//------------------------------// // The Maternal Sun // Story: My Little Pokémon: Grander World // by Amarvax //------------------------------// Universe 11. The Solar Empire. Canterlot. Afternoon. Currently, at this very moment, many ships were lined up in perfect order, looking ready to set out. Naturally, they would be heading out for Necrozma, searching for some light. Speaking of Necrozma, after his recent outburst, he was currently being examined as the scientists were trying to figure out how to calm him down. Daybreaker observed Necrozma, hoping that they could find a way to restrain his out-of-control rampage whenever he gets a truly stellar amount of light. If Daybreaker can manage to keep him steady while still maintaining all of that light, it would be a ginormous benefit. Currently, one option seemed rather valuable. Fairy Matter. It did have that calming effect that Daybreaker figured out when she first used it. "That will do. The Fairy Matter has calming effects on Necrozma it seems." Daybreaker stated. "Sunrise Sparkle. How goes things with everyone else?" "Empress Twilight hasn't done much at all. Ever since that mission in outer space, she has been missing and her whereabouts are unknown. We have asked parts of her remaining empire but even they are unaware of where she went." Sunrise Sparkle explained. "As for Gardevoir, she's managed to accumulate a plethora of Aura in the universes we sent her too. All those who tried to sabotage us have had their Auras absorbed, currently facing Delayed Aura Ataxia." "Hm. What about Cozy Glow. How is she doing?" "The child? Nothing new has come up involving her. She hasn't done much, simply attending the Pokemon School. But nothing of value has come up from the Pokemon School at all." "Figures...There's not much going on for that school. Well, anything that would benefit us. But she is trying her best." "Your Majesty. No offence but...do we really need that girl around? The best that she's done for us is revealing Dragon Matter and Fairy Matter. Outside of that, she hasn't brought anything else of worth to us." Sunrise questioned. "She's trying her best. At the end of the day, despite her smarts, she is but a child. That is one massive limitation on her part. Regardless, she has obvious room for improvement. I expect her to have her bumps here and there but there is room for growth. However, for you and everyone else, I expect the best and there are no excuses. You're certainly old enough for that." "I understand, Your Majesty." Sunrise bowed her head before walking off, leaving Daybreaker to focus on other things. "Her Majesty is rather lenient towards children. Why do you suppose that is?" One pony questioned, pointing out Daybreaker's obvious bias towards children. "It's very obvious why that's the case. That incident has never let her forget." Sunrise Sparkle knew the reason for such a weakness. "What incident?" The pony asked. Many actually didn't know about this, but Sunrise Sparkle did. "An incident from just two weeks into her day as Empress. After she had defeated the Changelings and most of her enemies, the direction her majesty took the newly formed Solar Empire in was further enhanced. All thanks to those two." Sunrise Sparkle could remember it well. It wasn't just Luna's passing that drove Daybreaker to this state. There were two more that amplified her new resolve and it had only been weeks after her victory. Years ago. The Solar Empire had been established. Daybreaker had taken all of the strongest soldiers and warriors in Equestria, along with the greatest minds and had formed the Solar Empire. Equestria was no more. It was the Solar Empire. And all were her subjects. She looked over at the outcome of the war finally ending, all of her soldiers returning victorious. Her mind flashed back to the loss of her beloved sister, Luna. The grief of her passing had led to the creation of the Solar Empire. She couldn't stop thinking about her sister, wondering what she would think of this. Would Luna be proud of her? Would she think this was a terrible idea and would've hated this? Daybreaker's heart was full of mixed feelings. On on hand, she was happy. This war had finally ended and there was peace. But at the same time, it was not over. She stopped the Changelings, yes, but there were other threats out there that she knew would emerge eventually. To prevent them from ever being a major threat, Daybreaker was planning on forming a huge alliance of powerful nations to stand united. With them, nothing would threaten the peace. Even then, after winning this, getting over the loss of her sister would need more than weeks. Daybreaker growled, deciding to get some fresh air as she walked through Equestria to clear her head. She walked for at least 4 hours, the sun setting as she finally felt like she could clear her head a little. However, she could barely enjoy the sounds of nature since a majority of it had been destroyed and ravaged in the war. It would take a long time for Equestria to heal with all these scars that it received no doubt. However, outside of Equestria, Celestia saw an area barely touched by the war. "Hmm. Equestria's Outskirts. Outside of the Dread League, it's largely been untouched." Daybreaker thought, teleporting out of Equestria and to another area. She would bask at these outskirts which she rarely, if not, ever goes out into. For the most part, before she became Daybreaker, she mainly stayed in Equestria's boundaries and has only heard of things from beyond her nation. And seeing the Outskirts for herself, Daybreaker had to say, this was something she'd need to explore at some point. Massive threats were bound to show up here. However, while walking through the outskirts, Daybreaker couldn't clear her thoughts all that much. Who could blame her? After what she went through it would be a tall task to do so. Curious, she decided to investigate and see what was going on. After a bit of walking, Daybreaker got a closer look at the tent and what looked like two ponies present there. One was a stallion with a cobalt coating and a black mane. The other was a filly with a lavender coat and a brown mane. Daybreaker looked down at them both, seeing how they were. The Stallion had a cutie mark consisting of three blue triangles arranged in a circle. His mane had a bit of a messy style and his eyes were a bright shade of emerald. The Filly had a Cutie Mark that consisted of a red heart outlined by a yellow diamond. Her mane was rather long and a brown color with some bits of purple. She had beautiful cyan eyes. They flinched the second they saw Daybreaker in the distance, her fiery mane glowing even under the Sun, making her stand out even more. The way she stood there was rather menacing, especially since her eyes were constantly glowing with a fiery orange glow. She didn't speak a word and the two couldn't find the words to say either. Daybreaker had no idea who these two were. They didn't seem like they were Equestrian residents since they were living out here in the far outskirts of Equestria, especially at a time like this, even if the war was over. The stallion held the filly close to him as Daybreaker would start approaching, the duo backing away. "W-who are you?" The stallion asked. "What are you doing out here?" "...You don't know who I am?" Daybreaker raised an eyebrow, surprised that this stallion was not aware of who she was. Even if she did look different, he should at least know who Princess Celestia is. "Uh, sorry. Not really." He shook his head. It confused Daybreaker. They were definitely Equestrians, or at least, ponies of Equestrian origin. "Why are the two of you out here? During times like this, it's not safe to be here." "W-Well, we actually don't live in Equestria. We've heard of it but we come from another universe." "Another universe? You two?" Daybreaker pointed out, finding this hard to believe. "How did you end up here?" "It's a bit complicated. A lot happened in our world and one thing led to another, resulting in the two of us ending up in this world. We're not really from Equestria. S-Sorry if we're trespassing or anything." "No. You're in the outskirts of Equestria anyways. You're fine." "O-Oh. Thank you." The Stallion bowed his head, relieved that the two of them wouldn't be thrown out. "We just set up our home in these parts. We're not sure we can settle down in any town or city here. When we got here, we saw that there was a huge conflict going on in the distance. It would not be a good idea to try and join." "So, you showed up at some point when my war with the Changelings and the Dread League was ongoing, I see. Did you have a home here by any chance?" Daybreaker would observe the rubble. "We did. I actually decided to stick around this area and build a home here. It was pretty nice to look at but...a powerful shockwave just levelled the entire thing. Now, we're stuck with the tent and any resources got wiped out too by that shockwave." Daybreaker obviously knew what he was talking about. The many powerful forms of magic used in the war could cause such destruction and it could've been either one of them. "Hmm. What is your name, then?" "It's Cobalt Moon. And the little filly's name is Celeste." He introduced himself and the young filly. "Hailing from Universe 25! T-That's our name, of course. Come on, Celeste. Say hi." "..." But the filly said nothing. Instead, she was purely intimidated by Daybreaker's appearance. Just the aura she was giving off was powerful in so many ways. "Ah...Apologies. She usually gets like this when she senses huge levels of danger." Cobalt apologized, scratching his face. "Danger? You mean me" Daybreaker was a bit stunned. Celeste saw her as a massive form of danger. Was she really that menacing-looking. "But no hard feelings! I swear!" Cobalt rapidly shook his head. "I don't blame her for it. This universe...since it went through a huge conflict, it reminds her of home. The universe we come from is also in the middle of something big. So, we're just a bit skittish." "Is that so?" Daybreaker asked. "Y-Yes. I've been trying to help her cope with it and get her back on her feet. I want to make sure she can move past it. That's the last thing I want to happen. I was a part of helping to stop that conflict and it was not pretty. I postponed it for a while but, it got out of control all of a sudden and poor Celeste sensed danger everywhere." "Is it dangerous for her to sense high levels of danger?" "Oh, very much. Sometimes, she can get a headache or even collapse due to all the senses going haywire. That's why I want her to get used to the idea of her magic not going wild and trying to help her see that her magic is a gift, not a curse." Cobalt stated, hugging the child. Daybreaker could relate, especially since it sounded like something she'd go through. But in this case, the filly has some kind of magical capability that detects high levels of danger and if it gets out of hand, then she suffers a terrible fate. "Well, it's good on you for staying away. If she were living in either cities, she would most definitely feel that sensation. But even then, with the war over, there are still large threats lurking out there. It's far too dangerous to be out here in these times." "Figures...We've only been in this world for a few weeks and it's already not looking great for us. However!" The stallion raised his head high and proud. "It won't be too big of an issue. Because you're not just looking at any stallion. Miss, you're looking at a stallion who was a rather, and I don't mean to brag, high-ranking ranger who helped steer many from danger. I helped prevent so many confrontations." "Heh...So you're from an army of some sort." "N-Not really." He let out a nervous grin before looking to the side. "Truth be told...It's only because of my magic. But! The fact that they recognized me was good enough even if I was just a civilian." He crossed his hooves, putting on a proud smile once more. "I was pretty special~" "Hm. Sounds to me like you got lucky, chosen because of your magic." Daybreaker smirked. "If I had to guess...you were absolutely terrified when they chose you to help them, correct." "....Yes." He kept his smile as tears started flowing out. Daybreaker was on the mark about that, giggling afterwards. "Hah. At least you have your priorities straight." "Yeah. I have to keep myself together. For her." He patted the little filly, making sure to be strong for her sake. "What about you? Celeste's mother? I assume you have one. I'm sure she'd like to hear the two of you are safe and sound." Daybreaker figured the filly's mother should be worried about the two of them. "A mother?" The question had made both Celeste and Cobalt go quiet for a bit, the mood changing drastically. "Oh, no. She's adopted, actually. I'm only her adoptive father. I don't have a clue about her mother I'm afraid. But, I make sure to be the best father I can be to her." "Hmm. So, she's been orphaned and taken under your wing." "Pretty much, yeah. But it's no issue. I love her and that's all that matters." "Hm." Daybreaker thought this over for a bit. It would seem that Cobalt and Celeste weren't just some ordinary civilians who stumbled upon this universe. No. They were ponies from another universe. And not only that, Celeste was an orphan with powerful magical abilities. She has to deal with her magic going wild if the levels of danger get too high, something that harmed her. However, Daybreaker saw a positive here. Knowing that the threats were going to get bigger, Celeste's unique magic could help her detect such threats. But she needed the proper training for that and, if Cobalt was telling the truth, his magic could help. It was a gamble but, a risk worth taking. "Hm. Well, I'll guarantee you both a safe home in Equestria, making sure you are untouched. But for a catch. Will you agree to it?" "O-Of course!" He was happy, getting a warm place to stay. Celeste didn't say anything but, her expression showed a little excitement. "There are threats out there I am to stop before they can grow to a certain point. I was wondering if Celeste here could be of help with that. Her magic is capable of sensing danger, correct?" "Well, yeah. But I just need to know if Celeste is okay with that." Cobalt faced his adoptive daughter. "Celestie. If you don't want to do it, that's fine with me. I promise you, you'll be 100% safe with me." He gave a gentle smile. "...." Celeste was a bit worried but, after a bit of time, she slowly nodded. "I'll get you your own home in Canterlot. Come along." Daybreaker led the way, leading these two away from the outskirts and into her nation. Canterlot. Daybreaker brought them to Canterlot, assigning them their own home to be comfortable in. They would soon become residents of the Solar Empire almost immediately. And it didn't take long for something to come up. Daybreaker, who was in her throne room, was met with a guard who had important news to share. "Your Majesty. There seem to be some remaining vampires from the Dread League that we've found roaming outside of Equestria." The Guard revealed. "The moment we spotted them, we sent a group to stop them. We did not expect this." "Did you?" Daybreaker raised an eyebrow, wondering what it could be. "I thought I had dealt with all of them back at Magehold. They are to stay in Magehold for all of eternity because of what they've done." "They almost eluded us, using magic to conceal themselves. We're unsure of what they're planning since they hid themselves, but we'll do our best to stop them." "Hm. Hold on." Daybreaker saw this as a golden opportunity. An opportunity to test out Cobalt and Celeste's capabilities. "Send for a civilian. Someone with the surname Cobalt Moon and a filly by the name of Celeste. Do not use force, understand? I will be present with you when facing the changelings." "Y-Yes, your majesty!" The Guard rushed out to go find them. Daybreaker had an idea and she knew it was the right thing to do. Meanwhile, in the residence Daybreaker assigned to Cobalt and Celeste, Cobalt was preparing a meal for the two of them, humming a happy tune as he got to work. He was rather talented in cooking. Not many would've expected that, especially not from Cobalt. He looked over his shoulder and saw the little filly, who was sitting there with her head down, eyes closed. "Hmm...I know we're not from around here. But I promise you. Once you get used to the place, you'll see it's a pretty neat spot to be." He spoke with a cheery tone. "I'm sure there are other kids who'll be glad to play with you." "Really?" She finally spoke. "Positive. Since the major conflict here is mostly over, I bet those kids are over the moon. It won't be too scary anymore. So, you won't have to worry. No need for that anymore. We can have fun, Celestie." "...Yeah. We can." She was relieved, letting a small smile cross her lips. "Hehe. That's the smile I want to see." He finished making the meals and served them up, sitting with the filly. "Here you are. Eat up. You'll need a lot of strength in you. It's gonna be a fun life here." "Thank you." She nodded and they ate their meal. After eating their food, the two were met with the Guard from before, who was tasked by Daybreaker to fetch them. "Sir Cobalt Moon and Miss Celeste." He called, grabbing the two's attention. "The Empress would like you both to be present with her as we deal with some vampires." "Vampires?!" Cobalt shrieked as his hair stood up, looking over at Celeste, who seemed rather frightened. "Uh...Are they...dangerous?" "Quite. But, Her Majesty is putting some faith in you. She will be seeing you with the vampires very soon, so you must be there." "Alright. If that's the case...You're going to see some tremendous magic happen. I promise you." The vampire ponies could be found in the west of Equestria, situated in a small, foresty area that wasn't as touched by the war and is currently inhabited by a variety of creatures. They were all huddled up in the darkness, the moon high above their heads. As they were hanging around here, they would hear a multitude of hoofsteps approaching nearby, causing them to gasp. In the distance, they saw many of Daybreaker's troops approaching. And in the back was Daybreaker herself. "Hah...So, you have a few stragglers left." She said to herself, seeing the vampires. They all were a bit nervous, the Empress of the Sun being the last person they'd ever want to face. But as the soldiers prepared their weapons, ready to deal with the vampires, Daybreaker raised her hoof, stopping them in their tracks. "After what you did, you have some nerve showing up to Equestria." Daybreaker narrowed her eyes, her anger still burning. "Because of you, Chrysalis and the Changelings were able to get ahold of some the most horrific magical items out there, using it on places across Equestria. Even granting them Curses. I don't regret bringing down a chunk of Magehold due to the acts that you've caused." "...!" The vampire ponies grimaced out of pure fear. "Your punishment was that you would stay in Magehold for all of eternity, never to go beyond it for even a moment, yet here you are." "W-Wait! We can explain!" "While you have one of those on you." Daybreaker recognized one of the magical items on the vampire. It was an item that had previously been used on Las Pegasus, spreading a horrible cursed smoke across the city, putting the residents there in something far worse than just a vegetative state. Just seeing it angered Daybreaker even more. "For you lot, I'll give you an alternate punishment for being here. Instead of being confined to Magehold forever, I will send you all to-" "Wait, wait, wait!" Finally showing, up, being a bit late, was Cobalt, who was galloping here as fast as he could. "Hah...Made it!" "You're late, Cobalt. You should have been here with us on time." Daybreaker pointed out. "Sorry. We ran into a little problem." He chuckled as Celeste was right behind him, moving at a slower pace while keeping her distance. Cobalt's smile soon faded away once he saw the vampires there, flinching as he had a genuine fear of vampires. "Geeeh! R-Real vampires... I thought you were kidding!" "The vampires played a major part in helping the Changeling, causing constant destruction and chaos for so many. Their punishment is one I consider lenient, but barely. But these ones have disobeyed the order I've made, especially showing up with that horrible item." Daybreaker grit her teeth as her fangs would show. The vampires were genuinely terrified. Not much can terrify a vampire pony, but Daybreaker's burning rage, even when it wasn't at its peak, was capable of instilling fear into their hearts. "Now, hold on." Cobalt would halt Daybreaker, getting inbetween her and the vampires. "Let's hear them out. You wanted to see what my magic is like, well this is a fantastic opportunity. Besides, I doubt these guys have anything else. If you're looking for the rest of their group, I doubt you're gonna get anything out of them." "Hmm..." Daybreaker could see the sense in Cobalt's words. With a nod, she allowed him to proceed. "Go ahead." "Ah...Right, right. You vampires." Cobalt cleared his throat and took a step towards the group, getting a better look at them. He would start feeling his hooves tremble and sweat. But, he would quickly calm down, breathing slowly. His horn would let out a beautiful light, one that would usually be volatile to the vampires since they are vulnerable to light. However, this light was one that did not affect them in a negative way. Instead, it had a welcoming and soothing aura. "H-Huh?!" The vampire ponies would feel their bodies getting relaxed, the stress going away, especially their tension. "Now, why don't you tell us. Why did you show up? My magic will do the rest, so speak freely." Cobalt asked them, his voice calm and soothing. The vampires, feeling as if they had nothing to fear now, would immediately start explaining themselves. They explained a lot to Daybreaker. 20 minutes worth of information. They revealed that because Daybreaker and her forces had greatly crippled Magehold and its resources, the vampires, even if they could survive for millions of years because of their lifespans, would succumb to their decreasing magic, becoming shells of their former selves. Without a Lich King or Queen to sustain their magical flow, they would surely live horrible lives, constantly drained and dry of magic and energy in general. Daybreaker heard it all and a strong part of her could care less because of what they did to so many others. But there was another part of her that felt that sympathy, knowing that not every vampire was in the Dread League, which was an organization made up of all sorts of vampires, some even against their will. However, her heart did not falter. If the vampires could survive, they could simply leave and seek new sources of food and magic. The sun wasn't a problem, especially since they can hide. However, the vampires made it clear that without anything relating to the Lich, their lives from this point on would be harrowing. "I see, I see." Cobalt understood once the vampires finished speaking. "Then...How about this" The true power of Cobalt's magic would be revealed, unleashing a beam onto the ground. The light was greatly amplified to titanic levels that amazed everyone. That light would soon surround the vampire ponies, granting them something shocking. It appeared to be an energy of Lich Magic. "Here you go." "T-This is Lich Essence...Raw essence. How did you-" A vampire pony stuttered. "That's my magic speciality. My name doesn't help, but the reason I was chosen to help out in my world's conflict was because my magic can manifest possible outcomes. Neat, huh? So, if you want this essence to keep flowing and be a constant, I'll make sure the supply is endless. It'll sustain you all but you have to make sure that it doesn't enter anyone." "Best possible outcome? Could it be that you-" Daybreaker leaned forward. "That's right." Cobalt smirked. "My magic figured out that imbuing someone with that essence would just start problems again, so it's best to keep it as a-" Cobalt puffed his cheeks as he suddenly fell to the side, solid as a brick. "Ah! Are you alright!?" Daybreaker gasped. "Y-Yeah. It's just that...depending on the level of the outcome, my body overloads and I become as stiff as a brick." Cobalt chuckled. "But it's totally fine. It's always worth it, I promise." "Hah...We can use this to stay energized! Thank you!" The vampires were truly grateful. They wouldn't have to come to Equestria to search for a solution. "N-No problem. You just want to live normal lives after all. Where I come from, that's a dream that not many came obtain. So, I'm giving it to you." "..." Daybreaker would then look at the vampires who would gulp once her gaze met with theirs. At that moment, Daybreaker saw that they were just regular vampires wanting to live their lives. "W-We promise, your Majesty. We won't do any wrong. Please, give us a chance." They would beg, lowering their heads. "...It's fine." Daybreaker looked to the side. "Just go. Live your life, but make sure you follow my order and do not leave Magehold. Understood?" "Y-Yes! We promise!" The vampires would then fly off with their Lich Essence, never to be seen again. "There. That was pretty great." Cobalt would say to Celeste, who was watching from afar. "That's what I love about my magic...It's wonderful when the best outcome wins, doesn't it. It would be way to easy to let one thing go terribly wrong." "That's what you've been doing in your universe?" Daybreaker questioned. "Well, yeah. Truth be told, the conflict we had wasn't just one. It was multiple. My magic can only do so much, so I was always working overtime. But I have no regrets. I'd like to see everyone happy and safe, know what I mean? And I'd say those vampires are gonna be like that from now. Celeste didn't even sense any danger levels from them." "Mhm." Celeste confirmed, silently saying as she nodded her head. The danger levels on those vampires were non-existent. They truly meant no harm. "Hmm." Daybreaker hummed before putting on a smile. "Quite the magic you have. But honestly, do you think it will be enough in the long-term." "It has to be. After all, wouldn't you like to see everyone happy and safe?" That question Cobalt gaved resonated with Daybreaker. It's something she truly wanted for hr subjects, especially after what happened with the war. "I suppose. You have my full attention. If you look for the best outcome, then surely, you can help me achieve that." "You don't need to order me around, your Majesty." Cobalt smirked. "I'm always up for it." Time would pass and Cobalt proved how his magic would truly focus on doing the best for everyone. So many outcomes that Daybreaker herself attempted to deal with, going for her most recent approaches that are less than favourable. But each time, Cobalt would step in to bring out the best outcome to the best of his abilities and each time, he would fall as flat as a brick, unable to move for at least half an hour. Cobalt would always have his best smile as Celeste was watching on, the little filly having the tiniest smile on her face as she saw her father doing his best to help. He had been the best father to her, always making sure that she was okay. And seeing her father do all of this, Celeste saw a positive future. Cobalt would always have his best smile as Celeste was watching on, the little filly having the tiniest smile on her face as she saw her father doing his best to help. He had been the best father to her, always making sure that she was okay. And seeing her father do all of this, Celeste saw a positive future. Cobalt's magic, no matter how many times it is used, can only do so much and the outcomes aren't guaranteed to be perfect, but he made sure that they were close to being perfect and that was all he wanted. To make sure everyone had a happy life. Daybreaker watched each of these outcomes unfold, day after day. Anything that could escalate into something, was promptly settled. And as she watched, she started to gain a spark of hope within her. That same hope she's always had when she was Celestia. Canterlot and other places were starting to look a bit brighter in her eyes thanks to Cobalt. It warmed her heart. So much so to the point that she started thinking about Luna. If only Luna were here, which is what Daybreaker was thinking. The last she saw Luna, it was when she perished in a ruined landscape. But now with Cobalt, the locations that were once ravaged by the conflict were healing. This would be a sight that Luna would undoubtedly love. Daybreaker even started speaking about Luna to herself, wishing her sister were here. "I hope you're watching this Luna. This is the sign that we truly won. If you were still here, then perhaps I-" Hearing this was Celeste, who was revealed to be standing next to Daybreaker, catching her off guard. "Young lady. Don't surprise me like that." "S-Sorry. You seemed to be lost in thought." Celeste pointed out. "Your Majesty." She bowed her head. "So, you are starting to get used to this world now, hm? What are your thoughts on it?" Daybreaker asked. "Well...It's nice. I haven't been sensing any threat levels all that much lately. It's all thanks to father." Celeste explained, a tiny smile appearing. "I see. I suppose that makes sense. You would only have me to worry about when it comes to the threat levels, won't you?" "Not right now." Celeste replied, shocking Daybreaker. "I heard what you saying there, Your Majesty. About someone important to you. I sensed the threat levels from you drop incredibly fast." "What? I-I'm no longer a threat in your eyes?" "Not right now, no. Sorry for listening in, but I heard that you lost your sister. I'm sorry about that." She would softly say. "I shouldn't have seen you as dangerous if I knew about that before. It's a bit too late, but...I'm sorry." "You're not to blame." Daybreaker would then look forward, continuing to fix her gaze on Cobalt. "The form I've taken is a new me. No longer am I Princess Celestia. All that inner magic laying dormant within me has been unleashed. The untold power it brings can be one of great danger. Believe me. I've gone up against it before. I wouldn't blame you for seeing me as a threat, little one. This is how things are now, however." "But father's changing that. I think you see it too, Your Majesty. That can all change since he wants the best for everyone. He once used all of his magic on me to make me as happy as I could be, but nothing happened. Because I was already happy being with him." Celeste would smile. "He still fell over anyways." "Hm." That made Daybreaker snicker a bit. "Your father...If he can really bring the best outcome, then perhaps things can change, I suppose. In my eyes, I didn't want to be held back by ideals that don't protect the innocent. I saw my previous self as too weak for that. My sister, Luna. I wish I could bring her back. She was the last bit of family I had. Living for so long creates that gap and only Luna could keep up with me. There'll never be someone like her in my life ever again." "Cobalt isn't my original father. But he's still my father anyways." Celeste then looked over at Cobalt. "I don't know my original father or much about my mother. But that doesn't matter to me anymore. Father is a good one. He's done a lot and...if you were able to have another chance to be with your sister again...I'd think that's a good outcome. No. That's what I believe." "Hmm." A few more months pass and Cobalt kept up his magic, the results only growing. It looked like he was actually getting better with it. And during that time, he spent time around Daybreaker a bit more, mainly whenever she got involved with something and he would have to step in. Because of that, they had many interactions, with Cobalt consistently being confident, proud and ending up in humorous situations. It didn't just amuse Daybreaker. It warmed her heart some more. There would be times where Cobalt would bring about an outcome that Daybreaker never thought about, something that was beneficial to the Solar Empire. And seeing that made her smile more. There would be times where Cobalt wasn't going out to bring about the best outcome, simply being allowed to be around Daybreaker. They would talk to each other more and more and despite being the Ruler of Equestria, Daybreaker could talk to him as if she were his equal. He talked to her as if she were a regular pony to joke around with. But it wasn't just Cobalt. Celeste formed a special kind of bond with Daybreaker as well. The young unicorn didn't really spend much time around kids her age. Instead, she would spend time around Daybreaker, constantly showing up. It was due to that conversation they had that one day about Luna that Celeste felt like she could approach Daybreaker easily. She wasn't as terrifying as she thought she was. It was still hard for Celeste to fit into this universe compared to her father. Her magic would still try and pick up danger here and there, mainly within Equestria's locations. But Daybreaker would actually assist in making sure she doesn't get that sensation again, letting her know what isn't a threat and what isn't. Day after day, Celeste would come and see Daybreaker, who actually had less to do. Thanks to Cobalt, her workload was diminishing, making it easier for her to have some free time on her hooves even after the aftermath of the war. And each time she met with Celeste, they would get closer. Daybreaker would also teach Celeste, considering the universe she comes from made her rather distant from so many others. Her father did her best to help her during that universe's conflict, which meant she had less time to do learn or do much at all. But Daybreaker rectified that, teaching her things kids her age normally learn and what she's missed out on. She would even tear some neat spells, becoming a tutor in her spare time. But as the days continued, the two of them became much closer. Daybreaker found herself smiling and laughing a bit more and it was because of Celeste and Cobalt. Even without Cobalt being around, Celeste's presence would bring about that same warmth. She didn't have a daughter or any relatives, but now, Celeste and Cobalt were slowly filling that hole. It felt natural to Daybreaker. She never knew she had the instinct to act so motherly to Celeste, wanting the best for her. She always wanted the best for her subjects, no matter what, but with Celeste, it was different. Her love was far more than she could put into words. And the same could be said about Celeste. It took her a while to understand this, but Daybreaker wasn't as menacing as she first perceived her. The more she spent time around her, the more the menace dissipated and Celeste saw someone far different. She saw her as the mother figure she was missing out on, especially considering Cobalt was the father figure she needed. She didn't mind that she had to adjust to the way things worked in Equestria and even Daybreaker herself. The two of them had filled in those missing parts in their life. And then, one day, Daybreaker and Cobalt's conversation progressed to a certain point that was built up their growing bond. It was when Daybreaker was talking to Cobalt and Celeste, discussing the events of the day, that Cobalt would say something that would shock Daybreaker. "And you're telling me it was all dark and gloomy before?" He grinned, leaning forward. "I barely noticed, honestly. Maybe that's just because of where I came from." "Hmm." She chuckled, her eyes meeting his. "Perhaps." "Ahaha! But see? This is great. I'm telling ya, your Majesty. Things can be way better." He stated. "That's how I always see it and that's why this magic is my own." "Hah. You really have grown accustomed to your role here, haven't you?" "Well, yeah. It's fun, isn't it? And you look way better than before even with all that fire on you." "..." Daybreaker didn't expect that, her cheeks warming up a bit. She was surprised. This was an unexpected comment coming from Cobalt. "W-Well...I've had less things to worry about thanks to you." "Yup! You can rely on me, Your Majesty!" "Heh." Daybreaker couldn't deny how he's brought her happiness and joy. And in her heart, she's been developing some kind of feelings towards him. "Cobalt. How about tonight, or perhaps another time, we go on a walk together. Just the two of us." "Hm? Ah, sure. Why not? This land's looking way better and healing, isn't it? You've done a great job with it." "It's mainly been you. But it's not just the land. You've helped me heal as well. That's something I can't deny. You and Celeste...you've given me that. I've never thought that I could get along with children, let alone a filly. But I've grown close to the both of you and that's...well, it's quite surprising. I don't understand how it happened, but...it has. And I've enjoyed these past few months a lot." "Yeah. I think I've enjoyed myself too." Cobalt replied, looking back at Celeste. "You and Celeste are two important girls in my life. And it's been great spending time with you, Celestia." "T-Then, perhaps...we can get closer." "Sure. That'll be fun." He agreed, not thinking much about it. But his response made Daybreaker happy, her cheeks reddening as her heart was beating fast. "I think I could do a..." Just then, as Celeste was approaching the two, the young unicorn sensed a tremendous Disaster Level. Things went silent all of a sudden and they even felt silent. Daybreaker raised an eyebrow, slowly turning her head as a haunting and familiar sight was seen coming in the distance. AA mysterious green mist approached. This mist acted as a corroding force, devouring everything in its sight and restraining what it could. Daybreaker recognized this as the same mist used by that item that attacked Las Pegasus and other cities during the war. She gasped as the mist was approaching Canterlot fast. "It can't be..." She muttered. The residents of Canterlot started fleeing as fast as they could as Cobalt immediately, without hesitation, ran off to do something, already seeing the danger this imposed. "Those lying Vampires!" "Heh...Hahaha!" Indeed, the vampires were responsible for this. But not the same ones Daybreaker saw that day. On top of the Green MIst were other vampires. A few of them to be exact. And in the front was a vampire by the name of Opal Vivacity. This universe's Opal Vivacity. "It's payback time, Princess~!" "You! How dare you!" Daybreaker roared. "I told you to stay in Magehold! What is the meaning of this?!"" "Oh please! As if I was ever going to listen to you! Because of you, the Dread League has been disbanded, putting my own plans in a horrible state. But it's fine. Because of that Lich Essence you let those vampires receive, we've been able to recover steadily. It'll take some time, but it's guaranteed. I gladly took the Lich Essence from them by force, since they wouldn't give it up, saying it doesn't have to be inside another." "You mean...!" "You got that right. I have it within me! Vampires never become Lich Kings or Queens...so I'll gladly take that role! Being the first!" Opal would maniacally grin. "Now to dole out some vengeance and cripple your precious Canterlot! Starting by restraining everyone in the mist!" The mist would roar with such aggression, reaching some ponies already. The ponies tried fleeing, only to be caught by the mist, their bodies getting restricted. The buildings would start crumbling with ease as this mist was far greater than the one that attacked the city before. It was powered by Opal's magic, being the equivalent of a violent typhoon. Daybreaker's horn would glow immensely and the sun would appear out of nowhere, shining down its intense light on the city. However, even though she managed to hold it back while causing some vampires to hiss at the sunlight, causing them to shield themselves, it wouldn't change the fact that the mist's scent would spread into the atmosphere, restritcting the poor ponies who would breath it all in. The buildings would start crumbling with ease as this mist was far greater than the one that attacked the city before. It was powered by Opal's magic, being the equivalent of a violent typhoon. Daybreaker's horn would glow immensely and the sun would appear out of nowhere, shining down its intense light on the city. However, even though she managed to hold it back while causing some vampires to hiss at the sunlight, causing them to shield themselves, it wouldn't change the fact that the mist's scent would spread into the atmosphere, restricting the poor ponies who would breath it all in. It was a truly massive surprise attack that Daybreaker didn't anticipate. She was so caught up in such a lovely moment that her guard was down. She watched as her residents were being consumed by the mist, some trying to flee, but ultimately being stopped in their tracks. She gritted her teeth and the sun would get bigger and bigger, the heat increasing. But this wasn't enough to stop Opal's rampage. The Mist would move faster and faster, restraining those ponies with ease, leaving nothing behind. "N-No..." Celeste's legs trembled as she would watch, unable to sense anything. It was as if her abilities were failing her and this made her heart beat uncontrollably. Her father, Cobalt, would run into the mist and would immediately be caught by the mist. "Father!" "Cobalt!?" Daybreaker yelled his name. But the moment he entered, a glorious glow would suddenly happen within the mist, blinding Opal and the rest of the vampires. The light was so strong that it even forced Daybreaker to look away. At this very moment, the light would cause an incredible reaction that would be the best possible outcome. Celeste's eyes widened, not sensing a single ounce of danger. And as she looked closely, she saw that the mist wasn't moving, having frozen in place. Daybreaker had the same reaction. "I...can't feel anything..." Celeste stuttered as Daybreaker would hol the little unicorn close to her. "What...has happened?!" Daybreaker gasped, unsure of the situation. But it was soon very clear. Right now, Cobalt was using every ounce of his magic to try and create a better outcome. He was attempting to change fate, which is something he wasn't capable of, no matter how much he tries. It wasn't something he could control or achieve, yet he was pushing himself, trying his absolute hardest. His eyes glowed an intense bright white, almost like his entire being was burning with a fierce passion. His heart was racing and his blood was pumping, feeling the energy flow throughout his body. He felt like his veins would pop with his fur sticking on edge, the intensity was that great. He felt like his heart would explode. This is what the best possible outcome could bring him. "What the...?!" Opal hissed at the intense light which started burning her fur along with the other vampires. With all of his might, Cobalt managed to not only disperse the green mist in a glorious magical outburst, but he also managed to remove it from the bodies of those affected by it fully or had breathed it in. Everything would go silent as the ponies blinked, gasping after they realized they had been saved. Those restrained could now move freely once more. Cobalt would then pant, his body reaching beyond what he could normally do. This was the first time he's ever had to push himself to this point, saving everyone's lives. "Done...Usually, it's never when the action is occurring that I have to use this." Cobalion grinned before falling on his back. "Father!" Celeste shrieked as Daybreaker would take flight, rushing to his side. She would land, standing next to him. "Cobalt..." Daybreaker would call, kneeling next to him, putting her hoof on his chest. "Hehe...See? I did good, right?" "Of course...Thank you..." She nodded her head, keeping a close eye on him. "Don't thank me. Thank my magic, hehe." He snickered as parts of his body were starting to turn into what appeared to be particles, causing Daybreaker to gasp. "Cobalt! Your body...!" "I went above and beyond what I can normally do. I never use it in a scenario like this. It's my first time doing it...and it looks to be the last time as well." He added. "It was totally worth it though. I looked so cool, didn't I?" "You're vanishing..." Seeing this made Daybreaker's pupils dilate. This was far too familiar. The way she held Cobalt in her hooves was just like how she held Luna in her hooves during that horrific moment. "No...You can't leave. Not again!" "My bad. I couldn't think of anything else, Daybreaker. Running in seemed like the best option, honestly. Hehe..." He chuckled, a smile on his face. "You've really brought out the best in me. So have you, Celeste. I've always tried my best to make sure everyone can be happy, but seeing the two of you, especially Daybreaker, made me happier than anything. Even if things can be the slightest bit better, I'm still gonna make sure the end result is as great as can be." "Please don't leave me...I can't lose someone dear to me again!" Daybreaker refused to leave someone she loved again. For a second time, it just couldn't happen. She couldn't believe it was happening again. "You won't lose me...In my universe, no one is truly gone forever. Even though this isn't my universe, we still play by the same rules, don't we? You can say that I'll be with you here and there." He stated. "N-Not the same...It's not the same! Please!" "It's alright. These past months I've been around you...I can safely say this." Cobalt replied, the sparkles on his body starting to float. "I won't be the only one to take care of Celeste. Not anymore. Now...I can count on you to look after her, in my abscence." "Cobalt." "It should be pretty obvious. I didn't say it myself since I was way too embarrassed to spout it out...but she sees you as her mother. So I'm counting on you, Daybreaker. In my place, just like how I became her father, please, be her mother. You've got the talent for it." Soon, every bit of him would ascend as his face was now fading away, a smile remaining there as Daybreaker could no longer feel his body. "Good luck, alright? And goodbye, the two of you." Daybreaker was unable to speak as the last bit of Cobalt would fade away, vanishing entirely. There was no trace left of him, his body, or his essence. All that was left was the silence that was deafening. Daybreaker couldn't accept it, tears falling down her cheeks. She closed her eyes, her fiery hair flickering rapidly. "Kh...What a nuisance that was." Opal shook her head, using her magic and the Lich Magic within her to heal herself. "Glad that's over with. Now then...You wouldn't mind if I threw a second mist in, right?" "..." Daybreaker stayed silent, not responding to Opal Vivacity at all. Instead, she would then turn her head, facing the vampire and sending an otherworldly chill through her body. Opal Vivacity gasped her vision changed in an instant. Immediately, she saw the face of true rage and terror. Daybreaker wasn't even the one who used the mist, but her rage was directed at the vampires for the attack, Opal included. Her gaze, despite not looking directly at her, was far more horrifying than it was before, which made her tremble in fear. "Hah...!" The other vampires were starting to sweat profusely as Opal could only stand there, frozen. Her entire body was shaking as Daybreaker stood up. "I should've never experienced that...I lost another dear to me. I have no one to blame but myself." Daybreaker spoke to herself, blaming herself for getting so attached. She felt as if that was what led to this sneak attack, believing that this wouldn't have happened if she was as strict as before. "I'm never making that same mistake again. Ever. But you....Vampires!" Her shout was so powerful it broke the sound barrier multiple times, causing all the vampires in the sky to crash into the ground. "Gagh!" Opal cried out, hitting the ground with great intensity, her bones being shattered upon impact. "This time, I won't make any more mistakes concerning you! I should've dealt with the Dread League once and for all! And I'll make sure Magehold is never the same again. Ever!" She shouted as she would raise her head and unleash a massive flare of power that was unlike anything else. It was a ferocious outburst of fire that was so great, it looked like the entirety of Canterlot was made out of fire. The vampires all screamed as Opal Vivacity hissed, the flames aggressively engulfing them all. They were trapped, unable to escape the scorching fire. The intense heat would cause their bodies to crumble and evaporate, the intense magic of the sun burning through everything. Opal tried using the Lich Magic within her, but that would only make her suffering greater, her body starting to break apart as her hair came off, her cries echoing. Her life would be the first to come to an end as her she fell to the ground, completely defeated along wiht all the vampires. All of her subjects, even her own guards stayed silent at the grandiose display of unbridled rage. Daybreaker would stand there for a while, silent once more. She then turned her head, seeing Celeste behind her. And right now, Celeste's face was one of horror and absolute sadness, tears coming out. "Celeste. I promised your father I-" But as she went to hug Celeste, the young unicorn sensed Threat Levels of unknown proportions, immediately running away in fear of Daybreaker, the pony who was now going to become someone else entirely. Someone truly terrifying. "Ah...I see." Daybreaker was left there, her words failing her. Celeste had every reason to fear her. Her rage was far greater than anything and Celeste could feel that, the young unicorn crying as she ran as fast as she could, afraid. Now, Daybreaker had truly lost everyone close to her. "So be it. The approach I decided on was right along on. Ideals won't save everyone. I'll continue what I aimed to champion." Daybreaker looked off into the sunset, gazing into the deep orange sun and the deep orange clouds. "Never again will I be so weak. This universe and any universe beyond will know so." As the journey continues. Chapter 541 End.