
by Hoover

There For You

Inspired by this song ^^^

There For You


I was walking with Tavi from the hospital. Nothing would be the same. My love would still remain, but life in itself would change for both of us. Three days ago, we got in a car wreck. I was okay, and the ponies in the other car were only slightly injured. But... Octavia... My Tavi... Was paralyzed.


Only her two hind legs were damaged, she had to travel by wheelchair. I can't stand looking at her like this. She's been depressed for a long time. I love her, so, so, so much... It's impossible to know all that could change.

Chance came over today. He brought flowers, poor guy, he didn't know Octavia had allergies. He picked them from the park. All the same, Tavi smiled at him, and kept them.

We had dinner, and I had the best time I've had in weeks. Tavi's seeming to get back to her normal self, thank Celestia. But she'll wake up early and go on the porch. I see her sitting there, in her wheelchair, watching the sun rise. Twice I've stood up, and almost went to her side, but it seems she keeps secluding herself from me, so I left her alone.

I invited Chance over again, this time for a game of cards and a beer. He loves beer, he couldn't say no. He got here at around 9:45.

"Hey, man. You're late." I said, giving him a bro-hug.

"You said late night, I'd say I'm early." he said, walking in and looking around. "Where's Octavia?"

I answered this by knocking on our bedroom door. She wheeled herself out, and smiled at Chance.

"Hey, Octavia, how ya been?" Chance said, with his happy-go-lucky attitude.

We sat down at our table, and I started shuffling the cards.


About an hour later, during our second game, Octavia said she'd turn in for the night. I kissed her on the cheek and rolled her into our room to help her get into bed.

When I came out, I closed the door. Chance started up the conversation again, changing the subject.

"So you said Octavia's been pulling away lately?" He started.

"Yeah, I mean, every morning she goes onto the porch, and I see her just looking out at the hills, and, I mean, normally she'd wake me up and we'd both go out there together, but she just seems to be secluding herself more since he accident."

"Get your shit together and talk to her about it."

"W-...What?" I said, confused.

"Cut the shit, bro, if I let you handle this by yourself, in three days you'd be on the streets cryin' your eyes out. Talk to her. Get it over with."

"I will, jeez. And quiet down, you're gonna wake Tavi."

"I hope I do, then we can get this over with."

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I shout-whispered at him. "She's going through a lot. She practically doesn't have legs anymore. I'm trying my best to make life as easy for her as possible. I don't fully close the doors anymore, so she can just roll into them and they open. And you know I'm OCD. I even restocked all the soap in the house."

"You did not." He replied jokingly.

"Go check." I ordered.

He got up, pushed his chair back in, and walked to the bathroom. He opened the cabinet under the sink, closed it almost immediately, and came back.

"You bought four bottles of refill soap? FOUR FUCKIN' BIG-ASS BOTTLES?!?!"

"YES! For each bathroom! And I'm not gonna let a fucking thing inconvenience her, so you just sit there and be quiet!"

We calmed down, sighed a few times, and changed the subject.

"...You still doin' cello?"

"No, gave that up a while back. Just drums now."

"Snare, bells, or...?"

"Trap set."

"Hm... Anyway, not much point in me being here anymore, so, guess I'll see you later."

"Alright... Hey, and Chance." I caught him before he closed the door. "I'll try and talk to her." He closed the door, and was off.


I sat there, wondering what I should say, and when. Maybe it's just a phase. Maybe it's not. I stood up, and turned off the lamp. While waiting for my eyes to adjust, I noticed the moon. Once they adjusted, I walked out onto the landing

"This is a beautiful night, Luna..." I said to myself.

I saw something move in the sky, and the Princess herself glided down, radiating purple and blue. I bowed almost immediately. She landed on the porch, and looked down at me curiously.

"You are looking worried." She said, thankfully talking quietly. "Rise."

I stood and looked at her. She was less intimidating up close.

"My wife and I were in a crash a few days ago, your Majesty. She was paralyzed in her hind legs, and I've been having trouble with her."

"Hath thou not spoken with this wife of yours?"

"I was about to, but I'm not quite sure."

Silence followed. Princess Luna was looking out over the horizon, all well-light by the glowing moon. After a few minutes, she looked back at me.

"Speak with your loved-one, for you shall resolve this problem. I wish you luck, dear villager."

With that, she took off, and one of her wings brushed my blue mane, and the spot glowed for a few seconds after. I felt a sudden confidence. I stepped back inside, removing myself from the view over Equestria.

When I walked into the room, I heard the sheets rustle, followed by a sniff, and a stifled cry. The sound broke my heart, and my throat choked up. I lay on the bed, and put my arm around my Tavi. My lovely, wonderful Octavia. She stopped trying to hide her tears, and was soon sobbing in my arms. I waited for her to calm down, holding back tears from the sound of Octavia's sorrow. When I heard her breathing steadily, I looked down.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked in the sweetest, most gentle tone I knew.

"It's... Ever since the wreck, I've felt so helpless. I feel so..."

"What?" I asked.

"After my legs got messed up... I thought..."

"...You thought what?"

She remained silent.

"Tavi, you've got to tell me what's going on."

"I thought you wouldn't... love me anymore..."

"What? What would make you think that, I've always loved you!"

"But when my legs were paralyzed... I thought..."

She kept crying. It was time.

"Tavi, remember that day on the street, where I asked you to dinner?" She nodded. "I haven't stopped loving you since. That day you fell asleep and left a huge drool spot on my shirt, that day, I felt like you were the one. But I didn't want to tell you. I've never been good at talking much. I've always loved you, since the minute I saw your beautiful face, your amazing mane, your awesome bow tie, and your eyes. God, those eyes. Those lovely purple eyes. I'll always be there for you, no matter what happens. Just because your legs were paralyzed doesn't change anything between us. I love you. And don't you ever think anything else."

She rubbed her eyes with her hoof, and looked up at me. Her beautiful gaze, overflowing with love, her hair dipping into her face. Tear-lines down her grey cheeks. I smiled, and kissed her. We sat for a long time, for a short time kissing, and the rest, just lying there, until we both drifted to sleep in each-others arms.


It was morning now, and light flooded the room, making the white sheets glow. Octavia was sound asleep, and beautiful as ever. Sure, her mane was a bit tangled, but who cares. I smiled at the sight of her so peaceful. She stirred.

"...Hey..." She said to me, after turning her head to look around. Her voice was a bit hoarse, and the softest it had been in days. I reached my hoof to stroke her hair, and she moved over to me.

"...What you said last night... You meant it?" she asked.

"Every word." I replied.

"...I'm gonna take a bath." she said, mumbling.

She got out, and wheeled herself to the bathroom. I got up, brushed my teeth, and headed for the kitchen.

"Hoover!" Tavi called.

"Yes?" I called back.

"Are you in the kitchen?"


"Don't cook anything!"


"You're horrible at it."

That hit the feels. Like, critical hit. I had always thought I was pretty good at cooking. Tavi always said that. I guess after last night, she opened up a little bit more.

After her bath, she wheeled over to me. Her hair was smoother than I had ever seen. I gave it a sniff. It smelled like apple-cinnamon. Like it always does. Like the entire house always does.

"So... I suck at cooking?" I said, once we were in the car.

"Well... Yes."

"Wait, you mean like, 'needs work', or 'tastes like ass?' 'Cause there's a big difference."

"Somewhere in between."

"Man, you could have told me sooner. Now I feel bad, 'cause you had to suffer through that shepherd's pie last Tuesday."

The rest of the car ride was mostly quiet, besides us debating where to go to breakfast.


We were mostly quiet at breakfast, up until this point. Tavi didn't seem to be hungry, neither did I.

"So... How ya feeling?" I asked, trying to start up conversation.

"I'm feeling well..." she said, looking down, seemingly at her lap, but she could have been staring at the floor.

I sighed. What was going on? We just got married two weeks ago, and she was so happy at the wedding! And the honeymoon, she couldn't stop smiling. I was tearing through my head to try and find out just what the hell was going on.

I felt like I was back at square one. No, before square one. Before I even saw her on the street. It wasn't but an hour ago that we were talking about the talk we had last night. She seemed normal then, but she quickly faded back to this mare blocked-off from society.

...Then I realized. What if this was beyond what I knew? What if it's not that she doesn't feel loved, it's that she feels TOO loved. As in, can't decide between the two of us. Us being me, and the other guy.

"What's going on?" I asked, more imperatively this time. She looked up, and had a redness in her eyes. She looked like she was trying to soften me up. I blew right through it.

"..." she looked at the ground.

"Look at me." I said. She looked, and I repeated.

"What. Is going. On?"

"W-what do you mean?" she replied, with fake innocence.

I bit my lip, and looked at the clock. I couldn't believe this. After all we've been through, why would she do this to me, to herself? She pretty much confirmed that she was cheating when she stuttered the 'W'.

"Stop making excuses. What's going on?"

"I've been... I... I'm so sorry..."

"After everything we've been through?" I had another revelation. "...How long?"

"...Three months..."

I stood up, and started walking, but Octavia said something.

"It's not what it seems." I stopped.

"You and another guy doing it behind my back. It's exactly how it seems."

"It's... Let's go. We'll talk it over in the car."


"What the hell? What the fucking hell is this?!"

We were stopped in an empty lot. It looked like it hadn't been cared for in years, so I knew nopony was around.

"Why would you do this to me?" I asked. "After everything I've done for you. I had a talk with your father the day before our first date. He said you loved me. Looks like he must have lied, 'cause I ain't feelin' the love."

"It was a long time ago! I was in college, and a talked back to one of the stallions harassing me. They teamed up on me... and..."

"They fucked you. There's no better way to say it."

"And they kept on. Every week. Until eventually, I moved away. I ran into one at a restaurant, and he pulled me into the restroom. He wouldn't stop... He asked where I lived, and if I didn't answer, he said he'd cut me." She showed me her arm. There were multiple faint scars running down it. "And every week since, he's made me go to that same bar. And If not..."

"He'd go after me."

"I didn't let him, I swear, I- I struggled, but he was too strong. I'm ashamed I waited this long to tell you... I thought I could-"

"Well that's how affairs work. You think you can get away with it, then shit happens and all of a sudden, uh-oh. You got caught. Only this isn't an affair. This is rape. And this son of a bitch is gonna get what's coming for him. Where's he from?"

"He tried to start a conversation at the bar, he said he was from Ponyville."

I was no longer angry at Octavia. It was clear now. Clear why she was depressed. She was so worn out from the weekly visits to that goddamn bar, she had no energy left. Well, since a few days ago, she could no longer go to the bar alone, which meant...

"I'm taking you home."


I was on the road to the bar. Tavi told me which one. There were roads on the mountainside leading out from Canterlot. Off to the side was a well-running bar. She was to meet him every Tuesday at 8PM.

I got out, and headed in. The bathrooms were exterior, like at a gas station. I knocked on the stallion's room.

"I ain't done."

"This the guy I was supposed to meet?"

"...Whudduya mean?"

"I was told to meet a guy here. You him?" The door opened.

"Boy, I'm s'pposed to meet a girl here. Every Tuesday. Now you's is blockin' the way, so please, fuck off before somethin' happens that you'll regret."

"Black hair, grey body?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Purple eyes? British accent?"

"Yeah. What, you wanna join me? Oh, I see, you gotta fetish for Brits, too, eh?" He said, laughing slightly with that last sentence.

"Yeah..." I faked a laugh. "The thing is, that same mare was involved in a car accident a few days ago. Paralyzed her legs. So she sent me, instead. You see, She's got a husband. And he's just found out about you and her. He ain't too happy about it, either."

"And how the fuck do you know?"

"He's me. And I'm here to fuck shit up. Welcome to Canterlot, faggot."


Two hours. For two hours, I beat that sick fuck 'till shit came out his mouth. The bathroom stalls were splattered with his blood. He fought like a filly. He was still alive, he'd make it through the night. But that ass-hole better have learned not to fuck with me.

I sat down in my car, and started back towards Canterlot. I glanced at my phone.

'47 Missed Calls'

I laughed slightly. That's my Tavi.


When I got home, I opened the door quietly. Tavi was on the sofa, wrapped in her blanket, sleeping. The TV was still on. I washed the blood off my hooves, and walked over to her.

I sat down, and got another blanket from behind the coach. I cuddled her from behind, which woke her.

"Did you...?"

"Hells yeah."

She smiled, and I kissed her. The rest of the night was silent. I smelled her hair, it smelled wonderful. Like apple-cinnamon (wow), but still had the smell of real hair in it. Before long, my eyes were closed, and so were hers. Everything was sorted out. Now I could sleep better, knowing that I had just taken care of our relationship's potentially biggest problem. And had fun, too.


Tavi was back to herself. The moment I woke up, she gave me like, a three-minute kiss. She no longer segregated herself from me. She was around me a lot. Actually, it got kind of annoying sometimes. But she's not being abused anymore. Chance came over a week in a row for a card game and a beer each night.

Chance was moving to Ponyville again. He said he was looking for a 'soulmate' as he called it. Apparently, Canterlot mares are too snobby for his taste. With Tavi's and my job stabilizing on a pretty high pay, we may just get enough money and move there with him. OH DANG. I haven't told you my job. I'm a software engineer. It helps knowing a lot about computers. Tavi, as you know, plays cello.

Everything's good in life. Tavi still has trouble getting around in her wheelchair. But I mostly roll her along with me.


We were on the train to Ponyville. Four months. Four months is all it took for Tavi and I to get enough money (combined with the lottery remains) to move back and still keep a stable balance. Tavi and I were in the compartment alone, until another couple came along. I was busy with our suitcases, while Tavi talked with them. Their voices sounded so familiar... I sat down, and, well, pretty much just shit bricks.

"Oh shit."

"Oh shit... Hoover."

I looked at the other mare.

"Oh. Shit. On a stick."

It was Applejack. And my old roommate. Cedric. Oh. Fucking. SHIT.