Spike The Keyblade Master

by Dragonfan101

4: Traverse Town

Spike felt his body starting to stir after he went through that portal and vanished from the forest, he had no idea what he was getting into when he had stepped through that thing, but he just felt strange from going through it. Spike's body felt like it was waking up after being out for hours, his body tingled all over and a soft groan came from him while he was opening his eyes.

While Spike thought this was all still a dream and that he was back home, when he finally regained his focus, he saw that he was somewhere else entirely.
"W.. what?" Spike asked confused while he quickly regains his focus, but when he does, his eyes widen in shock in where he is, and it isn't Equestria..
"W.. what is this place?" Spike asked with worry while he looks around, he looks to be in a large town of sorts, with tons of lights coming from the buildings, some strange creatures walk around the place in ways he's never seen, and looking up at the sky, he sees it's nighttime.
"Did I.. pass out for the whole day? Where am I? What happened to me?" Spike asks weakly while he starts getting up, he was in an alleyway of sorts, pretty close to the main area of this district he's in, it was unlike anything he's seen, there were no ponies here, no dragons, griffins, or anything he's familiar with..
"Where.. am I?" Spike asks with worry while he steps out into the streets, not many of the people seemed to bothered with him being here once he was seen, and it made Spike think this was normal for most of the people?

Spike looks around the world he's in with shock, he thought this was all still a dream and it wasn't real, but the closer he focused himself, them ore he realized this was real after all.. he wasn't in Equestria anymore..
"Wait.. if.. this is true.. then doesn't that mean...?" Spike asks himself while he looks at his claws, he tries doing what he did with the shield in the dream, and held them out. This made the two key shaped weapons appear in front of him like before, one that resembled a Fire Ruby, and another that gave off a dark, yet strong power from it, after looking back into what these things were called, he was just confused on what all of it means.

"A Key.. blade?" Spike asks himself while he looks at them, and the town itself, he felt lost and scared with what's happening, and felt stupid for going through that portal.
"I should've told Twilight about this.." Spike says with regret for not doing that first. But as he looked up at the sky, he noticed something strange.. a star was going out..
"What the?" Spike asks with shock as he looks up into the countless number of stars, but one specifically had died out in a strange yet beautiful way..

Spike was in shock of seeing that, he had a strange and bad feeling about what that meant, and tried looking around on what to do.
"Maybe.. I should try and find some help?" Spike suggests while he puts his new weapons away for now. Spike looks around the place and admires what he sees, this town felt calm and peaceful, it was like a safe haven for those who needed somewhere to go, it was a strange place that Spike couldn't help but find amazing to see for the first time.
"What is this place? What should I do?" Spike asks again while he looks around the main district he's in, there are two lamp posts in the center with a few people walking around the place, they looked like.. humans from what he's heard in certain history books, while they were believed to be fiction, here, they are very much real.
"Ugh.. Twilight is gonna kill me when she finds out I just left like this.. now I have no idea where I am, and what to do." Spike tells himself again while he walks around the place. He looks up at a large building in the center that has a Jewelry sign on it, and wonders what could be in there.
"Maybe the person inside won't mind a couple questions? Even if i am a talking dragon here.." Spike suggests while he starts to walk to it.

But as soon as he reached the door, a dog bark was heard and he quickly turns to it, Spike has a look of surprise the moment he sees a strange yellow dog with a green color run directly past him, directly running across Spike and it made him stumble to the ground.
"What the?" Spike asks himself again while he quickly gets back up, he turns around to see where the boy went, but the dog was suddenly gone which left Spike even more confused.
"What was that? Was that a dog? Where'd he go?" Spike asks looking around for it, but that's when he turned to where that dog came from, it looked to run from a small alley just next to the shop which gave Spike an idea.
"H.. hello? Is anyone there?" Spike calls out hoping for someone to respond, and thankfully, a strange new voice did.
"Hello? Who's there?" The voice asks in response while they both walk to the corner, but once they did, Spike bumped into someone he's never met before.

It was a small boy that looked to be around 14 or so, he had spikey brown hair, pretty neat clothing, a chain with a crown around his neck, and weird oversized boots. They both stared at eachother with shock seeing eachother for the first time, Spike has never seen a creature like him before, and felt a bit scared, and the boy looked concerned seeing him here too.
"W.. who are you?" Spike asks with fear while he was backing up, the boy was quick to see Spike was afraid, and tried to calm him down.
"Whoa.. it's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you, my name is Sora, are.. you alright?" Sora introduced while Spike still was worried about all of this, he already felt regret for just walking through that portal, now he doesn't even know where he is, and what the heck is going on.
"I'm.. fine.. I guess.. did you just see a yellow dog go by here?" Spike asks looking around for it, and Sora seemed surprised hearing that and thought that was just his imagination.
"Yeah, he suddenly ran off somewhere, and I don't know why, and looking around the place.. I'm definitely not on my island anymore.." Sora said with regret which confused Spike hearing that.
"Island? Are you from.. somewhere else too?" Spike asks while trying to understand him.

Sora only crossed his arms while they looked over the strange town they were in, and tried reflecting on what happened.
"Yeah.. my.. home was destroyed, I got seperated from my friends, and now I don't know what to do. What about you? Do you know where we are?" Sora asks looking down at him, and Spike was just as clueless as him.
"No I don't, and your not the only one, I just woke up here suddenly, and now I have no idea what to do, or where to go. I was about to go into that shop just next to us, maybe there's someone that can help." Spike replied while they looked at the Jewelry shop just next to them, and they both thought it could help.
"Could be, you mind if I come with? I don't know what to do right now either." Sora asked which Spike didn't mind at all.

"Of course not, I'll take any help I can get, my name's Spike, it's.. nice to meet you?" Spike asked while he held his claw out, Sora only smiled a bit and shook it not too long after.
"Nice to meet you too Spike, let's just try and find out what to do, alright?" Sora asked which Spike liked the sound of.
"Sounds good to me, let's see what's in that shop." Spike declares before they start moving away from the alley, and goes into the shop just next to them.

Spike and Sora both quickly entered the shop without much time passing, Spike looked around and took in what he saw, there was tons of equipment around the place and some jewelry behind some glass cases, obviously for selling purposes. And at the front desk, was a tall yet strange person with yellow hair, goggles, and looked pretty old yet experienced with stuff.
"Um.. hello there?" Spike asked which got his attention while he was turned around.
"Hello there, how can I... Oh, it's only 2 kids." The man said with a bit of disappointment which offended Sora a bit.
"Hey, we're not kids! And our names are Sora and Spike." Sora introduced pointing at each of them to make it clear.
"Sorry sir, we're just.. a bit lost right now." Spike apologized while he looked around the place.
"I can clearly see that, where you from you two, what brings you here?" He asked walking up to the desk in front of them.

"It's.. a long story, but what about this place, where are we?" Sora asked wondering what world they're in now.
"You must be new arrivals, this place is called Traverse Town, a place where people who've lost they're worlds can end up and need a place to stay, while it isn't the best place out there for some, it's at least safe. Names Cid, now, what about you two?" Cid asked waiting for they're story's, Spike and Sora looked at eachother and decided on who would go first.
"I'm from a.. world called Equestria, I just woke up here after vanishing through a dark portal, I don't know why I didn't just leave it alone, but now.. I'm here, and have no where to go, or current way to get back." Spike explained which shocked them both."
"Why the heck would you just go through a dark portal? I know your young and all, but surely you could've snuffed out any danger coming from it right?" Cid asked a bit upset hearing how this happened.
"Sorry it's just.. there was a lot going through my mind before I came here, and now I just have more questions.. sorry about this." Spike apologized which Cid sighed at from hearing.

"It's alright kid, I've seen people go through stuff like this before, now what about you? How'd you get here?" Cid asked turning to Sora next.
"I came from an island, It was completely taken over by dark shadows and monsters that appeared in a storm, and now.. I got seperated from my friends, and I don't know where they are." Sora said regretfully which Spike felt bad from hearing.
"Strange.. shadow monsters?" Spike asks as he remembered something similar that happened just before he left his own home.
"Well, regardless of what's happened, I think it's best you two take a look around town, there's a couple districts just a around the area here, you should take a look around, try and find these friends of yours. And if you run into any trouble, just come tell me, I'll look out for you two, alright?" Cid suggested which sounded good to the both of them.
"I like the sound of that, you wanna take a look around the place?" Spike asked looking back at the door.
"Sure, let's see if we can find Riku and Kairi, thanks Sid, we'll be back in a bit." Sora said gratefully while they left him alone once again, not feeling too bothered by what happened here.

Spike and Sora walked back out into the main street and started head to the Second District right behind the shop, it was a simple walk they had to take, but nothing too long or too short.
"So.. Spike, are you a real dragon? An actual talking dragon?" Sora asked taking a closer look at Spike's appearance.
"Y.. yeah, I am, I guess it's surprising to see a real dragon here huh? Gotta be honest, I'm just as surprised with what's happening here just like you are, I don't know how looking at the other districts will help, but maybe there's something there for us." Spike said as they were about to open the main door.
"Glad to know I'm not the only one, may I ask what your world is like? What you do there, for me, I was mainly on a few sets of tropical islands, barely anything ever changed there, and me and my two friends wanted to set out to find other worlds, but it was ruined just before we all did, after we were attacked by these strange.. dark creatures.." Sora explained still confused on what they are which concerned Spike too.

"I'm.. really sorry to hear that, but for me.. my world is probably the most beautiful thing you'd ever see, it's home to creatures that could only be seen as a myth, amazing magical places that can be amazing to see, and there can often be some insane stuff that happens once in a while." Spike explained as well which interested Sora a lot.
"Sounds like you ended up in the better world, don't get me wrong, I loved my island, it's just.. after a certain point of living there for so long, without knowing what lies beyond it, things just start to get sort of..." Sora replied about to finish that sentence before Spike did for him.
"Boring? I can.. understand that too, while my own friends have a lot to do together, for me, I'm often just left alone at home doing chores or something like that, not anything too big, and that's what I didn't like about it honestly, and now.. all of this is happening. It's just.. so sudden you know?" Spike asked while they made they're way into the Second District.
"Yeah, I can get that, let's just hope for now nothing suddenly..." Sora said right before they heard a scream of fear just from the right corner.

Spike and Sora quickly turn to where the scream came from, but they saw an innocent person be knocked directly on the ground, and they watched with horror as what looked like his heart flowed out of him and went into a strange shadow which morphed into an armored monster before it vanished, and the person was completely gone.
"What was that?!" Spike asks with shock and fear, they looked around for any signs of that person, but he was gone.
"I don't know, but that creature sorta looked like..." Sora said right as they saw more shadows emerge in front of them, they looked exactly like the ones Spike encountered, and they both were shocked to see them here.
"It's those creatures from the island/ Equestria!" Spike and Sora said at once with shock.

The monsters all lunge at them at once and Spike quickly holds out his claws and summons his two weapons, Spike quickly slashes them down with one slash while Spike hears another one come from Sora, he looks over and sees Sora has a similar weapon to him, a key shaped blade with silver metal, with a gold grip, and a keychain with a head with two large ears around it. Spike and Sora both look at eachother with shock upon seeing they have weapons so similar to one another.
"Hold on.. you have this strange weapon too? And you have two of them?!" Sora asked amazed and shocked with him duel wielding these things.
"Y.. yeah, I do, you got one of them too? I thought it was only just me.." Spike said with shock while they looked at they're own weapons.
"I thought so too.. but I guess this means there's something special to the both of them right?" Sora asked while they looked around for any more monsters, but they didn't see any right now which was a relief.
"Maybe, but still.. that poor guy, and with those monsters.. just.. what do we do now?" Spike asks looking around for what to do.
"I dunno, let's head back to Cid , see if he knows anything about these monsters." Sora suggested which was a good plan.
"Good idea, let's go." Spike replies before they both went back through the door to the First District.

They both quickly made they're way back into the First District, they both had bad feelings about these monsters, and hoped Cid at least had advise on how to deal with this, the place suddenly looked a lot more empty as soon as they got back, like all the people around went back inside to hide.
"Where did all the people go?" Sora asked looking around for them.
"It may be those monsters, you said you encountered them back home on your island right?" Spike replied looking up at him.
"Yeah, they were what destroyed my home in the first place, have you seen them too?" Sora asked back turning to him next.
"Yeah, while they didn't destroy my home, they attacked me in the forest when I needed time to think, that's when I got these weapons of mine, and went through that portal. It may mean that my home is in danger if I don't do anything about these monsters, so I had to find out what was going on." Spike explained while they turned another corner.

"I guess your the lucky one then, at least your home is still safe, but for me.. I don't think there's a way to get it back.." Sora said sadly which saddened Spike again, he didn't want Sora to feel down like that, and tried cheering him up.
"Hey, don't worry, we'll find a way to fix this, I need to find my way back, but we should find out what's going on with these monsters first, you think you can handle that?" Spike asked hoping he could do that.
"Maybe, I don't know yet, let's just see if Cid knows what to do." Sora replied while they made they're way to the entrance again.
"I agree on that." Spike said with a smile while they both entered the place again, not knowing someone else was watching them during the whole thing..

Spike and Sora quickly made they're way back inside and saw Cid was still at the desk, and they hoped he knew something about what's happening.
"Oh, that was quick you two, did you find them?" Cid asked hoping they found they're friends.
"No, but we ran into some strange monsters that attacked us just a bit ago, we didn't know what they were, and wanted to see if you know anything about them." Spike answered which concerned him hearing it.
"Yeah, they were monsters that came from the shadows, they stole one guy's heart and it formed into a new type of sorts, do you know anything about it?" Sora asked while Cid looked worried hearing that.
"All I can say is that they aren't good news, I have a friend that knows more about them then I do, you should go out to find him, he's always on the lookout for any of them, so it may not be long till you do, just be careful you two." Cid advised which did give them a plan on what to do.

"Okay then.. we'll see if we can find him. Come on Sora, let's go." Spike said already starting to leave.
"Already, but shouldn't we see if there's anything else to find?" Sora asked worried with any trouble they could get into.
"We won't know until we see it for ourselves, I'm not gonna let these monsters do more harm if they're around, so you gonna come?" Spike asked again looking back at him.
"Well, I guess it won't hurt, let's just see if we can find this guy, hopefully there won't be too many of them." Sora declared before they both went out to the door.
"Something tells me this is just the start of it all.." Spike says with concern while they opened the doors once again.

Spike and Sora made they're way back out into the First District to try and find this person Cid mentioned, but before they could decide what to do next, they heard someone come from behind.
"They'll keep coming for you two out of nowhere." A person speaks which quickly makes them turn to someone who came around a corner.
"Who are you?" Sora asked confused with what he means.
"And they'll keep on coming at you both, as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade. But why, why would it choose two kids like you two?" The figure asked looking at both they're weapons.
""Wow, kinda rude there don't you think?" Spike asked a bit offended by that.
"Forget it, now, let's see those Keyblades.." The figure said as he began marching over to them both.
"What?! There's no way your getting these!" Sora declared quickly drawing his weapon and was ready to fight.
"Sorry sir, but I'm not just gonna give these up easily." Spike replied before he summoned both his Keyblades which the figure scoffed at. and he drew a large sword in response.
"Alright. then have it your way." He said seriously before he aimed his sword at them both.

The figure started off the fight by lunging at them in the air with his sword aiming at both of them, Spike quickly came in and blocked the attack with his two weapons to hold him back, Sora aided this move by coming at him from behind and he slashed at him from the back which knocked him back a bit, the figure didn't really look too phased by that attack and quickly turned back to him. Spike and Sora were about to attack him again, but he somehow formed Fire in his hands and shot a blast directly at them.
"Whoa!" Spike screamed just as they barely avoided being hit by the blast which did look like it would hurt if it caught them. Spike turned back to the figure and got an idea on how to get back at him.
"You wanna play with fire? Alright, let's see you take this!" Spike shouted before he took a deep breath and shot a large stream of fire directly at him, the figure quickly rolled out of the way of the fire stream and slid across the ground while readying his sword, Spike quickly saw the figure was on his right and he charged at him. Spike quickly flipped over the slash and Sora went in and delivered a combo slash against him, the figure got knocked back even more but still looked skilled enough to fight, but Spike came in from behind and dragged his Keyblades on the ground.
"Leave us alone!" Spike screamed before he repeatedly slashed at the figure from the back and finished the combo off by delivering a strong kick to the side which knocked him back a good distance.

This actually seemed to weaken this person despite how strong he looked, everyone took heavy breaths as the fight was exhausting them all.
"Now your gonna... gonna..." Sora said weakly before he passed out from exhaustion, Spike saw this and felt annoyed having to do this alone now.
"Your not gonna take these from us.." Spike said with heavy breaths while he kept his Keyblades drawn, but the figure seemed to calm down after all this fighting and looked less upset then before.
"I don't wanna hurt you two, but if you wanna know more about the Keyblade, I highly advise standing down." The figure warned which confused Spike a bit.
"What do you mean? You know what these weapons are?" Spike asked looking at his own while Sora had his out still.
"Of course Squall would, he knows what these creatures are too, we both do." Another voice said which spooked Spike.

"Who's there?" Spike asked looking around for it, Spike soon got his answer when he saw someone else land besides the figure, she looked to be like a ninja of sorts and looked pretty skilled.
"Someone who's not just gonna sit around and do nothing, I don't think we both will, right Squall?" She asked jokingly looking at the figure.
"That's Leon, and no, we both won't just sit around and do nothing. Look kid, if you wanna know about these weapons you have, then you have to come with us." Leon said looking at Spike who was worried about this, but after looking at the situation, he sees that some answers is what they both need right now.
"Alright, I'll come with you, if you know about these monsters, It won't hurt to have an explanation." Spike replied which they both were glad to here.
"Good, come on, let's get that boy to the hotel, it's not far from here." Leon said while he grabbed Sora's body and put him over his shoulder, Spike only shrugged a bit and followed the two and just hoped this isn't any trouble for them.

Meanwhile in an alleyway not too far away, there were two people by the names of Donald and Goofy searching around for this person when they got here.
"Gawrsh, there's nobody here! It sure is spooky!" Goofy said a bit afraid of the baron place around them.
"Ah, phooey! I'm not scared!" Donald said confidently just before someone taped his back and he screamed with fear and landed in Goofy's arms.
"Excuse me, did the King send you?" The figure asked hopefully while the two turned to her, and they saw she was just wanting to talk too..

"Come on lazy bum, wake up." A familiar voice advised while Sora groaned weakly, Sora started to open his eyes and he started to see what looked like his friend Kairi in front of him.
"You okay?" She asked while closely inspecting him.
"Uh.. I guess?" Sora replied while looking around for Spike.
"The creatures who attacked you and your friend are after the Keyblades, but it's your heart they really want, because you both wield the Keyblades." She said with concern while Sora didn't realize it fully yet.
"I'm so glad your okay Kairi." Sora said with relief which confused her.
"Kairi? Who are you talking about? I'm the great ninja Yuffie!" Yuffie introduced while Sora's vision fully came into focus again and he saw a completely new person.
"You alright Sora?" Spike suddenly asked which shocked Sora for a moment, he quickly turned around and saw Spike was standing near the wall and waiting for answers.

"Spike.. where.. where are we?" Sora asked looking around the place.
"We're in a hotel in the 2nd District, you passed out after we fought Leon, and after a little convincing, they managed to talk me into coming with them." Spike explained while he walked over to him.
"Who's Leon?" Sora asked not knowing who that was.
"That's me." Leon answered suddenly which made Spike turn to the corner and they saw Leon was near the door to another room while Sora and Spike's weapon's near the wall.
"The Keyblade..." Sora said with interest while Spike looked at his own.
"Yeah, we had to get them away from you both to shake off those monsters, turns out, that's how they were tracking you too." Yuffie explained which was interesting to hear.
"It was the only way to conceal your hearts from them, but it won't work for long." Leon explained while crossing his arms
"So that explains why they suddenly showed up here too." Spike told himself while Leon picked up Sora's.
"You got that right, but still.. it's hard to believe that you two are the chosen ones.." Leon said while he held the thing in the air before it suddenly disappeared from his hand, and it reappeared in Sora's, and the same happened with Spike's Keyblades too which surprised them both.

Spike looked at his Keyblades with interest, he doesn't know much about them, but with what they're telling them, it sounds extremely important.
"Guess we can't just escape from these things huh?" Spike asked while he twirled them around a bit.
"Guess so, gotta admit though, it's impressive you can wield two of them Spike, that's something that's rarely seen." Leon replied looking at both his weapons too.
"Guess I'm just lucky, or unlucky if this is what your implying." Spike replied casually while he sat down next to Sora.
"Alright, why don't you start making some sense, what's going on here?" Sora asked wondering what all of this means.

In another room just next to them, the woman by the name of Aerith began explaining a similar conversation to Donald and Goofy.
"Okay, you know there are many other worlds out there, besides your castle and this town right?" Aerith asked making this clear for them.
"Yeah." Donald responded with some concern.
"But they're supposed to be a secret!" Goofy said worried on how they know this.
"They've been secret, because they've never been connected, but when the Heartless came.. everything changed.." Aerith said with regret which was worrying.

"The Heartless?" Spike and Sora asked at once while they were told something very similar.
"The creatures who attacked you both, remember guys?" Yuffie asked while she was sitting down next to them.
"Yeah, it's hard not to forget." Spike replied while turning back to Leon.
"Those without hearts." Leon said with a serious look.
"It's the darkness in people's hearts that attracts them." Yuffie continued while they kept listening on.
"And there is darkness.. within every heart." Leon finished which concerned them both.
"Even ours?" Spike asked with worry while he held his own chest.
"I'm afraid so, but here's another question, you ever here of someone by the name of Ansem?" Yuffie asked which confused them both.

Donald and Goofy were just asked the same question which confused them too.
"Ansem?" Goofy asked not fully pronouncing it right.
"He was studying the Heartless, he recorded everything he's found, in a very detailed report." Aerith answered once more.
"Gawrsh uh.. can we see it?" Goofy asked hoping they had something for it.
"It's pages got scattered everywhere.." Aerith said with regret which shocked the two.
"Scattered?!" Donald shouted with shock hearing this.
"Scattered to many worlds." Aerith replied with honesty.

"Oh! Then maybe the king went to find them!" Goofy suggested which Donald agreed to as well.
"Yes, those were my thoughts exactly." Aerith said with a smile.
"We gotta find him quick!" Goofy declared really worried for his safety.
"Wait! ( Donald noticed the camera wasn't focused on him and pushed the thing to focus on him), first we gotta find that key!" Donald reminded keeping the camera in place.
"That's right, the Keyblade." Aerith said remembering what she's known about it.

Spike and Sora both look at they're weapons with shock after what they learned, and how important they really were.
"So.. these are the keys.." Sora replied while he held his up in the air.
"If we both can use them, then doesn't that mean there are others like us who can use it?" Spike asked wondering how far back the history goes with these things.
"There's been stories about it, but we haven't seen any others currently who can use it." Yuffie answered which fascinated him even more.
"The Heartless have great fear over them, but they'll keep coming at you, no matter what." Leon continued while he kept walking around.
"Well.. I didn't ask for this, you didn't either right Spike?" Sora asked turning to him again.
"Honestly, it was a do or die moment with me, so I guess I did somehow." Spike replied while he got up and swung them around a bit.

"The Keyblades choose they're masters, and they chose you two!" Yuffie declared looking at them both.
"So, tough luck kids." Leon said leaning back into the wall again.
"You guys aren't surprised that a talking dragon can use such a weapon? I honestly thought there would be.. you know more of a shock to this?" Spike asked surprised with how casual they're taking this.
"Don't worry Spike, for us, this is like a Tuesday, we've dealt with this thing before, and after a while, it doesn't become that surprising anymore." Leon answered which Spike could understand.
"Hmm.. that's.. interesting to hear.." Spike said while wondering what else they've seen.
"But.. if this is true.. then what happened to my home, my island? And my friends..." Sora asked with regret on what's happened here.
"You know what.. I really don't know.." Leon said regretting to tell him this.
"It's alright Sora, we'll find them, I promise that." Spike assured which made Sora feel a bit better.

Spike and Sora looked around the hotel room and just wondered what else they have to do now.
"So.. are there any other things this Keyblade can do?" Spike asked looking at his weapons once more.
"I've heard they can open all sorts of locks, no matter how secure they are, the Keyblade can open it." Yuffie answered which was interesting to hear.
"So.. we'll just have to keep out for anything that can help right?" Sora asked while they both got up from the bed.
"Yep, it'll probably come in handy in the future, best keep an eye out for it guys!" Yuffie said casually while she leaned down a bit.
"We'll keep that in mind, so Leon.. you said there were other people in the room just next to us?" Spike asked as Leon didn't tell them who was right next to them.

"Yeah, I did, we should meet up with them, Aerith should just be finishing up too." Leon declared looking back at her, but Yuffie had just noticed something that shocked them all.
"Leon!" Yuffie warned while she pointed at another shadow which formed into an armored Heartless like the ones before.
"Yuffie! Go!" Leon ordered which made her run past him, Donald was about to open the door next to them, but Yuffie slammed the door open which flattened him into the wall.
"Yuffie?" Aerith asked with concern while she chased after her.
"Looks like they found us, you guys ready for this?!" Spike asked with anger while they held out they're weapons.
"Sora, Spike, let's go!" Leon said seriously just as he ran to the Heartless and delivered a powerful slash which sent it flying out of the building, Leon jumped out the window and landed down in the alleyway while Spike and Sora followed behind. The door Donald got slammed on had finally closed again, and Donald was literally flattened in the wall in a funny way.

Spike, Leon and Sora all jumped down in the alleyway and were all swarmed by more of these armored Heartless.
"Don't bother with the small fry you guys, find the leader!" Leon ordered while he just ran past the other Heartless.
"You heard him Sora, let's go!" Spike shouted while they ran after him, more of the Heartless tried to attack them by using a Cyclone attack, but Spike quickly rolled out of the way and slashed at them and took down most of them in just a few hits.
"Where would the leader be? It can't be in the 2nd District, there's gotta be somewhere to find it!" Sora shouted while he lunged in the air and delivered an air slash against more of them.
"Cid said there were 3 Districts here, I think i saw a corner leading to it in the 2nd District, come on!" Spike declared while he was running into the next district.
"Right behind you!" Sora replied as they ran past the Heartless to find the leader.

Spike and Sora proceeded to make they're way through the 2nd District while taking down more Heartless, Spike could see the corner he saw earlier and got an idea of where it leads, they both quickly made they're way to it while avoiding most of the Heartless they encounter.
"You seem to be confident in this Spike, have you done something like this before?" Sora asked while they both deflected more attacks from the Heartless, Spike quickly rolled behind it and struck it down from it's back.
"I guess you can say that, though I haven't been directly in fights like this before, so this is all still new to me." Spike answered just as they kept running to through the next corner.
"Same here Spike, you really think we'll be able to stop these things?" Sora asked while they saw a door just up ahead that led to the next area.
"We have too, if those monsters keep spreading, they could destroy my home too! And I won't let that happen!" Spike said with anger at the thought of it, Sora and Spike quickly made they're way through the corner and made they're way to the next door ahead.
"Let's see if that leader's in here." Sora said hopefully while they opened it up and ran inside.

Spike and Sora quickly ran through the 3rd District, Donald and Goofy were just above them on another platform after the Heartless attacked, but they suddenly got cornered by more of these things who appeared around them both.
"Let's go get em, Goofy!" Donald said with anger while they looked at the monsters. We cut to a bright light behind seen from the platform high above which made Donald and Goofy go flying off it while screaming with fear.
"What the?" Spike asked confused just as he and Sora saw them both, Sora and Spike tried to get out of the way, but they landed on them both and were all a bit dizzy from the landing. Goofy and Donald tried regaining focus and they saw 3 key's behind held out in front of them.
"Oh, the Key's!" Donald and Goofy said at once which confused Spike and Sora.
"Can you.. get off of us please?!" Spike asked annoyed while they were trying to get up. But the ground around them suddenly began to shake and they all gasped with shock as large blocks emerged from the ground which cornered them in, more of the armored Heartless appeared within the District and they all were surrounded, Spike and the others saw they were cornered, and they had to fight them off for this.

Spike made a battle cry and charged at the Heartless with anger, he dragged his Keyblades across the ground which made sparks come from them as a result, and Spike slid directly under then and slashed at them all, Donald held out his staff and aimed it at them all, the staff suddenly shot a fire like spell that took down most of them in one shot, Goofy assisted with this by readying himself, and he suddenly spun himself around the whole area, he kept knocking himself into multiple Heartless dozens of times and somehow took them down too.
"Who are these guys?" Sora asked with surprise while he and Spike were holding more of them off.
"Fight now, questions later!" Spike shouted before he took a deep breath and shot more fire at all of them, the fire was so affective against them, it was able to take down every last one of the them from it's range.
"Whoa.." Donald said with surprise with what Spike just did, everyone took heavy breaths and looked around for anymore of them that may still be here.
"Is that all of them?" Spike asked hopefully.

But unfortunately, it wasn't, just above them all, they saw a large armored Heartless appear from above, it towered over them all and it looked like an armored knight, Spike noticed it's arms and legs were dethatched from it's body which would give it more range to attack them, and Spike realized what this thing was.
"This has gotta be the leader! Let's take it down!" Spike declared while he and leaped into the air at the thing.
"Let's get em!" Donald shouted with confidence while he aimed his staff at the monster and shot more fire at it.
"Bring it!" Sora shouted as well while he ran up to the thing and they all began fighting the monster together.

Spike landed directly on the thing and tried slashing at one of it's arms, it looked like it can be taken down piece by piece, and Spike tried to make the thing lose it's armored pieces.
"This thing needs to be taken down one by one! Attack the arms and legs guys!" Spike shouted while he jumped into the air again and made a battle cry while falling right at the things right arm, Spike twirled his Keyblades around, and in one powerful slash, Spike was able to destroy the thing's right arm with one fell slash. The group all assisted in this and tried taking the thing down one by one like Spike had suggested.
"You made the wrong move with challenging us!" Sora shouted once again while he was slashing at the things right foot, the monster roared at them all and it tried slashing down at them with it's left hand, but Goofy quickly came in and blocked the thing with it's shield which was really affective. Spike used this moment to run right past him and he and Sora both delivered one slash at the same time against the monster's legs, this was strong enough to destroy them too and the monster was left with only one hand to attack.
"Come on, it's almost down!" Spike shouted confidently while all of them made battle cry's to the monster.

The monster roared at them once again and tried slashing at them with it's only free hand, but Sora quickly came in and rolled directly under the slash and counter attacked the thing from it's wrist, Donald joined in with this attack and fired multiple fireblast at the monster's hand, this finally destroyed the monster's last hand and it was left completely open for attacks.
"Let's finish this!" Spike screamed as all of them charged directly at the thing, Goofy ran ahead first and used his Tornado move and slashed at the thing from all around it, Donald went next and shot more fire blasts directly at the things head too, and Spike and Sora finished the thing off with a finishing move, Spike ran ahead of Sora and he quickly lunged directly at the thing's head, Sora followed behind and jumped in the air with him, Spike and Sora made a scream of anger at once and the Heartless wasn't quick enough to react, Spike and Sora both slashed through the thing's body and head with one strong attack, they both took heavy breaths and watched as the thing was shaking badly, and the battle was decided once the things head finally fell down, and they saw a large heart leave from it which made it's body disappear completely.

After that fight with the monster, the two people Spike and Sora met tried explaining to them on why they're here. And they were apparently looking for them both.
"So.. you were looking for us?" Sora sked curiously which they both nodded in response from.
"They too were seeking the wielders of the Keyblade." Leon answered as he and Yuffie met up with them after the fight too.
"So.. you both traveled to this world to find us?" Spike asked making sure it was clear.
"Yeah, why don't you both come with us? We can go to all kind of worlds on our vessel!" Goofy offered which sounded really interesting to hear.
"I.. wonder if I can find Riku and Kairi.." Sora replied with worry for them.
"Of course!" Donald answered positively which surprised Sora a bit.

"Are you sure?" Goofy whispered while they turned away from them a bit.
"Who knows, but we need them to come with us, and help find the king." Donald whispered back while Spike crossed his arms.
"You two alright back there?" Spike asked from behind which made them quickly turn back to them. Leon decided to help out with this so they can hopefully find what they need.
"Sora, Spike, you should go with them, especially if you wanna find your friends, and keep your home safe." Leon advised which did convince them a bit.
"You think you'll be able to find Equestria? I did kinda.. vanish from my friends suddenly, they're probably very worried for me by now." Spike asked hoping nothing too bad would happen from that.

"Don't worry, we'll find it, count on that! But you can't come along looking all moody! Our boat runs on happy faces!" Donald replied with a smile which Spike already liked the sound of.
"Happy?" Sora asked with a curious look. Donald, Goofy and Spike all looked at Sora who kept his face down for a moment.. before he revealed his own silly face which Spike chuckled at, Donald and Goofy didn't respond at first which confused Sora for just a moment, but they all started to laugh after seeing such a funny face.
"Now that's one funny face!" Goofy said while laughing hard.
"It was pretty funny, it's nice too meet you guys, I'm Spike." Spike introduced while he held out his claw.
"And I'm Sora." Sora introduced while they all walked up together.
"Donald Duck!" Donald introduced as well holing out his hand too.
"And I'm Goofy! All for one, and one for all!" Goofy declared while they all put they're hands together, officially becoming a team, and friends..

Once that talk was over, the group all made they're way back to the 1st District to say they're goodbye's for now, with Donald and Goofy, they now could travel to other worlds to hopefully stop these monsters for good, and maybe get Spike home.
"So, guess this is where we part ways for now right?" Spike asked while he looked at his new friends he's made here.
"For now yes, but don't worry, you all can come back at any time, just be safe out there." Aerith advised which sounded good to them.
"But be careful, we don't know how far the Heartless have spread, they'll appear when you least expect it, so keep your eyes out for them." Leon advised while he still had his arms crossed.
"Good luck out there! Be careful!" Yuffie advised while she was waving her hand goodbye.
"I hope you find your way home and your friends you two." Aerith said with a hopeful look which they were glad to hear.
"Thanks guys, it was nice meeting you all here, but now, it's time to go. You ready Spike?" Sora asked looking at him again.
"I'm ready to go, see you later guys." Spike concluded while he started walking away.
"Look out for eachother, and be safe." Leon advised one more time which they both smiled at.

Spike and Sora made they're way to Donald and Goofy who were just near the main door.
"So, you guys ready to go?" Spike asked while they met up together.
"Yep, the Gummi Ship is just outside that door!" Donald assured while he looked at the door just ahead.
"The what?" Sora asked not understanding that word.
"It's our ship, we use it to travel to all kinds of worlds." Donald explained with a casual look.
"Yeah, just wait till you see it!" Goofy said with an excited look.
"Hold on a moment, Sora, Spike, this is for you two." Donald declared before he suddenly waved his staff around them, and they felt a new power just enter them.

"What was that?" Sora asked looking at himself again.
"I just granted you a fire spell I know, it'll help us in fights, you'd best use it sparingly." Donald explained which amazed them both.
"Really? I can use magic?! Awesome!" Sora said amazed with what they just heard.
"Something tells me we're gonna learn a lot more moving forward, you guys ready to go?" Spike asked with a smile.
"Let's go!" Sora replied with confidence as they all made they're way to the main door, while Spike was glad to have made new friends, they now have a new problem to deal with, and hopefully this is the start of something much.. much greater for them all..