Project Mechillion

by Ronocorian

Chapter Six: Psychological Injuries.

It was a chilling and black night as Steelwing stepped outside of Twilights cottage for the first time in many a day. He shivered as the breeze shifted its self though his mane, touching the pores of his skin like an ice sheath.

The bandages around his torso held the warmth that he body emitted, their fresh white material being the only thing that was visible in the moons glow. Steels grey coat just masked him, and his dark blue hair did nothing to assist in making him more visible.

He took a painful step forward and walked down the path, his wings were still bound and as he tried to push them open, the force against the bandages only caused strain and he winced as a twang of pain rushed through his body.

He walked down a long dark grey gravel path, heading to the outskirs of ponyville to the wreckage of a mech that still lay embedded into the floor.

The force of the crash had killed the pilot instantly.

The other wreck was no where to be seen, but the pilot was confirmed K.I.A.

Steelwing approached the dark cracked cockpit, moonlight reflected of the surface of the glass container, but there were no contents. He took a seat by the glass and lifted a hoof to touch it. It was cold.

So very cold.

"The touch of death is rarely warm. It sweeps across the world, leaving devastation. Weeping families. Grieving families. Orphans. Why has it never opened its hoof to me. Why does it claim the innocent when i walk freely, i bear a thousand hideous acts, and yet it claimed you both. What makes me worthy." Steelwing whispered in the night air.

No reply came.

A cold gust of air was the only reply that Steelwing got.

He saluted, and a white glimpse shone down his cheek as he lifted his arm.

"May Luna's eternal moon and Celetia's immortal sun guide you."

"Rest in piece soldier. You will be remembered."

Steelwing turned his back and walked away, a cold gust moving his mane and making him shiver as he turned.

There he saw something unusual. Two ponies cuddling in the night sky, it was a beautiful sight, the silouette of the moon surrounded their forms as they sat embracing on a hill. Steelwing longed for this, he had his fair share of action on the field.

But he longed for so much more.

A pony to call his own.

Thats when he noticed who the ponies were. It was undeniable, there on the hill, embraced in a lovers grasp.

Were Twilight and Shadowhorn.

Steelwing watched as Shadowhorn grabbed Twilights left foreleg, lifted it, pulling her from the ground, and learnt forward to kiss her.

Their mouths met in a passionate kiss, and suddenly, Steelwing felt warm, he could see the tear from Twilights left eye, glistening in the moon's glow. And he watched as Shadowhorn lifted a hoof to wipe the tear away.

Stood right before him, was love. And he knew what he had to do.

It was time to tell Rainbow Dash how he felt, it was time to shield her from the cold nights, it was time for Steelwing to be happy.

Steelwing left for Rainbow Dash's house. and as he arrived there, he noticed he would have some trouble flying himself up there.

He cursed silently and mocked his own stupidity in forgetting that his wings were broken, and he lowered his head and turned to walk away, he heard a twig snap behind him. Adrenaline surged into his body, and he drew his jagged combat knife from the bandage around his torso, whatever it was, he was ready. He turned to face the opponent, and there standing before him was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

There, stood Rainbow.


"Im sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" she eyed the knife carefully.

Steelwing noticed this and looked down at his right hoof at the jagged blade that lay there.

"Oh..Oh my god, im sorry, I thought I was under attack...old soldier thing"

"Its ok Steel, you're shaking, are you ok?" Rainbow asked with a concerned look

"And wait? why are you out here again? watching me catch some late night stunts I bet!"

"Actually, I did come looking for you. I...I missed you.." he said, looking at the floor. Waiting for it to swallow him.

"Why were you looking for me Steel? is something wrong?" she asked, looking more concerned than ever.

"I just wanted to thank you, for taking care of me, I was out here heading back to the old ship wreck...I wanted to say goodbye one more time. I failed them and they atleast deserve a goodbye, it should have been me. But i saw Twilight and Shadowhoof kissing and i thought of you."

Rainbow Dash blushed at the complement, he cheeks going a deep shade of crimson-pink, the same shade as her eyes. Steel had never seen a more beautiful sight.

"You didn't fail them Steel. And im glad you're here, ive been thinking about you a lot." she admitted, blushing more than ever, and the shade on her cheeks now changing more to the color of the red in her mane.

"You have?" Steelwing questioned, wondering if it was possible he misheard that.

"Yes, i have, hop on my back, lets go inside, you can stay at mine tonight."

Steelwing did as he was told and almost passed out from the pain as Rainbow took off. He forced himself to enjoy the flight until he began to black out.

"Steel!" was the shout that forced him out of semi-consciousness, he forced himself to concentrate on Rainbow's mane.

"Such....a...beautiful mane...."

Steelwing's world went black and the colors faded as the night took him once more. He passed out in the high altitude, not knowing what would happen next.