The Aura Of Music

by Kumare Tanamaru

Una Visita Splendida

Aurora stamped her hoof into the ground impatiently.

"Alright, alright! Geez, you're really excited about this huh? I take it that you're all packed?"

Aurora nodded and then motioned her hoof to another bag that was sitting next to her light yellow suitcase.

I don't want to be late sis! I can't wait to see my friend Twilight Sparkle again!

"ALL ABOARD!" a voice called out.

"We had better get our seats sis. Come on, it should be fun since you've never been on a train before." Octavia giggled.


Aurora looked out the window and sighed in joy. She had never been away from Canterlot, and never had very many friends, and when she did, they thought something was wrong with her and left her because of her problem. She was content that now she had a friend that accepted her silence. A friend that would be there for her when her sister wasn't.

"You look lost in thought." Octavia said taking a sip of her hot tea. "What's on your mind?"

Aurora smiled, but did not turn her head. She was content with life. She had nothing to worry about.

Octavia laughed to herself, and sipped her tea silently.

I wonder why she's so eager to get there? She only met this mare a few nights ago, and she's been going on non-stop about wanting to go to Ponyville. I dunno... It just seems strange for her to have friends.

Octavia finished her tea and looked into her empty cup. She smiled and looked at her sister. Aurora was looking out the window and yawning.

"I think it's time we get some down time anyways. Let's sleep, shall we?" Octavia said scooting closer to her sister.

Aurora smiled and nodded.

I have a big day in the morning. I don't want to be tired meeting my new friend.

Aurora yawned and felt Octavia put a blanket over her. Aurora closed her eyes and thought.

I finally get to start my life.

Aurora let out a grateful sigh and fell asleep.


Aurora open her eyes and saw her sister hard at work humming and writing notes on some staff paper.

"Let's see.... I'll have it change to 6/8 here.... and maybe change the key... probably just take everything up an octave..." she said rummaging around in recesses of her mind.

Octavia looked out the window and squinted from the morning sun. She finally looked at her sister and noticed that she was awake.

"Oh, you're awake. How did you sleep?" she said smiling slightly.

I slept alright... As well as you can sleep on a train I guess. Aurora thought with a drowsy smile.

Octavia giggled and returned her eyes to her staff paper. Aurora got up and looked over her sister's shoulder in curiosity. The piece was entitled: "The Aura Of Music: Written by Octavia-" The rest of the title was cut off by Octavia's hoof tapping on her clipboard in frustration.

Interesting... It seems kind of...

"Scattered? I was thinking the same thing, but then again music is scattered about the place. You know that better than I do! Sometimes I think I put too much pressure on you with my writing... I want you to be great, I really do, so I write complex rhythms and pitches because I want you to push yourself. Which reminds me, you didn't play your solo at Fancy Pants' party." she said looking at Aurora's violin case. "Why don't you play it for me now? I really wanted to hear it." Octavia said picking up the case and handing it to her sister.

I-I don't think that that's such a good idea sis... she thought with a nervous look on her face.

"You didn't practice it did you?" Octavia said sighing.

I-I tried! I was too difficult for me... Aurora said, saddened by her sister's disappointment.

"It's alright. Just try your best. Here." Octavia said unlatching the violin case. "Play your heart out."

Aurora took her bow and violin and sigh in nervousness.

"Just remember: Confidence, Honor, Love, Passion." she said with a warming smile.

Aurora raised her bow and sat there quietly breathing to herself.

"Would you like me to count you off?"

Aurora nodded her head and closed her eyes.

"One, Two, One Two Three Four."

Aurora gently swiped her bow out of the strings, producing a wonderful note that brightened the room. She sped up and changed the positions of her bow rapidly, gently slowing down to a Pianissimo with a decrescendo and Molto Ritardando. Her technique was almost flawless as she let the note run from her bow, into the air, and down the train for everypony to hear.

There were whispers in the halls of:

"Where is that music coming from...?"

"It's so beautiful."

"I remember when my mother played her music for me when I was just a foal..."

Aurora payed no attention to the whispers in the hall and kept playing. Her strokes became more fierce, but with the ferocity came the gentle waves of calm that came from the wooden instrument. Aurora felt the music flowing through her. She felt the natural flow of the notes coming out of her bow and into the air. She stopped at a silent fermata and paused without opening her eyes. She continued with her music and spouted out a barrage of beautifully crafted half notes. She pulled her bow away from her instrument and began plucking the strings in a various pattern of notes in a sad natural tune. Octavia's eyes began to water at her music being played by the pony that she loved ever so dearly: her sister Aurora. Aurora ended with a fermata on a whole note.

"Bravo, Sister." Octavia said wiping the tears from her eyes.

Aurora opened her eyes to see a crowd standing in the doorway to the sister's cart. Aurora blushed and looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"That was splendid!" one of the ponies said clopping his hooves together.



"Excuse me miss?" one of the ponies asked Aurora.

Aurora looked up with an upset and red face.

"I am taking soloists, like yourself, solos into a collection for my students. Would you mind recording that so that I may transcribe it into sheet music for my students?"

"I have the sheet music here. It's part of a piece of mine." Octavia said pulling out a section of her music. "I don't have a use for it, so you may have it. I created this for especially for my sister here, so you may want to ask her what she's willing to do. It is her music."

"Ah, thank you! Um, miss?" he said turning to Aurora "Will you please play this for my students? I will pay quite handsomely!"

Aurora nodded her head and shook the pony's hoof in excitement.

"Good day to you miss..."

"Aurora." Octavia answered for her sister.

"Thank you and good day miss Aurora. I hope to see you very soon!" he said smiling and making his way out of the cart.

"Well, that was very nice of him! I'm happy for you Aurora. I'm also very proud! You played the entire solo not only by memory, but with your eyes closed as well! Mother would be proud!" Octavia said standing up to hug her sister.

Did I make you proud, mother? I was nervous. I miss you, and dad as well... I love you both. Stay healthy and warm. I'll talk to you later. Aurora thought to herself.

She put her violin back into her case and sighed.

Maybe I should take all this music more seriously. I've been told time and time again that I have a natural talent for it. I could be as great as my sister, then we could play together and be a family orchestra. That would be nice... She thought

Very nice indeed.


"Well, Ponyville is coming up. Are you ready Aurora?"

Aurora was staring out the window with her head pressed against the glass. She nodded her head unblinking and felt a hoof on her shoulder.

"Then get ready to get off the train. I packed everything you took out, so all you have to do is grab your bag. Come on, stop looking out the window and pay attention!" Octavia said prying her sister from the glass.

I'm so excited! I can't wait! Let's wait by the door! Come on Tavi!

Octavia rolled her eyes and couldn't help but face-hoof.

"You should calm down... We still have to find the library once we get there. I hope you sent the letter to your friend so that she'll know we're coming."

Aurora blushed and backed a few steps.

"You didn't, did you?" Octavia said sighing. "Well, then I guess a surprise visit might be nice."

The intercom sounded and a masculine voice came on the sound system.

"This is your conductor speaking, we will be arriving in Ponyville shortly, so please stay in your seats as we come to a gentle-"

The intercom was interrupted by a sudden stop, followed by shrieks of ponies who must've been thrown from their seats.

"Stop... Please excuse my... Co-worker. She's new. Have a great time in your destination!"

Octavia was a mess. Her mane was messed up from being frightened, and there was tea in her hair, as well as her sister's. Both sisters looked at each other and began to laugh as they got up out of their seats and headed towards the door.


Aurora stepped out of the train and took a whiff of the new and unfamiliar air as she walked around looking at the new and incredible sights of Ponyville. Aurora trotted around the place seeing all there was to see without taking any consideration of the time, or where they were going, or what they were carrying.

"Aurora...? Aurora? Aurora!" Octavia shouted at her sister. "Can we please find the library and put our stuff down before we go sight-seeing?" Octavia said pulling her cello case around to her sister.

Oh... Right I'm sorry... Aurora thought apologetically.

"It's alright, just calm down until we get settled, please? I'll ask for directions. Stay here, okay?" Octavia said turning her back.

Stay here. Got it. Aurora thought to herself. Wow... such wonderful sights! What's that? Oh, a bakery! I'll be sure to visit there. Aurora thought to herself.

Aurora looked around the down in excitement as she spun around in a daze. She smelled the sweet, fresh air of the small town and sighed.

"Alright Aurora. I got some directions to the library. Let's get going. Grab your stuff."

Aurora looked at her sister and then picked up her violin case in her mouth.

I can't wait to see Twilight! Aurora exclaimed to herself.

"Settle down there sis," Octavia said as she walked off without Aurora. "We're not there yet." she said giving her sister a warm smile.


There was a knock at the door and Twilight gained a sort of upset look at this. She was studying a new spell, and didn't want to be disturbed.

"SPIKE! Can you get that please?" Twilight called out.

"Ah! S-sure T-Twilight." Spike responded as he dropped a bunch of books onto the floor. "I honestly don't see why you can't get the door," Spike whispered to himself. "You're not the one who's always carrying stuff."

There was another knock at the door, this one slightly impatient.

"I'm comin'. Hold your horses." Spike said walking over to the door.

Spike opened the door and much to his surprise there were two ponies standing there, both with musical instruments.

"Um, hi? Sheesh, I didn't know Twilight needed music for her spells. Who are you anyways?"

"I'm Octavia, and this is my sister Aurora. We're here to see Twilight Sparkle? I know it's short notice, but we're here to visit Twilight, who is a friend of my sister. Is she in?" Octavia said looking around the library.

"Uh, yeah. Just a sec. TWILIGHT! HEY, TWILIGHT! IT'S FOR YOU!"

Twilight came out of her room and looked down angrily at Spike.

"I'm coming! Sheesh Spike, You know I'm studying up here? The least you could do is-" Twilight stopped herself as she moved her eyes from her purple com-padre to the guests at the door.

Twilight's face lit up in amazement. It was her old violinist friend from Fancy Pants' garden party.

"Oh! Aurora, I'm so glad you made it! Why didn't you tell me ahead of time? I could have planned better for this! Ohh! I'm so sorry Aurora! Here, let me get your stuff for you!" Twilight said taking Octavia's cart from her. "Spike! Get Aurora's things, will you? I have to go make some preparations for dinner, and I have to make sure everything is perfect, and... and... Ohh! Aurora, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry Twilight," Octavia said. "It's our fault for not making proper arrangements."

"No! You're my guest!"

Twilight, please, it's my fault... Aurora thought with her expression changing to sadness. Can we... Oh... Right, I need some paper.

Aurora turned to her sister and stamped her hooves into the floor.

"What is it?"

I want some paper! You know, scribble scribble?

Octavia's expression was blank and confused from her sister's ranting. Aurora finally got fed up and started acting out what she needed to communicate.

"Uh, I think my sister wants something to write on."

"Oh, no problem! Here!" Twilight said as her horn lit up in a brilliant purple glow.

Twilight levitated a stack of paper and a quill to Aurora and smiled at her.

"Consider it a welcoming gift! If you ever need to do so, you can just pull it out anytime!"

Aurora smiled and instantly began scribbling on her new gift. She wrote furiously without making any mistakes. When she was finished she turned it around for her friend to see.

"I'm so happy to see you again Twilight! I couldn't wait to get here! I'll tell you about the train ride later, but for now I have one question: can you take us to go sightseeing??

Twilight looked up from her letter to see her yellow friend smiling an enormous smile at her. Twilight replied with a smile of her own and nodded.

"Of course. I'm so sorry about not planning well, but if that's what you want to do right now, let's get going! Spike, get my book on Ponyville's history, we're going sightseeing!"

Spike gave Twilight a salute and ran off into the back room to find what she was looking for. Aurora, on the other hoof, flew out the front door in enthusiasm, not waiting for anypony else to get ready.

"Hey Twilight, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Huh? Oh, sure... I'm sorry, I still don't know your name."

"My name is Octavia, but that's not important right now. Listen, my sister is very fragile, and I want you to be her best friend. Since she can't talk she hasn't been making friends, and that worries me."

"That's something I was wondering about, why can't she talk?"

"She... Had a birth defect when she was born... It's a long and sad story... I'll explain more in depth later perhaps, but for now this is all I can tell you: our mother Musique had me a year before Aurora. When Aurora came around, she had a birth defect and couldn't speak." she said looking at the ground. "It's sad really, but let's make haste. We don't want the little one to run off on her own."

Twilight was too busy being shocked by the news she had just received to respond.

Birth defect? Why? I have so many questions... But I suppose they can wait...

"A-alright." she finally said. "Yeah, let's go. We've got a lot to see, and a lot to learn!" she said cheering herself up.

But that wasn't the truth, and Octavia knew it.

How could she just flat out say that Aurora would have died if she could speak?

How could she say she was the reason her mother was dead?