That Gangly Kid

by Plumage

Nighttime Eternal

"Discord! I heard something was happening!"
Dime gallops up to me. I'm still dazed from my Luna encounter.
"Luna happened." I reply. "She almost managed to rape me."
"Luna?!" Dime replies incredulously. "Isn't she Star's sister?"
"And Celestia's-"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So why are the police here?"
I'm not too sure I want to relive that experience just yet, but Dime looks around and says,
"Whoa, what happened to this place! It's like a bomb hit it!"
It's true. After Nightmare Moon revealed her jealousy of her sisters to the world, she used her powers to blow a huge hole in the ceiling. She let her mane implode around her and the midnight blue substance flew out of the hole.
Celestia runs up on my other side. "My sister-"
"I'm sorry. About your sister," says Dime gravely, and they hug briefly.
Celestia turns to me. "What the hell happened here? I heard Luna had done something, and then I heard crazy stories about her trying to rape you, and somepony else said-"
"Celestia. There's a big problem and I need somepony's help. The police won't do anything, they'll just sit there and pick up hoofprints. I'm going to find her myself. I dunno what I'll do, apologize or something, but-"
"Why would you apologize?" asks Dime.
"Long story."
"I'll come with you," says Celestia. "She's my sister. Maybe I could reason with her."
To be honest, I'm relieved. I didn't want to do this alone. Not after what Luna had just done.
"Okay then..."
Dime glances at the ruined house of the party, seems to hesitate, then she sighs.
"I guess I'll go too," she says tiredly.

"So where did Luna go when she was angry?" Dime asks.
"The towers at the castle museum," replies Celestia. "I used to find her there sometimes."
"It's the best chance we got. Let's go."
We walk to the museum. Actually, no. I walk and Celestia and Dime fly. It's old and dusty and full of spiderwebs. "Wow, this place is yuck." Dime says.
"The towers. Quickly."
We climb steep stairs and go down hallways, twist and turn until it seems we will finally stop. But no.
There are two paths in front of us. One leads to the topmost tower; the other leads to a turret that doesn't have a roof anymore.
"I'll take the tower if you two want to have the turret," says Dime.
I nod. Celestia sighs.

We climb the steep stairs, flight after flight after flight, and by the fifth round of stairs, we're both getting tired.
I look down off the edge. I can see the ground, a small patch of browny grey below us.
"We're almost there," puffs Celestia.
I look up and see there's only a little more of climbing these goddamn stairs.
"Come on, let's go," I replied.

We finally reach the door to the turret.
"Let me go first," Celestia whispers.
She trots onto the turret.
"Luna?" she asks tentatively.
"That is not my name," says the pony looking out at the night.
"I thought-"
"You thought wrong."
"No. I didn't." Celestia says firmly. "Your name is Luna. You raise the moon. You have a crush on Discord. You are not evil."
"Luna, give them a chance. Give ME a chance."
Nightmare Moon spins around, although she raises her wings as a barrier between her and her sister.
"I TRIED, CELESTIA!" She's yelling, although there are tears in her eyes. "I TRIED! I TRIED REALLY HARD FOR YOU. AND THEY STILL IGNORED ME. They hate me."
"They don't-"
"They do," she snarls. "No matter. They shall quake with fear. The night will never end. It will teach them to appreciate my work! The night will last FOREVER!"
She laughs evilly.
Celestia looks back at me and makes a slight motion with her head. Come forward.
"I can't let that happen, sister," she says, and lowers her head.
Her horn lights up. Yellow magic flares. I jump up from behind her and force whatever magic I do have to help. "On three," Celestia hisses. "One. Two. Three."
The magic is blinding, my greyish white and Celestia's yellow.
"Jump!" yells Celestia. I do and use my mismatched wings to stay in the air. Celestia uses two powerful strokes of her wings to join me.
"Arms out!"
I stretch out my hands...paws....whatever and feel the raw power streaming through them into the bright light above us.
For a second, I see a little blue pony inside the huge ball of light. She looks vulnerable and afraid. But there is something about her...
Celestia falters. She's seen the foal.
"Don't! It's a trick!" I screech.
Celestia gives another stroke of her wings and catches up to me.
"NOOOO!! NOOOOOO!!" Yelling begins sounding out of the ball of magic.
And then Celestia lets a huge ball of light out of her horn.