//------------------------------// // Prologue: Leaving Home // Story: Equestria: An Unexpected Role // by Canas-Dark //------------------------------// I leaned down to lace up my sneakers, and took note of the portal again. It was a simple door, white with a brass handle, and was supposed to lead to the closet of the second floor apartment I lived in. If you were to open it, however, the window would blacken over and the other side of the door would open out into a storage closet in Canterlot Castle. More specifically, the back wall of an empty broom closet. I had only peeked through the door further into the castle once before, and after covertly watching a castle guard walk past with none other than Celestia herself, I decided that being crazy was A-OK with me! Of course, if worst came to worst and it turned out I had simply imagined the whole thing, then I had decided I’d go backpacking across Europe to make up for it. I finished double knotting my sneakers (blue and white cross trainers, if you cared), and walked into the apartment’s tiny bathroom to take stock of my appearance: I wore a navy blue polo and grey slacks for my first impression, which probably wouldn't be helped by my five-o'clock shadow and crooked glasses. I've got dark brown hair, thick eyebrows, and eyes of the same green as worn out dollar bills. My short hair was a little messy, but I didn't dare fool with it, for fear that it would start standing up at weird angles. I switched the bathroom light off and took a deep breath. It was almost time. Back in my bedroom, I opened the rucksack I’d bought just in case my visit became extended, either by choice or if the portal closed behind me. I'd be upset if that happened, certainly, but not so much that I didn't want to go. The rucksack would be useful if I ended up going to Europe, too, but I hoped beyond hope that I'd have a chance to live every brony's dream instead. Inside the backpack were several days worth of clothes, a laptop, a laptop charger, an iPhone charger, a small flashlight, a pack of rechargeable batteries (and their charger), a small solar charger to plug the devices into, a survival guide, a vegetarian's guide, two companion Swiss Army knives, a small medical kit, a waterproof sleeping bag, a week's worth of military MREs and water, a box of Snickers chocolate bars and various other things recommended by survival guides online. If you were to look under all the other supplies, you'd also find my .40 HK compact and holster, hidden alongside two boxes of 50 center fire pistol cartridges and several empty magazines. It had taken the better part of the week debating with myself before I had decided to bring my handgun along. Better to have it and not need it, I'd decided, than get mauled by a pack of timber wolves or an Ursa Minor. I didn't have to shoot them, either, as a few warning shots would probably shoo them off easily enough. On my phone were several new games (just in case) and a working library of kindle books. On my computer were more games than I'd cared to list, as well as a downloaded version of the Wikipedia website, alongside several electronic college textbooks. "Be prepared" is a famous motto and way of life for a reason: it has saved the lives of many a traveler, and has saved countless hours of frustration for those who follow it. I remember reading that online somewhere. I hauled the rucksack over my shoulders and ensured that I had my wallet and phone in my pockets. The letter to my family and friends was on my bed explaining how I ran off to Europe in case I couldn't come back. My front door was locked, and the bills were paid for the next month. I was on extended leave from work. The air conditioning was off. No more stalling. I stood in front of the portal to Equestria ,and took a last moment to review my story and "plans." My name is Thomas Johnson. I would not talk about my gun or knife unless specifically asked or unless I was forced to use either one of them. I would give up meat until I could find out if griffons (or dragons, or dogs for that matter) were omnivores as well. If they weren't, I'd give up meat entirely... if I could. If I found myself stuck in Equestria, I would accept my fate and do whatever I could with my life. If I was requested to leave and never come back by the royal family, I would accept that fate to protect Equestria from myself and the remaining members of humanity. I replaced the determined look on my face with a grim smile. The time had come to accept my insanity with open arms. I opened the door to Equestria. It was the stone broom closet I had hoped for. I took a deep breath, stepped through and closed the door behind me.