//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: You're Going To Fit Right In // by DougtheLoremaster //------------------------------// Starlight gave a flourishing bow, before raising her head with a warm, loving smile. Chrysalis noticed the wicked expression on her face had vanished completely, replaced by one of total joy. “How wonderful to see so many familiar faces-” Starlight’s gaze wandered over the group, stopping for a moment to stare at Cozy Glow, before glancing away and continuing on. “So many familiar faces, indeed. As Principal of this school, I must say, the fact that you’ve decided to better yourselves is so wonderful. However, I really don’t like talking to captive audiences, so let’s fix that-” Starlight’s horn glowed a light blue and a gasp arose from Chrysalis as her bindings fell away; the metal ring sealing her magic crumbling to dust as well. Murmurs arose all around the group as Tirek’s massive muscles were restored, even Cozy Glow’s wings regrew to fully heal as the shackles fell away. Starlight smiled brightly as she addressed several of the group. “Pegasi were not meant to walk, Cozy. Spread those wings proper. Tirek, I know you treasure your strength, wield it well. Now all of you, your magic is fully functional once again, though I must offer you a gentle warning regarding its use.” Chrysalis’s horn glowed, as her body shapeshifted into a pony’s form, before returning to her normal form, the scars and wounds from her imprisonment vanishing in an instant. Chrysalis smiled happily momentarily, before noticing how horribly calm Starlight was amidst the presence of several fully powered, magic-wielding super villains. Something was a bit off about Starlight’s demeanor and Chrysalis’s instincts were screaming at her to watch out. Glancing around her, she saw Tirek admiring his muscles, while Cozy was flying around. Muttering obscenities internally, she gave a secret gesture to Cozy Glow, causing the filly to swiftly fly to her side. “Why did you signal me?” Cozy Glow spoke sideways out of her mouth in such a low volume that only Chrysalis could hear her. Chrysalis gave a quick answer in the same manner. “Don’t try anything. Tell the big red meanie to stand down too.” Cozy Glow seemed a bit confused as she hissed. “But we have our abilities again, surely we can overpow-” Chrysalis whispered back. “Starlight is way too calm, why give us back our abilities anyway? I’ll tell you why. She isn’t concerned about us attacking her. Quickly, tell Tirek to stand down. Something is about to happen, I can feel it.” Meanwhile Starlight continued speaking. “While you all have your ma-” At that moment, a blast of dark magic struck Starlight clear in the face, knocking her head back. Tirek lowered his arms and tried to look as unassuming as possible while Cozy Glow whispered in his ear Chrysalis’s concern. And not a moment too soon as a cruel and wicked smile crossed Starlight’s lips momentarily as her head fell back down to stare at him. Everyone turned and stared at Sombra as he shouted at Starlight. “You really are a stupid pony to give the likes of me MY magic back. Let’s see how you deal with your greatest fear!” Chrysalis glanced behind her at the guards. Oddly, her children hadn’t moved a muscle. She grabbed Cozy Glow and held her tight to her frame, just as a massive blast of light blue magic shot from Starlight and enveloped Sombra, spider-webbing across his body in ever growing cracks before he exploded in a scream of anguish. Starlight spoke quietly. “You should have listened. Sombra, for the crime of attacking your Principal, you’ve voided your chance at redemption. By the power given to me by the Queen herself, I hereby expel you…from life.” As the corridor fell into utter shocked silence, Starlight sighed and hung her head. “This…is unfortunate. Not how I wanted to welcome the next batch of students. Alright let’s get this over with.” She stood there in complete silence as Chrysalis stared curiously at her. Why wasn’t she moving? Her question would be answered within the next second as a flash of violet light heralded a familiar sense of imminent doom.  The light faded and standing there, with her wings spread, was an Alicorn; the one and only Queen of Equus, Twilight Sparkle.  Starlight had lowered her head in submission seeing Twilight’s wings flared. Twilight glanced around at the scene before turning to face Starlight and leaning down, inches from the trembling Unicorn’s face. “You killed a student.” Starlight nodded and answered immediately. “Yes, my Queen, I did.” Twilight’s eyes narrowed in anger, though her voice remained calm and gentle. “Starlight, explain. Now.” In complete reverence, Starlight addressed the Ruler. “I returned their magic and powers back to them, and I was in the middle of informing them of the enhancements you gave us when Sombra decided to attack me in full view of all here, my Queen.” The anger left Twilight’s eyes as she sighed in annoyance. “Is that so? Perhaps if I said it to them, it would have more impact.” Turning around to face the students, with her wings flared, Twilight watched as a few bowed before her. Making a mental note of who, Twilight folded her wings and spoke softly, but the power of her words thundered throughout everyone in the hall. “You may possess great and terrible abilities, but I am warning you now, you will find the staff within this institution are more than capable of handling one or even all of you at once. If you provoke them, just know lethality has been authorized. I advise you to follow the rules of Starlight from this point on, your life will be so much easier that way.” Turning back to Starlight, Twilight whispered to her. “I would rather no one else die, if it can be helped. The goal is to redeem them, not eliminate them, after all.” Before Starlight could respond, the intimidating presence surrounding Twilight vanished and she looked rather panicked, as if she just remembered something. “Right, I almost forgot, Spike asked me to give Trix a message.” “Oh?” “Yeah, he’s gonna be joining Sunset in the Mirror Realm for a little surrender negotiation with the humans there. He asked me to let Trixie know that the Ogres and Oubliettes game would have to be rain checked until he returns. Could be a while.” Starlight nodded and gave the embarrassed ruler a warm hug, whispering to her. “Twilight, we stand by you. Please try to relax, I know how nerve-wracking this dimensional-shift has been for you, but we were with you when you took the throne, and we will always stand by your side, love. I’ll let Trixie know. You are doing fine.” Twilight eyes twinkled with admiration. “Thanks, Star.” Chrysalis watched the interaction as Twilight, seemingly ignoring the new students' existences, nuzzled Starlight lightly. And that is when Chrysalis noticed the strange scar running down Starlight’s neck, one that she was pretty sure the Starlight she knew never had. While that was a bit odd, what her ears picked up next was a bit stranger. “Like it or not, this is our world, my world now. Though why am I always the one cleaning up those wretched Sister’s messes? Anyway, I gotta go. Much to do.” “Of course, my Queen. At least now they can’t cause any more issues.” “True, at least not in this dimension.” In a flash of light, Twilight was gone, leaving Chrysalis with more than a few questions. Though judging from the icy stare of Starlight, she would be better keeping those questions to herself. Glancing to the side, she noticed Cozy Glow and Tirek looking at each other, just as confused. “Don’t say anything, let’s just play along for now.” The two looked over at her, only for her to hiss her sub-vocal warning once again. “Trust me. Don’t. Do. Anything.” Starlight’s ear twitched slightly, though she continued on as if she hadn’t heard a word. “Alright, so without further ado-” The massive doors swung open to reveal the largest building interior Chrysalis had ever seen.  Chrysalis was stunned at the sight as she looked upwards. One, Two…Twenty Staircases? Glancing around she was at a loss. Why were there several dozen food stands? The first floor looked like an entire city. Restaurants, stores of all kinds, and was that her window shopping and holding a gem-studded purse? Hold on, there she was again, reading to… Was that Cozy Glow by that giant fountain? What was going on? Starlight chuckled at the reaction. “Welcome to the School of Friendship; housing over seventy-five formerly villainous students from various parallel universes, with more arriving daily. There are currently twenty-five floors, each with its own purpose. Please pay attention and stay with the group, otherwise you may never reach your destination. It’s very easy to get lost. Now follow me.” As the small group moved in awe at the tremendous sights, Starlight gestured to her left at various restaurants and food stalls. “This is the left-side of the first floor. Also referred to by students as the Food Court. Here you will find every food you could imagine or want. Students are allowed to visit the Food Court only during designated breakfast, lunch and dinner periods. Trespassing after hours will not be tolerated. Over here we have-” Chrysalis heard everything being said, as Starlight gestured at the shops, but her mind was still focused on what Starlight said a minute ago: students from various parallel dimensions. What exactly did she mean by that? She watched as a large Unicorn, nearly as large as a full grown Alicorn approached them at Starlight’s beckon. With midnight black fur and long flowing amethyst mane and tail, perhaps most curious was the triple diamonds on the mare’s flank, the Unicorn looked disturbingly familiar to Chrysalis. And apparently not just Chrysalis, as Cozy Glow hesitantly spoke to her. “Rare..ity?” The Unicorn’s eyes narrowed in a cold fury as she snarled back. “How dare-” Suddenly, she stopped mid-sentence, cocking her head to the side as though listening to something only she could hear. The mare muttered to herself. “Hm. Yes, yes I suppose you have a point. Maybe they are like us.” Whipping her head around to stare at Starlight, the mare asked a question. “Principal Starlight, are they also victims of the two who shall not be named?” Starlight held up a hoof which had some sort of odd device on it. Chrysalis watched in surprise as she said suddenly. “Notebook. Student Roster. Student Files. Tirek, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis. EOU 1420.” Instantly, a large holographic screen appeared in front of Starlight. On that screen several images appeared, that she seemed to interact with, using her hoof. Humming to herself, as everyone watched in silence, Starlight scrolled the screen, before announcing. “Yes. Freshly cracked, approximately two weeks ago. Enrolling in the school at this very moment. Initiation.” Chrysalis blinked in confusion. Cracked? What exactly did that mean? Starlight lowered her hoof and the screen vanished, as she glanced coldly at the Unicorn.  “So now that you know their situation, tell me, what do you think you should do next?” Starlight’s voice took on a sinister tone. Think carefully, now.” The Unicorn’s brilliant sapphire-hued eyes went wide in nervous shock momentarily, before clearing her throat. “I should probably welcome them to our school and maybe be less rash and more considerate in the future?” Starlight suddenly broke into a bright smile and nodded happily. “Yes, very good. I’m glad your classes have been helping you. But how about you start with an introduction. After all, as Pinkie teaches: Friendship begins-” The Unicorn stiffened and finished the sentence. “With a smile.” Starlight clapped her hooves happily. “Very good.” Once again a horribly wicked expression crossed Starlight’s face as she spoke in a tone that felt as cold as the north winds.  “Now go on, make some friends.” Chrysalis watched the Unicorn turn back to them, a rather painfully forced smile on her face. The mare was sweating bullets as she slowly, and with a slight tremor in her movements, crossed her forehooves and gave a low bow. “My name is Nightmare Rarity. N-nice to meet you, Darlings.”