Chivalric Training

by MLPandMiraculousFanatic


“Because… You still need more strength!” Lumine explained

“More… Strength…?” Noelle asked before she realized it “But of course… Compared to the Honorary Knights who defeated Stormterror I don’t have nearly enough strength…” Noelle realized sadly before she had an idea “Please teach me Honorary Knights! How do you two normally train?” Noelle asked

“Well, I shoot lasers at dart boards so I can get some better hits on enemies but I doubt that’ll be helpful” Twilight explained

“And while she does that I use my sword for mining all over Teyvat” Lumine answered

“Of course Paimon always joins Twilight so that Paimon can use stronger abilities” Paimon explained

“I should also mention this but in my homeworld I always use other spells to fight or learn in case of certain emergencies” Twilight explained

“Mining? You, Lumine, use your sword for… Mining?” Noelle asked in shock and worry before she began thinking “Then again… Mining builds arm strength… And then there’s the hiking between ore veins… Perhaps even a monster or two to fight along the way…” Noelle thought out loud before she got the idea “So this is the Honorary Knight’s training method, right? I must try it!” Noelle said bravely

“Then prepare yourself, mining isn’t as easy as you think” Lumine reminded

“No problem! Leave it to me!” Noelle suggested

The trio then went to the place Lumine mines as Paimon slowly floats after them and soon enough they arrived at a place where some ores were sitting

“There it is, let’s clear up these outcrops!” Paimon suggested

Noelle then rushed to the ores and used her sword to slash each of them causing each of them to fall out as Twilight picked them up to inspect if they looked fine and when she turned to Lumine she nodded but just then some slimes fell down shocking the group

“There are monsters nearby!” Paimon called out in shock

“Fighting monsters… That’s just part of mining, right? Leave it to me!” Noelle suggested

Noelle then cracked her fingers and neck before rushing towards the slimes and slashed each one of them only for her to bounce back

“You okay?!” Lumine asked

“They have a hard edge!” Noelle answered

“Allow us!” Twilight suggested

“But girls! Paimon heard that rock falls happen a lot around here, keep your eyes open!” Paimon suggested

“No can do! We gotta save Noelle!” Twilight said

The group then rushed towards Noelle and the slimes which they then battled but what they didn’t realize was that everytime they took a step against the stone wall an earthquake appeared and as soon as all of the slimes were down they turned to Noelle

“You okay Noelle?” Lumine asked

“Yeah I’m fine thanks but, wasn’t there an earthquake just now?” Noelle asked

“Earthquake? What are you talking about?” Lumine asked

“Nevermind” Noelle said

“Let’s get going, there’s still more ores to find” Twilight suggested

The group then began walking only to find a hilichurls just standing back up

“More monsters?” Paimon asked before she realized something “Mitachurls?!” Paimon asked in shock

“Looks like a tough opponent… I’ll try to make this quick and easy!” Noelle said

“Let’s not do this alone! You will have us to help you!” Twilight reminded

The group then began battling the Mitachurl as Paimon got worried

“Girls, slow down! rock falls can happen here!” Paimon reminded worriedly

Noelle then turned to Paimon

“Sorry… Understood! Stay behind me, let’s move forward together” Noelle suggested

But no matter how hard they tried they kept hitting and fighting it hard as the Mitachurl fought back before Noelle made a hard slash with her sword causing the Mitachurl to fly into a wall unconscious as sounds of rock falling were heard which made a lot of sound and a bit of an earthquake

“Wah! A rockfall! It’s huge!” Paimon said in shock

“Oops, sorry Paimon, guess we were a bit too tough!” Lumine apologized

Just then the group noticed the rocks that had fallen on some kind of pathway

“D-Did I cause this…?” Noelle asked

“M-Maybe… Could just be a coincidence…” Paimon answered nervously

“Let’s go see if there’s any injured people!” Twilight suggested

The group then rushed over towards a girl who had a Knights of Favonius uniform as she sat on the ground panting in relief

“Huh? Wait… Is that a Knight of Favonius up ahead? Let’s find out if she’s alright!” Paimon suggested

The group then approached her only to see her speaking to herself

“Whoa… What a rockfall!” The Guard of Favonius said in relief

“Ah… Ms. Belinda, is that you?” Noelle asked

“Is that Noelle? And the Honorary Knights too?” The Guard of Favonius named Belinda asked

“Yep, you're correct, are you okay?” Twilight asked

“A-Are you hurt?” Noelle asked

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, I’d already passed through the rockfall zone on my patrol, there’s actually been a lot of rockfalls here lately but it’s the first time I’ve seen one of such magnitude during my patrols” Belinda answered

Twilight, Lumine and Noelle then looked at each other in nervousness before turning to Belinda with a fake smile

“Did you girls see anything suspicious?” Belinda asked

“No, not at all” Lumine answered

“Hmm… The more I think about it, surely nobody could be responsible for something of this scale” Belinda realized before sighing in defeat “Regardless, this will be difficult to clear…” Belinda said in worry

“There are ore veins, rich in reserves here, all blocked behind the boulders…” Belinda explained

“Did you say ore veins?” Noelle asked

“...Ore veins?” Lumine asked in confusion

“Yeah, I’ll need to enlist some folks to clear this up quickly otherwise how will we ever get to the ore…” Belinda said worriedly

“Hmm, the ore…” Noelle thought

“...Ore?” Lumine asked

“So once the boulders are out of the way, mining can start up again?” Noelle asked

“Precisely but a rockfall of this magnitude needs reporting to the Knights first—” Belinda started

“Don’t worry! Allow me, just stand back everyone!” Twilight suggested

“Uh… Huh?” Belinda asked in worry and confusion

The group then ran backwards as Twilight used some magic spell to make a sound blocker appear all over the mountain before she shot her strongest magic spell at the rocks with send them all falling and some even got burned to a crisp and when Twilight was done she panted a bit

“She blasted the boulders to pieces…” Paimon said in shock

“Are you okay?” Lumine asked

“Yeah I’m fine, though, that was the toughest spell I’ve ever used, even if I did learn it from Starlight” Twilight explained before she realized what she saw back at Stormterror’s Lair “Oh no! If Starlight uses this I’ll be doomed!” Twilight thought

Just then the group heard a loud shrill as they turned to see a fat looking Hilichurl

“Ah! Look out! A Stonehide Lavachurl!” Paimon called out in worry

“A Stonehide Lavachurl? Is that the culprit behind the recent rock falls? I’ll call for reinforcements” Belinda asked

“It’s a lot bigger than me but I should have the upper hand when it comes to strength” Noelle said

“Very well, Belinda stay back but don’t rush off, Noelle, you’ll help us handle this!” Twilight said

“What about Paimon?!” Paimon asked

“You’ll go and try to find some ores for Noelle to loosen!” Lumine suggested

“On it!” Belinda and Paimon called out

“We’ll be one step closer to mining once we’ve taken care of it! Leave it to us!” Noelle reminded

The group then rushed towards the lavachurl who put flames on him as Twilight gave everyone a fire proof ability as Lumine and Noelle began fighting it with their swords which it blocked before it smashed his fists onto the ground sending Lumine and Noelle back as Twilight rushed forwards causing the Lavachurl to shoot some flames which Twilight dodged before she made some imaginary steps with her magic which she run on before she got to the top and used her magic to slash the Lavachurl to the ground which made Noelle stand back up and throw her sword which spun as Lumine jumped on top of it but once she got close the hilichurl shot some fire breath at her which sent her back to the ground as she grunted in pain which angered Noelle as she rushed towards the hilichurl before she gave it a hard kick in the cheek sending him to the ground as Twilight teleported in a large golden spear which she then smashed on the creatures back but it didn’t stop there as it continued to go down as Twilight made some rocks float towards the hole with her magic and put it in the hole before turning to Lumine

“You okay Lumine?” Twilight asked

“Yeah I’m fine” Lumine answered as she tried to sit up only to feel the burn “Geez, that burned” Lumine said

Twilight then used her magic to put some ice on the burned wound as Lumine grunted in pain but after a few seconds of having it on her back she got healed again

“Woah… That was intense… Finally a chance to catch our breath…” Paimon said before turning to Noelle “Uh Noelle?” Paimon started

The group then noticed a few ores surrounding them

“One, two, three, four… So many training targets…” Noelle said in worry

“Huh? More enemies? Where?” Paimon asked

“I think she’s talking about the ores” Twilight corrected

“Oh okay” Paimon realized

Noelle then rushed to the ore veins and began slashing each and every one of them before she walked back with the ores in her arms

“Phew… Job done!” Noelle said

“Great job Noelle! You managed to gather all the ores!” Twilight said with a smile

“Noelle really wasn’t kidding about her strength…” Lumine said

“Tell me about it” Twilight said

“Are you girls okay? Noelle… You’re okay right?” Belinda asked

“Hmm? Oh I’m okay! Though I must say my shoulders are sorer than usual compared to my normal cleaning duties that is” Noelle explained

“Is cleaning up for the Knights that intense…?” Lumine asked

“I-I’m ashamed to admit that… Even though we try and get Noelle to take it easy every time we get back from somewhere she will have somehow managed to single-handedly clean the entire Knights of Favonius Headquarters” Belinda explained

“Wait what?! Seriously?!” Twilight asked in shock and disbelief

“Didn’t your princess tell me that you sometimes manage to single-handedly make some friendship problems just to fix them?” Lumine asked

“Well yeah but that is different” Twilight reminded

“A-All in a day’s work for a Maid of Favonius… If I want to become a Knight I’ll need to take all aspects of training seriously” Noelle explained before turning to Lumine and Twilight “So Honorary Knight… The ore mining training… H-How did I do?” Noelle asked

“You were amazing!” Twilight answered

“Yeah, your strength blew us away!” Lumine agreed

“R-Really? So under your personal guidance I completed the training?” Noelle asked before cheering excitedly “What an honor!” Noelle said excitedly before she turned to Lumine “Next time let’s mine together!” Noelle said

“Of course and let’s make it a competition so that we can see who’s the strongest” Lumine said

“Definitely! It’s a deal!” Noelle said

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