//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 - Dreams and Nightmares // Story: Discord Discordant // by TheAceofClubs //------------------------------// ------------------------------------------ Chapter IV Dreams and Nightmares ------------------------------------------ It wasn’t often that Princess Celestia felt the cold, and this was one of those times. Discord’s maze kept twisting and turning, with Celestia always just a little behind Clover. The more she walked the colder she became, eventually finding herself shivering from head to hoof. It felt like forever since she had stopped to watch the illusion of her past and her legs had started to ache. “We’re nearly there,” Clover’s voice rang out, causing Celestia to raise her head in acknowledgement. “N–Nearly where?” Celestia asked, although she was sure she didn’t want to know. “To your second mistake.” Clover answered, turning a corner and catching Celestia with the corner of her eye. Celestia paused, paralyzed by the look Clover had given her. She knew that the real Clover the Clever had died centuries before, but the illusion was so lifelike that she found herself doubting what she knew. Discord had never met her, so how could he have known everything that happened before he came to Equestria? With a sigh, Celestia took another stiff step forward, wincing in pain as the chill around her ran up her hoof again. It took a bit longer than before, but she got herself moving again, despite her discomfort and she finally turned the corner. “Good morning Celestia! I hope you slept well!” The familiar voice drew Celestia’s attention to a doorway to her left. She took a moment to look around, finding that the maze had vanished and she was stood once again in the open throne room. Looking back at the door she saw the familiar serpentine shape of Discord strut towards the figure sat in the throne to the opposite side of her. “Discord, please hold the pleasantries. You know why I called you here,” Celestia’s younger self said with a disapproving tone. “I do?” Discord asked innocently. “Princess Luna has told me of your ‘antics’ over the period of the past months and I am very disappointed at what I’ve heard,” The pink-maned Celestia said. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean Celestia,” Discord responded. “A bonfire was lit in Canterlot’s city square last night and at three ‘o’clock in the morning you were reported to have turned said bonfire into fireworks,” Celestia said. “And that was a bad thing? Everypony in Canterlot always looks so stuffy and boring, so I tried to lighten then up a bit with some entertainment,” Discord said, puffing out his chest and folding his arms proudly. “Trust me when I say that you didn’t raise their spirits half as much as you razed their homes.” Celestia’s voice was like ice. “I-Wait, what?” Discord said. “I don’t understand.” Celestia glared down from her throne at the draconequus. “No less than twenty Canterlot citizens are currently being offered solace and compensation within the palace after they lost their homes to a barely controllable wildfire in the city square last night.” She said angrily. “You have ruined twenty ponies’ lives in one fell swoop. What do you have to say for yourself?” “I-I but, I never meant-” Discord looked distraught at the situation. “You always say that you never mean to, but it still happens!” Celestia shouted. “How long must you keep neglecting what you promised me?” Discord looked down at the floor. “I-I’m sorry Celestia, really. I really didn’t mean to cause any harm.” He said quietly. “Then why are you still doing reckless things like that? Transferring chemical reactions into explosive projectiles is never bound to end well, so why do you pursue in such foolish actions?” She asked her face still contorted furiously. Discord stood silent on the spot. “Well?” “B-Because I want to make ponies happy! Because I want to make people smile when they look at me, instead of grimacing, or running in fear! Because I want to make Canterlot the most celebrative city in all of Equestria! Because I want your recognition that I’ve become something other than a monster!” Celestia was stunned at the backlash her shout had received. “Because I want to stand a chance at being somebody you would want to spend your time with.” Discord’s chest heaved as he finished shouting, trying to regain his usual composure. “Discord, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” she asked quietly, motioning a hoof to her tense guards for them to leave. Discord waited until the guardponies had departed before nodding. “You’re a beautiful creature Celestia and I’m just a jam of random animals with emotions. But the way I’ve felt about you since we met made me feel like I was more than just a monster.” Discord said. “I-I love you Celestia.” Celestia blinked, her face heating up at the compliments. “I-I beg your pardon?” she asked. “How long have you felt this way?” Discord looked up at her with a small smile, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. “From when I first saw you! You were so breathtaking that I simply couldn’t help but feel that way.” Celestia couldn’t believe her situation; a draconequus, an embodiment of disorder and chaos itself was confessing its love for her. It was flattering, admittedly, but she cared little for his rude and mischievous nature and certainly didn’t feel any kinship or love for him in return. “Discord, who am I?” Celestia said finally. “The most beau-“ Discord said, but stopped when he caught Celestia’s glare. “I’m serious Discord, who am I?” She repeated. Discord looked down at the floor again, the glint vanishing. “Pr-Princess Celestia, princess of Equestria.” Discord answered, to which Celestia nodded. “Did you know that when a new leader of Equestria comes into power he or she must swear upon the elements of harmony?” Celestia’s words struck deep. “Y-You mean-?” Discord started, silenced by a stamp of the hoof from the princess. “You are a spirit of chaos. That is what you were born to spread and there can be no union between two such different creatures as we. However, I must remind you of what I previously told you. You are welcome in Equestria so long as your promise of bettering yourself is true. If it turns out that that was a farce meant to get close to me and you cannot honour your promise, you will be asked to leave.” Celestia finished, staring down at the out-of-character creature. “Am I clear?” “Y-Yes, Celestia.” “Princess Celestia, if you please,” Celestia said. “You’re dismissed, Discord.” Discord looked back up one last time, as if he might see Celestia grinning down at him before laughing teasingly. But all he saw was a frown on the her face. Reluctantly, Discord bowed and turned to leave as the doors were opened by Celestia’s magic, letting her guards return to their stations by her throne. Once Discord had left, Celestia let out an exasperated sigh. “Forgive my intrusion your highness, but was master Discord troubling you?” One of the guards asked her. Celestia shook her head. “I fear I may have been too heavy-hoofed with him,” she answered, wiping her brow with a hoof. “A firm hoof never hurt anypony your highness,” the guard said.. “I hope you’re right.” Celestia murmured. “Could I ask you to send a message to Princess Luna? I feel I have some important matters to discuss with her.” “At once your highness!” the guardpony said with a swift salute before taking his leave and marching out of the throne room. The present day Celestia felt a greater chill run up her spine as she had watched herself lecture Discord. She had long since pushed the reason for Discord’s insurgence to the back of her mind for whatever reason, perhaps guilt, but now the reality of that memory had returned to her fully. Was this it, the reason for the whole crisis in Equestria? Had her rejection simply been taken badly? Could it have been avoided if she had just chosen her words better, or satisfied his wishes? “Do you see yet?” Clover said, walking out of the shadows beside Celestia. “I-I was so unwelcoming and harsh.” Celestia said to herself. “Is that what the chain of events moving?” Clover frowned. “It’s a start, but you still don’t understand. I feel that you are close to the answer however,” she said. “We shall continue.” Celestia didn’t respond; after all, what could she say? She was so lost in her thoughts that she had not only stopped noticing just how cold she felt but also the scene before her change. “Discord, you are hereby accused of treason against Princess Celestia, Equestria and its populace!” came a loud booming voice, obviously boosted with the help of magic. Celestia was shaken from her thoughts and looked to find that the palace had become lit up, with not one, but two thrones upon the altar at the front of the throne room. Sat in the centre chair was a midnight-coloured alicorn, while the other had the younger Celestia sat in it, looking exhausted, distraught and furious. “N-No! I never meant to har-“ Discord whined. “Silence!” Princess Luna’s voice rang out louder as she interrupted the draconequus’s voice. “You are accused of poisoning Princess Celestia with a love draught. Her mind was fooled into thinking of nothing but you, which has resulted in the failure of the raising of the sun for no less than ten full days. Had you not been apprehended and the situation not dealt with when it was, the summer solstice would have passed without Princess Celestia’s action, which could have eventually led to various deformities in Equestria’s growth. According to order seven thousand, eight-hundred and twenty two, issued by the court of the united nations of the known world, Equestria has been exempt from the discordant reach of the natural order of the draconequus due to services to the world; however, you have proceeded to break that law as well. The proof has been validated and you are exempt from the right of defence for this reason. You will hereby be banished from Equestria until the end of time.” Luna had always been the better public speaker and she seemed fuelled by dislike for Discord, which made it even easier for her to swallow the words as she voiced them. Discord was completely distraught, looking to Celestia constantly for some means of support. “I-I- Celestia, please!” Discord cried out. “Silence!” Luna shouted again. “Don’t you dare talk to me,” Celestia finally murmured. “But I-!” Discord tried to defend himself. “No!” Celestia screamed. “I trusted you to better yourself despite my better judgement! I even gave you a second chance, but you abused my trust without fail! What am I to you? Am I merely the object of your sick perversion? Am I, Discord?” “No! Of course not!” “Lies!” Celestia said, cutting off her sister trying to calm her down. “I have respect for those higher than I, but you, you aren’t deserving of that respect! Your words are poison, your intentions are insincere and your existence is monstrous!” The verbal onslaught was sudden, especially for a pony as demure as Celestia, but they silenced Discord entirely. The draconequus simply looked at her with horror on his face. “Do you hear me?” she screamed again. “You are a monster!” “Guards, take him away. His sentence shall begin at dawn.” Luna finally cut in. Guards surrounded Discord and shoved him in the direction of the door, leading him away from the thrones. “Fine,” Discord muttered. “If a monster is all you can see me as, then maybe I should become a monster.” “Silence! Away with you!” Luna demanded, glaring at him as he was removed from the room. Once he was gone, eyes fell on Princess Celestia, whose breath was hard, her entire figure shaking. At last she gave in and buried her face into Luna’s shoulder as she wept. “Now, Celestia, do you remember what happened after Discord was banished?” Clover asked the real Celestia. She seemed to have lost her natural radiance and graceful posture. Her eyes were sunken, and her mane had wilted, ceasing its midair wave and falling beside her face. “Y-Yes.” She murmured. “Because I had been unable to fulfil my duty of organising the Summer Sun Celebration, Luna instead had gone ahead and done it for me. However, just before the celebration was due to take place, Sombra attacked the unprepared Crystal Empire. This caused the... your equestrian seal to weaken because of how much harmony the crystal ponies held opposed to the rest of the kingdom. When the seal weakened, Discord made his way back into Equestria. He was so much different though... like he was driven for revenge. Revenge against me... Discord weakened the seal further by forcing disharmony into our borders until Luna and I defeated him personally.” Celestia couldn’t stand any longer and slipped to the cold floor below, her head hitting the ground sharply. “A-All because I couldn’t find the strength in my heart to love him back...” she whispered. A second passed before Celestia heard another sound. Laughter; the laughter of a mare, steadily deepening into a familiar tone. “Are you cold Celestia? I should have mentioned just how cold chaos is.” Discord sneered at the fallen mare, lowering himself down beside her. “The weakness you’re feeling? That’s not a draught, no, that’s your guilt, sadness and regret sinking in. This is how I felt when you assured me of what I am. I could get over rejection; after all, you’re not the only being in the world. But when you told me I was a monster, I knew from then on that that was exactly what I was.” Discord’s tone was nothing like Celestia had ever heard from him. It was dripping with contempt and malice, all traces of his previous jesting personality vanished. “A monster!” Discord roared aloud. “That’s what I am! A beast! An animal! But I wasn’t the only one, was I? You made me into a monster Celestia! It was you and your meddling sister that turned me into this, the creature that tore the elements of harmony at the seams!” Celestia looked up at the draconequus, waving his arms around frantically as he continued his insane rant. Was this it? Was Discord’s steadying loss of sanity the ultimate chaos? Discord burst out laughing hysterically, occasionally flicking his head back to check that Celestia was still there. “But now, I’ll do you proud Celestia! I’ll be what you wanted me to be! I’ll be the most monstrous monster in the history of all monstrosity!” He cackled, pointing a claw at the figures in the flashback. “The last time I tried this sort of revenge, you banished your beloved little sister! But now you’re in my domain! A world of chaos and and and... DISCORD!” Celestia was lost for words as she followed the mad creature’s directing to the throne. The remaining guardponies were gone, as well as her own crying self. All that remained was the dark grey silhouette of Luna. As the midnight blue form of Luna hit the floor her breath was knocked out of her lungs. How could she have let this happen, she thought. She had been so confident of herself before, but now she didn’t know what to believe. Luna was brought back to real time by the sound of an armoured hoof hitting the marble floor. She looked up to see the violet form of Clover, clad in thick gold armour that covered her from horn to hoof, glaring down at her. “Mother! What are you doing?” Luna stammered with a wheeze, still recovering from her initial fall. Clover’s horn flashed as a powerful blast of energy covered the little distance between the two, a wave of magical wind sweeping Luna back off of the floor and throwing her across the throne room. The alicorn couldn’t help but cry out as her back hit the wall with a blood curdling crunch. “Mother? Why in Equestria do you still persist in calling me such a name?” Clover said, her voice laced with malice. “You were always such a disappointment. I was ashamed to call you my daughter.” Luna shook her head. “I have made numerous mistakes, that much is true. But I know that what you’re saying now is false!” Luna’s words were noticeably forced as she just barely managed to get back to her hooves. Clover simply sneered at Luna’s weak attempt to defend herself. “We both know that that is the lie Luna, or rather, Nightmare. You could never stand being a step down from Celestia, being the least loved pony in all Equestria. It drove you mad that nopony cared, let alone appreciated your works of art constellations.” Clover said through bared teeth. “I am no nightmare! I overcame the petty weakness that caused it to come about in the first place! And I know my place in Equestria so much better now for that reason.” Luna adamantly retorted. “You never overcame that weakness. You were forcibly stripped of it by commoners. Even though you fool yourself into thinking that Equestria needs you you wouldn’t even be able to back that up with action.” Clover continued, her horn flashing as another small burst of energy flew at Luna, her legs barely just managing to keep her stood in place. “Admit it, Nightmare! You’re just a snivelling, rejected little filly, looking for a way to prove your worth to the world. Over two millennia and you still haven’t found that way.” Clover said loudly, emphasising the insult. “You’re wrong. I always thought that I had to be the model princess, but after my imprisonment I realised that life is too hard to stand idle. Nopony appreciated my night because they were exhausted from their daytime work. My efforts were wasted on ponies that wouldn’t have been able to admire beauty because of fatigue. No, I realised that I was so much more than that. I’m a sentinel, a guardian to all who live in Equestria as they rest.” Luna smiled confidently at Clover, her returning glare daring the unicorn to just try and match her opinion. “From what?” Clover asked simply. Luna blinked at the unexpected question. “What?” Luna asked back. “You guard the citizens of Equestria from what?” Clover repeated. “The wild beasts of Equestria have long since shrunk away from under Celestia’s hoof to the Everfree Forest and the Equestrian Seal repels the possibility of external invasion. So what are you protecting Equestria from?” Luna felt a lump gather in her throat. On hindsight, she realised that there really wasn’t anything for her to protect Equestria from. The kingdom had already been a utopia before she returned. “I- But- The moon!” Luna said through hard breaths in panic, clutching at whatever small shred of confirmation she could reach. “The world did without you for one thousand years, in which time Celestia took your task of controlling the moon and bested you at it.” Clover responded simply. She was right and Luna knew it. Was she really so unwelcome in Equestria? “But don’t fret my foal.” Clover continued, approaching the shaking alicorn. “Destiny is not a set path. You can create your own story as you wish. You just need a little determination.” Luna looked up at the lavender unicorn, a few tears struggling against her will to run down her cheek. Gently Clover reached over to Luna’s head and stroked the side of her face affectionately. “H-How though?” Luna asked, only just noticing the strange sensation surging through her face. “You remove the barriers standing in your way yourself.” Clover said with a bit more assurance, stroking further up Luna’s face, causing her to instinctively close her eyes, but gently leaning further into the touch. “Where would I start?” Luna asked quietly. Clover smiled and looked behind her. “How about there, where your life’s problems have laid the roots?” Clover whispered to her daughter. Luna opened her eyes followed Clover’s glance to the other side of the throne room, where the crumpled form of her sister could be seen sprawled across the floor. She had dismissed the peculiar sensation, but hadn’t noticed the change it had had on her. Luna took a step forward, a dark grey figure lit up by two glowing turquoise eyes. “Wh-what?” Celestia said croakily. She would have said more, but she was silenced by the raising of Luna’s head. Underneath her star-dotted mane were slender irises of draconic turquoise, a toothy grin breaking out on her face. Celestia shook her head in disbelief. “It’s not possible... Twilight freed you! I saw it myself!” Celestia said with a whimper to her voice as Luna took a step towards her. “Please Luna, not again!” Luna chuckled to herself, her tone deepened into a more mature sound. “Luna was always such a poor name. It reeked of failure and desperation!” she said with a sarcastic laugh, only just managing to be audible over Discord’s shrieks of laughter. “Stand for your superior Celestia. Stand for the queen of Equestria!” Celestia felt tears well up in her eyes as Luna started to overshadow her. “Stand for Nightmare Moon!” “Luna, please don’t do this! Don’t you remember all the fun times we had since you were freed from her grip?” Celestia said pleadingly. Luna, or rather Nightmare Moon, simply bared her teeth at the pathetic mare below her and with a swift movement, brought a hoof down heavily on Celestia’s foreleg. A crack became audible and Celestia screamed in pain. “Twice before we had this opportunity, but every time we made the mistake of letting you bide for time, or hide behind other ponies! But not again!” Nightmare Moon’s words brought tears to Celestia’s eyes. A flick of the starry tail and Celestia was thrown from the floor across the room, sliding across the marble floor. Nightmare began to approach again, gazing upon her pathetic sister desperately try to get to her hooves, blood trickling down her shattered leg. “L-Luna, don’t do it!” Celestia repeated, distress becoming apparent in her voice. Nightmare simply laughed. “Tonight Celestia, you’ll die by our hoof.” Luna’s horn flared with black magic as Celestia was forcefully thrown into the air, holding her tightly suspended above the ground. A second flash, this time a white surge of energy from Nightmare’s horn caused a light to appear below the alabaster alicorn. Steadily the light grew in size until it was at least three times the width of the mare above it. Celestia’s eyes widened as the light became blinding, erupting from the floor and immersing her. Celestia never counted how long she was veiled by that light, but it felt like an eternity. The searing heat around her pulled at her hide, burning away all traces of fur before setting to work on the skin below. Every inch of her body was screamed to her in agony as that too was burned away, leaving only a scorched black colour on her body. The torture ended and the beam of light ebbed away. Celestia’s chest was tight, her breathing scarce. Her senses had already given up on her, her eyes blinded by the intense focus of light and her hearing naught but a high-pitched screech, tearing at what was left of her mind. If she could feel any sense of touch she might have cried out when she was dropped limply and unceremoniously to the ground. For a second, she thought she could see a dark shadow above her, which was confirmed when she felt a gentle nuzzle at her face. “L-Lun... Luna...” Celestia barely managed to utter. She couldn’t have said much more anyway, but any chance for final words was taken from her as she felt a long slender point enter her mouth, a hoof softly opening her jaw for her. “Rest in peace, dear sister of ours.” Nightmare Moon murmured as her horn came into contact with the back of Celestia’s throat. Celestia merely managed a sob before the dark mare plunged her head further, the horn piercing the flesh, cracking through bone and then rattling loudly as it hit the floor underneath. The loud cracking had been enough to wake anypony, but only Cadance had been able to fly up the cliff-face to the sky to get a look at the source. She hovered in midair as she watched a black aura rise up from the ground before her, reaching far out to the ocean in the east and causing the surroundings to shake from the magical pressure. Cadance’s expression was that of horror as cracks began to appear in the aura surrounding Equestria as if it was glass. “Wh-What’s happening?” she said to herself quietly, loud crackling sounds ringing through the air. It was merely seconds later that a loud boom sounded as the cracked aura finally shattered away, a huge explosion spreading out from where Cadance could only imagine was Canterlot. The entire sky was lit up for minutes as Equestria was bathed in the blood red inferno. Cadance found tears starting to run down her cheeks and after a few more minutes of helplessly watching the destruction she couldn’t handle it anymore and darted straight downwards back towards the camp. Equestria’s sun had fallen. The mountain and metropolis that was once Canterlot no longer resembled any habitable city, but was instead a pool of rubble and superheated magical plasma. The mountain had cracked under the sheer pressure of the explosion, and fallen to pieces into the superheated plasma that was previously Equestria’s sun. At the very highest point remaining in the area was a suspended but blackened section of the palace, connected flimsily to the rocky mound where the once proud mountain had once stood by elements used to build the city in the first place. Inside this room were three individuals, although only two were moving. “At long last, there will be nothing to stand in the way for conquest!” Nightmare cackled loudly. “What a glorious night this has turned out to be!” Discord was stood behind her, staring down at the twisted corpse form of Celestia with a maddened grin. “She’s dead! At last, she’s dead!” Discord muttered. “She’ll never call me a monster again! Never trap me in stone again! And she’ll never rip my heart into tiny little pieces again!” “Yes, Celestia is dead.” Nightmare said with a chuckle, wiping away a line of blood that had run down her horn to her face. “And you have my thanks for providing us with the chance to make it possible.” Discord continued laughing hysterically. “No, no no no no! Thank you! I am free from her now! A free Discord!” He cackled maniacally. “Finally I will be able to pursue my wish! I’ll make everypony smile and I’ll become a loved Discord, not a MONSTROUS DISCORD!” Nightmare smirked at the maddened creature before her. “We are glad that you will finally have the chance to fulfil your wish,” she said with another laugh. “We wish you good luck and health in that endeavour.” Nightmare couldn’t help but laugh aloud when Discord popped, disappearing from view, leaving only a loud howling laughter to reverberate through the air around them. She knew that she’d see him again, as her own personal quest was just as destructive and could quite easily end life entirely. Maybe eternal night would become a much more hospitable life than it was. “First Equestria and soon, the rest of the world.” Nightmare laughed aloud, her own voice ringing through the air just as powerfully as the draconequus’s.