lives. Going to different places, varying career paths, it'll all be pretty overwhelming."

"Some of us are even opting to pursue paths outside of university as well, even if it's often frowned upon in society." Fluttershy added. "I mean, haven't you heard of the many horror stories of people who went off to college, earned their degree, but still can't find a job out there? Especially considering how expensive tuition is."

"I'd be one of those people." Applejack raised her hand. "And I very much agree with that there statement, even though I'm more or less followin' what Big McIntosh did, after he graduated himself."

"He's already graduated?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "But... we see him around school all the time."

"Well yes, but he hasn't attended any classes for a while now." Applejack replied. "In fact, he's mostly here for volunteer hours, which'll help out in his job resume, considerin' that he's lookin' into the work force as a plumber. But unfortunately, even with that CHS diploma, nobody's willin' to hire him, at least until he has 'real' experience..."

"Ugh, tell me about it, dear." Rarity rolled her eyes. "Every job employer out there expects years of experience upfront, but how in the world are you expected to even get experience, if nobody hires you? Thus, I'm very grateful to have built a following on MyStable, to where I can pretty easily get clients and work as a freelance fashionista. In fact, I must've made around $400 in just the last few weeks, alone."

"It's pretty nice to hear that you're doing well for yourself, Rarity." Twilight smiled. "For me though, I'm still planning to go for the old-fashioned route of graduating at the top of my class, at Canterlot City's best university. I've already received tons of college acceptance letters, with the exception of the one university I've always dreamed of going to. No response quite yet, but I'm sure that it's bound to come, sooner or later."

"I certainly know that feeling, myself." Fluttershy spoke up. "I'm mostly going, to secure some certification on becoming a veterinarian. I know that I'm already doing a lot of volunteer work at that local animal shelter every week, but it just isn't the same as having an actual job to nurse animals back to health. What kind of job do you plan on securing, once you graduate from college, Twilight?"

"Well, I've been looking into a few internships in mathematics, but I've also been considering starting my own business, potentially a bookstore, if I can get the funding." Twilight recalled. "Though, my parents mentioned that they can already foresee me becoming a math teacher. I've always dreamt of being a teacher, but I'm not entirely sure where specifically I'd share my knowledge with the rest of the world."

"No offense, Twilight, but umm..." Rainbow tried her best to explain her own thoughts on the matter. "Haven't you heard that teachers get paid less than a Taco Tuesday employee? And considering how much that fancy college degree will cost, I'm not so sure you'd be making such a wise investment."

"I'm afraid that I'm with Rainbow on that." Applejack nodded. "The main reason that I'm choosin' not to go, is simply because I can't afford it. If this so-called university expects my family to fork over hundreds to thousands of dollars in tuition, only for it to not even guarantee one of them 'white collar' jobs, I wouldn't even go, if I HAD the cash. That's why I'm lookin' into agriculture programs, especially since those skills and months of experience would be more worthwhile for me, compared to those... 'General Education' classes."

"Well, I understand where you're both coming from." Twilight agreed, albeit halfway. "But for me, it's about pursuing what I love, regardless of the pay and cost. Plus, I've been working on getting scholarships for quite some time now, so hopefully that'll help."

"Ah, the inspiration of following one's dreams!" Rarity sighed. "But the reality is, sometimes we need to be practical, considering how much more expensive this world is becoming. After all, fashion isn't exactly the most stable industry, unless you've already got a huge following, like myself. Though, that's not to say that I don't have my fair share of challenges, since competition can be fiercer than a pack of dogs at a biscuit buffet."

"But it's important to follow your heart, too." Fluttershy insisted. "I've always felt that if you're truly passionate about something, then it's worth it, even if it means taking the less traveled path."

"I just couldn't see college doing that for myself." Rainbow shrugged. "My parents mentioned that they did have enough to send me off to university, only for me to find out that was complete malarkey. One night, when it was way past my bedtime, I snuck downstairs to have some lasagna from the fridge, only to overhear my mom and dad discussing that it would only cover the first few semesters, and nowhere close to graduation. When I confronted them about it the next day, they confessed that they wanted me to go to college, to look good amongst their peers, and that my solution would be to take out student loans, then get a job after graduation to pay off that debt. Are they absolutely nuts, for doing something like that to their own daughter?"

"Well, I guess everyone's got their own reasons for pushin' college, Rainbow." Applejack said. "But if it's not for you, then that's okay, there's a whole lot of good you can do without a fancy degree, and preferably without student loans that'll follow you for the rest of your life. I swear, it sometimes feels as if Flim and Flam are behind these evil institutions, expectin' everybody to cough up their life savings and sanity, under the lie that the degree will guarantee them a great job one day."

"Hmm, it's funny that you say that, AJ." Sunset joined in on the conversation. "I remember Princess Twilight writing to me a while back, mentioning that the Flim and Flam in Equestria were running a 'Friendship University', and making the biggest fortune out of a scam."

"Well, I'll be!" Applejack's eyes widened. "If it's not the apple of the same tree, it's the same fruit! And just when you thought that a guitar costin' $12,000 was highway robbery, you've got people going off to these institutions, and spendin' 100 grand a year, just for that little piece of paper!"

"But isn't that just the way of the world?" Fluttershy questioned. "Sometimes, we must make sacrifices for the sake of our futures. I can understand what you mean though, the idea to be tied down to something for so long, and still not be guaranteed success?"

"Like I've said, I'm blessed with the success that I already have, but I've also had to deal with my fair share of challenges, even considering the idea of taking on debt, just to study fashion design at a prestigious school." Rarity reflected. "But when I saw that I was already making more money than the average college graduate, that's when everything absolutely changed for me."

"If you ask me, going off to college feels no different than going to a casino." Rainbow gave her two cents. "Aren't you essentially betting thousands of dollars on an actual gamble, and when you've placed the bets, there's no going back? Except, even at casinos, you do have a pretty legitimate chance at earning a fortune, as long as you're not reckless about it."

"But isn't it also a matter of personal growth, Rainbow?" Twilight reminded. "You can't just put a price tag down on knowledge and experiences that you'd get from a higher education, even if the job market is... challenging."

"I wouldn't be so sure on that there." Applejack pondered. "Big Mac's mentioned that many job employers won't even give you a chance without experience, and that they have the nerve to claim that goin' off to college ain't any 'real experience'. By that point, you'd just be jobless with that expensive piece of paper, while your student loan debt will grow bigger than a squirrel's appetite at a peanut convention."

"Well... what about the friendships and memories you make along the way?" Fluttershy suggested. "That's something you can't put a price on."

"Maybe so, but here at CHS, the tuition's practically free, and the workload's far more manageable, to where we've got plenty of time to bond, and make the most of our years here." Rarity responded. "Unlike say... Crystal Prep Academy. I've often heard that because it's a private school, everybody there must pass some entrance exam, and that tuition to attend is at least several thousand dollars a year, just like college."

"And come to think of it, those girls we met at the Friendship Games weren't so friendly, were they?" Rainbow recalled. "I mean, sure, they helped rescue the other students from falling into that Equestria place, but they were still pretty stuck-up and arrogant, even after. Remember when they went as far as to steal Rarity's dance choreography, then had the nerve to ask us for our help to bail them out?"

"I'd imagine it was either because of Principal Cinch's philosophies, or they became bitter and arrogant for the same reasons that university students can." Applejack speculated. "Stressful work, toxic environments, fierce competition, and on top of all that, costin' an arm and a leg just to be there. I'm not sure if I should blame Crystal Prep Academy for doin' that to those girls, or was it their parents? But one thing's for certain, Crystal Prep's one definitive example of what life would be like durin' college years, since let's be honest. Crystal Prep Academy might as well be college, but for high-schoolers. All I can say is, if those girls were always this grouchy and arrogant, I can only imagine what actual universities would turn them into."

The other girls gave Applejack's speech some deep thought, and realized that she was certainly onto something. Seeing what Crystal Prep Academy had turned students such as Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare, and Sour Sweet into, despite it technically being a high school, it was unimaginable what those girls would end up doing in college. In fact, they had truly exemplified what a group of friends would fittingly be like at university, on top of costing them more than their soul. Hearing this, coupled with all these other solid points on college being way more trouble than its worth, and not even guaranteeing financial stability, Fluttershy felt that she finally had her wake-up call, before giving her piece.

"You know something?" Fluttershy finally asserted her passions with this new mindset. "I've always felt that I can do more good by helping animals, but if college and university would practically turn us into those Crystal Prep girls, then I'm pretty sure that I can get plenty of experiences and knowledge without this higher education. Plus, I can start volunteering at plenty of other animal shelters right now, and I'm sure that'll look just as good on a resume, as any university would."

"Alright, sounds like Fluttershy's joined our 'no college' club, here!" Rainbow grinned. "Especially now that we know, college isn't the be-all, end-all that it's cracked up to be. Instead, after graduation, I'm thinking of maybe taking a gap year to travel and learn more about myself, and to find out what I truly want to do in life. Heck, maybe I can even use some of my life savings to start a business, since those so-called job employers care more for work experience than that piece of paper."

"Well... it's all up to you in the end, Fluttershy, so I can't tell you that your choice is 'wrong', or anything." Twilight chimed in. "While I can't say I'm not tempted by the idea of seeing the world and gaining new experiences, I've worked so hard for this. Especially the scholarships, the grades, the internships, the essays, I know I can't just throw all of that away, on a whim."

"But is this really your dream, Twilight?" Rainbow folded her arms. "Or is it your parents' dreams? Because getting pressured into going to college? It's the main reason why I've heard that there's plenty of lecture halls filled to the brim with miserable and burnt out students, who don't even want to be there, in the first place."

"It's... a bit of both, Rainbow." Twilight explained herself. "I do want to go to college, but I've also been told that if I don't, I'll be letting down my family. And considering how much they've sacrificed for me, it's tough to argue against that. In fact, they've already set aside $300,000 in my education bank account, hoping that in many years from now, I'll make it back home with a PhD in mathematics."

"Three hundred grand!?!" Applejack's eyes widened. "I'd say that's more than enough to start your own bookstore, Twilight, and you'd be doin' something you truly love! Maybe you can even turn it into a sort of education center, where you can teach math, without the unnecessary burden of debt hangin' over your head."

"We can certainly understand why you'd think that way, Twilight." Rarity added. "But in some ways, that sounds more applicable to students who've already spent years in college, and realizing too late that this wasn't the path for them, from the very beginning. They become depressed, pressured, and expected to do well, especially since it feels selfish to throw everything that their parents had sacrificed, to get them such a prestigious education. But regardless, they may still end up needing to drop out, and get absolutely nothing in the end, for their efforts."

"Well... I can certainly see that college isn't really the next step for most of you." Twilight sighed. "However, I've always seen college as a stepping stone to greater things. Sure, I can teach math without a PhD, but it's the opportunities that come with that degree, that I'm interested in. The research, the publications, the potential to help more than just a few students at a time. And that's exactly what I plan to do with that piece of paper I'll get at my dream university, sooner or later..."

"We respect your decision in the end, Twilight." Fluttershy responded. "But as for the rest of us, even I now see that college will most likely make the rest of us feel lost and confused on what we want in life, than if we never went. Even if I have to end up working in retail, if I can't find a more stable job, I'll at least be happy to know that I'll be putting food on the table."

"Same here, I think the rest of us have already made it pretty clear on where we stand, ditching college to pursue what we truly want in life." Rainbow sat back in her chair. "What about you, Sunset? We've kinda all been discussing this topic since this morning, and you've just joined us. Maybe you can give us your opinion on going to college, and whether or not that's the next step for yourself?"

"Well, I've already had a pretty... unique experience with the whole prestigious school thing." Sunset reflected. "As you might already know, considering I've had a taste of it, way back in Equestria. In fact, when I was focused on being Princess Celestia's pupil, I can kinda agree with what you've said about the Crystal Prep Academy girls. Just like them, I became way more distant, bitter, and arrogant, even from any... pony, who wanted to be my friend."

"Ah yes, your transformation from a self-centered bully, to the fabulous friend that we all know today." Rarity commended. "It's amazing what a change of heart can do to one's character, but you've changed so much, Sunset. You're nothing like that anymore, and we couldn't be any more proud of you. Even though some of us are still trying to figure out our futures after graduation, we're all here for you, no matter what you decide."

"Thanks, Rarity." Sunset smiled. "To be honest, I've been thinking about it a lot lately, the whole, going to college thing. I've kinda realized long ago, that there's so much more to life than just getting good grades, and being the best at everything. So in some ways, I can't help but wonder if college is really the best place to find myself, when I've already learned so much more about who I truly am, right here at CHS."

"Hmm, well that's certainly a philosophy there that I can certainly agree with." Applejack held the tip of her hat. "So, I'm guessin' that implies you didn't even bother sendin' out college applications, Sunset?"

"I did apply to a few, just in case I changed my mind, and wanted to seek out an opportunity." Sunset admitted. "But honestly, my heart's just not in it, let's just say. I've had enough school drama to last a lifetime, that's for certain, though I'm not really turned away by the school life, since... I might actually have a solid idea on what I'd want to do in my later years."

"Hmm, what do you mean that your heart's not in it, Sunset?" Twilight questioned. "I've known you for a few years now, and you've always struck me as the type of student who would want to pursue your own passions in education, like I would."

"Well, I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I think I've found something that resonates with me more than just book learning." Sunset began leaning into her confession about potentially wanting to go back to Equestria, possibly for good. "I mean, it's clear that since we all have pretty different paths to take after graduation, we might have a much tougher time staying in touch? After all, I'm sure some of us would be moving pretty far away, and that we won't get to see each other again?"

"Actually, we've already discussed this a few weeks ago, Sunset." Rainbow replied. "Canterlot City is where we'll all plan to live, even after graduation. So, even if we're not seeing each other in the hallways of CHS anymore, we'll still be able to meet up, regularly. Plus, think of all the amazing parties we can throw, once we've got our own places!"

"None of you are moving?" Sunset pondered the idea. "Even Pinkie?"

"That's right, we remember her mentionin' that she's been wantin' to stay here and continue toward an apprenticeship toward bakin', since Mr. and Mrs. Cake have connections." Applejack recalled. "But... what are you implyin' by askin' that? You're not plannin' to move somewhere else far away, are you, Sunset?"

Upon being asked this, Sunset realized that because all her friends were planning to stay in Canterlot City, it would seem much more heartbreaking to let them know now, that she WAS planning on metaphorically moving away. Realizing that she was going a little fast with bringing up the idea out of nowhere, she decided to brush it off, and instead, change the topic.

"Oh, no no, I was just... you know, hypothetically speaking, of course." Sunset said, nervously. "I was just thinking about the future, and I've got a feeling that we'll all be just fine, no matter where life takes us after graduation. But hey, speaking of Pinkie... I have to wonder where she is? Have any of you seen her, lately?"

"Pinkie?" Twilight pondered. "No, I'm afraid I haven't seen her since last week, which definitely seems unlike her."

"I'd have to believe she's just busy doing something to land her some work after graduation." Fluttershy speculated. "She's always so punctual and happy to be around us, so I can't imagine that she's purposefully avoiding us."

"I don't know about that, actually." Applejack held out her phone. "She hasn't even responded to any of our texts, so I'm startin' to get a little concerned."

"That IS weird." Rainbow checked her own phone. "But you know Pinkie, she's probably just out there, throwing the mother of all surprise parties for someone, or herself. She's got that kind of energy, after all."

"Actually, you might be onto something there." Rarity pondered. "I seem to have remembered a rumor going around, that somebody new is in town, and they're throwing huge birthday parties for the residents. I didn't hear anything about them moving here, but for all we know, this could be what's been keeping Pinkie so busy."

"You think so, Rarity?" Sunset speculated. "Maybe we should go check it out, just to make sure she's okay?"

"I suppose we could do that, now that we've all got an idea on our plans after graduation." Applejack nodded. "After all, just like I've told Sunset here, a few years back... what do I love the most about family? No matter how big your family is, there's always room for more. So I'm happy to hear that since none of us are movin' away, we'll all be one big, happy family, even once we're out there in the real world, findin' jobs and makin' a livin'."

Sunset felt a twinge of sadness upon hearing Applejack's heartwarming words. Her thoughts drifted back to the possibility of moving back to Equestria, and she realized that she had been keeping a significant part of herself hidden from her friends. The joyful atmosphere at the table grew slightly heavier, as she pondered over how to maintain her friendship with the group, whilst also following her heart's true calling.

"We're all here for each other, through thick and thin." Sunset said with optimism. "It's what you girls taught me ever since the Fall Formal here at CHS, and I could never be more grateful for that."

"Aw, don't get all mushy on us, Sunset!" Rainbow teased, lightening the mood with a smirk. "But yeah, you're right, we're all a big family until the very end, regardless of what direction life will take us. So let's go find Pinkie, and maybe get an update on what she's been up to! For all we know, she could even be planning a big graduation surprise party for us all, which would explain why we haven't seen her in a while. I guess we could go check out Sugarcube Corner, maybe Mr. and Mrs. Cake have an idea."

The group of friends gathered their bags, before getting ready to walk out of the cafeteria, their laughter and chatter echoing throughout the room, as they prepared to find their party-loving friend. However, on the way out, Twilight noticed Sunset lingering behind, which prompted her to approach Sunset with a gentle smile.

"Is everything okay, Sunset?" Twilight wanted assurance from her friend. "You seem a bit lost in thought."

"Yeah, I'm okay, just... thinking about how much has changed since we all met." Sunset brushed off, once more. "It's like looking back at a puzzle that's almost complete, and trying to figure out where the last few pieces fit. I'll meet you and the rest of the girls at Sugarcube Corner soon, you go on ahead."

"Alright, if you're sure." Twilight nodded. "We're all here for you, if you ever need to talk."

As Twilight left the cafeteria, Sunset continued sitting in her chair, unsure of what the future held for her and the girls, especially after graduation. The implications of Pinkie being too busy to even respond to any of their texts, had also led Sunset to believe something similar could've been happening with Princess Twilight, over in Equestria, which would also explain why she hadn't written back, just yet.

"This just really feels like that one unavoidable phase, when we realize that we're not only growing up, but also growing apart." Sunset sighed to herself. "I have to wonder if Princess Twilight is going through something similar, back in Equestria..."

As this was going on, Princess Twilight was already planning out everything for her coronation, including the speech, activities, and going over the guest list, once more. By this point, the princess had already spent some quality time with Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, under the guidance of Spike. Twilight and her first five friends had all shared various memories they've had together over the years, leading up to this big day for her. However, she kept pacing around Canterlot's throne room, still unsure of anything else she needed to make this coronation... perfect.

"Spike, I've gone over everything." Twilight said to the dragon. "The guests are invited, the decorations are set, the food is ordered, and the schedule is organized to the minute. But I just can't shake off this feeling that I've forgotten something important. I'm not entirely sure why you had me reminisce on the good times with my first five friends, but... it's certainly kept me occupied, that's for certain."

"Well, you'll definitely see, soon enough." Spike put his arms behind his back. "But as for something else you're forgetting... that, I'm not entirely sure on, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Besides, the coronation's technically tomorrow, so you've still got plenty of time on your hooves."

"I suppose so." Twilight sighed. "I just can't shake this feeling that I've missed something crucial, and that it might have something to do with the guest list. I might've forgotten to invite somepony, but who, exactly...?"

Just then, Flash Sentry entered the castle's throne room, calling over for the princess.

"Princess Twilight, do you have a moment?" Flash called over to her.

"Of course, Flash." Twilight trotted over to the royal guard. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing seems to be problematic as of right now, but you know that new policy we've implemented, to prevent intruders or anyone unrecognizable into the castle?" Flash reminded.

"Ah, yes." Twilight nodded. "The enhanced security protocols for Canterlot. It's all in place, correct?"

"Invariably." Flash saluted the princess. "However, I happen to have this stallion with me, who claims that he somehow knows you, and would like to speak to you on an urgent matter. Unfortunately, since I don't recognize him, nor do I know of his connection to you, I've had to bring him here myself, to verify whether he's a threat or not."

"Bring him in, please." Twilight gestured with her hoof. "I'd like to handle this personally."

"Very well." Flash went behind the door to fetch the pony in question.

As the pony entered the room, the stallion was none other than Sunny Skies, the mayor of Hope Hollow, and host of the town's Rainbow Festival. Twilight had remembered recently visiting there with her friends, and bringing color back to everypony who resided there.

"Mayor Sunny Skies!" Twilight greeted. "It's okay, Flash, I know him, and he's certainly no threat to anypony here in Canterlot."

"My apologies then, Mayor." Flash nodded to the stallion. "I suppose that means I should head back over to my post. Nothing personal, it's just... rules and regulations for us royal guards."

"Of course, no offense taken." Mayor Skies waved a hoof at Flash Sentry, as he left the throne room. "Now then, let's get down to business, Princess Twilight. You might be wondering why I've traveled all the way from Hope Hollow to Canterlot, without much of a notice beforehand?"

"Yes, I'm curious." Twilight replied. "What's the urgent matter you wish to discuss? Actually, wait... don't tell me! Is it perhaps you, who I've somehow forgotten to invite to my upcoming coronation?"

"Well, not at all, actually." The mayor shook his head. "We've already received your invitations in the mailboxes, but I'm coming here by myself to speak on behalf of everypony else in Hope Hollow. I'm sorry to say that none of us will have the opportunity to come by and see you become the princess of all of Equestria. We were certainly planning to originally, but due to the construction of one of our most recent projects back in town, we actually have no choice but to prioritize finishing that, before anything else."

"Oh, I see." Twilight understood. "I hope everything's going well in Hope Hollow, what's this project that you're working on?"

"It's a bit of a secret, but just know that it'll certainly help Hope Hollow become far more well-known within Equestria." Sunny Skies whispered. "I'm sure you get the idea, since you and your friends hadn't even heard of our lovely town, last time you stopped by the Rainbow Festival?"

"Ah, yes, I remember that festival quite fondly." Twilight reflected. "It was quite enlightening, to say the least, now that everypony there is quite literally, living in color."

"And we owe it all to you and your friends, Princess." The mayor reminded. "Petunia and I truly wish there was a way that we could reschedule everything, so we could all go to your coronation, but the construction team wouldn't go for it. In fact, these two stallions mentioned that if we were to postpone this project for any longer, they would take their business elsewhere."

"Well, I certainly wouldn't want to cause any issues for your town." Twilight assured. "I suppose as a way to compensate, I'll make sure to visit, once everything's completed, and maybe we could help you set up a second Rainbow Festival."

"That would be absolutely wonderful, Princess!" Sunny Skies beamed. "We'd be thrilled to host you again, especially now that you're going to become the princess of all of Equestria! At least, if the invitations that you sent us, are anything to go by."

"Well, I'm afraid that I wasn't the one who sent out those invitations." Twilight corrected. "In fact, the closest thing I've done, was check off the guess list with Princess Celestia and Luna."

"Hmm, really now?" Sunny Skies scratched his head. "Well then, who exactly would I thank for the welcoming invitations, regardless?"

"You should thank Starlight for that, Mayor." Spike spoke up. "She's been helping Twilight with all of her coronation preparations, and made sure that Equestria's most important figures were on the guest list."

"Starlight..." Mayor Skies tried his best to remember that name. "I think I vaguely remember you mentioning that name back at the first Rainbow Festival. Starlight Glimmer, is that correct? Who is she, again?"

"Starlight Glimmer, yes." Twilight nodded. "To refresh your memory, she's a close friend of mine, and technically speaking, my student, ever since I've taught her the magic of friendship. Though it's a bit of a stretch to still call her a student, since she's now the new headmare of the School of Friendship.

"Hmm, yes... that does ring a bell." Sunny Skies recalled. "I don't think I've ever met this Starlight Glimmer before, but if I do, I'll be sure to give her a warm reception, especially since she even considered having us all for your coronation. But for now, I should head on back over to Hope Hollow, now that I've personally informed you of our situation, back in town. Torque Wrench is absolutely going to lose it, if I'm late again."

"I hope everything goes smoothly with the construction then, Mayor." Twilight said. "If there's anything I can do to assist you all, please don't hesitate to send a letter."

"I'm kinda surprised that he didn't write you a letter, to let you know about Hope Hollow's situation, instead of coming here, himself." Spike gave his input. "You really didn't have to come all the way over here, just for that, Mayor."

"I'm aware." Sunny Skies nodded. "But I just figured that since I haven't really seen Princess Twilight in quite a while, it'd be more refreshing to deliver the news, by coming to see her, myself. After all, Hope Hollow's pretty far away from here, I'd say almost as good of a distance from Canterlot to Ponyville."

"Wait... it is?" Twilight's eyes widened in surprise. "Is it really that far from here to Ponyville?"

"Well, according to this map of Equestria I went off of, to come find you." Sunny Skies took out a map from his satchel. "But yeah, since I live pretty far away, and don't get to see you very often, I figured it'd be more courteous to deliver the news myself, rather than sending a letter, especially considering how big of a deal this coronation would be for you."

Hearing this, although Twilight completely understood where Sunny Skies was coming from, her realization suddenly sank in. The mayor was right, when pointing out that since he lived in a very faraway location, he'd very rarely get the opportunity to come visit her, which made the visit feel much more meaningful, than a simple letter. However, Twilight would come to realize that the very same thing would soon happen with her and her friends, as well. Once she became the princess of all of Equestria, she would regularly be doing everything here in Canterlot, while the rest of her friends remained in Ponyville, where she had first met them.

The idea made Twilight dread what was about to come, following the day of the coronation. This was unknowingly the same thing that Sunset had feared about her own friends, upon graduating CHS in the Human World. However, knowing that this wasn't Sunny Skies' intention by bringing this up, Twilight had decided to politely dismiss the mayor from the throne room, now that she had something else pretty major on her mind.

"I understand, Mayor Skies." Twilight said, assuringly. "I'll keep Hope Hollow in mind, and I hope everything goes well with the project. And again, if there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to contact me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something else to tend to."

"I'd imagine so, being the soon-to-be princess of all of Equestria." Sunny Skies began waving goodbye, and exiting the throne room. "I'll be sure to say 'hi' to Starlight, whenever I get the chance!"

Twilight turned back to Spike for a moment, once the mayor left the room. The princess had also realized that Starlight Glimmer seemed mysteriously absent for quite some time. Unknown to the princess, Starlight was working on a book that contained all sorts of wonderful memories that Twilight's had with her friends, but decided to keep the project a secret, at least until the day of the coronation. This was why Spike had insisted for Twilight to unknowingly spend some quality time with her friends, but her mind was now clouded with despair, realizing that this major life change would likely keep her and her friends, completely distant and apart.

"Spike, speaking of which... where's Starlight?" Twilight questioned. "I haven't seen her for a while now, do you have any clue what she's been up to?"

"Well, she's been busy, lets just say." Spike replied, not wanting to spoil the surprise, just yet. "But if you'd like to talk to her right now, I believe she's at the Castle of Friendship with your friends, right now. I suppose we can pay them a visit now, if you'd like?"