My Little Ball of Fire & Vengeance

by Scootaboom1

Ch 33

Amber Wood

"-princess what was really going on?"

Princess Twilight was clearly surprised, glancing side to side before looking back at me. She seemed to be debating whether or not to answer my question.

Unfortunately for the princess I live with Dinky and have learned the art of the puppy dog eyes from her.

In response princess Twilight clenched her teeth and sweat slightly as she tried to avoid eye contact by looking side to side.

Eventually she relented to my teary face and let out a defeated sigh, "Amber I understand it your worried about everything that was going on with the vortex, but I need you to promise me that you will not tell any pony...

...No you have to Pinkie Promise that you will not tell any creature, okay."

That sounds fair, after all I am asking for information on another world, "I cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eyes."

I had originally been confused about the whole pinkie promise thing but then I started to learn about Pinkie Pie herself. I almost believe that if a elder god were the try and entire her mind it would be the elder god screeching in terror.

Princess Twilight took a deep breath in before she exhaled slowly, "Okay essentially there is a parallel world where there are counter parts to many of the creatures of this world.

A former student of Princess Celestia after being exiled from the castle she fled into the other world.

Celestia could not risk looking for her in the other world due to the danger of disrupting the balance between worlds.

Eventually this former student returned once again to steal an item of great magical power.

To stop her I followed her into the other world and had to recover the item before she could.

Fortunately she learned the error of her ways and even redeemed herself.

Unfortunately as a result of what had happened magic from Equestria had leaked into the other world which had no magic of its' own.

While the magic may have been from Equestria in that other world it operates under different rules that we do not quite understand.

So in order to study the unusual properties of the magic and assist the inhabitants of that world deal with any magic incidents that may occur.

While that may sound scary I want you to know that the whole thing with the vortex was an extreme exception to the norm.

Fortunately I do not believe something like that can actually happen again.

Since my counter part now knows what not to do and is no longer in a position where she blackmailed or threatened into making a terrible decision.

With the two of them together and the rest of their friends I have confidence that they can resolve any problems that they come across.

I hope that I was able to put your worries to rest."


While I could probably get more information if I asked, I do not think it will be necessary.

The confirmation of it being a parallel world at all is what I needed to know...

...or maybe not.

I do not know if the princess had the ability to sense if an individual was from another world, but if she does then she has not mentioned anything.

But there is something else that is causing me to worry.

Celestia chose not to follow her former student because she was worried about disrupting the balance between worlds, what does that actually mean.

Well I will never be able to find out if I stay silent.

With a more up lifted expression I asked the princess, "Thank you princess Twilight. Your explanation really made me feel better about it, but there was something that gave me a bit of intellectual curiosity."

This caused princess Twilights' expression to brighten as she asked, "Ohh! Really? If your question is something I can answer I will do my best to do so!"

After taking a moment to consider how I want to ask this question I decided to be direct about it, "You mentioned that princess Celestia could not follow her former student because it would throw off the balance between worlds.

What exactly does that mean?

Is it because her connection to the Sun preventing her from searching for her somehow?

Like what would actually happen?

Could that happen with any world?

Was the vortex an effect of that?"

Princess Twilight looked thoughtful and smiled, "The answers to those questions are actually quite interesting.

While it does not apply to all parallel worlds some have direct connections actively between them.

Frequent travel from one world to another particularly between a large number of creatures or particularly powerful one can cause issues.

This will specifically cause the two worlds to effectively lean towards each other, and if they lean towards each other to much they can collide.

When two worlds collide with each other they can begin to fuse with one another which is a little different from what was happening with the vortex.

As for what would happen when two worlds collide they would combine likely causing large scale destruction.

In the worst case the collision between two worlds is that the fusion upsets the balance between the two colliding worlds and any other world they are naturally linked to collapse in on each other as well.

What exactly would be the result of this chain reaction is unknown and in all honesty I think that is a question best left unanswered.

As for the vortex that was the result of MOM or magic overload madness causing her to try and destroy her own world to reach Equestria to study the magic present.

Now I don't know about you but it's lunch time and I could go for a daffodil sandwich."

Though I chose not to show it the response I got from the princess actually made me feel a lot better.

I had honestly been a little worried when princess Twilight had mentioned the consequences of disrupting the balance between worlds, but when she mentioned the conditions needed to disrupt that balance I relaxed.

If I had learned that my presence was going to be a danger to this world I would have to come clean.

Entering the kitchen Spike gave princess Twilight a snowflake shaped letter.

She quickly read the letter and let out a whiny of delight, squealing, and prancing in place.

I guess that it was good news.