Life as a Sonic OC Redux

by Kitsulestia

Return of the Siren Queen

*Sonic's POV*

Aria was in a panic since the siren queen was coming to Ponyville.

Elia asks "What's her problem?"

I spoke "Oh right, you weren't at the council meeting when Spike burped out a letter from an unknown Equian."

Aria spoke "I just… I can’t believe SHE’S still alive!"

I spoke "Aria, please calm down."

Michelle brought out some food as Aria started stress-eating.

The little siren boy, Bolero, was worried about his mom.

Charybdis spoke "Hmm… If it’s who I think she is, then it would’ve been quite some time."

I ask "you don't mean...?"

Charybdis asks "Hmm? What’re you asking?"

Aria spoke "Cut him some slack Charyb, he doesn't know about the Siren Queen."

“Queen?” I asked, confused.

Charybdis spoke "She's a lot more stronger than an elder siren like myself. And she's the mother of Adagio, Aria and Sonata."

…Say what?

Aria asks "I think she’ll recognize you, but will mom recognize me, Dagi and Nata?

Elia spoke "She might not know the rest of us... Plus there's a chance she might attack Sonic."

Aria spoke "Not just that, dad might be coming back too…"

Bolero tilted his head in confusion.

I spoke "And there's another problem, this Siren Queen probably hates Mobians."

Charybdis winced at that. “You have NO idea how right you are, Sonic.”

Sonia arrived with Adagio and Kelly as Manic arrived with Sonata and Melody.

Sonia spoke "Don't forget about the half sirens, they could get attacked as well."

Adagio spoke "Sheesh, mom was always a bit protective of us."

Sonata spoke "W-worst case scenario, she m-might force us to m-marry some other siren..."

“Hey, we ain’t gonna let that happen.” I said.

Charybdis spoke "About that Sonic, you don't know Queen Crescendo like I do. She hates all Mobians since she was betrayed by one when she was a young adult. Back then, she once had a Mobian lover but he broke her heart when he had killed their first child..."

“…Then we’ll need to prove to her beyond a doubt that not all mobians are like that.” I declared.

Manic asks "How are we gonna do that bro?"

“If she’s gonna fight, then we at least gotta protect the others.” I points out.

Adagio spoke "If push comes to shove, we can ask Midnight for help."

Charybdis spoke "Hey, I can help."

A powerful yet royal roar rings clear, indicating that Queen Crescendo had arrived.

All of the other Mobians go into hiding since they were terrified.

“Jeez, scheduled much?” I quipped.

Volt was hiding with the Crusaders since he was also scared.

Spitfire asks "How are we supposed to calm nine thousand years of rage down?"

A male spoke "At least try to get her to lose some steam."

We flipped around, seeing a male siren, much to Charybdis and the Dazzlings’ shock.

Charybdis gasps "King Allegro?!"

The Dazzlings gasp "Dad?!"

Bolero was hiding behind a couch with Kelly and Melody.

Allegro spoke "I’ll admit this much, I’m surprised you girls got Mobian mates, let alone be in harems."

Adagio spoke "Mom won't be happy with my choice though..."

Allegro spoke "Well, you guys will just have to prove it to her."

Sonia, Manic and I ask "How?"

Allegro spoke "You’re about to get your answer."

The three of us didn’t know why, but we suddenly shielded our mates from three beams.

Elia was behind me in fear.

“Talk about your close shaves.” I quipped.

Spitfire spoke "I swear to Faust, that siren queen has anger issues."

Michelle spoke "We know other people with that, like Raph."

Pixie spoke "Don't get me started on that Zane guy."

But then someone suddenly appeared. "Hey guys."

It was a female panther Mobian wearing gloves with inhibitor rings similar to Shadow.

Roll and Blaze get a crazy idea before throwing me at Bliss, causing the two of us to kiss.

Elia asks "*Giggle!* Does this normally happen?"

Roll giggles "Quite often."

Spitfire giggles "That makes what, 16 for Sonic now?"

But then we heard a roar.

Aria spoke "Girls, gossip later."

Thanks to the amulet I wore, I was in my werehog form before roaring loud at the siren queen.

The siren queen growled at me.


The Siren Queen spoke "*Angrily* You think I care?! I'm taking back my-"

But then she was attacked from the back of the head as she fell unconscious, revealed to have been Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "We really didn't have all day."

I spoke "Let me guess. You sensed her intense rage so you had to knock her out."

Danyelle spoke "And I didn’t want this to go into a full-blowed hour-long battle."

Sonata spoke "But 9000 years of rage is gonna be hard to let go and..."

A sharp ping rang clear in Danyelle's mind as well as my mind.

I ask "Did you sense that Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "What timing."

I spoke "It's not that Dany, something is wrong."

A loud hiss came from Swiftrunner since strange glitchy black ooze dripped out of Queen Crescendo's mouth.

Danyelle hisses "What in StarClan's name is that?!?"

Jasmine popped up wearing a hazmat suit and a container before collecting all of that ooze. "You've gotta be kidding me."

I ask "But why did it appear in this universe though?"

Danyelle spoke "I thought the folks over in the OC-verse destroyed it!"

Jsamine spoke "How it got here doesn't really matter. What matters is that this needs to go."

Danyelle spoke "Thank StarClan that wasn't tarkat."

Jasmine spoke "Trust me, this is a million times worse."

Danyelle spoke "According to what my OC-verse counterpart told me... Corrupted folks have blank eyes, twitchy movements and that black gunk on their bodies."

But then the siren queen started coughing as she was coming to.

Adagio asks "Mother?"

The female spoke "Ugh... Dagi? What happened? You've grown so much!"

Adagio had her tail curled around Soniia while Sonata had Manic in her arms.

Aria had a grip on me.

The female asks "H-Hold on, *Getting concerned* w-why are you three holding onto those mobians?"

Sonata spoke "He's my husband."

Aria spoke "same reason as Sonata."

Adagio spoke "She's my wife."

The female spoke "*Growing more concerned* G-Girls, please tell me this is a joke."

Charybdis spoke "It's no joke Queen Crescendo."

Crescendo asks "Charybdis?! When did you show up, old friend?"

Charybdis spoke "I live here with my husband and herdmates."

Crescendo asks "Huh?"

I spoke "Seeing as you already know me, Aria and Charybdis. I think I should introduce the rest of my herd. There's Roll, Blaze, Spitfire, Sally, Zephyr, Nightshade, Elia, Zacia, Swiftrunner, Moltry, Pixie, Michelle, Quicktalon and Bliss."

Allegro asks "And the others? Like your siblings?"

Sonia spoke "I'm Sonia."

Manic spoke "I'm Manic."

I spoke "Though not related by blood, the nekomata is Danyelle."

Allegr asks "*Ahem!* And? *Points towards Sonia and Manic’s mates*"

Manic spoke "the other siren is Operetta."

Sonia spoke "I've also got Sasha."

That only made Crescendo more and more concerned.

Aria spoke "Mother, you have to let go of the past."

Crescendo spoke "*Whimpering* I just don't want you girls to go through the same thing I did."

Aria spoke "My sisters and I did some rather bad things a thousand years ago but if it wasn't for a magic surge from Danyelle, we would have starved to death due to lack of magic. She changed us for the better. Danyelle's our hero. Thanks to her, we found love. I fell in love with the Prince of the Wind, Sonata fell in love with a tacobrain. And Adagio fell in love with Sonia but that was because of the gender imbalance for Equians."

Crescendo asks "Still… Are you three sure?"

Danyelle spoke "Like my OC-verse counterpart would say... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Buttercup suddenly appeared as she earthbended a swift blow on Crescendo. “Fire!”

Crescendo spoke "Gyah! Hey!"

But then Buttercup earthbended, dodging the siren Queen’s attack. “Water. Anyway, ya see what Dany means?”

Danyelle spoke "Cool your jets princess."

Butch had to hold Buttercup back from attacking Danyelle.

Buttercup spoke "Don’t call me Princess!"

Butch chuckles "But you're my princess though Buttercup."

That seemed to have calmed Buttercup down, at least a bit.

Danyelle spoke "You know Buttercup, you'd get along great with Rainbow Dash. You both have that tomboy attitude."

Buttercup spoke "Heh, I’m awesome like that."

Butch spoke "Heh, but check this out."

Butch pulled what looked like a sock out of his shoe and threw it as it spun around Crescendo like a boomerang before her eyes became like dizzy dials.

Crescendo spoke "*Covering nose* Guah! Smells like cheese!"

The sock flew back to Butch as he caught it.

Danyelle fainted due to the smell.

Buttercup spoke "Dude, that stink is as lethal as ever."

Butch chuckles "I try."

I groan "Ein is worse..."

Butch spoke "Heh, think that’s nasty, wait’ll all three of us Rowdyruff Boys get together."

I spoke "Two words... Fart bomb...."

Buttercup spoke "Guh, don’t remind me."

Butch asks "Hehe, guess ya heard, huh?"

I spoke "Just try not to pull stuff like that off if Danyelle's nearby. Her nose is rather sensitive though not as sensitive as my grandfather's nose."

But then Buttercup noticed Bliss. “Huh? What’s Bliss doin’ here?”

Bliss and I kinda blushed at that as the rest of my wives giggled and snickered.

Spitfire spoke "Roll and Blaze did it!"

Roll and Blaze spoke "HEY!!!"

Buttercup asks "Oh? *Eyes squint with a glare* Did what?"

I grab Buttercup before giving her a noogie.

Buttercup asks "Oof! What gives?"

Roll spoke "It's best you don't know."

Buttercup glared before pointing two fingers to her eyes then me, saying that she’s watching me. “Come on, Butch. Let’s jet.”

Buttercup and Butch flew off.

I ask "Bliss, you okay?"

Bliss was definitely blushing in embarrassment.

“Sorry about Roll and Blaze throwing me at you.” I apologized, blushing about letting that happen.

Bliss spoke "*Blushing* N-No, it’s cool. I should’ve seen it coming."

I spoke "I won't force you to join my herd if you don't want to, the choice is yours."

Bliss asks "Well, after what those two pulled, it’s kinda been in my head for a bit. But I’m gonna have to make sure first with two challenges. First, think you can catch up with me?"

I spoke "If it's a speed challenge, I doubt you could beat me. I'm known as the Prince of the Wind after all."

Bliss spoke "Well, *Hair glows with wind flowing around her* let’s so how fast you are. *Looks in the distance* First to Canterlot’s the winner."

“It’s on.” I smirked. “3…”

Bliss spoke "2…"

“1…” Bliss and I counted down before… “GO!!!”

The two of us blasted off, neck-and-neck.

I launch ahead with a triple sonicboom, outflying Bliiss.

To be Continued...