A Shimmer and Sparkle

by Skyreads

24. Burning

Twilight Sparkle pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose roughly. Her spectacles had slid down for the umpteenth time as she placed down a heavy box full of research equipment in the attic of Sunset’s townhome.

“Ugh,” the geekish girl huffed, “That should be it, right?” Her voice wobbled in the hope that she was correct.

A rough chuckle came from behind her, “Yeah, that's it, Sparkes.” Sunset confirmed as she sat down the two boxes she was carrying.

Twilight gleamed with a smile as she ripped the carry box open and stuck her hand in. Her redheaded friend laughed again and to keep up with her friend's excitement for research, Sunset pulled out the retractable table she kept in her attic. The ex-unicorn had found them in a dumpster (which was gross to grab out) and decided to keep them. Fortunately, she now had proof in making the decision to fish through the large gross dumpster.

“I didn't realize you had an attic, Sunshine,” Twilight commented as she pulled out some wires.

Sunshine?” Sunset questioned, focusing on the new nickname.

The glasses-adorned girl giggled, “I'm always looking to try new names for you.” She pulled out a transfer box that she had created. The holo box of metal allowed the magic she was extracting from stones and the few books that had been actual spell books. The box glowed quietly with blue that had black flowing streaks. The black streaks of magic showed signs of attempting to escape and grow.

Sunset playfully rolled her eyes, “More like you always want to make me cringe with the na-” The redhead’s sentence stopped as she watched Twilight place a magically infused box on the cheap table.

“What?” The scientist asked. The look of scared concern made Twilight’s heart skip a beat. Her fiery friend looked as if she had seen a monster, “What is it?”

Sunset shook her head, appearing to dispel the trace of thought she was in. She then pointed at the illuminated box, “How long has it been like that?”

Twilight looked at the storage object, “The box is holding magic I have extracted from the locations, a few crystals and spell books that held real supernatural properties. Is there something wrong?”

“Does your E.M.E.R have the same type of glow?” Sunset questioned as she leaned in to inspect the box more.

“No,” Twilight adjusted her glasses again, “Usually the magic I extract has its own colors and auras. The magic turns to this blue with the black slashes when I combine them in this container.”

Her arcane experienced friend hummed, “That makes sense how it turned out like this.”

“Please explain what you mean. All of the books on magic I used for research had no mention of this outcome,” the experimentalist expressed. Her craving for knowledge on the subject felt like genuine hunger in her brain.

Sunset nodded, “Doesn’t surprise me. The only magic I've sensed in this world has been very small,” she looked at Twilight with a sly smile that was exuberant with pride, “I want to say I'm surprised you managed to find loose magic but when I think about it being you… I’m not.”

She then giggled before returning to the problem she still had yet to explain. Twilight made sure to remind her, “Yes, It took a lot of work but it was necessary. Now, please explain to me your concern about the magic I've collected in my transfer container.”

“Right, you mentioned there are different types of magic that's combined together in there?” Sunset asked as she got closer to the glowing box of magic on the table.

Twilight nodded as she pulled out and opened her notebook full of data, graphs and comments. She gasped when a bright sparkling blue aura with black highlights swam past her in the air. The researcher looked up in panic for why the magic was suddenly loose in the room. Twilight Sparkle’s eyes were wide in awe at the sight of her unicornian friend plunging her hand into the chest she had made.

Sunset’s eyes were glowing blue, her face blank as her hair flowed around her like wild flames.

“Sunset?” Twilight asked in whispered amazement.

There was no reaction. Her magically consumed friend was in a complete trance and Twilight’s heart thumped with worry in that moment. She had no idea how to handle an enchanted stupor.

“Sunset!” Twilight called out. The only reaction she received was A powerful wave of enigmatic magic that made the hair of flames grow and burst against the ceiling. The lean teenager was knocked onto her backside and covered her eyes when the rupture of flames blinded her. Twilight’s hands swiftly removed themselves from her eyes to prevent missing anything visually important.

When the explosion of magic finally settled, Twilight fluttered her eyes open and her breath dragged in in a gasp. Her friend full of magic stood over her with a long spiral horn that had a slight curve. Sunset had large equine ears on top of her head and her eyes continued to luminate pure blue with black sparkles.

A light scream emitted from the young scientist when a flash of large black bat-like wings with rips sprouted from her back and her skin was drenched in an angry red.

The teenager shook as the enlarged powerful form of a fiery goddess encaptured her best friend's body, “S-sunset Shimmer?”

Her, literally, fiery friend’s eyes turned from glowing to normal in half a second, “Sparkes-?” Sunset weakly said as her consciousness returned.

The magic extracted itself from her being and returned itself to the previous receptacle. Sunset’s steps faltered as she began to fall to the floor. Twilight was quick to catch her and help her gently to the floor. Sunset laid limp and pale in Twilight’s arms. The indigo-haired girl pushed up her glasses as her eyes stung from concern and wonder of what just happened. She moved a loose piece of scarlet hair from Sunset's face.

Twilight could see the stress in the amber-skinned girl's expression. A cold sweat dripped from her scalp, her eyes were clenched shut and her breathing was coming out ragged. Twilight brought her best friend closer to her chest, “Sunset?” She whispered in hope of getting a response from the girl in her arms. The corners of her lips tugged down as she got nothing. Her eyes moved from her drained friend to the case of magic. The lid had snapped itself close and the box was no longer glowing. She returned her attention to Sunset.

“W-what do I do?” Twilight asked herself as a tear fell from her eye. She wiped the salty droplet away and turned the gears in her brain. This was her fault. She had to fix it. She would do whatever she needed to in order to help the person that she cared the most about. Twilight used the small amount of upper strength she had to maneuver the heavier girl onto her back. She grunted in the struggle.

Through pure determination to succeed Twilight managed to get Sunset down the attic steps and (somewhat) gently place her back into her bed on the loft. Magma did not look impressed as Twilight fell with Sunset’s dead weight and landed in the lap of her lying unconscious friend. A blush spread across her face as she sat up and noticed the orange tabby.

She adjusted her askew glasses that had gone crooked from the heavy labor, “Don’t look at me like that. I did the best with what I had.”

The cat meowed at her with the same sass his human mother had. Twilight rolled her eyes at him as he laid his head back down. She turned around, still in the inbetween of her friends legs. Luckily, some of the color had returned to Sunset’s skin and her face wasn’t so twisted up.

Twilight’s blush deepened as she realized her spot in her friend's lap. A large part of her felt guilty. She knew it was wrong to do it without an okay but in that moment Twilight pushed her guilt aside and laid down, her head landing on the chest of her comatose friend. The academic girl sighed, the only thing on her mind being the creature Sunset had just been.

What could that have possibly been? What did it mean? Was Sunset going to be okay? Would she wake up? Dear stars above, Twilight hoped so. She also hoped her experienced mage friend would be able to answer her questions.

Her violet eyes slipped shut. The comforting and warm feeling of her head on Sunset’s chest consumed her and pulled her to join her friend's sleeping state.

The redhead continued to examine the box of magic as Twilight pulled out notebooks of the information she had been gathering.

Sunset already had a strong idea of what was happening. The different magic and supernatural energies the scientist had been gathering and mixing together had distorted the magic. Made it completely rogue.

The fact that concerned the former unicorn was that the glowing aura looked exactly like the raw, unconcentrated magic that had been pouring out in front of her high school. There was also the fact it could be corrupted magic, now. Yet again, Sunset wasn’t sure she wanted to know the consequences of that. Unfortunately, her resolution to fully indulge in the magic of science requires her to find out what she can.

Sunset closed the gap between her hand and the box. She gasped and took a step back when the lid suddenly flew open. The blue magic shined in her eyes and she couldn’t tear away. She attempted to back away and gain distance from the hypnotic sight of the bright light but her effort was futile. Any idea of her having a choice was removed when black tendrils grabbed her hand into the raw magic and slid up her arm. The magic burned her skin and insides for the few seconds she could feel it before everything went blank.


When the former mage opened her eyes again, the sight of her former unicorn body reflected back to her in a familiar mirror. It was the same mirror Princess Celestia had introduced her to no more than a few years ago.

“Tell me Sunset Shimmer,” the royal voice of her teacher intercepted, “what is it that you see in that mirror?”

Sunset realized she was in a memory. Her mentor had asked her that same question years ago. In the past the scarlet maned unicorn said that she saw beauty and greatness. Only a moment after that her greatest desire of ascension would appear in the mirror.

That was the past though, today she had something much different to say.

“I see a sad and lonesome filly,” Sunset answered.

“I agree,” the princess of the sun admitted. The small amber coated unicorn looked up at the many thousands of years aged alicorn. She had a sad look in her eyes that were apologetic, “Unfortunately travel to the past is dangerous. As much as I want to, in seeking to do better by you, I can not risk doing such a thing.”

“I wouldn’t want you to anyways,” Sunset replied, turning her head back to the mirror, now seeing her teacher's reflection in the glass as well.

A chuckle from the nation ruler, “I’m glad to hear that. Despite my selfish reasons.”

Sunset shrugged in her equine body, “I don't want your pity or shame Princess Celestia.”

The princess was quiet for a moment in thought. Eventually organizing her reply she let out a bit of a sigh, “My apologies that I’ve come across in that manner.”

The pale white-pink chest of the princess took away the vision of the mirror. Instead Sunset was now made to look directly at her former mentor of arcane practices. A hoof resting in a shoe of pure gold tipped her chin up, “I sincerely hope one day you come to realize that you did not fail me Sunset Shimmer. It was I that failed you. I watched my sister fall into the similar curse of dejection and lonesomeness. I’m sorry I did the same with you. I only hope to prevent any further sorrows of yours.”

Sunset didn't reply as she moved her eyes to the moon outside the window. The bright celestial body that held the very royal pony her teacher was talking about. If Sunset had become the monster she had seen in her dreams would she be given the same fate? She supposed she didn't blame the sun goddess for doing what she had to.

“I’m tired of hearing you blame yourself.” Fierce teal eyes brought themselves back to the older raspberry eyes of the alicorn, “I have made my own decisions and actions. I’m trying to learn how to cope with that and better myself for someone I care about. Someone who is the only creature to show that they actually care about me too.”

The small unicorn smiled at her regal instructor, “Even alicorn’s have to learn to better themselves, huh?”

Luckily the slender pony chuckled lightly at Sunset’s tease, “Yes, you are not wrong.”

The alicorn then reached down, she brought her soft, feathery wings around her fiery pupil and nuzzled the smaller creature, “I am so proud of you my shimmering sun.”

Tears bit at the back of her eyes as Sunset wrapped her forelegs around her teacher, “Thank you. I miss you-” her voice wavered when an unexpected wave of blistering heat overtook the embrace.

“Sunse-!” Her past teacher called out, her voice now sounding miles away.

The unicorn looked down to find her four hooves now shifted into hands and feet. Black tendrils of sentient magic began to wrap around every one of her limbs, “Wha-?” She let out a surprised scream when a vertex of fire appeared in front of her. A hand of crimson red reached out of the fire and grabbed her. Sunset shouted out as she swirled in the strong whirlpool of blazing flames, the only thing that paused her rotation was the front of her shirt was grabbed aggressively.

The face of her nightmares and bad visions was now in front of her. The flame red demon grinned, showing off her large fangs and evil intentions.

“Wh-what are you?! Why are you following me?” Sunset demanded, a hand reaching up and gripping onto the clawed one wrapped in her shirt.

The creature of evil laughed, “Who am I?” The demon brought herself in closer, “I’m you, precious sun!”

“Me?” Sunset’s voice came out weak in fear that the demon was telling the truth. “T-that’s not true! I’m not a demon!”

The fiery creature threw her down to an invisible ground before climbing on top of her and holding her down, “Oh but you are! You've been an evil little girl for far too long shimmering sun!” Her taloned thumb pointed to herself, “I'm going to make sure everyone knows it.”

Sunset opened her mouth to retort only for the demon to slam her large hand over her mouth, digging her claws into the side of her face, “You may think you're all happy with your Sparkes now but she will want nothing to do with you too eventually! Just like your parents! Just like Princess Celestia! And just like that click of girls!”

The terrifying face of blood red closed in and Sunset could feel the blistering pain of the demon’s hand over the half of her face as claws that were knife sharp cut through her skin, “No one or pony or creature, will ever love you.”

The wicked grin stretched the wicked creature's face, “You could be so powerful and you know it. Claim what you’ve worked too hard to get.”

“Sunset!” The sound of her best friend's voice called out to her from somewhere far away. Twilight was looking for her. She was still there. Calling out to her despite whatever she could be seeing on the other side of this magic dimension. Sunset growled and the smile of the demon's face quickly fell before Sunset kicked it off causing another ignition of inferno to blast through the space. Sunset’s vision went white and again was thrown into the blank space of unconsciousness.

Her vision was purely nothing but Sunset Shimmer could feel the pressure of something heavy on her chest. The weight that had been laying on her moved.

The redhead tried to open her eyes and wake up but the splitting pain in her head prevented her from even thinking properly. Instead, she allowed herself to fall back into the black tar of senselessness.

Sunset?” A sweet voice asked of her. Unfortunately the former unicorn was too deep in the thick pool of nothing to wake up.

Sunshine, please wake up.” Sunset felt a soft hand run across her forehead as her hair fell to the side. Thankfully her vision finally gained a glint of light. She hummed to encourage her Twilight.

The same gentle hand rested itself on her cheek and rubbed a thumb against her skin. Sunset focused on the touch, the splitting pain in her head making the task to open her eyes more difficult.

She heard a meow and the voice of her friend again. The smell of something sweet entered her nostrils. With one last push the bright light of consciousness appeared. The light stabbed her eyes as they fluttered and sent pain to her brain. A whimper left her throat.

“Oh! Hold on.” Sunset heard Twilight say. Thankfully the room went much darker in a matter of seconds. The only light now being the soft yellow of the fairy lights wrapped around her loft railing and the purple lava lamp on her night stand that Twilight had given her.

Sunset gripped her head, “W-hat?”

“It’s okay,” Twilight soothed. A hand on Sunset’s back helped her slowly sit up, “I made you some tea. It will help.”

The redhead simply followed what her friend guided as a ceramic glass was brought to her lips. Sunset allowed the glass to be tipped back as the warm liquid entered her body, helping her shaking hands and her muscles relax.

Her vision finally focused as her friend came into view, she was holding two little tablets in the palm of her hand, “Take these, they should help your migraine.”

Sunset did as told, once again requiring help as her whole being, from her body down to her soul was in pain.

“Do you feel any better?” Twilight asked as she placed the tea cup back on the nightstand. She then peeled off the leather jacket around Sunset’s shoulders.

Sunset nodded, trying not to move her head too much, “A-a little, thank you.”

“Don’t thank me,” Twilight said nervously as she sat beside the redhead, “Do.. you remember what happened?”

Sunset nodded lighty again as she layed back down, with the help of Twilight, “ I was… hypothesizing about the magic… in the box based on what I've learned.. in Equestria,” her explanation came out slowly. She took another sip of the tea through a straw this time as she layed on her back, “For some.. reason the lid flew open and the magic attached.. itself to me.”

“You didn’t do that yourself?” Twilight asked.

“No…messing with raw or warped magic.. can really mess something up or, in my case, someone up.” Sunset explained, her speech slowing down more as exhaustion crept back over her.

“I see,” Twilight acknowledged as she pushed up her glasses. If the ache in her head was not leaving Sunset totally dazed, she’d be more surprised at her friend's action to not find her note book and scribble down the information.

“Did… something happen.. On this side of reality?” The former unicorn questioned.

The look on the scientist's face made her wish she hadn't asked.

“Sparkes? Tell me, please,” Sunset said with a stern plea that made the violet eyes behind thick frames look at her.

Twilight shuffled before nodding, “I’m not exactly sure what it was. At first your eyes were just glowing, but then…”

Amber hands gripped onto lavender ones, “What?”

Twilight could feel the anxiety radiating off her friend. It made her want to find a way to not tell the full truth but she knew she couldn’t do that. Somehow, Sunset already forgave her for going behind her back with researching magic, even infiltrating her home world and stealing a relic- the redhead chose to move that to the side and stay with Twilight. She did not want to lose that as much as she could feel within Sunset. She was scared to hurt Sunset again. The four days apart from her reminded her just how lonely she was before Twilight met Sunset. She knew not telling her the truth would hurt her friend more.

“Your hair,” Twilight reached out and brushed her fingers into a scarlet curl, Sunset leaned into the touch, “It turned into pure fire.”

Sunset’s eyes went wide.

Twilight swallowed down her hesitation, “Then.. you, turned into.. Something.”
She moved her hands in an uncertain motion as she recalled the blazing creature her friend had become.

The smaller teen could feel the hand that was still entangled with Sunset’s begin to shake before her voice came out shaky, “What did it look like?”

It? “You- or she, had red skin and her hair was fiery too. There was a horn and large bat wings.” Twilight clarified- she hoped her blush wasn't too obvious.

Sunset was quiet before closing her eyes, “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“It wasn’t your fault that warped magic did that to you,” Twilight reassured, “I know you're tired from what happened but, are you okay?”

The redhead stayed still for a moment before fluttering her eyes open to look at the person she found so very pretty. Her eyes watered as she looked at the dark haired girl that looked back at her with care and sympathy.

“I don’t know,” she admitted with a wobbled whisper.

Twilight nodded, “That’s okay. Get some rest, it’ll be better to work your feelings out after that, okay?”

Sunset nodded and closed her eyes again, the ache in her head and muscles begging for leisure. The redhead felt a small kiss to her head, in the direct spot where her unicorn horn had once rested. Despite the information she had learned about herself during the influx of magic, her brain couldn't focus on it. Admittedly at that moment she was happy about that. She was happy her best friend was here to bring her the warm comfort she always craved. In no less than a minute, with the relaxing feeling of slender fingers scratching her scalp she was allowed to slip back into sleep.

Shuffling and light half curse of annoyance caused Sunset to be roused out of her slumper. She peaked one eye open and witnessed Twilight bounce on one leg as she began to put on her uniform skirt. The dark blue under shorts she had on kept the former unicorn's eyes innocent.

“Sparkes?” Her hoarse voice asked.

The girl in question spun around, “Sorry, Shimmy. Lay back, You're still a little pale, how do you feel?”

Sunset shrugged off the question as she sat up, her head shouted in pain in objection but the redhead ignored it, “I’m fine,” the spinning room made her dazed and her voice showed it, “wh-what time is it?”

“It’s about six in the morning. Don’t worry I’m catching an early bus for school,” Twilight stepped over and guided her back to resting in the pillows, “you should stay home. I can tell you're still not feeling well.”

She could barely feel the surprise that sparked in her brain. Sunset hadn’t realized she had slept that long or that Twilight stayed over.

“Do your parents.. know your-?” Sunset began to ask when a finger pressed itself to her lips.

A giggle emitted from Twilight, “Yes, they know I’m with you. I talked to them last night; I only told them you got sick and needed some help.” Twilight explained as she pulled the comforter up to Sunset’s lap.

“Oh, that’s good.. I was worried to get you in more trouble,” The redhead admitted.

The darkness atop the loft denied her the ability to see Twilight's expression. She only felt a nervous air come from the lavender skinned girl, “Don’t worry about that,” she finally said, “I have to be home tonight for dinner and a family meeting. Before then, I’ll be back here to be with you.”

The smaller teens' comment made Sunset smile. She could proudly say for the first time in her life she felt unconditionally cared for.

An evil cackle echoed in the back of her mind and killed the happy flame.

A sudden ding sounded out from the kitchen, “Be right back,” Twilight informed as she fastened the last button on her vest.

Sunset watched as the other girl practically glided down the stairs. She would never understand morning people. Soon, the amazing smell of fruit and pancakes wafted up the steps and on cue Magma appeared on the bed.

The feline meowed at her and stretched before positioning himself into a loaf. The weight on the bed shifted as her friend took a seat; she then handed a tray of blueberry pancakes into Sunset's lap.

“I hope you don’t mind. I saw them in your freezer and thought it would be a nice meal to help you recover,” Twilight explained as she settled beside her.

Sunset smiled, “Thanks Sparkes. Just the smell is making me feel way better.”

Twilight giggled again and Sunset’s heart skipped a beat. The unicorn-turned-human shoveled the flat pastries into her mouth with hums of satisfaction. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was after she hadn’t eaten since noon the previous day.

Her friend ate her portion at a much slower speed. When the redhead was done she stood out of the bed at a slow pace. Her body and head-ached much less compared to yesterday. It no longer physically hurt her to be awake.

“Did the food help?” Her friend asked behind her.

Sunset nodded and told the scientist her self diagnosis.

“I am going to stay home today. I don't think I’m well enough to run around all day,” Sunset decided. She was mostly telling the truth but her decision was mostly out of want to not see anyone from there, “but I can drive you to school.”

Twilight gathered their plates after feeding the cat a blueberry, “Uh, are you sure that’s safe?”

“Totally,” the fiery haired girl waved off with a sprout of energy.

Twilight shrugged, “if you say so. Don’t make me regret agreeing though.” Her voice said, sounding like a strict mother.

“I promise,” Sunset said with her hands up. She ran off to the bathroom as she changed into something light, ripped baggy jeans with chunky black boots, a black hoodie with red and yellow flames riding up and her usual jacket.

When Sunset came back her genius friend was ready for the departure. Not much time passed as they found themselves removing the protective tarp and reversing from the small driveway.

The cold wind on her skin and in her hair brought out the lively, peaceful energy she had been seeking for days- especially when she heard Twilight laugh when they first took off down the road.

Unfortunately, the sight and sound of the scary creature haunting her was still sitting at the back of her mind. It scared her what it meant and what the magic was doing to her. But, she wanted to learn- needed to.

The drop off line for the academy soon appeared and Sunset sneaked her way in. Students did the same staring they had when she pulled up a few days ago, only now it was pure gawking and mostly pointed to her Twilight now.

Twilight readjusted her backpack and handed her helmet over to Sunset, “See you later?”

Sunset smiled, “Sure thing,” she reassured as she shoved the helmet into the secured net at the back of the bike.

Just when her eyes were about to meet violet ones, her sight caught onto three girls pointing at her Sparkes. Her eyes darkened as anger bubbled in her, “Sparkes, how long were those girls that attacked you suspended for?”

Twilight shuffled and pushed up her glasses- a nervous tick that Sunset was picking up on, “I believe mom and dad said ten days?”

The redhead gritted her teeth, “that’s them?”

“Sunset,” Twilight’s voice came out sharp and stern, “Leave it alone. I can handle myself. It was a one time incident.”

Sunset met her eyes, they searched each other and the redhead could see the seriousness in her friend’s; she sighed in defeat, “For their sakes, I hope so.”

“I’ll see you later,” the scientist waved as she walked off and right past the trio. Luckily for them they went silent as she passed. The one in the center with sour yellow skin and purple eyes met the dark teal ones staring her down. Sunset threw the windshield down of her helmet before speeding away.

It only took until noon for Twilight to want to escape the school and run back to Sunset’s. The want to leave school was not a feeling she felt very often. The itch to study and understand magic was becoming stronger as she went through her class going over things she had already taught herself. This was all just a review for her. She knew there was more that's out there and this academy no longer fed her craving for knowledge.

The bell rang and the intellectually gifted teen waited for the crowd of students to spread apart before shuffling through the bodies.

“Ugh, there goes the principal's favorite,” she heard from the side. For a moment she wished for her defect in hearing to be back, it wasn't so easy to hear the cruelty some students had against her.

She picked up her feet faster but it did not help when the usual girl with hot pink hair in a messy ponytail shoved her against the locker. Twilight felt an overwhelming wave of anger. She pushed back against the force of the push which made Sour Sweet stumble.

“Oh, Little Twilight, you're so smart,” she said in a sickly kind voice with her hands mockingly clasped together, “I don't know what makes you so dumb to do that!”

She grabbed the smaller girl by the vest and forced her back into the metal lockers.

“Must be, oh so nice, to get everything you want without any work,” a girl beside the leader with short cropped hair said with bitterness.

Twilight couldn't stop the snarl that her muscles pulled, “‘Without any work?’ Are you three delusional?”

The girl's offense showed in their faces and the girl to the left with powder white pigtails spoke, “Go ahead Sour, if she thinks we’re delusional then hit some logic into her.”

The class bell rang and Twilight realized that every student had walked past. No one had stopped to help her. No teacher and no peer. She gasped when she was grabbed by her backpack by the tallest teenager and dragged into her bathroom.

She was thrown harshly down; enough that the wind was knocked out of her lungs. She tried to breathe in the air she lost but the oxygen refused to reach her lungs.

The girl with large pigtails cleared her glasses, “It’s amazing how someone can be so pathetic.”

Her friend, Sunny Flare, laughed and Sour Sweet climbed over Twilight in a threatening straddle to make sure the girl could not escape their degrading words.

“Don't worry,” A hand with light pink freckles grabbed Twilight’s face, “When she’s in the bigger adult world without her parents shielding her,” she leaned into the lavender skinned girl's face, “you will learn how useless you are.”

Twilight didn't reply, even if she wanted to, her squished face wouldn’t let the words come out right. Sour Sweet rolled her eyes at the silence they received from the girl. She harshly grabbed the glasses off Twilight’s face and snapped them in half before throwing them back at her, “Next time you get us in trouble, it’ll be more than your glasses broken, Loser,” her attitude switched to the sweet persona she carried around everyone else, “Have a lovely day.”

The girls laughed together as they abandoned the struggling breathing teen on the bathroom floor. For a moment Twilight stared at the ceiling. All she could think about was understanding magic and everything she could about it. How it would prove to those girls her superior intelligence they loved to doubt. Everyone in this boring, terrible school would know the power she was going to give to herself. No one would ever demean her or hurt her Sunset again when she was done.