Spike The Keyblade Master

by Dragonfan101

3: Departure

After Spike left the castle to see where his friends could be, Spike made his way through Ponyville again to try and find where they are, Spike's still had a lot think about given what he's been seeing in his dreams, or visions.. he honestly doesn't know anymore.

Spike never thought he would start to experience something like this, but since Twilight became a princess, he's been experiencing so much to the point it's making him question what really is his purpose in this world. Twilight and everyone else all has a role to play here as protectors, but what's his purpose?

Spike's questioned this for a while at this point, and as each hour passes by, he only questions it even more, it honestly helps explain why he's been so distant from everyone else lately, with them not only having a lot of stuff to do without him, but it's also from how much he's had to think about his own purpose in this world, or maybe he never will here..

Spike looked around the village and saw many ponies going about they're day, some were selling food and clothing to people needing them, some were just playing around, he saw fillies and smaller kids keep playing with toys or in whatever way they liked. Spike always felt happy seeing the people being able to continue on from such attacks like what happened with Tirek, it only made him wish there was more he could do to help people around here.
"Why am I always thinking about this now? Just a month ago I never even questioned this kind of stuff, but now.. with these dreams.. It's only made me question things even more.." Spike tells himself as he keeps walking through this with conflicted thoughts still.

He thought it would be nice to check up on Rarity first, she's always busy with something at her boutique, and maybe she needs help with some clothing or something. Spike quickly made his way through the village and to the place pretty quickly, he would always be there in a flash whenever she needed his help, but also maybe just to spend more time outside of the library when they had it.

But it didn't take long for Spike to see Rarity in front of the place, there were what looked like multiple clothing hangers next to her, she seemed to have a proud look on her face and must've just finished designing more of them. Wondering what she was doing, Spike made his way up to her to see what's going on.
"Hey Rarity, you doing alright?" Spike greeted which spooked her for a moment, but she calmed down as soon as she saw Spike was here.
"Oh, Spike! It's nice to see you, I'm doing great just to let you know! I finished up an entire special set just of clothing just recently! It took a while, but I can say this is my best work yet!" Rarity said proudly while Spike looked at each of the sets, and really admired her work, it's hard not to be amazed with what she can do.
"Wow.. these are really amazing! You always know how to make something gorgeous Rarity." Spike complimented while he looked at them which she chuckled at.
"Thank you Spike, I do my best with each one!" Rarity said proudly which Spike chuckled at from hearing too.

Spike looked at each set design and admired what she did, she always knows how to make something special, but maybe she needed help with something else too?
"This is really amazing Rarity, like always. But do you need help with anything else? Any new sets your gonna make that I could help with?" Spike offered turning back to her, but she looked like she was just done with what she had here.
"Unfortunately no, I've finished up all I have on my list this week, and now I have to start planning out what to do next." Rarity answered again which made Spike feel a little upset from hearing that she handled everything without him.
"Oh.. that's.. good, I'm glad to know you got all of it done then.." Spike said with a look of disappointment, but he wanted to ask if there's anything else he could do to help.
"If your alright then.. then what about the others? Does RD, Pinkie, AJ or Fluttershy need help with anything else?" Spike asked looking around for any signs of them.
"As far as I know, they're all doing things great on they're own, there hasn't been any major problem that they need help with, it's all been perfect for all of us." Rarity answered honestly, and that's what made Spike feel more guilt just from hearing it.
"Oh.. alright then.." Spike said sadly which Rarity was able to see through.
"Spike, is everything alright darling?" Rarity asked while Spike looked over her home and saw how much she's been able to do here.

Spike doesn't know how much he's been thinking about this during this small talk, but with each passing moment, Spike just feels more guilt for what's been happening, and how he hasn't told anyone about it.
"I'm.. okay Rarity, I'm sorry for being distant lately, I know you and everyone else have a lot of duty's to do, but when I've had this time to myself, I've just been left to.. question a lot of things.." Spike replied while he looked up at the sky.
"What do you mean by that? Aren't you glad everything's been normal here again?" Rarity asked confused on what he meant.
"No Rarity I am. It's just.. with how much you and everyone else has been able to do.. and with me not being able to help.. sometimes I've just been feeling.. useless I guess.." Spike admitted which surprised her from just hearing that.
"You should never think of yourself like that Spikey, there's always something for you to help out with, no matter how big or small it is, we're always grateful for what you can do." Rarity encouraged while she patted his back, while it's really great to hear that coming from her, a part of him felt like it wasn't enough..
"Thanks Rarity.. but.. I just don't know if it's what I need.. you all know your roles.. your destiny's, what your meant to do, but for me.. I still don't know, I'm still just an assistant.. and I.. I think there's just something more for me out there.. but I don't know what.." Spike said regretfully while he sat down on a nearby chair.

Spike's just felt more upset the more he thinks of this, while he's tried to ignore it and move on, there's just something that isn't letting him move on from it.
"Spike.. I'm.. sorry to hear that, but even if you don't know it now, it doesn't mean there won't be something for you in the future, we all have a destiny of our own, while you may not know it yet, it may be something that can helps you understand yourself. I never thought I'd have to be an Element of Harmony, and Twilight never thought she'd be a princess, but we didn't let these roles stop us did we? So if we can push through this, so can you. You just need to approach what lies ahead with confidence Spike, that's all any of us can do." Rarity advised which Spike liked the sound of, it meant a lot hearing it from her, and maybe he could just be overthinking this.
"Thanks Rarity.. I mean that." Spike said gratefully which she smiled at.
"It's no problem Spike Wikey, anything for a friend." Rarity teased which Spike laughed at.
"Thanks.. if you need me, or if anyone else does, I'll be going for a walk in the forest, I just need time to think over this, alright?" Spike asked while he was starting to walk off.
"Okay Spike, be careful!" Rarity advised as Spike was walking away. Spike smiled hearing that, and just kept making his way to think to himself again.

After that small talk, Spike spent the next few hours just walking around his home, seeing all there was to it, he really admired how peaceful everything is here, Spike always loved just going around this place, seeing all the beautiful flowers and animals going about they're day, and admiring how his home always will recover from such attacks.

Spike made his way through the forest like he said he would, he just kept thinking to himself about what he's been seeing, all the thoughts he's had over this has made him rethink so much about himself. There's a lot he still doesn't know, even with Rarity's advise, Spike's still nervous about what his role is, if he ever will even have one. All of these visions he's had has made him think stuff he never would've questioned before, and he's started to feel dread on what it all means.
"What does this mean for me? Is something.. about to happen to me.. but.. what is it?" Spike asks himself while he goes deeper into the forest, where the sun was starting to be blocked by the tree's above leaving only small rays to reach through them.

Spike just kept walking through the place without really thinking about what's around him, every time he thought more of these nightmares, these visions, and how his friends have handled things without him, he only wishes for something interesting to happen.
"I've been raised by Twilight all my life.. and yet.. I've never even known who my real parents are.. did they even care for me? Or was I truly left alone here for nothing?" Spike asks again while he sits down on a nearby tree. He just doesn't know anything anymore, all of this stuff he's had to think about, it's made him struggle to find a proper way to push through all of this.
"Why am I thinking all of this? Are those dreams really real? Or not?" Spike asks once again while he looks up to think still, he sees the sun shining through the trees and the sunrays shine down on him, Spike smiles lightly seeing the sun, but it just can't help.

But what he didn't know.. was that while he was thinking to himself, the figure in the robe had fallowed him through the forest, and was interested with what Spike's told himself. And he decided to make things interesting for Spike..

Spike took heavy breaths and just looked around the place for anything to do, he's barely had much to do outside of the castle, and he honestly feels trapped at this point.
"What can I do? Twilight and the others all have important stuff to do, yet I'm barely able to help out with any of it.. am I.. really just gonna be on the side for my life? Or will there be something.. more important to me soon?" Spike askes himself once again.

But while he kept thinking to himself, he suddenly noticed something moving to him from the shadows, but when Spike recognized it.. his eyes widened in fear with what he saw.. multiple black monsters from his dreams began to emerge from the shadows, all surrounding him and they looked ready to attack.
"No.. no! They can't be here! I thought they were just in my dreams!" Spike shouted with fear while he saw one of them lunge at him, Spike screamed and barely avoided being slashed at, but the monster had slashed at the tree he was on, which completely cut it apart.
"H.. how can this be real?! Is this another dream?! Why is this happening now?!" Spike asks with fear while he's surrounded by all of them.

The monsters all begin charging at Spike and Spike yelps while one of them tries slashing at him again, Spike quickly rolls out of the attack again and avoided it, he didn't have any weapon to fight the thing, but he remembered he still has fire breath, and hopefully that will work on them.
"Alright monsters, let's see if you like this!" Spike warned before he took a deep breath and shot fire at all of them, some of them did take damage from this and was defeated upon contact, but the more of them he defeated, even more of them started to emerge, and it was looking to have only made things worse here.
"Oh come on!" Spike said annoyed while he tried avoiding more attacks, he screamed again and was being attacked at from all areas, Spike jumped in the air and quickly climbed up a tree to avoid them, but they were persistent and were slashing at each tree he was trying to climb on which was bringing them down.
"No.. no! This can't be happening to me! Twilight! Anyone!?" Spike screamed hoping someone would hear him, but as the shadows got closer to him, Spike couldn't see anyone coming to help him.. he was on his own with these things..
"No.. no!" Spike screams while all of them lunge at him one last time, Spike screams and holds out both his hands as a last ditch effort to save himself.. but that's when something happened..

A bright light appeared from both his hands, and everything was blinded for a brief moment while the light shone over the whole area, creating a large blinding light from the forest, this knocked back a ton of the monsters just from the force alone, and when the light died down, Spike finally opened his eyes again.
"W.. what happened?" Spike asks himself while he focuses his vision, but when he could finally focus, Spike looked extremely shocked with what he saw.

Two strange weapons formed into both his hands, one of them looked like the Fire Ruby he had before, but it had a lot more of a flame look on it, it's tip was like a dragon in some ways, while the body itself looked like a giant key, Spike could feel a strong power coming from it alone, and was really confused with what it was. And in the other hand, was a dark weapon that looked like the other one, it was a key shaped weapon as well, only it was far darker, there was a strange gem in the center of it, and Spike felt a strange dark power coming from it too.
"What... what are these things?!" Spike asks with shock while they were aiming themselves at the monsters, even more of them began to surround Spike as soon as they appeared in his claws, and were ready to attack him.
"Keyblade..." A voice says ominously which spooks Spike for a moment, but after regaining focus, he realized that these may be his only way of fighting back..
"Alright.. let's see what these can do!" Spike declares while he holds them out and got ready.

Spike twirls them around as more of the monsters charge at him, Spike remembers the skills he learned in the dream and quickly rolls out of the way from one of their slashes, and Spike counter attacks by slashing them down at the right moment.
"These things are.. really strong!" Spike said with shock while more of them lunge at him, Spike jumps in the air and slashes them down swiftly, he doesn't know where this sudden skill came from, but perhaps it's because he actually can fight back now. Spike makes a lot of battle cry's while he slashes a lot of them down, with each slash, another one was taken down, he doesn't know what these weapons are, but they sure do pack a punch.
"Bring it!" Spike yells while he runs directly at more of them and drags his weapons across the floor, Spike makes a cry of anger and jumps in the air once again, he stabs them on the ground which takes down another shadow, and he sees two more jumping at him from behind.

Spike reacts quickly and turns to them before he threw the weapon directly at them, and the weapon suddenly came back to him like a Boomerang, which was really cool to see. Spike slashed at them with his ruby like" Keyblade" And he could see fire coming out of it with each slash, it kinda makes sense given what gem it's from at this point. And with the darker one, Spike feels more strength coming from it, but also something he could balance out.

Spike slashes at another group of them which was strong enough to slash down some of the trees around him, Spike was really surprised with what these things can do and wondered what they are.
"What are these things? Why do they work so well against these monsters?" Spike asks once again while he blocks a strike from most of them, Spike quickly backflips away and makes a final slash at the rest of them, Spike twirls them around and slashes each monster down while he ran through the group, taking every one of them down until none were left standing.
"Leave me alone!!" Spike yells while he makes a final slash at the last one, and he was able to completely destroy them all.

Spike took heavy breaths and tried processing what he just did, he actually just won a fight all by himself, against monsters he doesn't know about, with weapons he doesn't know about.. it was so.. strange..
"Did.. this just really happen?" Spike asks himself while he looks around for anymore of them, and thankfully, there aren't any to be seen.
"At least they're gone..." Spike says with relief to know this, but he soon turned his attention to the new weapons he now possesses, they were unlike any weapon he's seen before, and yet they give him strength he's never felt before, and he tries remembering what that voice called them..
"Keyblades?" Spike asks confused with what they mean, it makes sense a bit since they're key shaped weapons, but he doesn't know what they're meaning is..
"Why.. did they come to me now?" Spike asks confused while looking at them, he doesn't know what to do, after all this thinking he's had to himself, it may have finally been proven to be real after all..
"Maybe.. Twilight and the others will know what to do?" Spike suggests while he looks around for the way back.

Spike just doesn't know what to do at this point, he doesn't know what these weapons are, and what those monsters were, and after thinking about it.. would they really believe him, even with these weapons in hand?
"What am I gonna do? How.. how am I gonna handle this?" Spike asks frustrated with all of this, but that's when the figure from before had seen what he's done, and was interested with him wielding two of those, and wanted to see if there is more to him..

As Spike kept questioning all of this to himself, Spike suddenly hears a sound come from behind him, Spike looked confused for a moment until he turned around, but saw what looked like a strange dark portal had appeared behind him.
"What.. what is this thing? Is it.. a portal?" Spike asks while he inspects it, he doesn't even think about going through it, because it may lead him somewhere he can't return, but as he looked at it.. Spike just felt this.. urge to go into it.. like something was calling him..
"What do I do? Should I try and show Twilight this? Or just.. leave it alone?" Spike asks while he locks back at the forest, the village isn't too far from where he is now, but if he were to come back with them, it may be gone when he does.
"Ugh.. why does this have to be so hard? What should I do?" Spike asks frustrated while he turns back and forth between the portal and the forest, but that's when Spike saw the portal looked to be fading, and if Spike doesn't do something now, he may never get answers to this.

After heavy thinking on what to do, Spike finally made a choice that could impact his life going forward, but if Twilight and the others could push through what they've been through, so can he.
"I.. hope this doesn't backfire on me.." Spike prays as he makes his choice, and without a second thought of it.. Spike runs straight to the portal and jumps right into it just before it closed, leaving Spike in parts unknown.
And as he left, the figure from before emerged from the shadows, and looked around the world he's in, and could only see the dark future that's coming from it without a protector..
"This world.. has been connected..." The voice said sinisterly as Spike is completely gone now.. and whatever's about to happen, will shape his life forever..