The name's Tony Sparkle Stark

by Some Random Fella

Chapter 10- Friends!


"So, this is your mark three?" Trixie asked as I landed us in a beach.

"It's actually-" I start saying, but stop myself as I remember the lie I've been going on.

Even though I'm currently wearing the mark seven, I'm calling it the mark three, cuz, well it's the third suit I've gotten in this place.

"Yeah, it's my mark three" I answer as my mask lifts off my face and I look around my surroundings.

Yep, a beach of some sorts, with a mountain nearby, neat.

"I'm assuming this one is more capable than the mark two?" Amira asked as she knocked on my shoulder with her knuckle.

'knock knock.


"You know, I think I prefer red and gold, more flashy" Trixie says as she gestures towards my new color scheme.

"Thanks, anyway, where do you girls think we are?" I ask, making both mares give me a slightly confused look.

"I thought you knew, you are the one who brought us here after all" Trixie said.

"Ok, well, I wasn't really paying attention, I was too busy just getting out of there"


"So we're lost in a beach now?" Amira asked.

"Uhhh, yep" I answer nonchalantly.


"At least we aren't prisoners" Trixie started to say as she unslings the duffel bag off her shoulder, then drops it on the ground.

"Well, we might as well call it a day right? It looks like the sun will set soon" She finished as she pointed at the sky, wich was starting to darken.

"Another night of sleeping on sand huh? At least it's a beach now" I start saying as I sit down on the ground.

"Welp, good night girls!" I say as I lay onto my back and close my eyes.

"Good night stark" Both mares said as I quickly drifted off to sleep.


Im awoken at what looks to be the middle of the night, to the sound of... Singing?

"The hell?" I mutter as I sit up.

I wait for a moment.


I hear the singing again.

"That's definitely not strange" I mutter as I fully stand up and have my mask close over my face.

"Girls, hey, girls, wake up" I say as I shine the two sleeping mares with a flashlight coming from one of my gauntlets.

"Ugh, again with the waking up and interrupting.." Trixie said as she blearily opened her eyes and sits up on the ground.

"Huh? What's happening? Are we getting swatted again?" Amira asked as she quickly sits up.

"No. Can you two hear that?" I ask as both mares rub the sleep out of their eyes.


"Is, some pony singing?" Trixie asked as she stood up.

"I think so, or maybe it's a demon"

"Why would somebody be singing out here? And at this hour no less?" Amira asked as she also stood up.

"Like I said, it's probably a demon, a siren, or something"

Trixie just stares at me blankly.


"What? I'm just saying..." I say as we started walking towards where the singing was coming from.


After a bit of walking, we eventually reach another part of the beach, and my hud display spots an individual on the shore.

I look closer, and see a bird, horse.. human looking...

I don't know what the hell I'm actually looking at, but I'm probably gonna find out.

"Hello?" I ask out loud, causing the new individual to immediately stop singing, and turn around to face us.

"Ah!" The mare, if the voice is anything to go by, screamed as she extended her wings, probably to fly away.

"Wait!" I scream as I stretch my arm out and shine her with my light.

Surprisingly, the individual actually stops, if it was because of me screaming or the light I don't know.

Now that the individual was fully visible, I was able to get a good look at her.

She had yellow fur and wings, a blue mane and tail, hoofs instead of feet, talons, and a beak.

She was actually a bit taller than all of us, and looked like she was a bit skinny.

"Who are you?" I ask the female, to wich she looks to the ground and plays with her fingers nearvously.

"Um, uh.." She said as she looked around her, almost like looking for a way to escape.

"Hey, we're not gonna hurt you, we're friends" I say in my best soothing voice.

"Friends?" The female said as she looked back at us.


"Ahh! Friends! Awesome!" The female exclaimed excitedly as she suddenly ran up to me and gave me a hug.

Talk about a one eighty mood shift holy shit.

"I've always wanted friends! My name is skystar!" She screamed as she broke the hug and looked me dead in the eye.

"Good to meet you, I'm tony sparkle stark, and these are my other friends, amira, and trixie" I say as I gesture behind me.

"hi!" Skystar said as she energetically waved at the two mares.

Both mares waved back.

"So, skystar, what were you doing out here?" I ask.

"Oh, I was just singing, I like to do it out here since I have some privacy" She started to say, but interrupted herself as she continued talking.

"Wait! Now that I'm actually thinking about it, I've never seen anybody else out here! What are You guys doing out here?" She asked as she pointed at me and squinted her eyes a bit.

"Don't worry, we're not doing something evil or anything, we're just lost, and I'm looking for my cousin"

"Oh.. well, I want to help! Can I? Please? C'mon, can I?" Skystar asked as she nudged me with her shoulder.

"Sure why not"

"Yay! C'mon, I'll take you back to my home! We can rest for the night then do friend stuff tomorrow!" Skystar exclaimed as she grabbed my hand and started guiding me towards the mountain.

"She's certainly energetic" Amira commented.

Trixie nodded.


"So, if I got this right, your a princess?" I ask as we continue walking.

We've been walking towards the mountain for a bit, and during the walk, I've been having a conversation with my new friend.

"Yep" Skystar responded.

"So if your a princess, how come you've barely talked with so few strangers?"

"Well, my homeland is kind of secluded, and my mom is a bit overprotective.."

"Oh, and is she gonna be cool with us strolling Into the palace? Or hanging out with you?"

"Uh, I don't actually know, but don't worry! We're friends now, she's gotta let you in!" Skystar said happily.

"If you say so. anyway, what can you tell me about your homeland? Do you have a sister called celestia or something?" I ask, making skystar and trixie look at me quizzically.

"No, I don't have a sister, and Celestia is the name of equestria's princess dummy!" Skystar responded as she giggled.

That. Is adorable.

"So we're not going to equestria?" I ask.

"Nope" Skystar responds.

"Oh, guess we're gonna have to keep looking then"

"Wait, your looking for equestria?" Trixie asked as she walked up to my left side.

"Yeah, that's where my cousin is at, did I not mention it before?"

"No, you didn't"

"Well now you know"

"Um, Trixie has to say.. that we've already been in equestria" She says, making me stop walking.

"... Really?" I ask, to wich trixie nods.

"Well shit, guess we should-" I begin to say, but stop as I suddenly spot something flying towards me.

I'm not quick enough to do anything, except tank whatever the hell rammed into me.

Whatever this thing is, must be the same species as skystar, as I can feel talons gripping my shoulders.

I also notice that this individual is strong, as it drags me through the rocky sand, than lifts me into the air, spinning once and throwing me hard onto a rock wall.

"You will not touch my daughter again, metal being" The female says as I pick myself up.

Doing some quick maths, I deduce that whoever this is, must be the queen.

A very strong queen dam.

So she won't mind if I fight back right?

I notice the queen turn around, presumably to leave, but before she can, I raise my arm and shoot a repulsor blast, hitting her on the back.

I take this chance to quickly get up and fly over to her as she turns back around, throwing a punch to her chest, knocking her back into the ground.

She quickly recovers, sending a glare my way as she gets back up and spreads her wings, flying towards me.

I raise my left arm to shoot her again, but can't as she was already on me.

She knocks my arm away and throws a right hook at my face, making me stumble backwards a bit.

She sends another punch, this time with her left hand, but I catch it, and throw my own right hook, wich she catches.

We struggle for a moment, before she headbutts me, yanking her arm away from my grasp, using it to grab my throat, and slammed me onto the ground.

She gets up, but I activate my glove and boot thrusters, flying off from under her, making her fall down onto the ground. I pick up a bit of altitude, before flying back towards her, shooting a repulsor blast, wich she dodged as she got back up.

But she wasn't quick enough to dodge the punch I threw at her face as I flew to her.

I landed back on the ground, turning back to face the queen as she picked herself up.

"Yo, can you like, chill my guy?" I ask as my mask lifts off my face.

"I won't Chill" She said as she fully stood up.

I try to get a better look at her now, and see that she was like, eight feet tall or something.

She had light pink fur and wings, and a purple mane and tail, which honestly looked more like long feathers to me.

"I don't know how you kidnapped my daughter without alerting the entire palace, but be assured, you will be punished" The queen says as she gives me another glare.

"Whoa, hold on, your making a wild accusation dude, maybe if we talk about it?.." I start saying as I wave my hand around, but get interrupted by the queen.

"Quiet, we will speak once you are subdued" She says as she spread her wings again.

"Alright, have it your way then" I say as my mask recloses over my face, and I ignite my thrusters, flying into the air.

The queen also flies up to the air, colliding into me, sending us flying straight towards a rather tall rock wall.

My back collides with the ragged rock, causing sparks to fly off as my boot thrusters continue our ascent.

I try to pry the queen off of me, but can't as she held onto me and kept herself balanced with her wings.

She digs her claws more onto my shoulders, causing even more sparks to fly.

We eventually reach the end of the rock wall, and I take the chance to point one of my palms at her face and shoot a repulsor blast.

It hits her, forcing her to let go and fly back a bit.

I begin to fly towards her, but she quickly twirls and kicks me in the chest.

I hover back a bit, and before I can do anything, the queen flies into me again, making us descend.

I flail my legs around in an attempt to shake the queen off me, but just make our descend faster.

Which turned out to be bad, as we crashed hard on the ground, making the both of us bounce once, then slide through the rocky sand.

I stand back up, and see the queen had also gotten back up, and was quickly approaching me.

I throw a punch, which she dodges, and responded by throwing her own at my chest, than an uppercut, making me take a step back.

She takes the chance to grab me by one of my arms, twirl around and throw me hard towards another rock wall.

I ignite my thrusters before I hit the wall, and fly back at the queen, grabbing her by her shoulder's and slamming her onto a rock wall behind her.

As my feet land back on the ground, I pull my arm back to throw another punch, but can't as she kicks me off of her, sending me back a bit.

She spreads her wings again, and I raise both of my arms.

Both of my palms begin to glow as I'm about to shoot her with repulsor blasts.

But before we can do anything...

"Stop!!" Screamed a voice, who I recognized as skystar, making the both of us look over to where the voice came from.

I see skystar, and my friends hurry over towards us.

"Stop fighting!" Skystar pleaded as she ran up to us.

"Mother! These are my friends!" Skystar said as she gestured towards me, and the other two mares.

"Friends?" The queen responded in a scoff.

"Well, one of your "friends" has been currently occupied in a fight with me!" She exclaimed as she gestured at me.

"Hey, you know you started it right?" I say as my mask lifts off my face.

The queen just glares at me.

"He is kind of right you know..." Skystar said, making the queen squint her eyes at her.

"Can you two make up? Trixie would like to go back to sleep" She said as she yawned.

"Yeah, can we discuss things tomorrow? I've been sleeping on sand for like a week straight, and skystar offered a place to stay so.." I say, making the queen sigh.


"If my daughter trusts you"


"Then, I suppose I can give you all a chance" She says, making skystar smile widely.

"Yay! Thank you mother!" Skystar exclaimed as she ran up to me.

"Oh, I've got so much to show you mr Tony!.. after you've had a good night's sleep of course" Skystar said as she flashed me a smile.

I can already tell she's gonna be a good time.


My most faithful student

You shouldn't worry about this Tony Sparkle Stark, as he could very well be lying about being your family member.

That is something I should have probably told you about when you became the welder of the element of magic, and, well, the savior of Equestria.

There would be individuals who would probably lie about that type of stuff, for their own personal gain.

So for now, you should just forget about Stark, and if by chance you ever meet him again, please notify me immediately.

Your teacher, Princess Celestia

Twilight Sparkle lowered the letter from her magical grasp.

"So what's it say?" Spike asked from his basket.

"It says.. I shouldn't worry about Tony"

"Oh, well, that's good right? If the princess says you shouldn't worry about it, then issue solved!"


"It's not that easy spike, I mean, what if he actually is my cousin?! And, I didn't say anything? And now he'll be searching all of equestria for some pony he already met!"


"I think your freaking out over nothin" Spike said as he got in a more comfortable position.

"We'll, I'm going to sleep, good night twi" Spike said as he closed his eyes.

"Good night spike" Twilight said as she turned off the lights and laid down on her bed.


'i mean, if the princess says I shouldn't worry, than it's fine right?' Twilight thought to herself as she tried to go to sleep.


'but, what if he actually is my cousin?... And why do I need to notify the princess if I speak with him again?'


'Gah! So many questions! I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight!' Twilight thought to herself as she grumbled.