//------------------------------// // House Of Memories // Story: Extreme Measures // by Boo Bear //------------------------------// "Look! There they are!" called out a pony from the distance. Spike and the other ponies turned to face where the voice came from. Up ahead, where they could only see the edge of the pavement a couple of hooves away from them, silhouettes of ponies started to appear. They trotted closer, and Spike started to squint, which makes it easier for him to see such far distance. "Over here!" cried out another voice. This time it was much louder, more vibrant. Spike took a few steps forward, covering the top part of his eyes with his little dragon paws. It was Twilight, the Mayor and the other ponies. Their silhouettes now became faded images of them trotting closer and closer to the dragon and other ponies. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo started to wave their hooves in the air, trying to signal where they were at. Apple Bloom started to bounce (for some strange reason), as if she had never seen them in a long time. Sizzling Sunset just stared into the distance, waiting for their expecting arrival. At last, the ponies had arrived at where Spike was. Twilight looked rather angry, but was concealing her facial expressions only because the Mayor and other ponies were around her. "Where have you ponies BEEN?" asked Absolute Zero, who wasn't afraid to blurt out his feelings, "We've been worried SICK!" Sizzling Sunset walked towards his older brother, looking rather worried, "Well, I ju---" "It was my fault, really," interrupted Spike, "I asked Sizz here to play a game of magic tag with me. I--I guess it got a little too far..." Sizzling Sunset turned to glance at Spike, and looked confused. Spike faced the bright orange pony, and winked. Absolute Zero sighed, "Well, I guess you could play a little game of magic tag once in a while. But next to you do so, Spike, make sure to ask one of us or Twilight!" Spike nodded, and stepped back a few steps, careful not to trip over. The Mayor smiled, and cleared her throat, "Why, you ponies sure are well behaved! Indeed, Princess Celestia should here about this! Absolute Zero, you make SUCH a fine dictation! I haven't seen anything like that!" Absolute Zero blushed, "Well...I got it from my..." Absolute Zero shook his head. He didn't want to talk about this dad. Twilight nudged the Mayor, and the Mayor nodded, "Why, yes. Oh YES, the house! It is right over..." the Mayor pointed with her hoof to a house that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were standing in front of, "here! Such a coincidence, I must say!" Pinkie Pie bounced cheerfully towards the front door of the house, which was painted a pastel green, and had a little sign that said "Welcome". She looked up, and gasped, her eyes beaming. Suddenly, her curly mane and tail started to twitch. It started to bounce, much like how Pinkie did. Pinkie turned around to face the ponies and Spike, her eyes widened. "W--what is it, Pinkie?" asked Twilight, looking worried and biting her lip. Pinkie took a strange hat from her mane. It was a colorful one, with a mini umbrella attached to the top of it. She placed it on her head, and continued, "My Pinkie senses are acting up! Something BAD's gonna happen!" She started to bounce around, but not as cheerfully. Spring Frost yelped, and hid behind Lemon Glacier, who had her jaw open. "What do you mean, something bad's gonna happen?" asked Twilight. Pinkie shrugged, "I dunno! But all I know it's gonna be a BAD thing!" She then started to spin around in circles, and stopped. She sighed, "Oh thank CELESTIA! The bad thing isn't gonna happen YET! YET!" She smiled, hoping to cheer up the frightened Spring Frost. Spring Frost stepped out from behind her sister, "D--do you know what the bad thing is gonna be?" Pinkie Pie shook her head, "Nope! SORRY!" The Mayor pushed Pinkie aside, and trotted to the front door. The house was painted a bright orange color, similar to the color of Heat Wave's coat. The roof was made of brick and was gleaming. 'Probably the paint...' thought Arctic Lime, who stared at the roof for quite a while. There was a garden on either sides of the house. The flowers were neatly arranged, and had different varieties of colors. Winter Sky sniffed a flower, and continued to trot into the house. The windows were the shapes of ovals, except more wider. The panels were shiny, and if it had been double glazed and then painted over with a clear paint. 'Such a lovely smell!' thought Fiery Rose, sniffing the new atmosphere of the house. "Come this way, ponies! And Spike! I'm going to show you each and every room of this MARVELOUS house! I must say, those carpenter ponies did a fine job!" mumbled the Mayor. She lead the ponies and Spike into a room on the left side. The house was built to have a hallway and doors or arches built on either side to enter a room. Straight down the hallway was a staircase, which lead to the upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms. The Mayor wanted to show the bottom floor rooms first, so the ponies agreed (except Spike, who was eager to go to the bathroom upstairs). The Mayor lead the ponies and Spike to the first room on the left. It was a dining room, with a mini fridge and a sink attached to a row of wooden cabinets. The chairs were made of oak, and had been painted a bright yellow color. The table was rounded, and had been painted a deep red. The mini fridge was pure white, and had magnets that looked like ponies (LOOKED like ponies). The walls were painted a pastel pink, similar to the color of cotton candy. Pinkie Pie started to poke the walls with her hoof, and giggled. "Um..why did you do that?" asked Sweetie Belle, who was right behind Pinkie, looking rather confused. Pinkie turned around, "Why, silly! If you poke a pink wall, it gives you GOOD luck!" Pinkie made a wide grin. "I don't believe in such things." said Sweetie Belle, scratching her pink and purple mane. "Suit yourself!" replied Pinkie, bouncing away. Sweetie Belle looked behind her, and started to poke the pink wall about 5 or 6 times. She giggled. "I SAW that!" said a voice behind her. Sweetie Belle jumped, and turned around. It was Pinkie Pie, and she started to chortle. Sweetie Belle blushed, and trotted past Pinkie Pie to catch up with the other ponies. Pinkie and Sweetie Belle found the other ponies and Spike in the room parallel to the dining room, which was the living room. The walls were painted a pastel baby blue. There was a rectangular rug in the center of the room. Spike started to roll on the rug, sucking his little dragon claw. The other ponies looked confused, but the Mayor only giggled. "Fine, Spike. You may go up to the bathroom. But be quick!" the Mayor said. Spike widened his eyes, grinned, got up from his rolling position and rushed past the ponies. They could hear his dragon paw-steps pounding on each step, and the ponies started to chuckle. After a while the ponies continued to observe the room, amazed at what they saw. There were 3 fluffy looking couches, which were in the shapes of a cookie, a cupcake and a heart. Winter Sky widened her eyes, and flew towards the couches. She glanced at them one by one, her mouth open. "These are such AWESOME couches! Not like the ones back in the...orphanage..." she frowned and slowly flew back to the group of ponies. Ever since the siblings moved from Manehattan, the memories seemed to grow fonder to them, making their everyday life worse each day. Lemon Glacier patted her sister on the back, "Cheer up, sis. We lived past that time, already. We NEED to forget about it..." she hugged Winter Sky, whose tears were starting to pour from her eyes. Her eye makeup started to become smudged, but she didn't seemed to mind. Fiery Rose came to wipe her older sister's eyes with a tissue she found on the coffee table beside the cookie couch. "Okay, my ponies. Let's continue to the next room." said the Mayor, a straight look on her face. The other ponies nodded, and followed the Mayor to another room, which was next to the dining room. Spring Frost was the last to follow, as she was still observing the living room. There was a bookshelf full of big books that Twilight would usually read. A plasma TV was on the wall, untouched. She sighed, and then continued to trot to the next room. 'Why us?' she asked herself, kicking her little hooves on the carpeted floor.