Equestria Girls: Escape from Cyberspace

by ShopperBrony90

Chapter 8: Going Home / Epilogue

Once they arrive at the palace in the middle of Digi-tonia, they are immediately greeted by the King and Queen of Cyberspace.

“Bow down for King Mark and Queen Melissa as they enter the throne.” A kingdom servant called out as the Girls, Spike and the gang bow when King Mark and Queen Melissa enter and sit on their throne.

“Well, I see we have newcomers to our world,” Queen Melissa spoke, seeing the Equestria Girls and Spike in front of her. “I heard that you all saved Cyberspace from that rogue virus that’s been going around.”

“That’s us, Your Majesty. We all saved Cyberspace. We couldn’t have done it without the help of our allies.” Twilight replied, pointing to Rachel and her friends.

“Oh, my. I was worried about you, Rach. I thought you and your friends would be deleted from existence. Look at you now: you’re all still in one piece!” King Mark said to Rachel.

“Thank you, my King. I bet my family misses me. I have been gone for too long, have we boy?” Rachel asked Darwin.

“Oh, definitely. Your family is definitely feeling sad for you all those years. Same with all of you,” Darwin answered, pointing to her owner and all his allies (Rainbooms and Spike, too).

“You’re right! We need to get home.” Fluttershy spoke.

“I’m sure Sweetie Belle would definitely be happy to see me again, darlings.” Rarity replied.

“But, before you go, I would like to give you these,” King Mark spoke, handing out computer chip medals to everyone in front of the throne.

“These medals are tokens of our gratitude for your heroics here in Cyberspace,” Queen Melissa explains as the groups accept their medals. “They’re also pads that you can scan your hand on if you want to come back.”

“Ohh, how pixel-y! I can just press you all day!” Pinkie Pie said, adoring her medal.

“Uh, Pinkie. Save it unless you feel like coming back here again.” Sunset said, stopping Pinkie Pie from getting carried away.

“Oh, sorry Sunny.” Pinkie replied, blushing.

The medals start glowing and beams blast each other to form 2 portals of binary code in front of them: one portal for the Equestria Girls & and the other for Rachel, Darwin & her friends.

“Well, I guess this is it. It sure was nice meeting you all. Be sure to say hi to your family for us.” Twilight said, as she got ready to enter the vortex with the others.

“Oh, we will.” Cleo said, glad to finally come home.

“Thanks for the help. Goodbye!” Rachel and her friends say to the Equestria Girls as they all enter their own portals.

“Oh, Spike!” Darwin yelled out. “I’ll be sure to keep in touch with you. Goodbye.”

“Thanks, Dar.” Spike replied before everyone entered their own portals.

Back at Sunset’s condo…

Sunset’s computer lights up as the Equestria Girls and Spike are scanned back to the real world in their normal forms.

“Ah, home sweet home. Ah bet little Apple Bloom would love to hear what I went through with all of you.” Applejack said, hugging her friends.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie can’t wait to show her face to everyone in this world again!” Trixie said.

“It sure is great to be back home. How about this: let’s go to the arcade to have a little break from this excitement. How does that sound?” Rainbow Dash asked, as everyone stared at her.


“I think we should take a little break from technology for a while. I’m sure our bodies are still trying to get used to its normal organic form” Starlight answered, feeling her body is slowly finishing its transformation to its normal form.

“You’re right. I guess I got a little carried away.” Rainbow agreed as everyone laughed.

Somewhere else…

A computer starts glowing as Rachel, Darwin and her friends are scanned back to their normal forms, finally returning home after those long 9 years of absence.

“What was that?” A woman asked from downstairs wondering what the noise was. She then comes up to see Rachel and Darwin’s home (so were her friends)!

“It can’t be! It is! Rachel! Where were you?! I was worried sick because you went missing for a very long time!” The woman said, relieved that her daughter’s home with her dog.

“Long story, Mom. I’ll tell you about it if you just settle down. I know you’re happy to see me, but you didn’t have to overreact like that.” Rachel replied.

“Oh, okay. Well, tell me what happened.” Rachel’s mom asked as Darwin scampers into the hug.

Later that night...

“Oh, man. I need to get some rest. I know you’re all tired, too.” Don said, yawning.

“Yeah, agreed. Let’s all just go home now. I’ll see you later, Rach. Remember: keep it fresh!” Cleo said as she and the others left.

“Bye!” Rachel said, seeing the others happily go to see their families again.

Everything went back to normal for the Equestria Girls and their new friends. No virus and no digital danger. Just their normal lives on Earth.

The Equestria Girls are back fighting against Equestrian magic with their new powers they got from Cyberspace (that way, Trixie and Starlight can join the battle, too) while Rachel and her friends are living their normal lives with their happy families and their reunions.

They also know that anytime they want to go back to Cyberspace, they have their medals stored in their rooms, safe from any harm/loss.

May the magic of Friendship prevail over evil (digital or not)!

The End