//------------------------------// // Part 7 // Story: Nightmare Moon Before Halloween // by Experimenteer //------------------------------// Nightmare Moon Before Halloween - Part 7 Upon the way that Twilight would see, Was a strange looking doll and all its glee. In a path of a darkly trail, Twilight was bound and in stutter pale. The ragged doll was alive and well, For she made a smile, that something to tell. "Don't be afraid my little dear, I won't do no harm, For I came to see your world and its charm. And I admit I was stun by such duty, For everything was colourful and beauty." Twilight was caught from her sensation, For the doll was moving and without explanation. There was no chance in way for her to admit, For she would bet on her bit. Snapping from reality, she turned to her attention, To stop a nightmare obsession. "I have no time to listen, I must help my friends, I cannot stay here much longer, there so much things to do. I must stop Nightmare Moon and her monster's pal, Before she takes over Ponyville town." The lively doll that called Sally by right, As she shook her hood, Denying such blight. "You must be mistaken, must be in fact, For Nightmare Moon is no threat, there is no evil act. Alone and lost, she needed some help, So Jack lend a hand to begin her step." Twilight stuttered and completely appall. That Nightmare Moon had friends at all. Possible to why the monsters afoot, Was because she needed some friends, that Twilight had put. "Please you have to listen, their must be a mistake, For your friend has cast a horrible wake. Even as we speak, they ravage and roam, Scaring the young and old from their home." Sally shook once more, but added with a sense, For the world was too kind and not so intense. "But you should not worry a thing, For the monsters only wanted to scare, its a joyful bring. And surely they aren't mean." Twilight could not stand, unwilling no more, While her friends and others were played like toys galore. "This cannot be stand, I step down my hoof, There must be a way to stop this turning aloof. Who is this Jack that you imply? Is he your friend from the other side." Sally blushed, with a slight little hue, For she was embarrass to express her truly due. Jack was kind and strong, the king of Pumpkin patch, For surely she could help this little mare to ease such batch. "He is more than a friend there is no doubt, But he given his promise, I'm afraid there's now way out. For a single night, her reign will continue as plan, But, there maybe a way to alter her likely grand..."