//------------------------------// // Spow // Story: My Little Object // by ObjectPlecak //------------------------------// Two, a green algebralian who was hosting his own show, was sleeping alongside Gaty. They were in their pink couch where they mostly talked about and they slept during one of them. The pink couch is located in a blue-colored room on the fourth floor of the Hotel. Outside, it was already nighttime on the yellow grasslands of Northern Goiky. The algebralian host decided to open their eyes to get up and look up the window, so they could see the night sky full of stars. The windows closed made it feel warm inside. But since it was during the middle of the night, it was cold outside. Two was starting to feel sleepy again and had the need to sleep so he could wake up feeling better in the morning. He walked back to the couch and fell down on it. First he slowly blinks and then fastly blinks. They slowly began to close his eyes into literal darkness, and they began his sleep. They couldn’t remember exactly what he was talking about to Gaty. Maybe about what they really want to be? Maybe how they are handling the show? It was impossible to tell. At least, to his luck. After thinking about that, something weird happened. Something without warning, very unprecedented. It sounded like an explosion in the sky. Weird in a place like Goiky. It was so loud that it woke up everyone. Two immediately woke up from the muffled explosion. "What was that?" Gaty questioned. Two immediately looked on her. "I DON'T KNOW! LET ME CHECK!" Two responded, immediately running and closing the door. After that he went downstairs and went outside from the Hotel and was greeted with Book. “TWO! Oh my word! What was that?” It was Book who questioned this to Two. “I don’t know! I didn’t do that! Totally.” Two responded to her. “I mean THAT!” Book said to them, pointing to the source of the sound she believes in. What she was pointing at looked like lavender-colored rays of something that looked like a meteorite fire, going straight down. Slowly decreasing its fire revealed the sparkles of what appeared to be in the shape of a magenta star with 6-points and 5 white sparkles surrounding it while spreading over the land. Over the center of the shape, is what appeared to be in the shape of something similar to Book. But that one book didn’t look like Book at all. Following that star, Two noticed that there were 5 figures that were glowing near the horizon. Each of them had figures being surrounded by the lights caused by the rays, with their fire decreasing every second. The first figure showed 3 red apples that were floating and had a strong, orange light surrounding the figure in it. It appeared to be an apple that had something similar to a cowboy hat and a leaf. It was also red. The second figure showed this time 3 yellow butterflies, each having pink wings. Surrounding the figure on the yellow light was, what it was expected, a butterfly following the colors of the marks. The third figure was surrounded by balloons of the color blue (the majority) and yellow. But the figure that was surrounded by the light of pink, was a cupcake. The fourth figure was surrounded by a light blue (unsurprisingly) light by three shiny diamonds. The object surrounded was also a diamond. The fifth figure was a blue cloud, similar to Cloudy, except that its mark being surrounded contained a rainbow lightning and the light was shifting as a rainbow too. “Woah... what is that?” Winner asked both of them as they extended their periwinkle human-like arm to point out what it was. It appeared that the 6 figures were falling down to the ocean. As the original Book knew, anything that is paper or even the cover itself might destroy it if it falls to the waters... and it might drown too or make them soggy , just like most of them. They were in some sort of sleep that they couldn’t hear or feel what was going on. “TWO! Do something to save those things, before they drown!” Book warned Two to rescue the second book and the rest. “Oh gosh, fine!! I’ll just do it!” Two responded. As soon as they responded, they began to run as fast as he could in the yellow grasslands which kind of looked like sand but it wasn’t. They were getting closer to the Goiky Canal, where the ocean is nearly located, and decided to snap his fingers and pop up to the nearest location where it was falling, because it was faster than running towards it. As they appeared to the beach near the large water canal, they saw what it was. It was a lavender book with a deep purple bookmark with a pink little stripe. Due to the eyelashes, it looked like a girl. The host decided to fly to get the things and brought it to their hands, making it a pile of six objects. It was a few meters away from touching the water and it was starting to nearly collapse and it was very heavy. Two decided to snap his fingers to teleport again, back to where Book was. Back to where Gaty and Book were, they showed the things they got from the falling thing and put them in the yellow grass. There was still light inside of the book, magenta to be exact, as it was draining from the slowed down fall. Two and Book noticed something up in the book’s legs, a symbol. The symbol looked exactly like the shape of the star. Exactly the same. And the rest for the girls? The same figures as it was before. All except for the cloud, which the figure was placed in the center bottom of the sides, since she didn’t had any legs. “Hey folks! Look at what it was!” Two said, showing them to the contestants. “Woah, this does look like Book, but different! Especially with that mark over that leg” Gaty, a contestant that is the voice of reason, responded. “Whatever the others are, where did they come from?” Winner questioned about these six new people. “We should better put them into the Hotel, they can be safe there.” Book suggested to Two. “But doesn’t this cloud look like Cloudy?” Two questioned in response to Book. “Just put this thing with Cloudy, I think that will work.” Book responded. In accordance with her, they decided to put the book in a room near Four and X’s kitchen, where she could safely sleep in. Immediately, the room was some sort of black void and she put her on the floor. They knew that it would establish a comfortable room for her in a few minutes. Two did the exact same thing for 4 of the six girls. For the cloud’s case, Two decided to put in the elimination room of Cloudy, a member of the team The S!, because they looked so similar. “Hey Cloudy, uh, just take care of this thing.” Two opened the door as they said to him. “Of course! Wait, is that like me?” Cloudy said as Two then closed the door. They walked around the floor and decided to go to the elevator, walking near it. When pressing the button, he was greeted with Conch Shell, just standing there. “What are you doing here?” He asked. “I just-um uhhhh, was just doing some stuff to what happened now! Heh.” Two responded in a typical fashion of a secret. He just ignored it and left the elevator. Two immediately entered the elevator, pressed the fourth floor button and went to the room the pink couch was. They immediately sat up and closed his eyes, to try and go to sleep. Two believed that he was finally having peace after what just happened. Whatever these girls were, they are gonna find out. Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship from Equestria and protége of Princess Celestia, couldn’t remember what just happened. The last thing she remembers was being thrown into some sort of portal with her friends (Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash) by something. Maybe Discord? She doesn't know exactly who it was. She was feeling pain, whatever it was. She was hearing some sounds, which were other worldly and wobbly. It’s like she wasn’t even in Equestria. She needed to open her eyes, and she did. Twilight saw where she was. She was in some sort of a void of nothingness. There was nothing, none of her friends, no objects, no sounds, just the sound of nothingness and of the ambient of something similar to a void was creepy for her. “Girls?” Twilight said, calling the ponies. She looked behind herself, there was nothing weird. Where is this sound coming from? She looks in front of her as something opens up revealing a white void entrance in the shape of a door. Twilight slowly trotted to the light as she heard with her pointy, pony ears, the sound of ominous peace and bird chirping. Is this a dream? The Princess of Friendship decided to enter the white void, while she clipped into some sort of calm river and when entering, it felt like she was in the ocean, floating or falling down? She couldn’t tell which direction she was going as the door closed itself, making it 42x harder to find out. Twilight saw her vision make her hooves fade out to the white as she closed her eyes. She felt her pony body also reshaping into something unfamiliar, like she had a lot of things inside herself, and they were... thin? Like paper? She was starting to lose consciousness and she was getting to pass out, before she felt that she drowned. Closing her eyes in slow-mode, with everything becoming more and more blurry, weakening her vision and actions. She thought that she was dead. She however, didn’t drown. She was, in actuality, still alive. She was... an object.