One Of The Same

by Emily_Is_Bunnii

Rainbow Dash Helps Again

Rainbow Dash Helps Again
By: Emily_Is_Bunnii

A few months passed, and the summer break began. Emmaline had been long healed, going back to school and such. SunnySide made sure that the foal that did that to Emmaline got into major trouble, and nobody really bothered Emmaline too badly after that. They gave her a few taunts here and there, but things that she became accustomed to, things that she was able to block out and laugh at eventually. Her friendship with Zee became stronger as well. Zee had gone back to Canterlot after Emmaline had been healed, but he took his time leaving. SunnySide actually allowed Emmaline to visit Canterlot with Zee for a little more than a week. Emmaline had a lot of fun, experiencing new things, meetings Zee’s parents and friends. Nobody taunted her for not having a cutie mark. Most people over there didn’t have a cutie mark either. The pattern continued, where Zee and Emmaline would flip over to each other’s houses every so often. It was a very pleasant routine, but one day the pair went to visit Rainbow Dash in Cloudsdale to see her performance at some flying contest, and that changed a lot of things. Rainbow won obviously, she had been training forever! She also helped Emmaline win something too though…
“Hey Rainbow Dash! Congrats on winning the competition!” Zee said. Rainbow Dash beamed, and an idea flashed across her face. She zoomed in a colorful trail around Emmaline and Zee, and put both her hooves around the two. “Yeah, thanks! But uh, hey… Can I ask you guys something? It seems like you guys are just the most awesome couple ever, so I was thinking-“ Zee broke her off right there and asked in minor shock “Woah, a couple? What?” Rainbow Dash looked at him quizzically. “Yeah… Here, lemme finish! I was wondering…” She said, elongating her sentence. “Why don’t you guys go out? I mean, I see you guys around Ponyville all the time, and all I can say is ‘wow, what a pair!’” Emmaline looked at Zee, and Zee looked back for a split second. They both looked at Rainbow Dash, and didn’t say anything. Rainbow Dash noticed the tension, and said “Oh, well… I- I’ll let you guys think about it together then, okay? Bye guys!” And with that, Rainbow Dash zoomed off.
Zee and Emmaline went back down to Ponyville to relax at her farm. SunnySide made another spontaneous dish to suite the evening and the lighthearted feel. The dish was a homemade treat, one that SunnySide, Emmaline and Zee all made up together. It’s a sunflower that’s petals had been tied to point up, and inside of it had been a small lop of whipped cream. Around the sunflower bud, as they called it, were small little biscuits that had more whipped cream on it, sprinkles and finally a cherry on top. There were about 7 on each plate.
After a highly enjoyable evening dinner, Zee asked Emmaline if she would like to go outside with him. “Sure!” Emmaline said. They asked SunnySide and she said it was fine, just don’t be out too late. They agreed and trotted out. “So, Emma… I was wondering about what Rainbow Dash said, and…” Zee trailed off a bit, trying to find the right words to say. He glanced at Emmaline and he saw a curious, bright eyed pony that was anticipating what he was about to say. “Well, uhm… I was wondering, what are your thoughts… You know, on us being together?” Emmaline’s expression kind of flattened out, taken aback from the sudden turn. “Oh, well…” Every slightest endearing term that Zee had ever said to her came flushing to her mind, her train of thought and even her vision, and it hit her hard. She wanted to sound as sweet as he did all those times. She quickly thought up a very –surprisingly- well laid out response.
“Well, I really think that it would be worth it. I mean, hehe, Zee, you’ve been such a rock for me. You were there for me no matter what it was, and you’ve given me more than anypony, literally and figuratively. I love seeing you, and I would really like it if … You know… we could try that out…” Emmaline’s face burst into the absolute image of embarrassment. Her cheeks were flushed, her mane was showing her inner tension, and she wouldn’t look up. Zee did what he always did; he lifted her head up. She felt the tip of his hoof tug up on her chin and without resistance she looked at him. She saw a very bright, a very loving face that seemed to know no pain. Both his eyes were shining, and sparkled even more when he said “Emmaline Bunn, I would love it if you could be my girlfriend.” Both hearts fluttered as the last rays of the sun beamed down onto Sunny Fields Farm. Emmaline looked up at him with her heart flying high, and exclaimed “I would gladly be your girlfriend Zee!” They both wrapped their hooves around each other, lifting one another up, and they stayed there for quite a while. When they noticed that it was already dark was when they let go of each other. Zee looked at Emmaline. Emmaline looked at Zee. They smiled, turned around and went back inside.
Emmaline’s mother side glanced at the two as she put up the leftovers from dinner, and said with a sly smile “I knew you guys would get together soon.” Emmaline blushed, and Zee laughed. “Well, at least you don’t have to worry about her too much now. She’ll be fine as school comes back around. She was only at that terrible school for about a year, and already she’s going into high school! She’ll be alright since she also has me now.” SunnySide nodded, knowing that the rest of this year was going to be perfect for Emmaline.