What If...

by TheMajorTechie

it rained potato soup for three week straight. (and when Rarity is brought back to life, she starts busting out dance moves?)


"Yup. That sure is soup, Spike."

"Puddle of soup."

"Pond of soup."

"Darlings--oh my soup--er, Celestia! Where did all this soup come from?"

"Rarity. You saw how it was raining potato soup for three weeks straight."

"Well excuse me for concentrating on my work!"

"...For three weeks straight. Without using the restroom. Or eating. Or sleeping. Spike here tells me that he's pretty sure you neither blinked nor breathed that entire time either. And you were not working."

"What was I doing then? I hardly even remember yesterda--"

"Dancing. You were dancing, Rarity. For three weeks straight. Are... are you okay?"