The Son of the Sun

by eragon13666

Chapter 6: Returning to Normal (edited)

A few weeks had passed since the Nightmare Moon incident, and everything seemed to have returned to normal, or as normal as possible. Luna had been slowly working on learning as much as she could, but still had a lot to cover; seeing how she had been gone for over a thousand years. The book I gave her helped, at least, to see what happened to those loyal to her during the One Day War, as they called it. Whenever I would come to visit; she would keep herself inside her room, barely leaving for meals. She would tell me a few things. For one, the first leader of the Night Ponies was, at the time, the leader of her Night Guard.

I could see the sadness in her eyes when she spoke quite highly of her, showing how brave and understanding she could be. The last few decades before the fight, many ponies feared or even let rumors fly about the Night Ponies, seeing how their wings were at-like and their eyes were silt-like, an enchanted act done to allow one to see more easily in the dark. After the battle, many couldn’t remove the enchantment without unicorn help, so the magic flowed to their foal. One of the many evolutions of generations apart from their cousins. Another thing, which I was also aware of, was that they could eat meat. Though the land around them was lush, it couldn’t grow as much food as the farmlands near here could, so they started to hunt and eat meat, allowing fangs to grow or, more so, sharpen their way of life. Sure, they could still eat plants, but it was almost like they were humans in the sense of omnivores.

Still, Luna and I spent many days, or more so at night, as that was her domain, and she even returned to her duties. Mother would rise and lower the sun, just as Luna would raise and lower the moon. I would spend time with her before I would then head off for bed for the night; just to get to know her a little better, as well as to let her know she had a friend. There was a night, however, when I was curious about how she could spend her time alone up there when I learned something, she even asked that I never relieve her sister. “Wait, Nightmare Moon was her being?”

Another night together as she sat along her new bed, a night themelike style. Her room was being filled with more items, a better desk, and a book shelf filled with key points to help her get better integrated into society today. A telescope along her balcony that she would use to better stargaze; and just other little items here and there. As my question hung in the air, Luna only nodded as she explained. “Magic, even to Alicorns is a fickle thing,” she admitted as she looked off outside, the gentle breeze of the night air leaving the room in a nice chill—not too much for me. “At times, the mind works in ways that leave many confused, or more so, some can cast spells without knowing if they are so in tune with it.”

Seeing how I couldn’t use magic, I at least understood the basic understanding of it, seeing how it was a magical mishap that brought me here. “During my downward spiral of feeling like Celestia was more so pushing me away to take care of the kingdom, and I pushed in the background, even with my loyal followers and guards, I still…craved a sort of sisterly desire. I thought at times I had to grow up more, so I would first transform myself to look as Nightmare Moon did, but I knew that it didn’t feel right, like a foal dressing up as a character for a play. But I would still do it as such, as it did work at first for a while.” She hummed softly as she looked on, still deep in thought, as if back in the moment.

"However, I started to notice the change rather soon after.” “It was small at first,” she went on with her explanation as I sat there and listened. “When I was alone and felt upset about something, I swear I could hear a voice telling me that everything would be alright, or when I would walk past a mirror, I felt like I could see something beside me, walking with me, almost protecting me. When I learned that my mature-looking persona had somehow gained sentimentality, it was a surprise, to say the least.” She would look over at me as I sat and listened. I’m not sure how I looked to her, I tried to keep my face as neutral as I possibly could, but maybe she could see the gears working in my head, trying to find out how something like this was even possible. Tartarus, I know Twilight herself would have a field day with this, working to wonder how something like this was even possible.

“Even to this day, I do not fully understand how this was possible, nor how one could repeat such a thing; or if I would want someone to. There are too many risks of the personality not being as kind as Nightmare Moon was.”

“Kind?” I questioned, sure with the old information I was told by Mother. I was always led to believe that Nightmare Moon and Luna were one of the same beings. The story of how the Elements purged her, made it sound like Nightmare Moon was more of a curse that twisted her mind; but here she was saying an utterly different thing.

“I can understand your confusion; believe me, I was once where you sat mentally. I too was worried that I would perhaps be swallowed by Nightmare Moon, but she was somepony who understood me, and my pain. It wasn’t like she was a daughter to me; the relationship didn’t feel as such." There was a pause, eyes shifting to the side. “Was like a sister to me; one I needed.” She went on to explain to me what she meant, how Nightmare was always there for her when she needed a cheer. She was everything Luna was, but more now. As Luna had a gift of dreamwalking, when they would fall asleep, both could leave or even see each other in the dreamscape in a much easier way, allowing Nightmare to grow to be more of her own. Whenever. Whenever Luna allowed her to take control, it was like she was going along for the ride, her subconscious behind Nightmare Moon’s but never overpowered as say a possession or the ideal of one. Still, it was rather shocking to know that someone who had been a part of her like that was gone now.

When the letter returned to us about the Night Ponies, they agreed to meet, but at a middle ground. I went to the group, as well as, of course, Luna and my mother. The leader was there again, and when Luna walked forward, everypony who had come, bowed to her right away, knowing who she was. There was some small talk, much like how we thought Luna had agreed to go with them to spend some time with them. Though the Grand Galloping Gala was close at hand, she did promise to come, as did perhaps, the leader of the Night Ponies. I was at least happy about that, Mother as well; after so long of trying to at least be able to speak to them, Luna could be the very thing needed to bridge that gap. Of course, there was always the risk of things happening in another way; but we can only see where things go from here.

The Elements were taken by my mother, and placed in a location under a key that only her horn and magic could use to open it. A safety protocol in case any thieves would try and take them, as well as keeping them close at hoof in case they were ever needed. However, just a few days before the gala, something happened, Truth be told, I was surprised that it was Twilight herself who did it. “You want me to... take your friend, Rarity, on a date to the Gala?”

The question hung in the air as I had come for the first time to Twilight's new home and place of work in Ponyville, after getting a letter from her to go and meet with her; I took the first carriage that was able and went on down by the flight of the pegasus guards. I hadn’t met the other ponies who helped her stop Nightmare Moon, as they had their own lives to handle anyway, and I was helping, Luna into her home. So now, with this letter and after having coffee with the unicorn, the question she left has me quite puzzled. She even gave a sort of sheepish smile, her hoof going to the back of her mane to rub as she said, “It’s…I have a good reason, believe me!” I only raised an eyebrow at her, as I waited; taking a sip of my drink as she sighed. “Rarity once learned she would be coming after your mother gave me the extra tickets, she has this ideal of royalty and such, and how a prince will come in, woo her off her hoof, show her a good time, or treat her like a lady should.”

“To be fair, a lot of mares are like that,” I pointed out as I took another sip.

“She said this thinking of, Blueblood.”

I spat my drink out rather quickly, coughing and pounding my chest to get whatever was sucked into my chest out. I coughed again as she used her magic to pass me a towel to clean up the mess I made. “Blueblood—the same Blueblood we know? Or some sort of magical alternate version where he is not a pain in the flank?!”

“I know, I know!” She answered as she sighed, rubbing her head. “I tried to tell Rarity that he was possibly not the best choice to... What’s the term? It’s what the guards call it.” I blinked for a moment, sighed, and said.

“Going Shag… but I don’t think this counts for this, as I highly doubt your friend wants to have a sexual relationship on the first meeting.” She only nodded a bit as she sighed and added.

“Ether way… I may have told her that you were looking for a date, and perhaps you could.”

"Oh, my mother, you didn’t.” I sighed heavily, covered my face with my hands, and leaned back in the pillow seat I was in, luckily not enough to fall off but still.

As we walked toward her friend's home, many more ponies were still bowing when they saw me, or even just greeting us. I would at times greet them back, or softly say that there was somewhere I needed to be, and I would keep on going on. When seeing the home or shop, reminded me of how Canterlot would look. The building just seemed so out of place in the small village-like place where it sat. Having Twilight explain to me, what she does and even the amazing works she does; surprises me that she could have all this rather high-end clothing, but lived here. Maybe she did a lot of mail orders? Still, we went up as Twilight knocked on her door, and we didn't have to wake long.

"Coming!" Even her voice held that sort of high-end 'Canterlot' voice that I would joke many would have. With arms behind my back, as I waited, the door slowly opened. Rairty had a coat of pure white, her Cutiemark seemed to be three blue diamonds; her eyes were a shade of blue, and her curly mane and tail, were violet. She was about to greet Twilight with a happy smile, however, when she saw me, her eyes widened rather quickly, and she bowed her front down in an almost elegant way I’ve seen some of the upper-class ponies do. “Your Highness, I did not expect to have some pony like you here today! To what do I owe the Honor?” I never liked when ponies bowed to me, or any pony for that matter. I think it was more so because ponies like Blueblood demanded it and would belittle them if they ‘forgot their place’. Still, I responded to her question.

“You don’t have to bow to me, Miss Rarity,” I said as she gazed up at me. however, held her pose a bit longer. After seeing that I wasn’t going on until she no doubt stopped, “I’ve come here to meet with you, more so on the request of Twilight here; may we come in?”

She allowed us in almost right away, even leaving to get some drinks set up. The sound of crashing objects and a slight muttering about her place being a mess can still be heard in the kitchen. As Twilight and I waited, I felt something along my legs, looking down and seeing a pure white furry cat rubbing my pants. I smiled as I bent down and rubbed its head, hearing it purr softly in enjoyment. “I never did think I would be treating royalty, more so the prince of Equestria himself!” Rarity claimed as she came out, using her magic to carry a tray of snacks and tea, placing it along the table near where we sat down. “I must say, if I'd known, I would’ve fixed myself up!”

“To be fair,” I added, gazing at her. “You look like you are rather ‘fixed’ up already.” She only laughed softly and softly batted her hoof as I looked to Twilight, who nudged her head a bit as I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, I was told you were going to the GGG.”

I questioned her as I took the cup of tea she offered me. Her eyes lit up as she explained with happy glee how she was so happy that she was happy. More so when Twilight explained she would be making all of their dresses to head up there. Spike was going to be spending the day and night with her family. It was funny as there was an inside joke about him being the closest thing to a grandchild they may have, so no doubt they were spoiling the young Drake with treats. After her gushing was done, she even showed her dress that she was still working on, personally putting some orders on hold to focus on her and the others's dresses. She then said the thing I was dreading for. “I also hope to catch the eye of the prince, Blueblood; oh, I can already see it now!” She said almost dreamily about it, hearing her gush about how she believed he was this proper prince, that she would go to him, and he would spend the night with her, treating her almost like a princess. But I knew, as did Twilight, that this would not be the case; not at all. I still wondered how I could work on convincing her that this would be a bad idea.

But I didn’t want to come off as some... I’m not even sure what I would call being completely truthful. However, after a deep thought, I had an idea, one that I hoped would work. “You know, Miss Rarity, if you wish to have a night with royalty, I am more than willing to share the night with you.” She paused in her explanation of how she believed the night would go, me thinking she was thinking of some old story of what the common pony believed all royals were like; not knowing many wouldn’t even give them the time of day. However, hearing my request, her eyes grew wide as I smiled a bit and added. “My mother had always been on my case that I should at least try and get somepony as a date of sorts and such, so I’m not just wandering around. So, if you wish, I could be your date?”

The room was silent for the moment, her eyes locked onto my own, as I slightly leaned toward Twilight and even whispered. “Is…is she okay?”

“Give it a minute.” As I turned to her with my eye raised a bit, that’s when I heard the start of it. A low start at first, but a strange sound of an ‘eeeee’ before it grew into a loud happy glee of a squeal. The unicorn was now up and running around, speaking so quickly about how she was living every filly dream, A prince asked her out as I deeply sighed. I know this was to protect her from the fate of dealing with Blueblood, but I wondered how this would turn out.

After Twilight thanked me as Rairty started to bounce about the room, all giddily about not only being asked out by a prince, but at the GGG, she seemed to be going into an almost overdrive. When I asked if she wished me to pick her up or go there with her friends, she seemed on the fence, however, Twilight chimed in. Having the idea that it would be more of a gentle-colt thing for me to pick her up, the rest of her friends can meet and enjoy the gala later, after she spends some time with her date. I gave the unicorn a side-eye glance when she said that, and she only rolled her eyes, as this would be something utterly new. I’ve never been on a date before, and now I'm at a huge event such as this. Sure, it was to keep her safe from the idea of BlueBlood but I could at least enjoy the idea. Still, I would have a lot to do when I returned home, one of which was to ask my mother for some advice on the subject of this; I’m just hoping she won’t make a big deal about it.

A few hours after meeting with Rarity, it was time for dinner, BlueBlood was gone for the night for something, which left the dinner rather quiet. At least, Spirit stood off to the side with the other maids as they spoke softly to one another as I and Mother enjoyed our meal. “So,” Mother started after our greeting and small talk were done. “I’ve gotten a letter from Luna.” I looked up at her after finishing swallowing the bite of food I had. “She and a few others within the Luner Republic will be coming to the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Well, that’s great, yes?” I asked, looking at her as she nodded her head a bit at this. “At least she will see the Gala, and this could be the start of a better relationship with the Republic.”

“Yes, hopefully, this will be the start of something good. Though I wish my sister would stay with us, I can see that this was a good idea now.” I smiled and nodded my head a bit at this as I went to take a drink. “And what of you?”

“Hrm?” I questioned her, raising an eyebrow at her.

“I was told that you went down to Ponyville, was it to meet and see Twilight?”

She asked as I looked off and coughed a bit, not knowing how to say this. She gave me a puzzled look, and I had enough courage to ask her. “It was to see Twilight, yes, but also for another reason.” When she tilted her head to the side, I went on, as I said. “I will need some advice, mother.”

“Of course!” She said she placed her fork down with her magic and smiled before I finished, as her reaction surprised me greatly.

"I have a date for the Gala.” The room got rather silent, as even the maids stopped talking when they heard that. My mother's mouth opened a bit in a small O shape as she just stared at me. She was maybe quiet for a minute, and before I could ask if she was all okay, she had this huge grin plastered along her muzzle before the sound came. “Eeeeeeeeeeee!” As she leaned back in her seat, hooves were placed before her lips and even seemed to bounce a bit in place as I sighed heavily. "Oh, sweet, my mother...” I groaned, almost thinking this was going to be a bad idea.