//------------------------------// // Chapter 55: Well, Same To You, Buddy // Story: Chaotic Harmony: Do Over // by shirotora //------------------------------// “So, let me get this straight,” Jynx paced back and forth. “You've been giving my husband cryptic messages for a couple years now, the first being the warning that saved Midnight, the most recent sending him to die?” “That's correct.” There was a loud crack as Jynx threw a right hook that Mike Tyson would have been proud of. La'alia hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.  “Nana!” Fluttershy was at her side in an instant. La'alia waved her off. “I'm fine, Kataya. I'm an ancient dragon. It will take more than that to harm me. That said... damn.” She flexed her jaw. “I know all too well what I put you through. If there was another way, I would have taken it, but there wasn't. Shiro had to die to become Thor's herald. If he didn't, we would all be dead.” We had decided that whatever she had to say was important enough for everyone to hear, so I ran off to gather the gang and brought them back to Fluttershy's.  This apparently also included the Crusaders and Midnight, now. “What do you mean?” Midnight asked. If he was upset to learn of La'alia's involvement in my death, he didn't show it. “I mean I have spent the last decade using my sight for a single purpose. We are facing the end of days. I have explored tens of thousands of timelines. Every one I could see, ends in all life being wiped out.” “So... we're doomed, no matter what?” Rainbow asked. La'alia shook her head. “Not necessarily. There is one timeline I cannot see. That is the timeline we are currently in. My sight ended the moment Shiro returned.” “And because you can't see it, there's a possibility we can win,” Twilight surmised.  “Correct.” “So... if you can't see the future anymore, why do you need to talk to everyone?” Sweetie Belle asked. “In a moment,” La'alia said. As if on cue, a knock came from the door. “Enter.” The door opened and Luna, herself, walked in. “I apologize that my sister could not come.” “That's fine. You're the one we need, anyway,” La'alia said. “Now we can begin. “I assume everyone knows of the tigerian that surrendered to Shiro and the existence of others that wish to defect? Good. Her story is true. Additionally as of several months ago, Kronos still knew nothing of their existence.” “What do you mean ‘as of several months ago’?” I asked. “Seeing into Tartarus is extraordinarily difficult and only possible when conditions are just right and even then requires special foci,” La'alia explained. “There is a possibility that, since they have made their first move, they have been discovered or at least are suspected. “That is why I have called you. If we are going to rescue these people, it has to be now.” Luna cocked an eyebrow. “And how, pray tell, would we go about such a thing? Getting into Tartarus is impossible, as far as I know. Even if we did get inside, what then? We just ask every tigerian if they would like to escape with us?” “Getting in is easy, so long as you know where the entrance is, and I do,” La'alia said. “As for finding them, well, that's why we needed you here, my dear princess. We need you to release the tigerian into Shiro's custody. Truth be told, all I know is they need saving, now, and where the entrance to Tartarus is. Beyond that, only she knows what we will need to do.” Luna took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “Very well. I was already considering granting probationary freedom.” “Excellent. We shall be awaiting her arrival.” As we waited, Jynx and Twilight eagerly told us what they learned about the items taken from the tigerians. The sword and knife were pretty normal. The book was a book of ancient, forbidden magic that was quickly taken to a secure location. The staff, however, had the the two mares nerding out. “So... this would let, say, Applejack use unicorn magic?” I asked. “It would even let non-ponies cast unicorn magic,” Twilight gushed. “Just imagine if everyone had access to one of these.” “So, what's the downside?” I asked. “Something that useful wouldn't have disappeared unless there was a problem with them.” Jynx sighed. “Unfortunately, there is a major problem. You see, they're made by essentially fusing a crystal rod with alicorn, the substance a unicorn's horn is made from. So, it grants another the ability to cast unicorn magic at the cost of taking a unicorn's horn.” I winced at that. “In other words, it's just a way to steal a unicorn's magic. Shit.” “It might not be all bad,” Jynx said. “While the process of fusing alicorn with crystal may have been lost, a lot was gained in the meantime. Magical advancements have grown by leaps and bounds. There may be a way to use living alicorn.” My eyes widened as I realized what she was saying. “You could get your horn back?!” “Let's not get too hopeful,” Jynx said, but I could see it in her eyes she was excited about the possibility. “We have to reverse engineer the staff and figure out how it's actually done before we can hope to improve upon the process.” “And um...” I glanced back to see if Rainbow Dash was in earshot. “What about wings?” Jynx grimaced. “I don't think so. A unicorn's horn is actually simple in structure. It's just a spire of alicorn with mana channels woven through it. A wing is bones, tendons, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, skin, feathers, and mana channels. They're mechanically much more complicated. “That said, I do believe it might help, at least with making artificial mana channels. Not only that, but it might help Scootaloo, as well. If we can recreate mana pathways with this, we could prevent any further degradation.” That was definitely something that got my attention. Being able to give Scootaloo a full life. “What about undoin’ the damage that was already done?” “That, unfortunately, would be someone else's job to fix. That's medical magic.” “Still, if you could figure out how to use this to create mana pathways, not only will medical magic improve, but so could enchantin’. You could theoretically create one powerful enchantment and direct its effects wherever you need it. You could create magical power plants, or communications and send them through mana pathways on powerlines.” “Exactly. It could be one of the most significant advancements in Equestrian history!” Jynx was practically dancing in excitement. “Hey, in a totally unrelated note, did you know that ‘Chekhov's Gun’ isn't a Star Trek reference?” I asked, completely randomly, and for no reason, whatsoever. “Crazy, huh?” “Yo! Carriage incoming,” Rainbow called, pointing to a shape in the sky. We looked up to see the rapidly growing form of Luna's personal transport. Hers was much smaller than Celestia's, made more for speed than passenger space or comfort. Thus, it wasn't long before it was coming to a stop in front of us. Luna stepped out before turning back and rolling her eyes. “We've landed. It's safe.” “I-I-I'm so sorry, your greatness,” Valrin's voice came from within. “Please, forgive my weakness.” Luna sighed. As the tigerian stepped out of the carriage, she gasped in awe at the sight of... well, normal everyday nature. To her, though, it may as well have been paradise.  “Is this grass? It's soft. Wh-what is that?!” she asked, panicky, as a bird flew by. “Is it dangerous?” It really made me realize what I was taking for granted. “It's just a bird,” Luna said. “There are a great many of them.” Luna gave me a pleading look. I could only guess Valrin has been... difficult company. So, I decided to throw her a bone.  “Don't you worry, Valrin,”I said. “Ah won't let anythin’ dangerous near enough to harm you.” Valrin looked at me with confusion. “You would protect me?” “Of course,” Twilight said. “We would all protect you.” “Maybe not all of us,” Rainbow grumbled. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight admonished. Rainbow growled. “What?! Did you forget what one of them did to us? To me?!” “She is not him,” Twilight admonished. “She probably saved at least one of our lives. Or did you forget about what just one of them, the self proclaimed weakest, did to us? What would three of them have done?” “It would have been a miracle if we all survived,” Rarity said. Applejack scoffed. “It woulda been a miracle if only one of us died.” “She speaks the truth,” Valrin said. “Kylar was perhaps the strongest of our warriors, and Lewin was perhaps the fastest caster, if lacking in power. Neither possessed the kindness my brother held.” “Kindness... wait, brother?!” Rainbow's anger doubled at that. “Yes, Verin was my brother, and he was a good, kind person,” Valrin said. “But he was also perhaps the most zealous. He would have never brought harm to you if he had not been commanded by Kronos.” “Yeah, well, he was, and now... now I...” Rainbow struggled to say it. “And now, he's dead,” I stated. “And he took his sins with him. Don't blame folks for other people's crimes.” I looked at Valrin. “Ah won't apologize for protectin’ mah friends, family, and home, but Ah am sorry for your pain.” Valrin shook her head. “No. I am glad it was he who was first to come. If he wasn't first, he would have come with me, and... and I would have had to kill him myself. You saved me from that.” Rainbow looked at her, surprised. “You would have killed your own brother?!” Valrin averted her eyes, shamefully. “He was commanded to destroy you, and only death would have stopped him. He was good to me and cared for me, but he was a threat to our people's future. He had to die, one way or another. I came to peace with that long before he was summoned. None of our lives matter compared to the lives of future generations.” Rainbow sneared. “I don't trust you. But... if what you're saying is true, maybe you can earn it. If you betray us, though, I swear to all that is good in this world, I will end you in the worst way possible.” “You got that out of your system?” I asked, more than a little annoyed.  “Whatever.” “Good. Now, can we get down to business?” We relocated to Sweet Apple Acres, as Twilight’s was still being built and no one else's place was big enough. Applejack was the only one with a large, outdoor gathering spot. Plus, iced tea. It was the perfect place to be told to go to hell. Literally.  “Come again?” I asked, clearing my ear with a finger. “Ah think Ah misheard you.” “You need to lead a rescue mission into Tartarus to extract the tigerians that are not loyal to Kronos.,” La'alia repeated. “Luna, does Equestria still have mental hospitals?” La'alia giggled. “None that could hold me. Besides, I'm not... well, I can't say I'm totally sane, but I'm not crazy in this. You and a few others will need to delve into Tartarus, find any who are disloyal to Kronos, and guide them to freedom.” I nodded slowly. “Huh... and while I'm there would you like me to pick you up a tee-shirt?” She grinned. “If you happen across a gift shop, sure.” “Be serious, both of you,” Jynx admonished. “Enough with the cryptic nonsense. Just tell us what you want us to do.” La'alia sighed. “I'm not being cryptic. That's what needs to happen.” “And how in tarnation are they supposed to do that?” Applejack asked. “Shiro's the only one that looks the part, but he's the only white tigerian other than Kronos’ right hoof mare.” La'alia smiled. “Magic.” Before Jynx could yell at her again, she clarified. “There is a potion that can temporarily change your species. It was used before the compatibility spells for interspecies couples to reproduce.” At Applebloom's sudden interest, she added, “It's a rather complicated potion, so it's best left to at least a journeyman. Zecora should suffice. And for Shiro, well, fur dye exists for a reason.” “Okay, so we can get in and look the part. How do we actually find anyone? Just ask around?” I asked. La'alia gave me a flat look. “If only we knew someone familiar with not only the place, but the people.” Valrin gasped. “Y-you want me to... to go back?” “Not as a prisoner, but as a liberator,” La'alia said. “You will lead your people to salvation.” She turned to the rest of us. “And I emphasize, ‘she’ will lead her people. It is of utmost importance that she lead this expedition.” “And who exactly is going on this ‘expedition’?” Applejack asked. “Other than Valrin and Shiro? Only Jynx, Rainbow Dash, and Jetaga,” La'alia replied. “And how exactly do you know who, when, and where when your sight is gone?” I asked. “My sight may be gone, but my intuition is not,” she replied. “Some creatures have potent intuition, much like yourself. Mine has been honed over centuries as well as bolstered by my powers. Without my sight, I can't give you details, but I can still get vague ideas of what is needed.” “So... when do we leave?” “In three days. I suggest you begin preparations now.”