My Little Pokémon: Grander World

by Amarvax

Awakening of Legends

Beyond Equestria. Near Seaquestria. Afternoon.

At this moment, Lugia was approaching Daybreaker's forces, who have re-entered Universe 1 to continue their mission. And this time, they intend to capture Lunala. Their encounter was inevitable at this rate. Over at the Ranger Union, the people there were quick to notice a large signature currently heading straight for Daybreaker's ship.

"Is that Lugia?" One of the dispatchers commented, noticing Lugia's signature and how it was moving fast. "It's heading straight for Daybreaker!"

Lugia would then descend into the ocean, the force of the wind it created, even though it was far, caused the water to rise. Lugia was rapidly moving across the ocean, the force of its body moving causing a large wave that was far bigger than the one that was already there, making the water level increase.

Capper felt the earth rumble from Lugia's movements, his catch of Magikarp, Feebas and all the fish falling over as the wave approached. "Ah! My catch!!" He panicked, picking his felines up.

He quickly got out of the way of the water as Lugia would suddenly shot out of the sea, the wave hitting him in the back as he managed to hold on, his claws digging into the sand. The impact of the water would send him tumbling forward, landing on his chest.

Capper would slowly push himself up, his eyes widening when he looked at the horizon, seeing Daybreaker's ship. The ships were so massive and intimidating that they were hard to miss. The fact that he wasn't the only one seeing them was proven true when all the inhabitants of Klugetown would scream in horror, their mouths wide open.

They could see the Solar Fleet coming straight for them.

"Oh my..." Capper whispered, watching as Lugia flew towards Daybreaker's fleet. He knew what was coming and poor Klugetown looked like it was about to be caught in the middle of it.

"There's our first Legendary." Daybreaker commented, spotting Lugia in the distance. Now that she got Lugia's attention, bringing him here, she and her armada could get to work. Their goal was to defeat Lugia, taking his energy and granting it to Necrozma, further fueling him.

Once Lugia spotted them, he would let out a roar that specifically targeted Daybreaker. This roar was one of anger, berating Daybreaker for what she had caused. Naturally, Daybreaker couldn't understand him, but Gardevoir could. She relayed his message.

"He and other Legendary Pokemon have been anticipating you showing up to this universe again."

"As to be expected. Every Legendary Pokemon, at least the ones that protect the world, would be after me, wouldn't they? And that's the idea. It doesn't matter which Pokemon it ends up being. As long as Necrozma gets the energy. Today is the day we make our greatest progress yet."

The many ships would suddenly open their hatches, revealing devices that were pointed at Lugia. The devices would light up, their energies immediately interacting with the sea itself. The energies seemed to have a bright orange glow, almost like solar energy, with it being so potent that the heat generated from it would immediately start evaporating the seawater.

The intense heat would cause Lugia to gasp, his body becoming heated. With a powerful roar, the Diving Pokemon would unleash an Aqua Ring that would target Daybreaker's fleet, wanting to protect the water's natural balance.

After cooling himself down, Lugia would go on the offensive, using Aeroblast underwater. His mouth would open wide, forming a sphere of energy that shot out a massive blue and white energy wave.

The wave travelled rapidly across the waters, targeting the devices and attempting to destroy them. The cannons of these ships would then unleash powerful beams that clashed with the energy wave, creating an explosion, which sent out a powerful shockwave, a powerful shockwave. The impact caused Lugia to be pushed back and Daybreaker's forces were also affected.

Despite their shields and the strength of the ships, the shockwaves still shook the ships a little. The water around the clash would start heating up due to the clash of the energies. The intense heat would make the sea boil, the water starting to steam. The intensity of the clash would start causing the clouds to turn black.

Daybreaker would have her entire armada unleash a powerful barrage of the Solarbeam Cannons, the intense rays of energy shooting across the ocean. However, Lugia would fly and evade them.

Quickly, the devices would change their target and aim directly at Lugia, unleashing a powerful barrage that was similar to the Solarbeam Cannon. The rays would be extremely powerful and precise, chasing Lugia down and trying to hit him. Each hit would continue to heat up the sea, evaporating parts of it

Lugia would use his psychic abilities, creating a powerful Psychic Forcefield, blocking the energy beams. However, this wouldn't be enough and some of the lasers would hit him, the intense heat and force sending him plummeting towards the waters.

Lugia's body would start glowing immensely as the Diving Pokemon unleashed an immense surge of water that was as powerful as a geyser.

The sheer intensity would force the armada's forces back. It was powerful enough to push a majority of the armada's ships away, which caused them to spin out. Lugia would take this opportunity to strike again.

Lugia's roar would echo, the sound reaching the ears of Deoxys and Lunala. The both of them, after a brief discussion, would set off to help.

Back at Seaquestria, the residents would feel the effects of the battle happening across the sea. Their island was trembling and the ground would crack, splitting the land and causing the ground to cave in, leaving a huge crater.

They noticed how the seas were heating up at a rapid pace, steam covering the waters. Naturally, this would greatly affect them if this were to keep up. Queen Novo would fall off her throne

"What's this?" She shrieked, seeing the water continuing to rise and boil at the same time. The entire city was beginning to crumble and the buildings would start getting covered in a large amount of steam, making visibility difficult.

"Inside! Now!" Queen Novo would yell, leading her citizens into the castle as the city continued to crumble. The ground was unstable. They had to hurry before the water reaches their homes.

They managed to make it into the castle, where there was a hidden pathway underneath. There, they would use their magic, opening a trap door that led down below the ground. They would enter this passage and would go into the caverns below the ocean floor.

The entrance to the pathway would get sealed behind them. The water would rush in, just about ready to wreck the city. However, Sequestria was home to many Water-Types that would not allow such a thing to happen. They would try their best to stop the rising sea, preventing the damage.

The Water Pokemon, mainly the Goldeen and Carvanha, along with other Pokemon such as Wishiwashi would attempt to hold back the sea, their combined strength making it so that the sea was forced to halt.

However, the intensity of the rising heat would prove to be a little much for the Water Pokemon to handle. They wouldn't be able to hold back the water for much longer. The sea was about ready to crash through the walls, destroying everything in its path and the only thing holding it back were the Water-Types.

Lugia was quick to notice this, realizing that the intensity of this battle was threatening nearby locations and cities. This battle could potentially destroy everything within its vicinity at this rate. Thinking fast, Lugia would then use Hurricane.

The intensity of his wings and the strength of his psychic powers would combine to create a gigantic, swirling cyclone, the wind being powerful enough to create a whirlpool. It was a hurricane of extreme proportions.

This hurricane would engulf the ships, forcing them to retreat or risk being destroyed by Lugia. The ships would struggle to leave, some of them being dragged in the vortex, but would ultimately escape. Lugia would then focus his energy on the sea itself, his hurricane trying its best to hold back the raging tides.

It proved effective as the sea was forced to halt its progression. With Lugia's power, he managed to maintain the flow of the sea, preventing anything else from breaking out.

"Lugia isn't showing any signs of tiring, Your Majesty." The ponies kept track of Lugia's energy signatures on their screens, seeing that the Diving Pokemon was still able to continue at great levels.

"Fine with me. It'll go down soon. Right now, put the pressure on him and focus on the sea itself. Evaporate a chunk of it. He will have no choice but to focus all his efforts on saving it, leaving him as vulnerable as possible." Daybreaker ordered, the Solar Fleet doing exactly as they were told.

They would target the ocean and unleash a powerful barrage that would heat the sea even further. The water would start boiling, creating steam and the waves would crash more intensely than they previously did, causing a huge rumbling.

All the Water-Types that lived in these seas would soon feel the heat, their bodies feeling weak. Even Water-Types that could resist the heat like Whiscash were starting to succumb. The heat was too much. They couldn't handle it and were forced to flee the sea, the sea being the only home they've ever known.

The Pokemon, who were unable to find a home elsewhere, were forced to seek refuge somewhere else. Some went on land, finding homes in caves, rivers, and other places where the sea didn't reach. However, the sheer force of the heat was soon reach the land, making it difficult for them to be safe there too.

Lugia turned his head to see the heat reaching the lands, slowly sparking up flames. If they even get past that point, a wildfire will surely happen. To save them, Lugia would use Aeroblast once more, creating an intense whirlpool, his hurricane's winds blowing out the fire.

This mixture of a whirlpool and a hurricane were so great that they even started pushing back Daybreaker's ships, causing a lot of the fleet to start sinking.

Lugia's body would be shining and he would then unleash a devastating Hyper Beam, targeting Daybreaker's ships. The beam of intense energy would shoot out and cause a massive explosion. The explosion was so great that it would reach the other side of the planet, affecting the rest of the Solar Fleet.

"Ah!" The ponies in the Solar Fleet gasped, the intensity of the attack causing them to fly backwards, the blast hitting the shield and shattering it instantly. Daybreaker' Solar Sword, however, managed to stay in position. Lugia managed to calm down all the rumbling and disruption in the sea with this one act.

The sea would return to normal, the intensity of the battle dying down and the water would return to its normal level. Lugia's presence was calming to the water itself, allowing it to return to its usual self. The water was still steaming and hot, but at least it was calm and steady.

"Tch. Not bad." Daybreaker commented. But she expected nothing less from a Legendary Pokemon. She knew she would have to keep stepping it up since this was just one Legendary Pokemon.

The residents of Seaquestria let out relieved sighs once they sensed the tremors coming to an end. It felt as if they could breath. The Water-Types were also relieved, however, they had each suffered injuries.

Upon trying to defend Seaquestria from the boiling waves, all of them were burnt, their bodies weakened. Many would collapse into the sand. The ones who remained conscious tried to assist the ones who had passed out, the ones who were badly burnt.

Queen Novo would see the aftermath and she was absolutely shocked. Many of the Pokemon here were their friends and were important to the Hippogriffs. Now, their bodies were injured, the heat not calming down for even a second.

She would go to the sea, using her horn and the magic within her to create a massive bubble that encompassed all the Water-Types. Then, she would use her magic, lifting the bubble up. Once they were airborne, she would use her wings to carry them.

"Have them healed up right away. And see if any of you can reach Princess Celestia. Tell her that Daybreaker's shown up." Novo ordered her soldiers. "And be quick about it."

All the Water-Types would be tended to by the Hippogriffs as they would go for every healing method they had to offer, ensuring that they would make a full recovery.

But even if the water was stable, Lugia didn't trust this. He was still on guard. Daybreaker and her forces haven't been defeated. As long as they were active, this wouldn't be a problem.

But, Lugia was not the only Legendary Pokemon in the sea to pick up on Daybreaker's presence. After all, Daybreaker and her force were intentionally making themselves well known. And among one of these Pokemon that sensed her, in the seas of Hoenn, Kyogre would be awoken, hearing the call of the oceans.

This was an urgent cry that signalled that there was a danger to the seas. No. The World. Immediately, the Ancient Pokemon would shoot up, its presence alone shaking the waters. It would let out a massive roar that could be heard all the way across the sea, the sheer strength of it parting the water as a shockwave.

Kyogre was now on the move, aiming to swim from Hoenn all the way to Daybreaker's location. But not just that. Legendary Pokemon from across the world were waking up in response to Daybreaker's arrival, her presence being sensed by all the Legendaries.

Moltres was awoken in a vast tundra, its eyes glowing in the chilling misty. Kyogre's equal, Groudon, would also awaken right in the hottest parts of the world. The molten lands and ground that it laid under prompted it to erupt, awoken and alerted by Kyogre's roar. Both Legendaries would set off to Daybreaker's location. In the Sinnoh region, Azelf was also awoken and the lake spirit would go after them, following them.

The Legendary Dogs in Johto were already running. Raikou leapt from a high place, Suicune dashed through the seas of Johto while Entei scaled a large mountain

The one who reacted to this the most was Zygarde. Zygarde had previously tried finding Daybreaker a month ago but failed to do so. But now was his chance to prove his strength and defeat her. So, the Legendary Pokemon would rush over to the location, ready for the confrontation.

"W-What is this?!" At the Ranger Union, all the dispatches were in absolute disbelief. Their monitors were showing them the signs of many Legendary Pokemon currently on the move across the world.

"For all of them to start moving at the same time...and they're all heading for this one spot!" A Dispatcher exclaimed. "Not since that event at Dahara City has there been many Legendary Pokemon this active and fixated on one thing. All this for Daybreaker?"

High above the skies of the badlands, Captain Celaeno's ship and crew could feel a rumbling in the sky, causing the winds to pick up and the clouds to turn dark.

"Hey! You feeling that?!" Celaeno questioned.

"It feels like something big's approaching, Captain. Like a storm!" One of her crew spoke.

"Then it looks like we've got to land somewhere until it blows over." Celaeno decided, knowing the winds are far too strong.

"Aye, Captain!" Her crew nodded their heads as she would then turn her head.

"Stormy, get us down. Now!" She ordered.

"Got it!" Stormy replied, using the wind and her flying abilities to make the ship descend as fast as possible, getting out of the sky and landing safely on the ground. The rumbling would get stronger and stronger.

As the crew looked around, they could see the storm clouds becoming darker and darker, the rumble getting louder and louder. But then, what would appear would shock them.

What appeared to be a large figure could be seen flying by. It was Lugia, who had recently been knocked back by a powerful attack. An attack that came straight from the Solar Sword. The massive ship could be seen glowing as it had recently released a great beam that sent Lugia flying. Lugia would skip across the sea before managing to recover, hovering.

"Good, good. I think that's enough of a warmup." Daybreaker said, her seat ascending as the hatch above would open up. "I'll get myself involved this time. Necrozma and I will take care of things from here. The rest of you will focus on boiling the oceans while I keep Lugia occupied. We need him to be distracted so that the heat is more effective and so that our target won't interfere. Now, let's get this over with."

Daybreaker would emerge from her ship, a Poke Ball floating next to her thanks to her magic. In that Poke Ball was Necrozma, ready to emerge.

The Human World. Out in the Forest. Afternoon.

At the same time, Silver Spoon and Cozy Glow were about to have their brief battle here in the forest. However, not many people were around. Most had gone to catch some Pokemon or were hanging out elsewhere. Either way, this battle was about to happen regardless.

"It's a shame not everyone could show up." Silver Spoon commented. "Oh, well. It is what it is. It'll still be fun, don't you think?"

"Mhm. Let's hurry and do this. I wanna go home soon." Cozy Glow held her Poke Ball out. Silver Spoon would do the same as both girls would launch these items. The Poke Balls spun around, soon summoning Purugly and Togepi.



"Alright, Togepi. This time, let's actually try and work together." Immediately, Cozy Glow wanted Togepi to cooperate with her. That was easier said than done since Togepi was still a bit distant of Cozy Glow. She grumbled seeing Togepi's head turn, knowing that this battle wouldn't go the way she wanted.

"Uh...Are you still having issues with your Togepi?" Silver Spoon pointed. "Are you sure can battle?"

"What?! Of course, I can!" Cozy Glow exclaimed. "Isn't that right, Togepi?"

"To." Togepi scoffed.

"Mrrrrgh!" Cozy Glow clenched her teeth, her eyes twitching. "If you're going to be like that, the item of Fairy Matter will straighten you out."

"Those two are going to have a hard time, aren't they?" Silver Spoon chuckled nervously while adjusting her glasses. Purugly simply shook her head. But even though she was annoyed, Cozy Glow had the item of Fairy Matter to bank on.

In two different parts of the world, four individuals were about to battle. Necrozma had been summoned from his Poke Ball, locking onto Lugia while Togepi had locked onto Purugly. Two battles were about to begin, but while they may be different in scale, they all led to the same end goal.

And all the while, over at Ponyville, a resting Absol would open his eyes, his horn vibrating at great levels. The Disaster Pokemon stood up, gazing into the azure skies above, knowing that a disaster was inbound.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 543 End.