Hamtaro x MLP:FiM - Little Hamsters, Pony Adventures

by RobtheMorpherPony

Season 3: Episode 16 - Games Hamsters Play (Games Ponies Play AU)

While Spike and the CMC had their encounter with Shadow Skull and his cryptic warning, the ham-hams and the Main Six were at the crystal empire.

"Wow, the place looks much better then before. Why, I dare say it looks absolutely gorgeous." Rarity said.

"Focus Rarity, don't forget what we're here for." Twilight said.

"Right: To welcome the Equestria Games Inspector known as Ms. Harshwhinny to the Crystal Empire." Rarity said.

"So, what kind of pony are we looking for?" Fluttershy asked.

"They won't be here yet Fluttershy. First, we have to check on Cadance." Twilight said.

"Don't forget, we ham-hams will be here if you need us too!" Hamtaro announced.

"I think the fact that we have hamsters helping us is going to really help the Crystal Empire host the games this year. I swear that Clousdale should've won the games that one year, but they lost to Fillydelphia. I won't let the Crystal Empire lose in the first year they can host the games after dealing with a one-thousand-year curse from the you-know-what." Rainbow Dash said.

"You're really fired up, huh Rainbow Dash? Well, I say we carry that momentum to really get the inspector the warmest welcome possible." Hamtaro said.

"I like that spirit!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I know, isn't Hamtaro just the best?!" Bijou exclaimed.

Tragedy struck however when Candace's usual maker for a ceremonial headdress fell ill, so now Rarity volunteered to make it instead.

Of course, the thing was, was that Ms. Harshwhinny; who the ponies detailed as being known for "putting folks through the wringer on her visits"; was set to come by in just fifteen minutes.

"Don't panic every pony. I'm sure this is just the inspector's way to psych us out. Let's remain calm. Rarity, make sure Candace is able to receive the ceremonial headdress. The rest of us will go welcome Ms. Harshwhinny. Everyone keep the lookout for a pony with a floral print bag when we get to the train station." Twilight said.

The ponies and hamsters did so, but when they encountered Ms. Peachbottom, there was a bit of a scene of the ponies leading her away with there being a second pony with a floral handbag with her too there as well. "Oh boy. I have a feeling this other pony is Ms. Harshwinny." Boss said.

"I think your right boss." Oxnard said.

"Hey excuse me..." Hamtaro said.

"...Right. I guess you must be the talking hamsters I've heard so much about." The other pony said.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you Ms. Harshwhinny?" Hamtaro asked.

"That is indeed me." The pony said.

"Yeah, it seems there's been a little mixup because of that other pony having the same hand bag as you. Really, what were the odds going to be on that?" Hamtaro asked.

"...Yeah this is probably one of those 'one is a million' chances of happening." Ms. Harshwhinny said.

"Well, I know we ham-hams aren't ponies; but we'd very much like to welcome you to the Crystal Empire. And well, we'd love to show you around." Hamtaro said.

"Well, aren't you bold. Haven't you heard of my reputation at all?" Ms. Harshwhinny asked.

"I'd rather think it's a mis-interpretation and that it's bloated from you being the inspector for the Equestria Games." Hamtaro said. "Honestly, I like to believe that there are two sides to every pony. And you probably just want the best for the games, am I wrong?"

"Well, no. That's not wrong." Ms. Harshwhinny said. "I don't know what's more shocking to me right now: The fact that you can understand my position, or the fact that your just so...so...innocent."

"That's Hamtaro for you. Hi, I'm Bijou; his Fiancée." Bijou said.

Ms. Harshwhinny smiled and then said "Parlez-vous français?"

Bijou's eyes went wide before she responded "Oui, je le fais beaucoup~"

"I figured as much. The accent was a dead giveaway." Ms. Harshwhinny said, with the brightest of smiles.

"I'm honestly trying to learn some French. Perhaps some time, I should take lessons." Hamtaro said. "But I don't know enough to understand a word you two were saying."

"Don't worry, you'll learn~" Bijou teased.

Because of the Ham-hams, there was no question in Ms. Harshwhinny's mind about the Crystal Empire being able to hold the Equestria Games, and the mix-up was fixed eventually too. There weren't any hard feelings thanks to the ham-hams, especially because Bijou could speak french.

"That's one of those 'one in a million' chances, isn't it?" Twilight asked Hamtaro later.

"Yep. But honestly, I wish I could understand a word they are saying right now. I really need to find a good French teacher." Hamtaro said. "I want to learn for Bijou's sake."

"And once again, Hamtaro just proves how perfect he is for Bijou." Boss said.

"Speaking of, Rarity, I think when we return to Ponyville, you need to let Spike down easy." Hamtaro said.

"Huh?" Rarity asked.

"Look, I know you know he loves you, but let's be real: Do you honestly see it working out long-term?" Hamtaro asked.

"I...suppose not. I'll just have to think of the best opportunity to do that." Rarity said.

Little did anyone realize at that time, that Rarity would not get such an oppertunity. For something was about to happen to the various realities of MLP:FiM very, very shortly.

Find out what will affect the realities of MLP:FiM in the upcoming side story

The Rise of Shade
Slade's Downfall

Coming to a fimfiction site near you on July 3rd, 2024 Central US Time