Extreme Measures

by Boo Bear

Meet The Cuties!

The other ponies and Spike followed the Mayor down the smooth paths of Ponyville. The twins were singing yet another song, this time Pinkie Pie (who randomly joined the group as she saw them walking along) joined in as well:

"Let's have a celebration! We'll have the cakes, and the cupcakes! And maybe some more cream tonight! Yes! The cakes will be all chocolate, and maybe strawberry too. The sweets all in and the sours all out, and maybe that one pony that can make the party COOL!"

Absolute Zero chortled at his sisters and friend, "You three SURE are best friends! Wow, it's like a miracle from Celestia!"
Winter Sky agreed, flying over her brother, "I know right? It's like...BEST friends!"
Every pony and Spike giggled at Winter Sky's reply, who started to blush.
"How much farther, Twilight? My legs are hurting!" complained Spike, groaning and rubbing his round, purple stomach.
Twilight rolled her eyes, "Oh, Spike! It's just a couple of minutes more! Besides, we've only been walking for about 5 minutes!"
Sizzling Sunset trotted to Spike, and poked him with his horn, "Say, wanna play a game of magic tag while we're walking?"
Spike glanced at the bright orange pony, who had a large grin on his face, "What's...magic tag?"
The bright orange pony smiled wider, and started to explain, "Magic tag is basically like tag, but with magic! You can breathe fire out green fire things, right?"
"Uh, I guess so!" answered Spike, scratching his head, nearly tripping over a pebble.
Sizzling Sunset poked Spike once more, "Okay, YOUR IT!" The bright orange pony ran away from Spike, his horn glowing in a bright pinkish color. Spike sighed, and started to chase after Sizzling Sunset. Spike took a deep breath while running, and blew outwards. A lime-green colored smoke flew out of Spike's mouth, curling and creating shapes in the air. The smoke started to travel across the air, nearing Sizzling Sunset. The green smoke started surrounding the running pony, and without Sizzling Sunset knowing, he started to levitate. Spike cheered at his success, and ran towards the levitating Sizzling Sunset. The bright orange pony had widened eyes, shocked to see what was before him.
Spike started to chuckle once more, "HAH! I win!"
Sizzling Sunset blinked rapidly, "H--how did you..."
"Twilight taught me!" replied Spike, interrupting Sizzling Sunset, who was then slowly levitated down to the ground.
Spike turned around to see that the rest of the ponies were still far behind from them. Spike giggled, amazed to know that for once he was faster than Twilight or any other pony.
The purple baby dragon glanced back at Sizzling Sunset, whose eyes still were wider than Pinkie Pie's joyful grin. Spike placed the Sizzling Sunset on the smooth pavement, and finally released the green smoke that surrounded the bright orange pony.
Spike looked worried, as Sizzling Sunset was still looking quite frightened.
"A--are you okay, Sizz?" asked Spike, patting Sizzling Sunset on the back.
The bright orange pony shook his head, "Yeah...I'm...okay...I guess..."
Spike gritted his teeth, "You sure? I didn't mean to scare you, honest!"
Sizzling Sunset shook his head once more, "No...it's not that, Spike. I was...fine..."
The purple dragon looked confused, "Then...what's the matter? Are you dizzy, or something?"
Sizzling Sunset turned to look at Spike, "Spike...I saw something..."
Spike widened his eyes, "What did you see? A GHOST?" Spike shrieked a little.
The bright orange pony glanced at the ground, and frowned, "No, Spike. I didn't see a ghost. I...I saw a vision..."
As Spike was about to ask what the 'vision' Sizzling Sunset had, he was interrupted by the voices of three little fillies.

"Howdy, y'all!" said one filly. It was Apple Bloom, Applejack's little sister. Her ginormous pink bow was tilted slightly to the side, but she didn't seem to notice or mind.
"Hey, guys!" called out another one. It was Sweetie Belle, Rarity's little sister. Her emerald green eyes were shining brightly, although the sun wasn't pointing directly at her.
There was another little filly, who stood there staring at the ground she stood on. She had a dark purple/magenta messy-like mane and tail, an orange coat and lavender eyes. She was just humming a little tune, not even smiling.
Sweetie Belle nudged her, "Scootaloo! Say hello, at least!"
Apple Bloom nodded, "She's right', Scootaloo! Why ain't you sayin' anything ta-day?" she gasped, "Ya had ya CUTIE MARK already?" Apple Bloom looked rather excited for Scootaloo. The orange filly shook her head, suggesting she didn't. Apple Bloom frowned.
Scootaloo sighed, and looked up, "Hi."
Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, "What was THAT? Scootaloo, something is wrong with you today. What's wrong?"

"Who's that new pony? Never seen him before!" whispered Scootaloo into Sweetie Belle's blunt-pointed ear.
Sweetie Belle turned to glance at Sizzling Sunset, who was now scratching his spiky mane.
"Oh, him?" she whispered back, "That's Sizzling Sunset. He and his siblings came all the way from Manehattan! Well, that's what my sister said, anyway."
Suddenly, Scootaloos' eyes widened, "Y---you came from MANEHATTAN?" she ran towards Sizzling Sunset with a huge grin on her orange face.
Sizzling Sunset nodded, "Yeah, I guess so."
Scootaloos' eyes beamed, "How's it like there? I never been to Manehattan before! Are the ponies there nice? Do they sell good food? Are there lo---" Sweetie Belle came up to Scootaloo and covered her mouth. Scootaloo stopped talking, and faced Sweetie Belle.
"Yow cane let goo no!" she mumbled underneath her friend's hoof. Sweetie Belle sighed, and released her hoof from Scootaloo's mouth. Scootaloo gave an embarrassed smile.
"Sorry about that, Sizzling Sunset. She can get a little over-excited if a pony came from somewhere else besides Ponyville."
Scootaloo nodded shamefully, "Hehe, yeah...I do kinda get a TINY bit over-excited!"
Apple Bloom cleared her throat, "A TEENY?"
The orange pony looked down, "Okay, maybe a LOT..."
Sizzling Sunset giggled, "It's okay! I get a little over-excited as well if something...well, EXCITING happens!"
Every pony and Spike chuckled.

"Nice to meet you anyway, Sizzling Sunset!" proclaimed Scootaloo, still giggling.