//------------------------------// // Episode 75: Loyalty // Story: The Drake Six // by JNKing //------------------------------// Twilight shook her head as the glow on her horn faded. “Your Greed is gone.”  Spike stared up at her; privately reflecting on how long it had been since she had been taller than him. “M-My Greed?” “Yours and DB’s both,” Twilight said sadly, indicating the hatchling version of Diamondback.  The once proud dragoness was now honestly smaller than even Spike, her head in her hands as she sat perched on a hospital cot like a baby, her diamond dogs looking over her with concern.  “Can’t we get it back?” Spike asked.  “We should have,” Diamondback insisted, looking up. “Grogar vaporized Tirek.”  Twilight checked her again with another flash of her horn. “And it looks like when he did, he took your Greed for himself.”  Spike gazed down at his claws, now so small and stubby. It had been so long since he was a little pudgy hatchling. He found himself reflecting on every bit of magic that he had: his fire that could teleport messages. His height. His muscles. Even his flight - evidenced by the way his wings were shriveled against his back. All of that had been the result of his inner magic - his Greed - and now it was gone.  Never before had Spike felt so naked. So vulnerable. He found himself wishing that he had used his powers more often. Transported messages between his friends. Even just lifted weights to test his strength more.  “So, what do we do now?” he whispered, his voice sounding childlike even to him. “Star’s still battling in the dream realm, DB and I are powerless…” He looked up. “What about the others? Jack, Swift a-and Phoenix? Where are they?”  “Phoenix is with the dragons,” Twilight assured him. “The ones that stayed loyal to Dragon Lord Ember, anyway. They’re meeting with Princess Celestia to discuss how to handle Grogar’s forces. As for Jack and Swift, they’re gathering forces in Seaquestria and Griffonstone respectively.”  Diamondback looked up. “And what about the changelings? Have you heard from them?”  Twilight hesitated. “We… we’re still waiting to hear back from Ocellus or Thorax.”  Spike and Diamondback exchanged terrified looks. “But Chrysalis is out,” Spike explained. “She knows some of the changelings are still loyal to her, and she intended to take Thorax out. We have to help.”  Twilight looked agonized over the decision. “I want to, Spike,” she promised. “I really do. But right now, we’re at a risky point.” She indicated Spike and Diamondback. “It’s not just your Greed that’s gone, but your connection to the Elements. You and your team won’t be able to harness the Elements.”  Diamondback hopped off her cot. “Then it’s all the more important that we get the changelings. They’re masters of infiltration; they’d be able to get us into Grogar’s base and…” “And what?” Twilight asked. “How do you honestly think you can take your magic back from the literal Father of Monsters?”  Spike saw the gleam in Diamondback’s eyes and immediately understood. “The Bell.”  Twilight paused. “Huh?” Myst came up, holding the black bell.  “Echidna’s Bewitching Bell,” Diamondback said. “It’s said that it could take the magic and essence from any creature and then combine it with something else. It was how they made so many monsters.”  Twilight immediately snatched the Bell away. “No,” she said firmly. “Echidna’s Bell was also said to contain her spirit. There’s no way Grogar wouldn’t have some sort of countermeasure against it.” “Surely, we have to try!” Diamondback said. “You need everyone capable of harnessing the Elements. Your friends, the Young Six and the Pillars won’t be enough.” “That’s assuming Chrysalis hasn’t gotten Ocellus and taken the Young Six out of the equation,” Spike added.  “Another reason why we have to go to the changelings,” Diamondback said. “Please, Princess Twilight…” But Twilight was shaking her head. “There’s a reason Echidna’s Bell was sealed up rather than being kept as an important magical artifact,” she insisted. “I don’t know what it is, but it’s too dangerous to use.” She gave Spike a motherly gaze. “I don’t want you to be hurt anymore than you already have, Spike.”  Spike could only stare down at his knobbly knees. “So, this is this then, huh?” he asked. “I just wait here, with only an unconscious Star for company?”  “It’s not going to be that bad,” Twilight insisted. “I will figure something out.” She moved to leave. “In the meantime, stay here. Stay safe. I will come back.”  And without giving them anymore time to argue, Twilight fled for the door. Leaving Spike to stew in his failure. And in the eerie nakedness that came with no power. “I can’t do this,” Diamondback insisted, pacing between the hospital beds. “Waiting for someone else to figure out my problems. That’s not who I am.”  “Who else can we talk to, though?” Spike asked. “Who really knows what it’s like to not have power…”  The answer came to him even before Diamondback could look at him with that ever familiar gleam in her eyes.  “Discord!”  ## Thankfully, even though Diamondback didn’t have her powers, her diamond dogs did. And though it was an exhausting trek from Canterlot to Ponyville, determination kept Spike from passing out.  Thankfully, Discord had truly moved on from inconvenient chaos, and was once again where they could trust to find him: at Fluttershy’s cottage. “Spike! Diamondback!” Fluttershy greeted, the smell of tea cookies following her. Though her face changed to concern as she took in their smaller forms. “You look… different.”  Discord poked his head out behind Fluttershy. “I’ll say. Have you don’t something with your scales?”  “Long story,” Spike said. “Short version; Tirek got loose and he got our power.” The cheery atmosphere shattered like the teacup Discord dropped.  “B-But it’s not all bad,” Diamondback said quickly. “My dark… er, my sister managed to infiltrate Grogar’s ranks and convince him to vaporize Tirek.”  Discord peered at them. “So why aren’t you big and muscular and sexy again?”  “Discord!” Fluttershy gasped with a red blush.  “Just seeing if you were paying attention, dear,” Discord replied with a wink. “But in all seriousness, does this mean Grogar’s taken your powers for himself.”  “That’s what it’s looking like,” Spike said. “And to make matters worse, he got Chrysalis free as well. She’s on her way to Thorax’s Hive.”  Discord winced. “Oh, and I could feel the inner chaos from there. Chryssie will find many supporters eager for her to re-take the throne.” Fluttershy gasped. “B-But, we can’t let them do that!” “Indeed we can’t,” Diamondback said. “Which is where we were hoping…” “...I would come in,” Discord noted with a smile. One that unfortunately faded fast, much to Spike’s horror. “As much as I would love to be your knight in shining armor….” He managed to shapeshift himself to have a suit of armor, before letting it clatter off him. “...I’m afraid I still haven’t earned back nearly enough of my powers.”  “How much do you have?” Spike asked.  Discord sighed. “Eight percent.” Diamondback winced. “I’m starting to think that the ‘100 good deeds for one percent’ was a bit overkill.”  “Well, it’s more than what we have,” Spike admitted, turning back to Discord. “Do you think you can still use it to help us get to Thorax’s hive and maybe help against Chrysalis?”  Discord scratched his chin. “Possibly. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my many good deeds here in Ponyville, it’s that things are easier with friends.” He snapped his fingers, and a blue storm cloud swirled to life above them, before raining out a familiar sea serpent.  “Jackknife!” Spike cried out in hope.  “Ayo, what’s the big idea?!” Jackknife demanded. “Where am I? What’re you…?” He paused and stared at Spike and Diamondback. “Did you two do something with yer scales?”  Diamondback face-palmed, but Spike grabbed Jackknife’s hand. “Never mind that. We need your help.”  But before he could explain, Jackknife yanked his hand away. “Seaquestria needs help,” Jackknife said. “Grogar managed to bring back the Storm King!”  Spike’s heart dropped into his stomach. “No…” “And somehow he figured out where the hippogriffs have been hiding!” Jackknife hissed. “I bet it was Shade! Spying on us with those dark counterparts o’ ours.”  “Have care how you speak about them,” Diamondback said. “Thanks to my counterpart, we stopped Grogar from getting stronger.”  “Bully for you,” Jackknife snapped. “But I don’t see em helping us save Sequestria!”  Spike looked at his own claws. His own hopes of saving Thorax’s Hive had been low. But now with Sequestria on top of it… He turned to Discord. “Discord, can you get us to either of those locations?”  Discord winced, rubbing his shoulder. “If I’m allowed to rest in between, yes. So, wherever you go, don’t expect me to be able to contribute much beyond a ride.” To prove the point, he shapeshifted into a taxi driver, complete with a chewed up cigar and a beret (for some reason).  “Alright,” Jackknife said. “Let’s get back to Sequestria. The defenses were holding, but they can’t hold forever.”  “But what about Thorax’s Hive?” Diamondback asked. “Chrysalis could be on their borders right now, and from the sound of it, some of them will be all too eager to betray Thorax for Chrysalis.”  Jackknife looked pained at the decision, but he stood firm. “Sapphire and Novo thought I was a traitor for a long time. I finally got them to see that I wasn’t. I won’t abandon them!”  Spike gazed at his remaining companions: both he and Diamondback had no powers. Fluttershy wasn’t a fighter. And Jackknife looked deadset on returning to Sequestria, even though exhaustion laced his features. The only ones in fighting shape and ready to help either location were the diamond dogs, and even they looked nervous about whatever came their way. As far as cavalries went, Spike had to admit theirs was pretty pathetic. There was no way they’d be able to help both sides.  Unless…  Spike stepped closer to Jackknife. “Do you trust me, Jack?” he asked.  Jackknife tilted his head at him. “Huh?” “After everything we’ve gone through together,” Spike said. “All the adventures… all the danger…” their green eyes locked with each other. “Can you follow my lead… one more time?”  Jackknife squirmed, but his eyes didn’t stray from Spike’s. “What’s yer plan?”  ## Thorax had underestimated just how many of his siblings still held loyalty to Chrysalis. As he, Ocellus, Pharynx and the few still loyal to him were backed up to the throne room, Thorax felt the same fear he had felt back when he was all on his own.  Chrysalis stepped forward, her changelings parting ways for her as she grinned smugly down at Thorax. “This is over, my son,” she said. “Surrender, and you and those loyal to you will not be harmed. I give you my word as a mother and queen.”  Though Pharynx hissed defiantly, Ocellus shivered by Thorax’s side, giving Thorax the strength to stand tall. “You would lead my people against the ponies. You would see us return to how we had been; starving! Subsiding off fear and love forcibly taken.” He gazed at the masses. “Is that truly what you want?”  A few of Chrysalis’ changelings hesitated, but the rest bared their fangs. “Chrysalis is the true Queen,” one said.  “Changelings aren’t even supposed to have a King,” another insisted.  “They could’ve had another Queen,” a third muttered, glaring at Ocellus, “If she actually had the strength to lead.”  Ocellus whimpered and backed up further. Chrysalis and Thorax, however, kept their gazes on each other.  “I have no desire to see one of my sons fall,” Chrysalis said. “But for you, I will make an exception if you don’t stand aside.”  Thorax reluctantly bared his own fangs at her. “You proved how little you care about me long ago,” he said, letting his gaze once again flicker to his compatriots. “Let what happens to me stand as a message of what happens when any of us cross you. Let them see the true limits of your love, ‘Mother’.”  Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. Her fangs bared and her horn lit up. But as hesitation began to eat away at the faces of her followers, even Chrysalis seemed to be struggling.  Thorax himself hesitated, wondering if he should charge his own horns and try for a counter-attack. Maybe something to give Ocellus a chance to flee.  Before either side could come to a conclusion, however… the air above them exploded, and a familiar group of dragons plummeted in between them.  “Spike?!” Thorax yelped, as the purple and green dragon struggled to his feet. However, something was wrong. “Spike?” “You… You’re smaller,” Ocellus whispered.  Chrysalis laughed in delight as Spike and Diamondback extricated themselves from the pile, Spike checking on a winded Discord. “Is this truly your idea of reinforcements, my son? Two broken dragons, a cowardly pegasus and a leashed god?”  “Of chaos,” Discord noted, pointing up his finger even as he stayed on the ground. “That’s important.”  “Don’t forget us!” Jackknife hissed, jumping up alongside the diamond dogs, who snarled and readied axes.  Chrysalis and her changelings prepared to charge, but Spike managed to pull himself up.  “Wait!” he said. “We’re not here to fight.”  A collective gasp shot up from the changelings on both sides.  “W-What?” Thorax asked.  “Impossible,” Chrysalis spat.  But Spike gazed at the changelings. “You all held onto your loyalty to Chrysalis. And that…” he grimaced, but admitted, “That’s admirable, in a way.”  “Spike!” Thorax protested, but Jackknife turned to the King. “Easy, he’s doing a thing,” Jackknife said.  “Granted, it’s not convenient for us,” Spike admitted. “But… our opinion doesn’t matter.” He indicated them. “It’s what you feel that counts. And if you feel that Chrysalis deserves to be here… well, that’s your choice.” He looked back at Thorax and Ocellus. “But will you really let your choice drive you to violence? Against your own family?” He pointed at Thorax. “Thorax was your brother! And he stepped up to lead you when Chrysalis wasn’t there. Does he really deserve to be… well…” He didn’t need to complete his sentence. All of the changelings looked uncomfortable at that idea. Even Chrysalis hesitated before forcing her face into a scowl. “Nothing would happen to him if he just surrendered,” Chrysalis hissed.  Spike, despite his lack of power, stood tall under her glare. “Then let him go with us,” he said. “Let him and all those loyal to him leave to find their own path.” Chrysalis scoffed. “That will just allow him to come back to fight me another day.”  Spike hesitated - she had a point there - but thankfully, Jackknife was there.  “Maybe,” he said. “But when that fight comes, you guys will be among other species. Grogar’s been recruiting a lot, hasn’t he? So, if yer dumb enough to still follow his lead…” “Easy, Jack…” Spike whispered as several changelings hissed in outrage.  “...the next time you fight, it’ll be alongside other species.” Jackknife shrugged. “Should be a lot easier to keep yer kids alive. Assuming yer actually loyal enough to care about that.”  Chrysalis hesitated longer than before: Jackknife had apparently struck a nerve. But Spike could see the doubt growing on her follower’s faces. Plenty of them seemed to remember how she had let them starve due to her own stubbornness.  “They… should be loyal…” Chrysalis started to say.  “Loyalty is a two way street,” Jackknife replied. “They can be loyal to you, but you need to be loyal to them. That’s what makes good leaders.” He nodded at Thorax. “That’s what Thorax got right.”  One of the changelings on Chrysalis side looked down in shame. “My Queen,” she said. “Maybe… we should let him go. We’ll have Lord Grogar if he does come back, and…”  She faltered under Chrysalis’ livid gaze, but as Chrysalis gazed around at her children, something seemed to stir in her eyes, and perhaps her heart. She hissed, but more in resignation rather than anger.  “Leave, Thorax,” Chrysalis said. “Take all who are loyal to you, fools they may be. And be warned.” She glared daggers at him. “If you let your friendship with the ponies lead you into battle against me… I will not extend this mercy again.”  Thorax glared back at her, but with her still having far more numbers than him, he nodded. Spike looked at Discord. “Feeling rested?” he asked.  Discord groaned. “Not nearly enough,” he admitted. “But, I think I can manage.”  Spike nodded before looking to Thorax. “Get ready, guys,” he said. “We’re jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.”  “Huh?” Ocellus whimpered, before Discord snapped his fingers and teleported them away.  ## As it turned out ‘into the fire’ was inaccurate on several levels.  Not only were they going into water rather than fire, but the situation in Sequestria was even worse than Spike anticipated. The Storm King’s ships once again hovered over the water that normally concealed Sequestria. Grappling lines surged down into the water, lifting the city closer and closer to the surface.  But worst of all, the Storm King was indeed back. And he was riding a blood red sea serpent.  Jackknife’s jaw dropped as he beheld the Storm King’s ride. “That’s… that… no way! How’d he find her?!”  “Who?” Spike asked. “Who is that?”  But Diamondback was already staggering back in horror. “Kira,” she whispered.  Jackknife nodded. “The first sea serpent to discover blood bending.”  Spike briefly looked to Discord, but the God of Chaos had passed out, his tongue lolling as he snored on the sand. Fluttershy and some dogs tried to tend to him, but he was out like a light.  The Storm King and Kira laughed in sync as Kira extended her claws, and caused Novo and Sapphire to rise into the air, brought forth and forced to bow before the Storm King.  “How’s that non-violence pact working out for you, Queenie?” Storm King asked Sapphire. “Cuz from where I’m standing, it looks like you guys really missed out.”  “The royalty has always been weak,” Kira scoffed. “Too scared of what we were truly capable of.” She twisted her wrists, and Sapphire began to get bent backward. “I say it’s time for a coup-de-tat.”  “Wait-wait, I think it’s ‘coup d’e… de…” Storm King stomped. “Curse it, how do you say it with the accent?”  As the two argued, Sapphire caught sight of Jackknife. “Help…” she mouthed.  Jackknife slammed his fists together before turning to Thorax. “Can you guys get those grappling lines?” he asked, indicating the lines.  Thorax still looked down about losing his hive, but he managed a nod. “That’s what I do,” he replied. “I help my friends.”  Spike touched his shoulder. “We will get your Hive back,” he said. “I promise.”  Thorax gazed at Spike with an unreadable expression, but nodded all the same. He motioned to Pharynx, Ocellus and the rest. And as they changed into sea creatures or camouflaged against the sea, Jackknife launched into the waves, coming out with an uppercut that knocked Kira and the Storm King away from his queens.  “Jackknife?” Novo yelped.  Sapphire, however, cheered. “I knew you’d come back!” “Save the cheers for when the city is safe,” Jackknife said, as Kira rose up to meet him. “I got this.”  Unfortunately, Kira’s grin didn’t fade. And for good reason, for as Jackknife lunged at her, she held up her talons… and Jackknife’s fists stopped inches from her face.  “You’re stronger than most of our kind,” Kira admitted, as Jackknife’s fists were forced back. “Unfortunately, you’re still blind to our true potential.”  Spike gagged before trying to run into the sea. “Spike, you can’t help him!” Diamondback cried out.  But Spike didn’t care. He paddled all the same towards Jack, as the sea serpent struggled against his evil counterpart.  “You could break free, you know,” Kira purred. “Use my technique. You know you can.”  Jackknife shook his head. “I’m… trying,” he growled. “But yer… there’s no…” “It’s just another liquid,” Kira replied. “We can control any liquid. Go ahead. Give it a try.”  Jackknife still looked ill at the idea. Spike tried to swim faster.  But he was already so exhausted. He had no power and no stamina. He began to sink beneath the waves… Only for a familiar pink hippogriff to catch him and bring him back to the surface.  As she pulled him high, the changelings sliced through the grappling lines. Sequestria fell back under the surface. And as the Storm King’s forces swam back to the surface to avoid drowning, the hippogriffs and sea serpents began to attack in full force.  Kira glared back at them, and Jackknife managed to shift his fists closer. Noticing, Kira backed off, letting his fists go, only for them to swing wide as she dodged, propelling herself up onto the Storm King’s ship.  Both villains glared the heroes down before a barrage of waves and ice forced the Storm King’s ships away.  Novo and Sapphire joined Thorax, Jack and Spike on the shoreline.  “I…” Novo gasped as she looked to Thorax. “I can’t thank you enough.” She looked to Jackknife. “Either of you… you saved our home.”  Thorax smiled a small bit at that, while Jackknife grinned more heartily. “Hey,” he said. “I don’t leave my friends hanging.”  Sapphire grinned bashfully before bowing. “I’m honored to be considered one of your friends, Jackknife,” she said. “And I’d like to show my friendship too. Not just to you, but to Thorax… and to Celestia.” She glanced briefly at Spike, before declaring, “When the time comes, the sea serpents will stand with ponykind.”  Novo stepped forward as well. “And the hippogriffs will be right there by their side.”  Spike smiled, though his smile faltered at the sad look on Thorax’s face, as he watched Sequestria return to the depths.  They had saved one kingdom… but lost another.  “It’ll work out,” Spike wanted to think. “Pyrite’s got to have better standing with Grogar, considering her advice worked out. And we have the changelings we can trust for sure.”  But much like the fact that he was now without his power, doubt still sat in his heart, feeling like it would forever be a part of him until Grogar was defeated.