//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: Lies // Story: Lighting Can Strike Twice // by Lightning_Colt //------------------------------// As I made my way to Sweet Apple Acres, my mind went through potential jobs I could do. I probably couldn't do ploughing; I've never really had the body strength for that. I could buck apples, having been bucking the apple tree in the back yard for the last 5 years. I don't think I'd be good a painting anything, every time I painted something, the floor would be covered in a multi-coloured mess. But I guess I'll find out when I get there. I rounded a bend to see a huge red barn sitting in the middle of a large farm. To the right was a large hen house, seed was scattered all over the ground. Hens were scratching at the seeds, pecking and clucking around. To the left were rows of corn, ready for harvesting. In the distance, behind the farm I could see a building with a large carrot above the door, rows of carrots lay all around the house. I trotted up to the barn and rapped a hoof on the door. I stood there looking around the door taking in every detail, the dust around the edges. The little scuffs and scrapes around the bottom half of the door. The top swung open to reveal a wrinkly old green mare shaking slightly, squinting to see me. "C-can ah Help you?" she wheezed, her voice sounding old and dusty. "Err yeah, is Applejack in?" I asked. The mare looked at me suspiciously, as though she were gauging what I'm like. She must have thought I was all right as she screamed into the house "APPLEJACK! YER BOYFRIEND'S HERE!". Then she wobbled back into the house before I could argue that title. An orange mare wearing a brown leather hat poked her head around the kitchen door and stopped when she saw me. "Hey applejack," I said waving a hoof. "Twilight told me that you told her that you've got work for me?" I asked. Applejack just stood there in the doorway. Something was off; she was a kind of dull orange, not covered in dirt, as though her colour had faded. Her eyes darting all over the place, scrunching her mouth closed like she was afraid something would escape from it. "Nope" She blurted out "Nope, Ah didn't tell Twilight nothin' about no work. Nope not a thing." She said, still avoiding eye contact. "Now Ah can't help you so, Ah think you should leave, right now." She finished as she came towards me turned around and bucked me with her hind legs. Pain exploded in my left foreleg as I was sent hurtling away from the barn and out of Sweet Apple Acres. I crashed and skidded along the ground just outside the farm. I coughed and spluttered from the dust that was brought up from my landing. I stood up to leave but immediately fell from pain. My left leg, it was burning with pain, what the hay did she do to me? I slowly made my way onto my three good legs and limped towards Ponyville. My mind raced. What do I do? Who do I see? Applejack has lost it, it wasn't like she was politely asking me to leave, and she just literally kicked me off her land. "L-Lightning?" Quivered a light, airy voice. I turned to see the speaker to see the flowing, light pink hair that belonged to Fluttershy. "O, he-ow… Hey Fluttershy." I said, trying to force a smile through the pain. "Are you okay?" She asked inquisition sparkling in her eyes. Showing the true innocence of her nature, it was actually quite cute. "No, I'm, ow, not all right, I think my leg is broken" I said lifting up my left foreleg slightly. She stepped back slightly in surprise before the surprise drained from her face and the serious face of a carer appeared and she immediately flew into action. She crawled underneath me and balanced me in-between her wings. She then flapped then with the power to carry us but the grace and care to not shake me in any way. The wind howling past my ears, we were going fast, faster that I thought she could fly, especially with me on her back. "Fluttershy!" I said loudly trying to speak over the wind "Where are we going?" "I'm taking you somewhere to fix your leg, a place of peace and healing and niceness." "No, no, no, just put a splint on it, I'll be fine" I objected. I would have liked to have a painkiller like what my mother would make but I will have to endure it. Fluttershy turned her head, giving me a deadly glare, fire burning in her eyes. She spoke loudly and with anger in her voice. "YOU WILL COME WITH ME SO I CAN HELP YOU!" She yelled. I just laid there, wide-eyed in surprise and slight fear. "Okay". I whimpered as we continued to zoom towards her cottage. By the time we got to Fluttershy's cottage, it was getting dark, candle light flickering in the windows. She led me inside to a sofa with a curvy back. I sat down as she quickly floated around gathering bandages and safety pins. She landed in front of me; she was in her nurse mind-set, calm, focused and slightly curious. She slowly felt up and down my leg to find the break, I winced as she poked a point above the knee. She noticed and felt around the area, I could see that it was already starting to bruise. She felt around a little more and sighed; she stood back and looked at me. "Well, the good news is that it isn't broken, but there could be a fracture, I'm going to put a splint on it. You'll need to try and keep your weight off it to stop it getting worse. Okay?" She finished with a large smile. "Thank you so much Fluttershy, this is the second time you've brought me into your home, used your medical supplies and expertise to help me. Thank you." I said, giving her a hug with my good foreleg. "Now I need to get to the library, I'm exhausted" I added, sliding off the sofa. I winced as I put some pressure on my fractured leg; I walked around Fluttershy's living room to get used to the splint. But as I kept walking the pain started to increase, I sat back on the sofa to relieve some of the pain. Fluttershy seemed to notice as she came towards me and looked at me sympathetically. "You can't walk all the way to the library with that leg; here let me fly you there." She said, turning her back. I climbed on her back resting in a comfortable position; after the both of us were comfortable she walked outside and took flight. "So what happened to you Lightning? Did you trip on something?" inquired Fluttershy. “No, this is what happens when an orange mare in a funny hat bucks you 30 feet.” I replied with a hint of sarcasm. Fluttershy dropped a few inches from surprise before regaining control. “What? No, Applejack wouldn’t do something like that. She’s kind, honest and hardworking; she wouldn’t do it on purpose. You must have gotten in-between her and an apple tree”. Fluttershy reassured me. “Well, I’m not lying.” I insisted. She didn’t reply, just carried on flying in silence. Fluttershy touched down just outside the library, the large tree standing as a large ominous shadow in the darkness. I clambered off her clumsily and stood looking at the dark tree. “That’s weird.” I commented, “Shouldn’t there be lights on? It’s at least another few hours before it’s closed.” I walked towards the door and pushed it open. The darkness in the building was so thick it was almost solid, I turned to Fluttershy, ”See if you can find a candle” I ordered but before she went to find one, light burst into my vision and a hundred voices chanted in unison “SURPRISE!” As I was pounced on by something pink.