//------------------------------// // Intentional Provoking // Story: My Little Pokémon: Grander World // by Amarvax //------------------------------// The Human World. Afternoon. Many people found themselves heading to the nearby forest after taking the advice of the CMC. They brought as many Poke Balls as they could, getting them for a rather cheap price. Poke Ball by the dozens were being sold off, bringing in new profit to the store owners who never saw it coming in the first place. "Heh, what's this all about?" Viewing this were Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer and her counterpart. Rainbow Dash chuckled at the sight of all these people rapidly buying Poke Balls left and right, quickly rushing to the forest like there was no tomorrow. "Those kids struck a good deal with them all, so now they're just running off to find as many Poke Balls as they can." Fiery had seen it for herself. "If you ask me, I could get involved, technically. I'm actually more experienced than all of them." "Same here. I could be a mentor figure myself. And I'd be pretty good at it." Rainbow Dash smirked while her eyes were closed, bragging about it. "Oh, you two." And then there was Sunset herself, holding both their shoulders. "You'd be decent...but I'd be the best." "Agh!" The two of them gasped, unable to retaliate since it was very much true. 4 Years of experience goes a long way. "In any case, Sweetie Belle and the others have good intentions...but don't you think it would get a bit out of hand if they're leading the way? I mean, I don't doubt them, but at the end of the day, they're still kids. They could get a bit side-tracked." "Yeah, but, what's the worst that could happen?" "..." Sunset knew what could happen. The CMC from Equestria do get into wild situations a lot of the time, either by something out of their control or for the most part, something that was in their control. Not needing to give out an answer, she would simply drag her friends along, heading for the forest. Outside in the Forest. Once they found themselves in the forest, they started searching for Pokemon, specifically fixating on Pokemon they liked the look off. Many people looked at their phones, viewing the Pokemon that have had pictures or videos taken of them by people who have never had one either. Using these photos and videos as frames of reference, they would start looking, carefully moving around. The people in this world were still intimidated by Pokemon since they were very much stronger than an animals, even possessing abilities that they considered supernatural. Meanwhile, Cozy Glow found herself walking beside Silver Spoon, promising a battle with her to show the humans how it's done. When in reality, she was doing it for vindication. "If you want, I can stick with just my Purugly since you only have Togepi. How does that sound?" Silver Spoon asked. "Oh, that won't be a problem. I'm planning on catching some Pokemon of my own too, actually." The young pegasus replied, revealing that she aimed to catch a second Pokemon. After it was brought up that she just had Togepi, she knew she had to get a second Pokemon right away. "Really? What kind of Pokemon do you want?" "Hm? Um..." She was a bit stumped by that actually. She never considered which Pokemon she would like, just that she had to get one. But while thinking about it, Cozy Glow found out that she had preferences. "Actually! I'd really like a Seviper now that I think about it! And also a Bewear or Stufful! Lots of them! Mostly Stufful!" "Oh...Like a stuffed bear collection?" "Exactly!" She grinned. "I can just picture it! A bunch of soft and cuddly Stufful by my side! I get to hug them as much as I want and they'd defend me too? What more could a girl ask for?" "That would be so cute, wouldn't it?!" Silver Spoon agreed as the two of them started squeeing over the thought of it. "Hm. Kids." One woman snickered, pointing at the two of them squeeing over Pokemon. But it didn't take long for her to spot a Pokemon that had her acting the same. In the distance, her eyes locked onto a Minccino! Oh my gosh! So cute!" Naturally, many people saw Pokemon they took an interest in, so the hard part of it all was approaching them. Thankfully, for most of them, the Pokemon were very much too cute to tay away from. Like a cute dog or cat, they could easily get close to these Pokemon. But the challenge obviously came from how the Pokemon would respond to them. "Watch this!" One boy said, bouncing the Poke Ball up and down in his hand as other boys and girls stood behind him. The Pokemon in front of him was a Pidgey. "Be careful...Look at the way it's looking at you." "Pidgey...!" "I have a pet Budgey. It doesn't scare me one bit." But he was fearless in the face of this Pidgey. However, it was important to note that a Pidgey and Budgey are two completely different species. One is far more powerful in so many ways. "First try! Go, Poke Ball!" He would throw with all of his might, the Poke Ball travelling through the air. "Pi...Dgey! Immediately, Pidgey had used Gust, flapping its wings to create a small whirlwind. But this small whirlwind was strong enough to send the Poke Ball flying back. "Huh?" The boy blinked before being struck in the face by his own Poke Ball, falling over right away. "Pidgey!" "Ooh..." "Nice throw." His friends laughed at him while looking down at him. Pidgey would also laugh at him after successfully knocking him down. "Mrrgh...!" The boy growled, getting up right away and whipping out another Poke Ball. And in his bag, there were more Poke Balls to go around. "It's no biggie! I brought a lot of Poke Balls!" "Pidge?!" Pidgey gasped once the extra set of Poke Balls were revealed. "Laugh at this!" He would launch a second Poke Ball, hoping for a successful catch this time. But midway, the Poke Ball was caught by someone else, prevented from reaching Pidgey. "Eh?" The one to catch it was Fiery. "Aw! You messed up my catch!" "You won't catch it like that." She would then toss the Poke Ball right back at him as he just barely caught it. "Not without some support." "Yeah. You just ran ahead from the three of them." A girl referred to the CMC and Diamond Tiara who were supposed to help them. "Nice going." "It sounded easy enough for us to do by ourselves. Just throw the Poke Ball." The boy did raise a good point. Once a Poke Ball comes into contact with a Wild Pokemon, it will react regardless. "Well, you're not wrong. But it's never that easy. I actually have a Pokemon of my own." Fiery approached the group. "...Wait. Aren't you that girl that broke into that mall and got your counterpart taken in?" One of the boys pointed at Fiery thanks to that news report. "Gh!" Fiery flinched once she was spotted. "Y-Yeah. But that's not important! I bet you'd love to have an easier time getting a Pokemon by your side, right?" "Oh, for sure!" One of the girls exclaimed. "I'd have a pet and a Pokemon! Best of both worlds!" "Well, if you want that to happen..." Fiery would then face the Pidgey. "Word of advice and I had to learn this myself. Get along with it. My Pyroar and I didn't get along, even though I did catch her earlier...but bonding with her made things all the more better. Try that out." "Hm." The boy scratched his face, deciding to take her advice. He would approach the Pidgey putting away his next Poke Ball. Pidgey would simply stare at him while approaching. "Sorry about that." "Pidge." Pidgey would take a shot at his opportunity, while also flying up to peck his arm once. "Ow!" However, that peck was not one of hostility. It was a sign that Pidgey would give him a chance, as seen by how it would fly next to this group instead of keeping its distance. "Nice call." Sunset nudged her counterpart's shoulder, showing up. "Here I thought you were going to snag some catches of your own." "Oh, I'm doing that for sure. I've got my preferences." She replied. "And I'm not gonna stick to just Fire-Types." "I swear I'm gonna have more Pokemon than just Fire-Types." Sunset pouted, vowing on it, even though it hasn't happened yet. "Plus, you're pretty predictable yourself. I mean, you've got a Pyroar just like me." "Let's be honest. We both caught ourselves a Pyroar and Litleo because we were thinking the same thing." "...Yeah." Sunset would grin back. The two of them were of a similar mindset. They were counterparts so it wasn't impossible for them to have similar preferences. "I say we both get to catching. Switch it up a bit." "I hear you. Plus, I don't wanna lose any chance of getting popular. They'll flock to me for advice once I show them a thing or two." "But...you are kinda popular." Sunset had a good point but Fiery was popular for the wrong reason and a reason she'd very much wish she could erase right about now. The two continued their chat, walking into the forest to join everyone else. Universe 11. The Solar Empire. Right now, she would get up, aiming to set out her forces for their next task. So far, they have gathered a lot of light, feeding it to Necrozma and fueling him. However, Daybreaker, knowing that Universe 1 was getting stronger and stronger, had to reach her goal of bringing Necrozma to full strength. A gateway had been opened up. One that leads straight to Universe 1. All these ships that were lined up were primed to pass through that gateway. "Your Majesty. Everything is 100% ready." Sunrise spoke to Daybreaker. "We've detected movement from Lunala in Universe 1 due to recent events. At this moment, it's out in the open." "Then we'll take a second go at trying to catch Lunala. It'll get Necrozma closer to his full strength. And this time, we're making sure we succeed. Will Deoxys be anywhere near?" "Most likely, Deoxys will anticipate us for a second time." Sunrise Sparkle would then bring up a holographic screen, showing renditions of the two Pokemon. Deoxys and Lunala. "Deoxys now understands our goal and will be around Lunala instead of usually being on its own. "Then we'll deal with Deoxys along the way." Daybreaker nodded her head, staring at the rendition of Lunala. "Maybe even his energy to fuel Necrozma as well. But not just them. The other Legendary Pokemon that wish to get in my way." "Right. It's come to our attention that Pokemon such as Zygarde have been attempting to reach you as a way to punish you for disrupting the balance of the world. Should we swiftly occupy them while you focus on finding Lunala?" "No, no." But Daybreaker wouldn't flee from them. "Instead, I'll engage with them. Legendary Pokemon are naturally powerful and are harbouring great levels of energy. It'd be a waste to just ignore them. But, it would also be easier to have some of our groups focus on individual Legendary Pokemon. We'll deal with them as well. Set out immediately. And Sunrise, in my absence, you'll be taking charge of the empire as always." "I won't fail you, your Majesty." Sunrise replied. "Hmm." Daybreaker would then walk past her, seeing all the ships here beginning to rise. One by one, the ships would pass through the Gateway, entering a cosmic void before reaching their destination, Universe 1. Two hours have passed. And already, people have managed to catch Pokemon of their own successfully. They had the Cutie Mark Crusaders to thank for this, giving them some pointers. Getting such helpful advice from kids was rather bewildering for them, but they got used to it since it gave them results. And once they got their Pokemon, they would unleash them out of their Poke Balls, getting a good look at them. "Check it out! My Spinda's got spots that match my dog's spots! Isn't that a coincidence?" "Yeah, but mine has more." Two people started comparing their Spinda. "You're so beautiful!" A girl would hug a Sawsbuck, absolutely in love with the way it looked. And since it was Summer, she got to witness its Summer Form and eventually, the other three forms would be hers to view. "With you, I'll never lose track of time!" One by one, they were all enjoying the company of their first-ever partner Pokemon. It would be the start of something truly wonderful now that the humans of this world were getting into Pokemon. "A job well done, girls." Sweetie Belle congratulated her friends for successfully pulling this off. "We almost got distracted back there." "Yeah, and I had to pull you all back in before you lost track of things." It was Diamond Tiara who ended up keeping them from focusing on their original goal. "And because of that...voila!" Holding out a bag, she revealed all the money they made. Granted, this would be useless back in Equestria, but in this world, quite the advantage. "Do we really need this?" Apple Bloom questioned. "Not really. But what's stopping me from using it? This is my first time being in human form and these clothes I have are so great! I guess the universe knows what I like~" Diamond Tiara would wiggle the bat while admiring her getup. "Which is why, I want to try out clothes that I could've never worn as a pony." "Yeah, yeah. Same here!" Sweetie Belle was in massive agreement. "I say we do that next! And I bet, if I bought something pretty here, then maybe, just maybe, I could use it in a contest." "But you wouldn't be able to have a contest here. There aren't any contest halls I've seen." However, Scootaloo hadn't seen a Contest Hall anywhere or even anyone that could be versed in it even with this massive change in the world. "Yet." Sweetie Belle corrected. "That High school just got Pokemon Classes, so I bet there's a Contest Hall somewhere in the world and I'm gonna make up for losing the chance to be a Contest Mentor. I mean, all this just proves we're capable of teaching!" "Yeah, without losing track of things..." Diamond Tiara quietly said while turning her head. "You four are great!" Three other girl would run up to them. "C-Could you teach us some more stuff! We wanna impress everyone back in 5th Grade." "Sure, sure. We've got time." Sweetie Belle would gladly do so. As for that 'Time' part, only if she returns home and doesn't make Rarity worry for even a second. "How would you three feel about Pokemon Contests?" "Pokemon...Contests?" The three of them squinted their eyes at such a mention. Hook, line and sinker. Sweetie Belle, with gleaming eyes, had them right where she wanted them. This was her golden opportunity. She would turn her head to her friends as they nodded in understanding, knowing what they had to do. "Let's go to mall. You have to see this." At the same time, Silver Spoon and Cozy Glow ended up being the only ones next to each other. They had split up from their group, chatting about their favourite Pokemon that they would love to have beside them. But as Silver Spoon was walking ahead, talking about more Pokemon and such, Cozy Glow was right behind her, deep in her thoughts. "That was a close one...Any longer and I would've forgotten what I had to do." Surprisingly to her, that conversation with Silver Spoon was so engaging that she almost forgot her objective. Cozy Glow certianly wasn't looking to make any friends. She was only here to do her best for Daybreaker. Cozy Glow's cart, which was currently being pulled, had more than just the sign for her title as a Pro Trainer in it. Underneath the sign was an item that was waiting to be used. It had a certain light to it that was incredibly light. But its pinkish glow led to one thing. Fairy Matter. "If I can get her and everyone else to offer up as much light as possible, then Daybreaker will be proud of me again." Cozy Glow's plan was clear. Have others give up the light and by massive extension, it would be her credit since she was the one who thought about it. Her targets were obviously the people here but Silver Spoon would be the first. And now that it was just these two alone in this part of the forest. Cozy Glow came to a halt, staring at Silver Spoon as a shadow formed on her face. "Well, I don't think we're gonna find a Stufful here." Silver Spoon said. "How about we start our battle?" "Mhm." Cozy Glow smiled, waiting for this opportunity. "Sounds good~". Beyond Equestria. Out at sea. Near Seaquestria. Immediately, once information on Daybreaker's forces entering this universe were relayed to the Ranger Union, which would soon go straight to Princess Celestia herself in Equestria, she was given the heads up. She quickly learned that, instead of appearing in space with their ships, this time, Daybreaker's forces were entering from the seas themselves. The seas near Seaquestria, where the Hippogriffs reside to be exact. As the Hippogriffs were simply enjoying their life, they heard sounds that resembled roars of ships, something they didn't know of. When they investigated, the saw an unbelievable sight, their pupils dilating. It was a whole armada of ships, their presence being overwhelming. And leading them was Daybreaker herself. The last ship to show up, moving across the sea was none other than the Solar Sword itself, the flagship. The absolute size of it was overwhelming, its shadow enveloping the entirety of Seaquestria with absolute ease. It even overshadowed parts of the sea and mountains, showing just how grand it was. The force of it moving across the sea, just slightly above it, would part the waves. A huge amount of pressure was felt with distance it gained, the air feeling as if it were trembling. Daybreaker didn't care what would happen to the Hippogriffs as her armada would aim towards a certain Pokemon. To reach Lunala and by extension, eventually Necrozma, she had to do one particular thing. And that grabbed the attention of all other Pokemon that are dedicated to protecting the balance of the world, ensuring that it is stable. So, Daybreaker was intentionally making herself present here, disrupting the seas themselves just to draw the attention of some Legendary Pokemon. And indeed, she succeeded. Somewhere far in the ocean, deep within a sea-trench, the Guardian of the Seas was awoken. Lugia, who was in the depths, would slowly raise his head. Lugia's body would then emerge, the Diving Pokemon would rise from the depths, his eyes shooting open as his pupils shrank. His body would be completely soaked in water, but that wasn't the most shocking thing. No, the fact that Lugia felt Daybreaker's presence was far more shocking. Lugia knew that Daybreaker's forces have entered, the sheer power being impossible to miss. Daybreaker herself was forcefully using magic to make herself more known, elevating her presence. Sensing her, Lugia would immediately set out, targeting the one who disrupted the balance of the world not too long ago. With a mighty cry, it exited this sea-trench, expelling a lot of the water within and rising. Water would be everywhere, splashing around as it would create a gigantic pillar, ascending further and further. The sound could be heard far and wide. It would then spread its wings, taking flight to reach Daybreaker's location. Just what Daybreaker wanted. Over at Klugetown, which was currently looking better than what it previously did, Cappter, his Meowth and all of his Purrloin were currently fishing, enjoying their life. "Nice, nice. This'll do great for tonight." He rubbed his hands together. "The Magikarp and Feebas will be trained up to evolve and we'll get to dine on some of these ordinary fish later. We'll be eating like royalty." Capper reeled in a lot of Water-Type Pokemon, mainly Magikarps and Feebass along with regular fish. But as they were reeling in more and more Fish Pokemon and regular fish, they would hear a powerful roar in the distance, a sound so loud, it caused their eardrums to ache. "Ow..." He would flick his ear forward, shaking his head afterwards. Some of his Purrloin even fell over because of this mighty sound. But it wasn't a sound from the sea. It was a sound from the skies. They all would look, seeing a large white figure flying in the distance, a Pokemon. Their jaws dropped once they saw that it was Lugia flying. Obviously, they had no idea who or what Lugia was but the sheer size of it is what took them back. And they were also very unaware of the inevitable confrontation that was about to happen. The confrontation between Daybreaker and Lugia. As the journey continues. Chapter 542 End.