Robot Unicorn Attack in: Double Rain-DOOM!

by Nekobladen

Ch.1 Falling Star

This story has been heavily edited by "The Equestrian Gentlecolt"

Darkness returns for him. This horrible familiar feeling, if only one could describe the feeling of nothing. Motionless, empty, and alone, he now waits.

Once again the lord of chaos has been defeated by the elements of harmony.

Alone he waits; time will be his only companion. He knows Time will wait with him. Time will give him the chance, one more chance to break free and rule this land again.

‘How long will I stay trapped this time’ he pondered. Like before his mind now floated in the dark sea of his mind, thought being the soul tangible part of this realm.

‘I should have enjoyed myself a little more’ his mind spoke out loud, for only himself to hear.

‘It was nice though, seeing the old gang again. If only I hadn’t spent so much time playing with Celestia and Luna, but how could I resist? It was them who had first impression me, was it not? The thought of their girlish squeals is what I had long for those many decades.’ An image appeared in his conscious mind, a recent memory.

‘Odd, this feeling…this…feeling’ A stone statue, made of rock could not feel, yet something was different.

Discord was thinking and remembering things, he could feel the warm air around himself. The sound of a guard walking by, the sound of dirt being compressed by his hooves.

These were things he hadn’t heard or felt last time he was impression.

Of course the last time was by Celestia and Luna, not by a few foals and their shiny jewelry.

At that moment he could almost feel his stone face trying to smile. The Elements users were not as versed in sealing spells as the princess, allowing the draconoquis to retain a fraction of his power.

Flexing his magical capacity he willed the wind around himself to flow, and at his command it did, the passing guard felt an eerie wind blow by as he too pasted the statue of Discord.

Not wanting to linger he hurried his past out of the royal garden.

‘It seems like those ponies didn’t defeated me after all. Too bad the flowing blond locks thing didn’t pan out. Still…this does give me a chance to have a little fun with everypony without them knowing I’m behind it, haha!’ He thought to himself with gleeful pride.

Many days had past since Discord had first learned of his remaining power; he spent the time scheming and plotting. All while trying to maintain his conscious mind.

He needed to spread chaos without suspicion it was him, to help replenish his energy.

He needed a patsy.

Someone else needed to take attention away from him so his power could grow unnoticed, but neither pony nor any other being in Equestria, would be a big enough distraction.

‘Hmm…I could get a dragon to stomp around, but those lazy lizards would be defeated by a shiny rock, besides… it wouldn’t be enough. Humph! The trouble is everything been done. I need something new, big flashy and destructive!’

Discord expanded his conscious outward, passing every inch of equestrian soil in search of his new toy of amusement. He had already searched the entire planet and was about to lose hope when it happened, he heard the sound of music in the far reaches of space.

So out his mind reached, eventually discovering another planet amongst the stars, it was a beautiful and chaotic place, where the ground was just fragmented floating bodies of land.

‘Dirt with purple grass, not bad, but I’m more of a blue grass fan myself’ He mused.

The sky was the same boring blue with boring fluffy white clouds; except for the odd number of rainbows and waterfalls, which seemed to be placed without care or reason. What interested Discord the most were the creatures that lived here. Only three things seem to be living in this place: little rainbow winged white skinned fairy type things; white dolphins that swam through the clouds, and most interesting of all was the biggest unicorn Discord had ever seen. It had a rainbow colored mane and tail that flowed in the same magical wind Celestia’s hair did. It had a well defined muscular frame, and seemed to be interested in causing as much damage as it could.

Watching the beast provided very promising results.

It would jump from floating land mass to the next in search of the fairies and star shaped rocks, the rocks themselves would explode with magic energy when destroyed, and the creature would then absorb the energy.

“Yes, this could be just what I’m looking for. But, really, is that all you can do?

Suddenly, as if willed by his command, leaped again from mid-air as if it had done so on solid ground to reach an escaping fairy, it missed the patch of ground it had been aiming for, and in a burst of destructive power shot forward instead.

Alas, it didn’t matter, because after its initial burst it smashed into one of the land mass, and exploded in a hellish fire ball with only its head landing on the purple grass, its body vaporized completely.

‘Ouch…that must have hurt.’

Magical energy began to surround the lower part of the head and reformed its body. It stood up like nothing had happened and stared to gallop off, just at a much slower pace then before.

‘YES! This is more like it. I can already see the looks on their faces when this big lug goes smashing through the castle gates, haha!’

Discord, the last Draconoquis, waited for the monster to crash again, which took longer then he had hoped. His mind had been running non stop for days as he fought to stay awake, now with his weakened powers stretched across the dark either his senses began to fail.

Just as he began seeing himself in pajamas holding a stuffed Trixie doll the unicorn exploded again, its head landing on a small segment of ground. With his eyes already drooping he flicked the last of his magical power into the ground below the beast, sending it into space and making a bee line for Equestria.

With a final mental nod of approval, Discord, the master of chaos, rested peacefully once more.


Back in Equestria the main six continued there lives as normal. Adventuring when needed or dealing with every day dilemmas, a few days had past since Hearts Warming Eve and the friendly town of Ponyvile was enjoying it break from disasters when Twilight, the local librarian pony, noticed something strange in the nights sky.

Twilight returned to her tree house balcony with a star map reference book, looking through her massive telescope she watched as what seemed to be a…multicolored shooting star.

“Spike, Hurry and take a look at this!” she asked while waving a hoof in his general direction. Spike, her baby dragon assistant, stood just underneath her flailing hoof waiting for her to realize she hadn’t moved yet for his turn.

Only when Twilight left to get another book did Spike finally have a chance to see what she was talking about. After focusing the lens Spike let out a soft ‘hmm’ as he tried to put into words what he was seeing.

“Hey twilight, remember when you made a big deal about how aliens were fake and if I ever proved you wrong you would ask Celestia for gems for me, buy me a cool suit, and give me back my mustache?” The little dragon rumbled on while counting the promises on his claws.

Twilight could feel the smile growing on Spikes face as he spoke and knew something was up, but actual proof? He couldn’t have actual proof.

She walked back into the cool night air of her balcony, and saw Spike rocking back and forth on his feet waiting for her to look again.

The grin on his face was causing him to drool but he didn’t care in the slightest.

“Spike, if you think putting a picture on my telescope is going to fool me again…”

Twilight was about to approach the device when a bright twinkle in the clear sky distracted her. Suddenly the twinkle started to grow bigger as it breached the outer atmosphere; other Ponyvile residents looked out their windows or watched from the street as the falling star descended.

The ground in which the great white horse stood upon burned and disintegrated as it plummeted through the sky, with no way of control, the mecha crash landed in the Everfree forest.

The impact shook the surrounding area and toppled a few trees. Fluttershy, a kind hearted Pegasus, was awake nursing her sick chicken Elizabeak.

The horrible sounds of exploding earth and snapping wood sent her flying under her covers with Elizabeak in hoof.
Above Ponyvile rested Rainbow dash, the fastest flier in all of Equestria, when the sounds of impact reached her cloud home it did little more then make her snores louder.

The resounding shock wave crashed into the mares’ home, the heavy sleeper awoke to her home spinning and tumbling apart around her.

Flying outside Rainbow looked over her damaged house. She screamed. Her beloved cloud home had been mangled by the harsh winds of impact.

“My awesome house, it took me days to get it just right". Enraged she started looking for the source of this destruction.

Turning around she spotted a large crater in the forest around her friends’ cottage. Rolling up her imaginary sleeves she bolted toward the hot zone, ready to kick the flank of any creature stupid enough to wake her slumber.

Pinkie pie was outside of Sugarcube corner with applejack, she had convinced AJ to sneak over some extra apples.

Pinkie Pie had been sleep-eating again and took down three apple cinnamon pies before waking up. If the Cakes, her landlords and bosses, found out they might start hiding or locking the sweet up again.

"Now pinkie pie ya'll know how I feel 'bout fibbing, why can't you just be honest 'bout them pies ya' ate?" Applejack asks for the hundredth time since Pinkie had dragged her from sweet apple archers.

Pinkie, the pink party pony, looked surprised before giving AJ a serious face.

"You want me and Gummy to go hungry at night? You can so totally starve if your hungry and can't eat, everypony knows that Applejack. Besides, I always eat whatever I bake during business hours when nopony is looking anyway."

Applejack, a hard working honest pony, was about to ask for the hundredth and one time when a booming sound broke the peaceful night. Both ponies watched as something fell into the Everfree forest.

"Alright Pinkie, you won this round. Get those apples packed away and meet me by Fluttershys house. Something tells me its going to be ah' long night", AJ galloped off leaving pinkie waving good bye and shouting, "Okie Doki Loki!”

Rarity, a fashionable unicorn, was already in bed after performing her nightly ritual of scouting in the perfectly placed covers when the sound of destruction hit her ears.

Her first instinct was to rush out and look but her body had already succumb to the beds cool allure, she struggled to fight it but her eye lids were already closed and she could hear the sounds of her dream stallion calling to her.

"Rarity my love, I have missed you like the earth misses the sun!" the red stallion swooned while holding her in his arms.

"Oh my beloved, let us never part our bodies again." She said, blushing and looking away coyly.

Both ponies looked into each others eyes and started leaning closer together.

"Oh Rarity" the dream hunk said in a cool and masculine tone.

"Oh...umm...” she stumbled.

"You may call me, lover" His words radiated with the heat of his intent behind them. Rarity threw herself forward locking lips with the mystery stallion, his skin was so soft and supple, his manly scent of apples driving her wild. She opened an eye dreamily to see pinkies scrunched up face in front of hers, locked in place by her embrace.

Realizing this she let go and set shell shocked in her bed, pinkie had her head turned sideways looking puzzled before snapping back to a bright disposition.

"Waw Rarity, it’s good to see you too. Only Gummy has every tried to eat my head like that before, but you got to open your mouth a lot bigger if you want to get the whole thing in", she then giggled while jumping on Rarity's lush bedded fabric.

She face hoofed before sliding out of bed, the cold floor would have sent a shiver up her spine were her body not so hot from embarrassment.

"By the way, this big thing fell near Fluttershy’s house and everypony is going to go check it out. You should totally come with us.” She said before hopping out the bedroom door.

"You go on ahead dear, I'll be right along" Rarity said before heading out her bedroom door.