//------------------------------// // Showdown on Moron Mountain // Story: Life as a Sonic OC Redux // by Kitsulestia //------------------------------// *Elia’s POV* Heehee! I’m such a little stinker. Sonic spoke "You're gonna be one helluva bloated hedgehog once I'm done with you Elia." “Ooh! So you think you’re a big bag hedgehog, Sonic?” I smirked. Sonic chuckles "It's not my fault you got such a high fertility level." Indigo spoke "Not to mention hedgehogs have four or five kids normally, but can have as many as seven at once." Ash spoke "Gogo, you're an idiot. That only applies to normal hedgehogs, not Mobian hedgehogs. Even Fluttershy knows that." Indigo spoke "*Shrug* Just saying it could be the case for Elia." Ash spoke "Don't make me zap you Gogo." Asuna was giggling. Bliss was blushing in complete embarrassment from when I threw her at Sonic. Asuna spoke "Oh? Look guys! Moron Mountain ahead!" Danyelle spoke "Finally." Bliss asks "U-Um… Sonic?" Sonic asks "Yeah?" Bliss spoke "Well, you passed the second challenge, which means… *Blush* You won." Roll spoke "And as the lead female in the herd, I allow you to join." A portal opened as Jasmine popped out. “Hey everyone. Got a little gift for the lady panther.” Danyelle asks "Is that... hyena meat?" A stray comet had hit the side of the spaceship. Jasmine spoke "Actually, now we might have bigger problems to deal with." Danyelle spoke "Cool your jets Jasmine, that was just Menhit." Jasmine spoke "Sorry. Anyway, it is that." *After Menhit was brought inside the spaceship,* Sonic asks "Hey Bugs, how much longer is it to Moron Mountain?" Bugs spoke "*Looks at his wrist like he was wearing a watch* Should be right about…" The ship suddenly stopped. Bugs spoke "Now." Danyelle spoke "If that womanizing asshole is there, I'm gonna rip him to shreds! I don't give care if he's immortal or not!" Menhit asks "Are you sure you’re giving this to her?" Jasmine spoke "Yeah, I looked and… well… you know…" Danyelle spoke "That would boost it to 1% but she'd need a lot of chasteberries to temporarily get it up to where she wants it." Menhit spoke "Precisely." Twilight's right eye was twitching for some reason. Danyelle spoke "Twilight... *voice sounded exactly like Kagome's voice due to a bit of magic* Sit girl!" Inuyasha was face down on the metal floor, causing Menhit to giggle. Menhit spoke "That is amusing." Danyelle giggles "My OC-verse counterpart uses that command on Twilight's OC-verse counterpart a lot." Bliss asks "*Eating hyena meat* Really?" Danyelle spoke "Yeah." Bliss finished eating the hyena meat as she gave out a small belch. Danyelle giggles "Least it wasn't Laharu though." Menhit spoke "He is a good friend." Danyelle spoke "Yeah, plus he's less annoying than Ein." Jasmine spoke "Welp, time to test something out." Sonic asks "Could it wait until after we get rid of Swackhammer?" Jasmine spoke "Fair enough." Danyelle growls "Let's go and stop that madman!" Bliss spoke "*wind swirling around her* Right!" Danyelle spoke "Until the galaxy ends!" The rest of the Harmony Guard spoke "Harmony Guard defend!" We went out of the spaceship, founding ourselves at the entrance of Moron Mountain. Ash spoke "Yeesh! This whole PLANET needs a makeover!" Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow and Fluttershy had spacesuits on since the air might be toxic to them. Bliss spoke "That’s the least the place needs." Menhit spoke "Regardless, we should watch out for my asshole dad." Danyelle snarls "Yeah, and I can’t wait to beat the shit out of Swackhammer for trying to take my basketball hero here!" Orion spoke "Those two jerks will regret picking a fight with the Harmony Guard!" A blazing comet crashes down, revealing Apollyon. Apollyon spoke "You can count me in too!" Menhit spoke "*Nuzzles Apollyon* It’s so good to see you again, dear." Apollyon chuckles "Just you wait Menny, I got plans for you." Menhit giggles "*Lustful purring* Save it for later, Apolly, my love." Danyelle spoke "You know Menhit, you remind me of Charlie." Sonic spoke "Guys, come on." Rarity spoke "Good thing Pinkie's not here, she'd be extremely disappointed with a place like this." Twilight spoke "Yeah, she’s a bit busy with Applejack’s family." Danyelle spoke "What a way to spend Hearths Warming and...." Danyelle, Menhit and Apollyon started growling. Bliss spoke "Sounds like trouble’s here." Danyelle used her comm to contact Charlie. Danyelle spoke "Heads up Charlie, there will be a new sinner for ya to deal with!" Charlie spoke "Thanks." Twilight brought her sword out. Twilight spoke "ATTACK!!!!" A roar was heard. Danyelle, Menhit and Apollyon growl "Leave that asshole to us! You guys deal with that alien!" “Right.” I nodded as an anvil with Swackhammer’s face on one side clonked Bugs, squishing him before Bliss got it off him as the bunny got back to normal. Bugs spoke "Of course you realize, this means war." Danyelle and the two lions ran off to deal with Apedemak before he attacked Tefnut. Twilight transformed to her Deep Lilac form, ditching the spacesuit. Deep Lilac spoke "DAMN RIGHT IT IS!!!" *With Danyelle and the two lions* Danyelle spoke "That lion’s insane!" Menhit spoke "We have to stop him before he kills my mother!" Apollyon spoke "Right!" Due to stiff wing muscles, Danyelle was flying funny as she heads towards the roar. Danyelle shouts "HEY!!! Over here!" A male lion snarls "You again?" Danyelle spoke "That's right, me! You want it? Come and get some!" Apedemak roars loud at Danyelle, accepting the challenge. Danyelle thinks "*Mentally to herself* Remember what you saw Buttercup do against Crescendo. Fire and water, force and effortless force." A blast of ice-cold shards hit Danyelle hard on the wings, causing her to fall to the ground. Danyelle thinks "*Mentally to herself!* Gyah! I really need to see Josuke about my wings after this." Menhit growls "You've gone TOO far Father!" Apollyon spoke "And this is gone on long enough!" Something deep within Danyelle finally snaps before the injured nekomata lets loose a powerful Celestial Lion Roar, pushing Apedemak backwards. And that roar could be heard all over the planet. *With the rest of the Harmony Guard* Sonic asks "Holy shit... Did you guys hear that roar?" "How could I not?" I responded as Bugs was shaking like a jackhammer from the roar. Deep Lilac spoke "Sounds like some idiot went and pissed Danyelle off big time." I used my telekinesis to stop Bugs from shaking. Rarity spoke "Gosh, that was loud... My ears are hurting." Bugs spoke "*Suddenly carrying a box that said ACME on it* Well, I know a quick way to spot him." Bugs suddenly jumped into a crater and dug into the ground with said box before he soon resurfaced with a wired dynamite plunger. Deep Lilac spoke "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" Bugs spoke "And three, two, one." Bugs pushed the dynamite plunger all the way down effortlessly and lightly with a single pointer finger before muffled explosions were heard from underground as it looked like the place was starting to get shorter and shorter with dust clouds at the bottom. Deep Lilac laughs "Boom!" The whole place crumbled until only a giant Swackhammer head with glass windows for eyes was left standing amongst the rubble, telling us that was his office. Deep Lilac blasted the windows with an energy blast. Bugs spoke "He ain't comin' out that easily." Bugs headed to the top center of the head before painting a red X. He then brought out a big wooden mallet before swinging it right down on the X, causing the whole head to crack up as Bugs jumped off it before it crumbled to rubble. The sound of a dying roar was heard since Danyelle tore Apedemak's throat out. Bliss spoke "That's one down." A flying spindash rams into Swackhammer, ripping the alien's head clean off. Danyelle spoke "Make that two down." Swackhammer asks "H-Hey! What gives?!" All of us were caught off guard except Bugs as he was munching on a carrot before Swackhammer's body started looking for his head. Bugs spoke "Swackhammer's a toon, he can come back from anything." Danyelle shot white fire at Swackhammer, incinerating him completely. Bugs spoke "*Bringing out a paintbrush with paint thinner* Roastin' him ain't gonna cut it either. *Uses paintbrush with thinner, brushing over flames and ashes until they were both completely gone* Ya gotta use paint thinner. And besides Dany, you need therapy with that much anger." Danyelle spoke "Either way, he won't be coming back after that." End