Spike The Keyblade Master

by Dragonfan101

2: Conflicted Thoughts

Spike felt himself starting to wake up after having that extremely strange dream he's had, he's been having strange dreams like this before, but this one felt so... real. Spike's been starting to get worried on what this is all meaning, if there's something to come for him in the future, what is it? Spike's had a lot to question about himself since Twilight and the others have done so much for Equestria, while he has often been on the sidelines mostly.

Spike groaned a bit as he was finally opening his eyes, his vision was coming into focus and he sees that he's still in his new room in Twilight's castle. Spike sighs in relief after realizing where was and tries getting up, he's felt restless despite all the sleep he's been getting, and with these strange dreams coming into play, something may be wrong, especially when he felt like he almost blacked out when it ended.
"What was that? Was it real... or not?" Spike asks himself while he gets out of his bed.

Spike stretches his arms and yawns a bit loudly after all the sleep he had, while he's still been having to work as an assistant here, Twilight's had way more to study since she became a princess, and she's often been in her library studying, which did give Spike more free time. Spike tiredly walks over to his windows and opens it up, he sees a view of Equestria and Ponyville in the distance as the sun was rising, it was a beautiful morning once again in Equestria, Spike could see more people already getting up and ready for the day, and he was just glad to see some light.
"Good morning Equestria..." Spike tells himself again while he starts to walk out of his room, he's gotten used to the castle's layout at this point, he's had no trouble navigating it and knows where Twilight will be by now, in the library.
"Hopefully she didn't overwork herself again.." Spike prays while he opened his door and started heading down the halls.

Spike looked around the place and admired what he's had, while the Tree Library was a nice home for him and Twilight before, this place was massive, with dozens of rooms for guests, a huge library, kitchen, throne room, and great halls that expand over the whole place, all while being made mostly of crystals which most dragons would want to eat.

But while Spike felt glad to live in a cool place like this, the visions he's been having have been starting to concern him, they're nothing like he's seen before, it's like they're all trying to tell him something important that's to happen in the future. But Spike doesn't know what it is.
"Why am I having these thoughts now? What could be the reason that all of this is happening to me?" Spike asks himself again as he reflects on that recent dream he's had, these monster's he's been seeing seem unique, different, heartless..
"What reason is there for this to happen now? Is something about to happen to me? But what?" Spike asks again while he was almost at the library, all these dreams and visions he's had has had him think about a lot of stuff, stuff he never thought he'd think about in his life, but with what's been happening, he's just been more and more conflicted on it.
"Maybe Twilight could have some advise for all of this.." Spike suggests while he opens the doors to the library, hoping she was fine, not knowing that there was a strange man in a robe.. watching him from the shadows..

Spike walked through the doors into Twilight's library, and like one would guess, it's extremely large. It's almost like a forest of books that one could get lost in, Twilight's mainly gone through many history and spell books to keep up her study's, while Spike's glad she's learning more to be a princess, she may be a bit overboard with her work at times.

But as Spike kept making his way through the place, he soon saw Twilight was reading yet another book on the main desk, followed by a stack of more magic books she was learning about, Spike sighed seeing her like this again, while she looks completely fine, Spike's mainly seen her be here most of the day without going out.
"Hey Twilight, you doing alright?" Spike greeted while she pulled away from her books to speak with him.
"Oh, morning Spike! I'm fine, I was just reading more history books again on Equestria, with me being a princess now, I have to study up more then before, while Celestia and Luna both expect me to do things well, I'm trying to do them flawlessly!" Twilight said confidently while she kept looking at the books, Spike sighed hearing that, she's always been like this, even if she's doing it for good things, she's at risk of burning herself out, and Spike just worries for her because out it.
"You know you don't have to do that, the more you do this, you may risk making more mistakes then you think, you've barely been getting proper sleep, and I'm.. I 'm just worried for you for that Twilight." Spike replied worried for her, but she didn't seem that worried, but concerned hearing it.
"Spike.. I know I can.. overwork at times, but you don't have to worry about me, I have a duty to keep up with, and you can just do what helps around the castle, alright?" Twilight asked which Spike sorta understood.

But Spike still doesn't know if this is the best approach for her, she knows for sure the other girls would be concerned over this too, but maybe Spike's overthinking it.
"Your right.. I guess I was just.. worried again.." Spike admitted with a guilted expression, but that's when Twilight noticed something was off with him, she's seen him be more distant from them even when they're out together, and wondered what's on his mind.
"Spike, are you okay? I know I've been working a lot, but even when we're together, you seem more.. distant from us then usual, like something's on your mind, do you.. wanna talk about it?" Twilight asked worried for him, Spike figured she'd see through him after a while, these dreams of his have been making him question a lot of things, and he doesn't know what to think about them.
"I've just had.. a lot on my mind Twilight, with how much you and everypony else has done for Equestria, I've just been left to question myself, if there's more to me being an assistant, I've been having these.. strange thoughts Twilight, I've felt something is wrong, but I don't know what it is.." Spike admitted which concerned her.

While Spike's had much to think about, what these dreams actually make him question is the most interesting, he doesn't know what this is meaning, but it feels really important.
"What do you mean Spike? What's feeling wrong to you?" Twilight asked while she walked up to him.
"I just.. don't feel all that helpful Twilight, look at you, your now a princess who was able to save Equestria, Rarity and the others are all parts of the Elements of Harmony , doing all they can to help out when there's a problem, you all are always so focused on adventures and helping others, but for me.. I'm just back here, taking care of the castle while you only get to do more exciting things. I'm not upset about it or anything, it's just.. with all you've been able to do.. I don't know what that will make me... we still don't know who my parents are, if they're even alive, we barely know much about the dragons, and with what I've been feeling lately.. it just makes me question more about myself.." Spike answered sadly which worried her.

She didn't know Spike was thinking about this much, but it starts to make sense with how distant he's been, sure he helps out every now and then, but if this is what he's been thinking over, it's something he shouldn't just brush over.
"I'm.. sorry to hear that Spike, I had no idea.. but with how much you've been by yourself, I guess it makes sense, you may be young, but your still very mature for your age, you've seen things most normal people wouldn't ever see, but I guess there wasn't much to help you.. right?" Twilight asked with worry while Spike was looking at a few books on a shelf.
"Yeah.. I guess.. I just don't know what to do Twilight, I'm worried I may not stick around for much longer because of something important, but.. I just don't know what it is, whether it's me wanting to find what my origin is, find my own calling, maybe even go beyond Equestria, there may be very few ways I can find answers to something like this Twilight.. but I just don't know when it will happen.. it may be sudden too.. and I'm worried for it.." Spike said with fear at the thought of it.

These dreams he's had has really opened up Spike's mind a lot, he's wondering more and more about himself as each day passes, and with these recent dreams, it's only growing even more.
"You don't have to let that worry you Spike, to me.. you should just focus on what's happening now, enjoy the peace, have fun outside, spend time with friends, if you think something may happen soon, just try and ignore it, it could just all be in your head you know? While I'll see what I can do about any future tasks we have to do, you should just rest here and cheer up, alright Spike?" Twilight asked while she patted his back, Spike felt a bit relieved hearing that from her, but deep down.. there's still more he has to question.
"I'll.. think over it, thanks for the advise Twilight.." Spike said gratefully while he turned back to her, she smiled hearing that and was hoping that's what he needed.
"Your welcome Spike, I hope this doesn't upset you, but I need to go for a bit, Celestia sent me a letter about something she wants to talk to me about, and wants to meet me at her castle with Luna, I don't know what it is, but it may be important. You think you can handle yourself while I'm gone?" Twilight asked while she was getting a bag to go. Spike was surprised to hear that coming this early in the morning, but duty calls he guesses.
"I'll.. keep an eye on things, just be careful out there Twilight, alright?" Spike asked while she was preparing a teleportation spell.
"Don't worry Spike, I will, see you soon!" Twilight replied with a smile before she teleported away once again.

Spike sighed again as he was once again alone, with Twilight out doing something important, but Spike has to stay here again. While it's understandable with all he's had to think about, it still upsets him a bit because of it.
"Maybe I just need some air to think..." Spike told himself as he was walking out of the room himself.

Spike made his way through the halls yet again to find a place to think, thats all Spike's had to do since Twilight and everyone else has been so busy, and he just wishes there was something else to do. Spike made his way through the castle and went back to his room once again, he just went to look out his window once again to think over all of this, Spike looks up at the sky and wonders what that voice meant in his dream, and now much it will really mean to him.
"When does midday mean, will it start sometime soon? Or is it right around the corner for me.. just... when will it happen? And.. will I even get to properly talk with Twilight before it happens like just now.. or.. is it something I have to do on my own?" Spike asks himself again while he has his arms on the ledge of his window, he can only feel the wind brush past him as he thinks over all of this, and if there's one thing he does have in his hands, it's a special ruby he's held onto for quite a while now, a Fire Ruby, it's his most valued gem, while he's still thinks of eating it soon, he also thinks it could be important to hold on for later.
"What's the point of these visions, what do they all mean?" Spike asks again while he looks over the view of Ponyville, and just thinks over all that's happened recently..

Meanwhile with Twilight, she made her way to Celestia's castle after leaving Spike behind, while she felt bad for leaving him there after the talk they just had, Spike just felt like he needed more time to process this, so hopefully they could understand eachother better. She's been worried for him about all of this, and doesn't know fully on what he means with what he's told her, but maybe Celestia or Luna may know about it.

Twilight walks through the halls and just wonders what Celestia and Luna need her for, it may be something important, but they didn't describe it in the letter, so maybe it's just something normal? Hopefully it isn't too worrying right now.

Twilight walked through the halls a bit more until she reached the throne room, she opened the doors and could see Celestia and Luna at the end like they were supposed to be. They were glad to see her here so soon after sending her the letter, and hoped she was up for what they need to tell her.
"Twilight, thank you for coming so soon, I know this is sudden, but we needed to speak with only you about this." Celestia greeted while they both walked up to her.
"It was no problem Celestia, I just needed to finish up a few more books before coming here, but I'm ready for what you need me to do next!" Twilight said with a proud look, they both chuckled at her determination, but it did worry them a bit with how she may approach this.
"Twilight, I know this is short notice, but there's something.. important we've been needing to talk to you about.." Luna asked while she was walking out to a window, she looked up at the sky and was a bit worried when looking at it, and this did concern Twilight from hearing this.
"What would that be Luna?" Twilight asked while they walked up to her.

Luna and Celestia looked at eachother and agreed she was ready to hear this, and hoped it wouldn't be too much for her to hear.
"Twilight.. there's something strange we've been seeing lately, during nighttime when we look out for any signs of threats.. we've been noticing a lot of stars have been going out one by one recently.." Celestia said with a worried look which concerned Twilight hearing it.
"What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked worried to hear that, they both looked at eachother again and tried explaining this in a way that could make more sense.
"What we mean is that the sky has been growing darker each night, whenever we look up at the sky, one of the stars go out suddenly, while it can be beautiful to some, to us.. it's a worrying thing to see." Celestia said with concern while they all looked up at the sky, while it's daytime right now, Celestia and Luna remember the stars they've seen gone out, and was worried which one will go out next tonight.
"I don't know what it is.. we both don't.. but I feel.. a growing darkness spreading, something bad.. and I don't know if it should be something for us to worry about or not.." Luna added while they looked back at eachother again.

Twilight was shocked to hear that, she didn't think it would be something like this, but from what they're describing, it may be worrying to know.
"That.. may be concerning, are there any reasons you may have found out that's caused it? Maybe a history book or something that has it?" Twilight suggested hoping there was something to help.
"No, not that we know of, this may be worrying Twilight. We haven't faced any threat in a while, but this may be a warning sign of something to come. If my sister's feeling this too, then it may be something we have to look further into." Celestia instructed while they started to walk through the halls.
"Maybe we should get the other girls to come here too? If this is important, they all should know about it too right?" Twilight suggested which may be the best move.
"I'll send a letter to each of them later today, and we'll have to discuss this at another point. But this is something we need to focus on Twilight, I have a bad feeling something is about to happen, but I don't know what it is.." Celestia said with worry which she understood.
"Don't worry Celestia, I'm sure we'll get through it, we've been through worse before." Twilight assured with a smile.

This made Celestia and Luna feel better hearing that, but that's when they noticed someone else wasn't here..
"Twilight.. where's Spike? I thought you'd bring him with you to discuss this?" Celestia asked which caught Twilight off guard for a moment, but she quickly regained her focus and remembered what happened.
"He.. needed more time to think to himself. He's been distant from me and the others lately, while he told me it's mainly because of all we've been able to do.. and he's just been wondering if he'll be able to do something like we can one day.. I know it's a lot for someone like him to think, but I've felt there's something more to it.." Twilight answered which concerned them both.
"It can be common for one so young to think over stuff like this, but from what your describing.. it may be something to be concerned about as well, how long has he been thinking over this?" Luna asked wondering if there's something to tie into this.
"Not to long after I became a princess, while I've been a lot more busy, I didn't think he'd have so much to think about like this, is that something we should be worried about?" Twilight asked worried for that too.

Celestia and Luna looked at eachother again and had an idea of what could be leading Spike to be thinking this.
"What? What's wrong you two?" Twilight asked looking at the both of them.
"Should I tell her sister?" Luna asked waiting for her approval.
"It's best she knows this too.." Celestia answered with a guilty look which was worrying her.
"What do you mean by that? What's wrong?" Twilight asked while Luna walked in front of them, she didn't know how to properly tell her this, but it's something that could be very important for all of them.

After gathering her thoughts, Luna turned to her to try and explain this to her.
"Twilight.. I.. don't know why.. but.. I've been sensing something strange coming from Spike, something I can't fully get too.." Luna said with worry which worried her even more.
"What do you mean by that? Do you think something's wrong with Spike?" Twilight asked thinking he may be in trouble or something.
"It's.. hard to describe.. you know how I have the power to enter one's dreams right? And see what they like to think about during each night?" Luna asked trying to make this an example.
"Yes... why?" Twilight asked confused with hearing this. Luna looked back on what's been happening and tried to properly explain this.
"While I can travel into one's dreams.. for some reason.. something's been blocking me off from Spike's dreams. And when I do find them.. something dark has been surrounding his thoughts.. something that worry's me..." Luna answered which surprised her from hearing that.

While Twilight thought that it was mainly Spike overthinking things, if even Luna is sensing this, this may be something to worry about after all.
"Why? How are you not able to see it? Do you have any idea why?" Twilight asked getting more uneasy by the minute.
"I don't know Twilight, but I feel something strong start to form in him, something of both light.. and darkness, and.. I fear this may be tying into the stars going out each night, and if Spike's been distant from you, the dreams he's been having may be why, I don't know what they mean, but if they're blocking me off from seeing it.. we may need to hear this from Spike himself. We had hoped he would come with you to discuss this, but if these dreams of his are causing him this many conflicted thoughts, then we may be onto something on what's happening." Luna said looking at both of them, Celestia could figure out that Spike has a tie into this, but doesn't know how.
"I know this is.. a lot to hear Twilight, but if my sister can't see what Spike is dreaming, and he's been questioning these things for a while, they all may tie into the stars going out. And I was hoping you can get him, and the others to the castle to discuss this today. We need to figure out what's causing this, and Spike may tie into all of it." Celestia said with a stern look.

Twilight was really shocked to hear that so suddenly from the both of them, but if it's what they want, then she needs to find a way to help out with this.
"I.. understand, I just didn't know Spike would have so much to think about, so maybe if we have him tell us what he's been seeing, we can find out more about what's happening?" Twilight suggested which they had both had thought about too.
"That's exactly why we would like you to get him and the others here please, this is something we have to worry about, and I fear Spike ties into it somehow, but we should get everyone here to discuss it, think you can do that for me Twilight?" Celestia asked hopefully, and Twilight only gave a bow of respect in response.
"Don't worry Celestia, I'll get everyone here before noon!" Twilight assured before she suddenly ran off to get things done before they could say anything else to her.
"Sister... do you really think this is something bad? If I can't see what Spike's been dreaming lately, and he's been questioning things like this.. does this mean something may happen to him soon?" Luna asked worried for him.
"I don't know Luna.. and.. I fear we may not have enough time to find out why.. let's just hope we can find out what this means before something comes from this.." Celestia prayed while they waited for Twilight to get back, hoping this can be solved soon..

Back with Spike, he was still staring outside through his window and looking over Equestria, he still's had a lot to think about, this dream of his just made things worse for him, even with Twilight's assurance, Spike feels like this is gonna tie into something huge soon, and he just feels worried about it all.
"Maybe I should see the others.. maybe they need help on something?" Spike told himself while he started to leave his room, he kept his Fire Ruby stored away for safe keeping, but he doesn't know what this all means.
"Just.. what does this mean? Will this mean something important for us all? Or is it really just my imagination?" Spike asked himself while he walked through the halls, it didn't take that long for him to leave the castle, it was around 8 in the morning by now, and Spike hoped the others had something he could help them with. But what he didn't know, was of a strange figure still looming in the shadows.. stalking him at each turn, and the figure had seemed to keep a focus on Spike the entire time..