Life as a Sonic OC Redux

by Kitsulestia

Sonic versus Bliss/ Journey to Moron Mountain

*Sonic's POV (still)*

I laugh "You'll never beat me! I'm the fastest Mobian alive!"

A female voice asks "Wanna bet?"

Bliss was somehow ahead of me as I suddenly pictured her as a female Shadow with her personality and better attitude, much to my confusion.

I shake off the confusion and push my alicorn stamina to the limits, breaking the sound barrier 20 times over thus making it to Canterlot first.

Bliss spoke "Wow, beat me by a millisecond. Talk about tight."

I looked and saw Bliss here. “But how did you-Who did you-Ma…. Mamamoo!”

Bugs suddenly popped out of the ground. “Already did that line in a picture I did with Cecil Toitle.”

I spoke "Not many Mobians can keep up with me on land or in the sky."

Bliss spoke "Well, you won the first challenge."

I chuckle "And my title as Fastest Mobian Alive is still secured."

Bugs asks "Ain’t you a bit protective of that?"

I ask "Need I remind you of that one time you scared Soarin senseless with a dino in a box?"

Bugs spoke "Yeah, learned that trick from Dot Warner."

I spoke "Just don't pull that trick with Renee though, Seto will beat you up for it."

Bugs spoke "Even so, I’d bounce back."

A loud explosion was heard.

I ask "Hey Soarin! What was that?"

Soarin spoke "*Comically coughs out a puff of smoke* I have no idea."

Bugs spoke "*Looks through binoculars* Here we go again, ‘cept this time it’s with Cutie Marks."

I spoke "*sweatdrop* This reminds me of what would've happened if Starlight hadn't reformed..."

An air blast sent the Monstars flying with goofy yells as the five of them crash down in front of me and Bugs.

Starlight spoke "That's the LAST straw!"

A bright light engulfed Starlight, causing her to become an alicorn.

Bugs spoke "Huh, would ya look at that."

I spoke "Least it's not the Warrior-verse, there's more alicorns than you can shake a stick at."

Bugs spoke "Welp, better get the talents back."

Looking at the orange Monstar, I ask "Why are you and your buddies stealing cutie marks?"

Bugs spoke "Probably 'cause o' their boss on Moron Mountain's makin' 'em work again."

I spoke "This is way out of the Harmony Guard's range."

Danyelle pops up with the rest of the Harmony Guard along with Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Koga, the Tokyo Five, Dren, Tarb, Sardon, Opaline and Midnight.

Danyelle spoke "But Sonic, we have to help the Monstars."

Bugs spoke "We beat 'em before in a basketball game with Michael J. Jordan and Bill Murray."

Danyelle gasps "THE Michael Jordan?!?"

Roll giggles "fangirl alert."

I couldn't help but chuckle in agreement before Danyelle's comm went off.

Danyelle spoke "Talk about good timing Jumba!"

Jumba asks "*On comm* What you mean, cat girl?"

Danyelle explained what was going on to Jumba.

Jumba scoffs "Bah! Moron Mountain, worst amusement park in galaxy."

Danyelle growls "And don't get me started on Swackhammer... He's the worst..."

Jumba asks "You know him?"

Danyelle spoke "Only from the Monstars though but that's all."

Indigo spoke "Long story short, the Harmony Guard needs to get to Moron Mountain and put a stop to that madman."

Jumba asks "If it means park being closed down for good, wait a moment. You have warp ring, no?"

I spoke "We do but that's the problem, Danyelle's never been to Moron Mountain before."

Jumba spoke "*Facepalm!* No no no! I mean warp ring for ship to come pick you up quicker."

Danyelle wingslaps me on the head.

Danyelle spoke "Sonic, you're an idiot."

Bliss spoke "I guess we'll get on with the second challenge on the flight there."

*After Jumba arrived with his ship via warp ring*

Danyelle spoke "Harmony Guard! Demons! Alicorns! Move out!"

The folks got aboard the spaceship.

Opaline spoke "Good thing Midnight and I left Pearl in Cadence's care."

"What's the second challenge?" I asked.

Bliss spoke "*Smile* You'll have to figure that out."

Jumba spoke "Oi! don't make me turn this ship around you blue rat!"

Elia, Roll and Danyelle had to hold me back from attacking Jumba.

I managed to calm down before I tried to think of what it could be.

Danyelle spoke "Please don't call Sonic that, it's kind of a trigger for hedgehog Mobians. You really don't want to know Shadow's trigger though... Pinkie said it one time and got stuck in a tree for it."

I then noticed a guitar, getting an idea.

Manic spoke "Something about that guitar rubs my quills a certain way."

Sonia spoke "Gotta agree there."

Danyelle spoke "Same."

I don't know why, but I went over to the guitar and picked it up.

Danyelle rummages through her tail fur, pulling out a medallion shaped like a violin.

“Wait, think you could let me do this one solo, Dany?” I asked.

Sonia and Manic gasp "But bro, that's the long lost fourth medallion!"

"...Huh?" I asked, totally confused.

Danyelle spoke "I've always had this."

"Then it wasn't long-lost." I noted.

Danyelle spoke "It never showed itself until now."

"Anywho, you think I can do this one, Dany?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "of course."

I was about to play before I suddenly stopped. "Actually, why don't you, Sonia and Manic join in?"

Danyelle spoke "A family that stays together, plays music together."

Sonia and Manic used their medallions bringing out their instruments to play a song as Danyelle did the same with all four of us ready.

Danyelle plays her violin.

*Roll's POV*

As the Sonic Underground band and Danyelle played, Elia and I couldn't help but noticing Bliss sigh a bunch of times quietly, blushing and sweating a bit while biting her lower lip and blinking a bit with hearts in her pupils.

Elia whispers in my ear.

Elia whispers "Leopard girl's got it bad..."

"Heehee! Yeah, and something tells me she had that look before." I giggled.

Elia spoke "Good thing Cadence isn't here to see me do this!"

Elia used her telekinesis to throw Bliss at Sonic once again.

Danyelle asks "How much longer until we get to Moron Mountain?"

To be continued...