Nightmare Moon Before Halloween

by Experimenteer

Part 3

Nightmare Moon Before Halloween - Part 3

On the night where ponies would wander,
With their costumes and all such wonder.
The Halloween's eve was filled with delight,
Where spooky monsters may linger from hidden sight.
Upon the stroll on a festive party,
Twilight was her name, along with Spike,
Exploring the fun of Nightmare fright.

"Come on Spike, don't be greedy,
There's plenty of fun, stop being choosy.
There's candy in sight from every corner,
So don't rush onto things without my order.
I know your excited of one particular rare,
So don't get your hopes up to meet your

Spike didn't listen for he was focus on front,
He still couldn't wait for his special stunt.
To impress a Lady, with a powerful trick,
That would surely steal the heart of basic.
The night was growing as more ponies linger,
Going door to door and shouting:
Give us something sweeter.
Upon they arrive on a fashionable house,
Where little Rare was prepared to set and out.

Spike was nervous like a torrential fall,
He couldn't stand straight or get together at all.
He took one step back to where he came,
That was when Twilight arrived to stop his claim.
"What if she doesn't like it," Spike quickly asked.
"Would she get angry after my act?
Oh what should I do, what word to speak,
Can't you do it, Twi and help my bleak."

Twilight shook his head and with good reason,
For it was all up to Spike to deal such season.
Though in her gut she wanted to assist,
But in her heart, she knew couldn't insist.

Spike was shoved in front of the door,
With inhaling breath, he gave three knocking roar.
A looming silent that breeze of Nightmare eve,
With gates been open for him to relieve.
There in his sight stood a majestic creature,
With a purple mane and extensive feature.
Sapphire eyes that glued upon the little dragon,
Sweating profusely and quickly sunken.
"Hello, Rarirty. How nice to see you,
Hope I didn't mean to intrude,
I have something to show you,
It wouldn't less than a--"

"Hold on a second, Spike. I have no time for that,
I have a busy schedule to keep up and track.
But I promise you I will see your show,
Now excuse me, for I have to go."
Rarity rushed and headed away,
Leaving Spike alone,
With disappointing dismay.
For Spike had the chance to steal her heart,
Now he has to do again, from the very start.

"I'm sorry Spike, I know you wanted it bad,
Guess Rarity was busy with all the business she had.
Guess we know why she couldn't attend the event,
For she was busy making costumes content."

Spike sighed and admitted to fact,
For his time was too soon to make an act.
For now, at least, he still have the time,
To propose his feelings to the Rare of prime.