//------------------------------// // Chap 35-2/3 // Story: Applejack's Diary // by Techogre //------------------------------// Dear Diary When I woke up this morning, my mouth was watering. I was sure Granny had made one of her usual breakfasts, with all the fixings. But, on the way, I noticed the guest room door was open, and the bed was made. I had to wonder if Bea had even stayed here after all. I came down the stairs and saw Granny sitting in her rocking chair, looking pleased as punch. Who do you think I saw in the kitchen looking happy as a filly with a candy apple? None other than Bea. She was using her magic to set the table, cook the breakfast, all the while having a chat with Granny. I usually don’t eavesdrop, but I felt such a warm feeling in my heart, I just had to know what the cause was. Well, Bea was talking about her Granny and how she used to help her feed the other performers in the circus. I never realized circus work was so much like farm work. I tell ya, I’ve got some new respect for that girl. I decided that I had heard enough and went into the kitchen. Bea greeted me with a friendly, “Morning Sweety,” and a plate of hotcakes landed at my place at the table with a steaming mug of coffee, “eat up, we’re soon heading out to help Alex clean up the mess that thing made.” I thanked her kindly and ate up. I hate to say it, but them pancakes were even better than Granny’s. Granny said they were different, but just as good. That’s high praise from her. Bea got a mischievous grin and said in that show pony voice of hers, “Of course. Trixie is a world-class chef. Anything anyone can do, I can do better.” She then laughed at her silliness and started apologizing. I told her, “Don’t you dare be apologizing for that. Showing off is part of who you are, sugar cube. And we like who you are.” Bea, got really quiet and thanked me. She got really introspective like. I know she’s not the same pony that first visited Ponyville. I don’t know what changed exactly, but I’m happy for her that it did. Anyway, she had made more than enough for everyone, and even some without hay for Alex. We brought the ones for him and the rest of the leftovers in a basket. He might as well enjoy this great food. Bea even used her magic to keep it warm. While Mac was getting the picks and shovels packed away, Apple Bloom went to get Scootaloo. They’ll be meeting us at Alex’s cottage. May as well get her to help out her dad, even if her mom won’t be there. Signed, More love and respect for a new friend