The New Gilda

by Dreamscape

Chapter 4

"I can't believe it, they all forgive me." said Gilda smiling as she and Fluttershy walked away from the town hall.

"You apologized, sincerely, they understand that. I'm so sorry that they didn't earlier though." said Fluttershy.

"It's okay Fluttershy, there was no way they could have sooner." said Gilda

"Hey, Gilda. Fluttershy." said Rainbow Dash landing in front of them, Pinkie Pie approached too. "I'm sorry Fluttershy...I should've listened to you. I guess I just thought that it wasn't important. But I guess it was, from now on I'll listen to everything you have to say. Gilda sorry to you too. After last time I thought you were horrible, well you were, but I never thought you'd change, you did though. I was just scared alright, I shouldn't have hurt you or told everypony that you kidnapped Fluttershy. I was wrong." said Rainbow Dash lowering her head in shame.

"I'm sorry too" said Pinkie "I'm glad both of you are okay and I'm glad your a good griffon now Gilda. Your the first nice griffon I've ever met. Ohhh! want to friends you'll be my first griffon friend ever!"

"Ya, I would love that Pinkie." Gilda said smiling once again.

"Hey G want to be pals with me again too." said Rainbow raising her head.

"Of course Dash, it'll be like meeting a whole new griffon. Three new friends in one day. It feels good, thank you, all of you."

"Just three, I'm gonna throw a "meet the new Gilda" party for you tonight! I promise it won't be as bad as the last one and you'll meet a ton of new friends." said Pinkie excitedly.

"That sounds great. But first I might want to get these cuts checked out." said Gilda staring at the cuts along her body.

"I'm sorry about that, those are probably my fault." said Rainbow Dash

"No their mine." said Gilda.

Later, Gilda, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Dash conversed with one another as the party raged on around them. Outside Ponyville was now dark with night but the glow from the party lights poured out from the windows, illuminating the surrounding area. "Thanks Pinkie this is great." said Gilda.

"Yeah it is! I'm glad your liking it." said Pinkie. As their conversation continued Twilight Sparkle approached them.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt the fun everypony but I think you've got a letter to write to the Princess." she said.

"Yeah, your right Twilight. We all do." said Rainbow as Twilight levitated a quill and paper towards her.

Dear Princess Celestia, today we learned a lot about friendship. Just because somepony used to be meanie that doesn't mean she'll always be like that, everypony can change. You shouldn't assume that somepony is up to no good just because of what they've done in the past. If you're nice enough and don't make assumptions these ponies or griffon in our case can even become a great new friend and you can throw an amazing party for them!
Pinkie Pie

Also you shouldn't take what your friends have to say for granted. Don't ignore them, always listen to anything they have to say. You never know it could be something really important and even if it's not, it will always be something interesting and pretty awesome.
Rainbow Dash

Sometimes your friends may not listen to what you have to say, they could be distracted, busy, or worried. But if you have to tell them something very important, you shouldn't worry about making them angry or making a big deal out of something, because it could actually be life changing. If you just speak up your friends will know that you have something important to say and they understand that. No matter what they will always listen.

P.S This is Gilda, I used to think that being popular and "cool" is what got you through life and made friends but now I now how wrong I was and how many ponies I hurt. I realize now that what really matters is being yourself, being friendly, and being kind to everypony you meet. Also if you're truly sorry about something you've done and sincerely apologize then you will be forgiven. Sometimes you just have to say sorry. Tonight these Ponyvillians have shown me how magical friendship can be and I'm so glad to have met all of them and am proud to say I've made many new friends.