The First Year

by TwilightsmyMare

Chapter 4 (Big Changes)

I awoke the next morning warm and blissfully content, I opened my eyes to the most amazing, perfect sight I could imagine. Twilight, my wife, lover and soulmate. Sleeping peacefully pressed up close to me. Her beautiful mane in disarray, I breathed in deeply inhaling her amazing scent.
She was so beautiful it hurt to even look at her, I tightened my arms around her and in response she snuggled closer in her sleep. I laid there quietly breathing in as she breathed out, exhaling as she inhaled feeling our hearts beating together.
I could feel a tickle on my chest from her ring; she had strung it on a fine silver necklace. She couldn't leave it on her horn as it could easily get lost that way but she wanted it with her always. I looked at my ring, it was plain and unadorned but didn't mean any less to me for that. In fact it was just want I wanted. I slipped it off my finger to look inside. It was engraved 'Love always, Twi'.
I felt lucky, so, so lucky. How? How did this happen? Me of all people to end up with this angel, this goddess. I didn't deserve it but I was going to savour and love her every second we were together be it ten years, fifty, a hundred, a thousand!
As the sunlight began to fill the room she stirred, she opened her beautiful eyes and blinked once then smiled and pressed forward to kiss me softly. "Morning love."
"Morning beautiful." I kissed her back and we laid there quietly staring at each other.
"Is this real? Are we married? Together?" She asked softly.
"It seems like a dream doesn't it? If it is I hope I never wake up."
We kissed again her hooves running insistently over me, my hands over her, easily reigniting last night’s passion. We pressed together and...
Tap, tap, tap, tap... Came an incessant tapping from the door.
We reluctantly parted.
I kissed her softly and smiled. "Yup. Definitely real life."
"Twi? Rick? Ya'll up yet? I brought the gifts an stuff for ya!" Applejacks voice came through the window.
"We’ll be right down!" Twilight replied. As we slid out of bed she pulled me down for a hard kiss. "To be continued." She whispered with promise.
"Can't wait."
I quickly threw on some clothes while Twilight went down and let Applejack in. We spent nearly an hour bringing in all the thoughtful gifts that everypony had given us piling them on the floor so we could go through them after. We invited Applejack in for breakfast but she had some chores she was behind on so we thanked her and she was off.
Twilight closed and locked the door then turned to me with a sultry smile. "Now where were we?"
I smiled and swept her up into my arms kissing her fiercely. "I think I remember..."
Tap, tap, tap...
"Oh for Celestias sake!" Twilight unlocked and threw the door open to revel Trixie, she blushed seeing me holding Twilight as I was.
"I'm not interrupting am I...?" She asked with a small smile.
"Trixie! Did we have a lesson planned for today? I thought I cancelled them until we got back from our honeymoon?"
"Oh! Yes you did. I had something else to tell... Ask you."
I put Twilight down as she said. "Okay. Come in... Oh Fluttershy, I didn't see you there."
I glanced over and Fluttershy was standing a short distance behind Trixie with a pair of saddlebags on.
"Well come on in. I'll put on some tea ok Twi?" I walked over to the kitchen as Twilight ushered Trixie and Fluttershy in.
"Thanks love. Now what’s this about Trixie? And why are you here Fluttershy? Is something wrong?!"
"Oh no nothings wrong, quite the opposite actually. And Fluttershy just insisted on carrying my things for me. Thank you again Fluttershy."
"Oh, you’re welcome..."
"Anyhow, my reason for coming here..." Trixie paused as I served the tea. "Thank you. Sapphire Shores has asked me to come on tour with her providing my magical backup! I wasn't sure at first; it’s a month long tour. But it’s an opportunity I just couldn’t bear to pass up! But I made a commitment to you too Twilight, I just want to make sure it would be ok with you?"
We all sat there sipping our tea for a second while Twilight thought. Fluttershy looked overly nervous I thought glancing back and forth between Trixie and Twilight.
"Well of course it’s alright Trixie. I wouldn't hold you back from an opportunity like that. You'll keep in mind everything we studied right?"
"Of course! And I'll be back to continue as soon as the tours done!"
Fluttershy looked crestfallen at Twilights acceptance which seemed odd to me.
"When’s the tour by the way?"
"Oh! It’s in two days! I've got to get to the train station right away so I can make it to Canterlot on time for the opening show!" Trixie exclaimed excitedly.
"Well I guess we should see you off then." Said Twilight.
We all exited the library and walked down to the train station chatting on the way. Fluttershy stayed quiet but that wasn't odd for her, I just couldn't shake the feeling something was upsetting her.
We arrived and waited for a short while for the train to arrive. Trixie had her ticket already paid for by Sapphire, Fluttershy passed the saddlebags off to Trixie and they hugged for a moment. She waved goodbye to us and boarded the train popping her head out of her carriages window moments later.
"Bye! Take care! I'll see you soon! Thanks again! Chin up Fluttershy! I'll miss you...!" She kept waving as the train took off until she disappeared into the distance.
"Well that’s nice for her. What do you say we go get some breakfast? Fluttershy? Care to join us?" I asked.
We looked over but Fluttershy wasn't paying attention, she was still staring off into the distance in the direction the train had gone.
Twilight walked over and gently touched her on the shoulder. "Fluttershy?"
She jumped slightly. "Oh! Sorry... Did you say something?"
"We asked if you wanted to come with us for breakfast. Are you ok?" Twilight asked looking at Fluttershy with concern.
"Sure... Sure, I'd love to... I'm ok... I just thought... Well I thought she liked it here..."
"I'm sure she did. Were you and she having problems at your place?" I asked.
"What?! No, she didn't seem to like it there at first. But she came home one day and started asking me questions about my animal friends. Who liked what, their names and stuff like that... I was a bit hesitant but we talked for a bit and she seemed to really warm up to them. They seemed to like her too... We spent a lot of time together talking... I'm... My animal friends are going to miss her..."
Twilight hugged her tightly. "She'll only be gone a month Fluttershy, then she'll be back you'll see."
"But she loves to perform! What if... What if she never comes back...?” She cried her eyes moist.
"I don't know Fluttershy. But you have to have faith she'll return. I think she will." I offered.
Fluttershy wiped her tears away. "Okay... I'll try to believe."
Twilight squeezed her once more and we went back to our place and had a nice breakfast together. Afterward Fluttershy headed back home; we watched her go hoping she'd be alright.
Twilight closed the door then swiftly locked it and pulled the shades down around the house leaping into my awaiting embrace kissing me hungrily.

We showered together afterwards kissing and cuddling under the hot downpour of water.
"Do you think Fluttershy will be ok? She seemed really upset."
"I hope so. I guess she just got used to having Trixie around..."
We had until the end of the week to get ready before we were slated to go to our honeymoon. We sorted through all the thoughtful gifts and ended up with over two hundred bits again, we put them away in case of emergency.
We tidied up the library making sure that Dash or Rarity would be able to help anyone who needed a book, I asked Rarity to make me a few bathing suits for the beach. She wasn't quite sure what I meant at first but once I explained it she understood and made me some.
Twilight galloped around town trying to fit in everything she needed to take care of, I helped her all I could. I made several trips to the border of the Everfree forest to make sure everything was still fine stopping by Fluttershys as well each time to check on her. She seemed down still but put on a brave face for me.
We made our way to the train station the day of our departure, our friends there to see us off.
"You both have a hootanany of a time ya hear?"
"Be careful of sharks... And jellyfish... And stingrays... And..."
Dash interrupted her quickly. "They get the idea Fluttershy. Have a good time guys! But not too good..." She added with a smirk and a wink.
"Oh Rainbow Dash, honestly. It’s their honeymoon; of course they'll have a good time. Take care darlings."
"And be sure to try all the local foods! Yum yum!!! And have fun!"
"Bye!" Echoed Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.
We waved and called out our goodbyes from our cabin then settled down as it was a day’s train ride to the shores.
We cuddled together in our cabin watching the scenery go by.
"Finally alone." She whispered. "Don't get me wrong, I love our friends. I just want some alone time with my husband. That’s not too much to ask is it?"
I kissed her softly. "Not at all love. My time is all yours, anytime."
She gazed up at me, her beautiful purple eyes again and always capturing my soul. "I love you."
"I love you. I can't tell you enough Twi, or how much."
We kissed and settled down watching the landscape fly by until they brought by the lunch cart, we ate then walked around the train a bit stretching our legs.
We arrived at the edge of Bridle Shores in the late afternoon but the journey wasn't done there. From there we loaded up our luggage and took a Pegasus chariot out to the largest of the islands where the hotel was located.
Amazingly we encountered very little in the way of shock or even interest in my appearance, granted there were other species here too Griffons, Donkeys, Cows even a Buffalo couple. It was unexpected but very welcome.
We checked in and a porter brought us and our luggage up to the top of the hotel to the honeymoon suite. It was a beautiful room even more so then the penthouse we had stayed in before. The balcony opened up to a panoramic view of the ocean some of the other islands of the chain in the distance.
"Wow! So beautiful!" Twilight exclaimed.
I looked over to her, her forehooves up on the railing the wind blowing her mane back as she stared out excitedly. "Not as beautiful as what I see."
She looked over at me and blushed slightly. "Riiick... I was being serious."
I scooped her up in my arms kissing her. "So was I."
The first two days of our honeymoon we didn't even leave our room.
But the third day we ventured out to see the sights, relax on the beach and swim a little. Twilight wasn't a very strong swimmer having learned from a book and not having a lot of practice. I stayed close by her encouraging and helping if she needed, she quickly got the hang of it.
We went out on a boat as well visiting the smaller islands in the chain; Twilight was of course excited to see all the new types of flora and fauna as well as the animal’s native to the islands.
It was an amazing time, the food and the other visitors. We met a large assortment of ponies and other species on vacation as well, a lot of them were a bit apprehensive of me but after some conversation most of them warmed up and we made some new acquaintances.
We made love every night, getting to know one another better and better our passion undiminished, if anything growing even greater.
But a week passes by quickly and soon enough we came to our last night there.
We lay together basking in the afterglow gently kissing and cuddling.
"Back to Ponyville tomorrow." She sighed.
"Home again, I can't wait. This place is great but... Just to be with you in our home is all I need."
She snuggled closer putting her head on my chest with a sigh. "Sounds good."
We drifted off to sleep to rise early the next morning our bags overstuffed with souvenirs for all our friends back home.
Our journey back was relaxing and without complication, as Ponyville came into view we both looked out the window to find our friends and a small group of others. Pinkie again with a banner. 'Welcome Home!' Did she have a huge stockpile of these things? Knowing her she probably did.
We exited and mingled with everypony, glad to be home. We passed out our gifts, pretty seashell necklaces for all three Crusaders, at that point we discovered while we were away Apple Bloom had gotten her cutie mark as well! An apple sitting on top of a tool case, we found she had gotten it while helping Big Mac build a new barn showing her skill in building and love for the Apple family. Scootaloo tried not to look jealous but she couldn't quite manage.
I gave her a hug. "You'll get there Scoot don't you worry."
She nodded but didn't look too convinced.
For Pinkie Pie we had a selection of candies from the islands, she chomped down several quickly excited at how amazingly sweet they were.
For Fluttershy we had arranged to bring a young tropical bird a Resplendent Quetzal the natives called it back with us. It had lost its parents and we hoped it would be happy here with Fluttershy. Fluttershy immediately freed it from its travel cage and in moments they were the best of friends, it was good to see her so happy.
For Rarity we got a nice sized chunk of Bloodstone, uncut but still sparkling and beautiful that she could mould as she saw fit.
For Applejack we acquired some rope made by the native people, lighter and stronger then the hemp rope she was used to. In moments she had it mastered and was making loops and figure eights with it.
Rainbow Dash was a hard one to shop for but after a lot of searching we found her a jacket and hat exactly the same as her favourite book character Daring Do. She put them on quickly flying in circles excitedly.
We had other small gifts as well for many other ponies around Ponyville that meant a lot to us as well as for Spike, Shining Armor and Cadance as well as Luna and Celestia, Twilights parents as well.
We stayed and told everypony what the Bridle Shores was like and what we had seen as well as who we met. It was getting onto late afternoon before we managed to pull ourselves away and head back home.
I picked up Twilight and carried her across the threshold again as she levitated our bags in.
"Why do you always do that when we get back from a trip?" She giggled.
I kissed her gently. "Maybe I just like holding you? I don't know it just seems right to do it. Silly right?"
She kissed me back. "I love it."
We unpacked and went out for dinner as we badly needed to do some food shopping. We walked around town afterwards greeting ponies and visiting. Back at home we climbed into our bed snuggling down for the night.
"Home again. It feels good." I whispered.
"Yes, goodnight. I love you."
"I love you."
We drifted off comfortable and secure.

Again we had a great many things to catch up on, Twilight studies as well as all the assistance she rendered around town. I had less to do; I checked the border and found it secure. My magical studies however took up a great deal of time.
Twilights magical studies encompassed everything she could fit in, every spell and nuance she could find. I chose to narrow my field of study considerably, healing magic was fairly rare and I did my best to find all I could about it, granted I couldn't do much more then close a small cut at this point but I hoped someday I could do much more. I also looked into more destructive magic, not so much to perform but to prevent or be able to counter such spells. Again my skills were still feeble I could light a small fire, give someone a small shock (Dash got tricked by that once), or put out a small campfire. Slow progress but like anything it took work.
I was studying in the library a week after we had returned, Twilight was out helping the Mayor reorganise her filing system when a gentle tapping came at the door.
I opened it to find Scootaloo.
"Hi Scoot! How are you doing?"
"Good... Uh is Twilight here?"
"No sorry she’s out for awhile. What did you need?"
"I just wanted to see if she had any books on flying technique I could borrow."
"Well come in I'll see if I can find you something."
I went into the kitchen and got some milk and cookies and put them out for her and then went to see what I could find. I managed to locate a suitable book fairly quickly and brought it back to find all the cookies and milk gone.
"Wow! You were hungry Scoot." I grinned handing her the book.
She favoured me with a small smile and slid the book onto her back.
"Well hang on a sec. What do you need the book for? I thought you couldn't fly... Yet." I added tactfully.
She took a deep breath. "Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle already have their cutie marks! They try not to make me feel bad about it but I do! I know my talent has to do with flying! It just has to! But... But I... Can't..." She started to sob and I knelt down taking her into my arms and hugging her tightly.
"Hey it’s ok Scoot. You'll get there." As I held her I noticed she was very thin, I could feel a couple of ribs sticking out. "Scootaloo, have you ever thought maybe its not that your wings are too small. Maybe something else is wrong."
She looked up at me with her big light purple eyes. "What do you mean?"
"I'm not sure. But I've been studying healing magic. With your permission I'd like to look you over maybe see if anything else is wrong?"
"If you think it'll help."
I got her to stand still while I gently ran my hands over her using a detection spell created to find sickness and injury, I couldn't maintain it for long but what I found disturbed me greatly. Scootaloo was suffering from malnutrition fairly seriously; as well I found several deep bruises hidden under her coat and behind her mane.
"Well what did you find?"
"Scootaloo... What are your parents up to these days?"
"What?! Their busy at the farm... Really busy!"
"I don't think I've ever met them have I?"
"Uh no... Like I said their busy all the time."
"They didn't make it to the wedding? I thought we invited everypony?"
"No... They couldn't make it... Well I better go." She darted toward the door as I pushed it closed telekinetically.
"Scoot. Come here please."
She walked over her head held low.
"Scootaloo if someone’s hurting you it’s not right. They can't do that. You can tell me anything really. I won't be mad and I won't tell anyone."
She looked up at me her eyes filled with tears. She broke out crying throwing herself against me sobbing in my chest for a few minutes. I just stroked her mane and waited patiently for her.
Then she told me.
When she finished I was mad, far angrier then I had ever been in my life but I controlled it, she wasn't the one I was mad at.
"Okay Scoot. I know I said I wouldn't tell anyone but Twilight needs to hear this too ok? When she comes home I want you to tell her exactly what you told me. Okay?"
She sniffed slightly. "Okay."
"That’s my filly. Now let’s get you some food." I made up some lunch and Scootaloo ate enough for a full sized pony falling asleep in my arms afterward as I tried to comfort her.
A bit later in the afternoon Twilight came home and found us on the couch.
What’s going on?
It’s bad... I'll let her tell you though.
I gently nudged Scootaloo awake and she told Twilight her story. By the end tears streamed down from Twilights eyes as she hugged Scootaloo tightly.
We have to do something!
Yes. We'll need to see the Mayor.
Not the Princess?
This is a more local affair... I don't know if we should get her involved... Well she does care for all her subjects You're right I guess we should inform her as well at the very least.
We discussed what to do for a short bit when Scootaloo fell back asleep and Twilight quickly wrote several letters and sent them off.
The replies came back very quickly Celestia was very concerned and would have come herself but for the duties of her crown. She sent us what we would need and her permission to do what we had to.
I gently slid Scootaloo off my lap and onto the couch beside Twilight.
I'm going.
I should come too!
I know but I don't want to leave her alone. We can't be sure they won't want to send her away after...
We'll do what we can.
I leaned down and kissed her. That’s all we can do.

I left and headed to the mayor’s office, she had been expecting me having been informed by Celestia and we concluded our business quickly.
Then I headed out of town, about five or six miles following Scootaloos explanation I came across a small plot of land. It had some growth but looked untended and messy.
On the corner of the small farm was a dilapidated house, as I approached I saw an earth pony lounging out under the awning a jug by his side. I walked up and cleared my throat.
He looked up and started as he saw me. "What'n the hell'r you? An what ya doin on my property?!"
He stood up somewhat unsteadily I could smell the liquor on his breath from where I stood. He was a robust stallion with a bit of a gut, dark brown fur and a medium green mane and tail. He had a Pitchfork and plow crisscrossed as a cutie mark denoting his skill as a farmer though it certainly didn't show on this farm.
"What I am isn't important. I've come to bring you this." I said digging out a scroll from my jacket and trying to keep my voice level despite my rage and disgust at him.
"What?! Ya can't take my farm! It’s my land! Handed down ta me by my family!" He shouted taking an aggressive step forward.
"This has nothing to do with your farm. It’s to do with your daughter."
"What?! Hah!" He sat back down and took a swig. "That good fer nothin little bitch? Scootaloo! Get out ere!"
I ground my teeth but kept my temper in check. "She’s still in town."
"Bah. Doin some of er fancey schoolin. Waste of time. Lookit that field. She ain't done half'a what she was supposta. Gonna have ta beat somemor sence into er."
"That’s not going to happen."
"Zat so. An way not ya figgur?"
"If she’s so useless to you... Why not sign this and I'll take her off your hands. You'll never need to see her again."
"Whut?! Hah! What'd you want a lil bitch like er for? You one o them foal fiddlers?"
I again barely resisted the urge to smash every word he said down his throat. "Not at all. Just a concerned citizen."
"Hah! I bet. I don' care whut ya do with er. But nothin free in this world. Ten bits ya city boy."
"You want to sell your daughter?" I said my eye twitching.
"Whut? Too much? I knew she wadn't worth nothin to noone."
"Ten is fine." I said digging in my belt pouch for the bits."
"Really? Hah! I woulda taken five!"
I walked over reluctantly handing him the bits and presenting the scroll for him to sign. He did so messily but legibly enough, at least it wasn't an X.
"Her mother will have to sign as well.”
"Whut? She dead. Been so fer a couple years."
"She said her mother was here on the farm."
"An so she is. Ovr yonder." He pointed off in the distance by a small tree. "Buried over there. Think the lil bitch did it herself. No big loss her mother was as useless as er. Always dotin on er. Waste o time."
"What happened to her?"
"Got sick, died."
"You didn't try to get her to the hospital in Ponyville? Call for help?"
"Hell city boy. This is the wilds out ere. Ya live or ya die. She died. Thas the way it go. Got me a new mare now she inside sleepin er off, want me ta call er to sign yer thing?"
I clenched and unclenched my fist. "That... won't be necessary. Good day to you."
"Ya aright then git off my property. If I whelp another useless girl I'll be sure ta sell er to ya too!" He laughed uproariously as I walked away.
I detoured over to the tree he had pointed out. There I found a small mound of dirt that was well taken care of with a small cross 'mommy' written on it and a small bouquet of flowers in front of it.
I fought down the urge to turn and set the house on fire burning it to the ground with those two in it. Celestia wouldn't object surely? I sighed and walked away, as fun a revenge fantasy like that was it just wasn't the way I was. Scootaloo was safe that was all that mattered.
It was getting onto late evening when I made it back home. When I entered I found Scootaloo and Twilight sitting on the couch talking, they immediately looked at me hopefully.
"How did it go?" Twilight asked anxiously.
"Good... Good." I passed her the scroll and knelt down by Scootaloo. "I'm so sorry about you mom Scoot." Her eyes filled with tears again and I hugged her tightly mentally explaining to Twilight what I had found.
He should be arrested!
I agree. But Scootaloo is safe now that’s what matters.
Yes definitely. But what are we going to do?
Well... That’s up to her.
"Scootaloo. You don't have to go back there, ever. Okay? He can't hurt you anymore. Your dad... No he doesn't deserve that title. That drunken fool you were living with has no claim to you whatsoever anymore ok?" I stated.
"What... What'll happen to me?"
"Well... For now Rick and I would like you to stay here with us. If that’s ok with you?"
She jumped into our embrace. "Yes! Please!"
"You bet Scoot."
It was getting late so we got a blanket and pillow and tucked her in on the couch turning out the lights.
"Rick, Twilight?"
"Yes? What is it?" Twilight asked.
"Are... Are you two going to ever have any foals?"
Twilight and I shared a somewhat pained look.
"I don't know..." I stated.
"It might not be possible for us sweetie."
"Why not?"
"It’s complicated. But because we're so different it’s probably not possible." Twilight explained.
"Why do you ask Scoot?"
"Well... I thought maybe... I could you know, fill in for a daughter if you weren't going to have one..." She looked up at us hopefully.
Yes! We can't let them take her away from Ponyville... And I do want a child, maybe this isn't when I thought or the way I planned but... You?
Yes. She deserves all the love we can give her.
We both knelt down to hold her tightly.
"Rick and I think that’s a great idea Scootaloo."
"Really. Scootaloo Sparkle. How does that sound to you?" I asked.
All three of us burst into tears hugging and laughing together.
We tucked her back in then headed up to bed.
"Night Scoot. Daughter." I smiled.
"Night Mom and Dad." She replied sleepily.
Twilight and I settled down together.
We'll need a room for her! And see the Mayor tomorrow to fill out the right paperwork! And see Miss Cheerilee and let her know!
Definitely. Wow, things change fast love.
Do you think we can do it? Be good parents for her?
I know we can.
We kissed softly and drifted off to sleep.
Changes so many changes...
For the best.