//------------------------------// // Season 3: Episode 15 - Just for Sidekicks AU // Story: Hamtaro x MLP:FiM - Little Hamsters, Pony Adventures // by RobtheMorpherPony //------------------------------// The majority of the ham-hams and the entire mane six were at the train station with Twilight and Spike talking. "So, are you certain you've got everything listed?" Twilight asked. "I have your lists Twilight; I'll be fine." Spike said. "Yay, animal care!" Penelope said from atop Spike's head. "...Ah still can't believe that Penelope can look so much different with that blanket of hers off." Applejack said. "Trust me, it caught the majority of us off the first time too." Hamtaro assured Applejack. "You be a good girl for Spike now." Pashmina said. "Don't worry, I'll be good!" Penelope said. "Nobody invoke Murphy's Law please." Pinkie Pie said. "...What's that got to do with anything? And whose Murphy?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Trust me, you don't want to know~" Pinkie Pie asked. "...Ooooookay then..." Rainbow Dash decided to let that one slide and chock it up to Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie again. "Thanks for letting us help out Spike." Apple Bloom said. "Hey, I figured I might as well ask. Because with so many pets, things were bound to get crazy." Spike said. "Bunny!" Penelope said from atop Angel's head. Amethyst looked over towards the little hamster. "...This is admittedly my first time seeing Penelope with that blanket on." "She wears it more often then she doesn't." Apple Bloom pointed out. "Kind of sad Sparkle isn't here to chime in on that." Sweetie Belle said. "Well, even though she hangs out with us; she's still technically an adult." Scootaloo said. "Says the pegasus that is learning to fly." A male voice said. Suddenly, Angel decided to duck and cover under his own paws at the voice. "...Okay, that's new." Spike admitted. That's when Shadow Skull showed his face. "Oh hi Shadow Skull." Scootaloo said. "Wait, what does he mean Scootaloo is learning to fly?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Between Rumble and Rainbow Dash, I'm surprised you still find time to hang out with your two friends." Shadow Skull said. Meanwhile, the only pet that was cowering because of Shadow Skull was Angel. "...What's with Angel? Most of the time, he'd be creating chaos right now, right?" Sweetie Belle asked. "He's been a very bad bunny. Of course, if he was in serious trouble, I wouldn't be the one here, that would be Shallor." Shadow Skull said. "Wh-whose Shallor?" Spike asked. "That's something I think he would rather tell you himself. I'm just more or less surprised he hasn't shown up by now." Shadow Skull said. That confused Spike. "Really? What makes you say that?" Spike asked. "...It's nothing. Forget I brought it up." Shadow Skull said. "I would love a new friend! Friends are great!" Penelope said. "...Hmm...maybe that's why he chose her?" Shadow Skull mumbled to himself. "Did you say something?" Spike asked. "It's none of your concern. Curiosity killed the cat after all." Shadow Skull said. At that statement, suddenly Opalescence started being much more obedient. "...What's with the animals just doing that?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Hmph. I wasn't being literal there that time." Shadow Skull said. That got Rarity's cat to relax it seemed. "Huh. I beat if you were a pony, your cutie mark would be similar to Fluttershy's." Scootaloo mentioned. Suddenly Shadow Skull caused a buzzer sound to go off somehow. "WRONG! Fact of the matter is, because of how I got my dark magic, it'd be a skull. Trust me, I turned into a pony once during that week off from school, and I ended up with a skull based cutie mark." Shadow Skull said. "Honestly, I'd buy that." Spike said. "After all, you were able to turn yourself into a totally different hamster." "...Okay, what's that about? Speaking of which, has anyone seen Snoozer around lately?" Apple Bloom asked. With a grin Shadow Skull turned himself back into Snoozer before going back to his original self. "Make sense now?" Shadow Skull asked. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE REAL SNOOZER?!" Apple Bloom suddenly exclaimed. "Uh...Apple Bloom...Snoozer was just a persona that Shadow Skull was using." Spike said. "Oh..." Apple Bloom said. "...That suddenly makes a lot of sense, weirdly enough." "Weren't the CMC there when Shadow Skull revealed himself?" Penelope asked. "Uh, we were too busy helping Amethyst, so I guess we never really saw that." Sweetie Belle said. "Yeah, we just sort of only saw that reconcile between Shadow Skull and Harmony." Scootaloo said. "Well, that and when Spat showed up." Sweetie Belle said. "That too." Scootaloo said. "Speaking of that daughter of mine, I have a feeling Boss is starting to sweet on her. That's fine. Honestly, I think Harmony deserves someone like him." Shadow Skull said. "Wow, I thought as her father, you'd want to make sure she only gets the best?" Spike asked. "First off, the best is Hamtaro, and his best fit is Bijou if you ask me. And second, with how much time I've spent around the clubhouse under my Snoozer persona, I can say without denial that Boss would be a great fit for my own daughter." Shadow Skull said. "You are the one that needs to wake up from your fantasy in regards to Rarity." "E-excuse me?" Spike asked, suddenly caught entirely off guard. "You're a dragon. You're going to live for far longer than she is. The sooner you get that in your head, the better. Trust me." Shadow Skull said. "Why I oughta..." Spike suddenly leapt at Shadow Skull only to get trapped in a dark bubble. "Head my warning dragon: The chase you're on will only lead to tears and heartbreak; to gain true happiness all you have to do is find a special lake." Shadow Skull said before he put Spike down and then left the library. "...And now I know why Angel was cowering." Apple Bloom said, a little disturbed at this. "If you think that was cold, you just wait until Shallor comes around." Shadow Skull said from outside the library. The CMC and Spike proceeded to get chills down their spine.