//------------------------------// // Lightning's perspective // Story: Segregation in Equestria // by decembuary //------------------------------// Chocolate puts his hoof up. “Yeah,” He said. “Just one. What are the elements?” I realized I was staring. I blush furiously. You can’t have a crush on someone in your element groupie, right? Luna smiles. “If you wish I could tell you the origins of the elements.” “Sure, why not?” Chocolate says. Celestia, he’s so damn handsome. That creamy orange mane, hastily smoothed down, but still sticking up slightly; That bright orange pelt, those deep green eyes. Damnit. I’m staring again. I cast my eyes down. They focus on a rock. It’s a very boring colour. Grey. Luna begins her story. “In the beginning there were six ponies. Six god-ponies to be exact. Merlin, the magic one, Kiana, the kind one. Liam, the loyal one, Henris, the honest one, Garon the generous one, and Lara, the one of laughter.” “These six fillies and colts decided to create two beautiful ponies. They based them on themselves: Liam and Kiana gave them wings, Merlin and Garon gave them magic, and Henris and Lara gave them strength.” “Liam named them Malicorns after himself - Mali is an anagram of Liam - But Merlin thought that was unfair and took away the ‘M’. These two baby ponies were the first alicorns” “Merlin gave them the task of raising the sun and moon - in return for this huge responsibility, he gave them immortality.” “The god ponies decided the two babies needed something to raise the sun and moon for. So they created a race of smaller mortal ponies. Liam gave some ponies wings, and Garon gave some magic.” “Merlin was angry at these alterations. He had needed all of them to be equal, because he knew they were a flawed race and would fight.” “And so Merlin created a form of protection. It was so the ponies could know, could see the truth when it was used. Merlin created six elements and infused a little of his friends into each” “Into one, he infused loyalty, for Liam. Into another he infused honesty, for Henris. Into the third went kindness, for Kiana. Into the next he put generosity, for Garon. The fifth held laughter, Lara’s element. And the sixth, the most powerful of all, was his. Magic.” “The god-ponies vowed never to interfere again, and sealed off their world from this one.” Well if we’re the elements, then who will be who? Chocolate might be loyalty, he’s very loyal.... Strawberry. Um. Kindness maybe? And Dewdrop is magic for sure. She’s so good at it. Maybe Comet is honesty....... But Plumage could be honesty too. I don’t know what I would be. Laughter maybe? “Next.” Says Plumage, “What’s this great big problem you’ve been talking about?” “I think it may be something to do with the segregation Equestria is experiencing at the moment. It’s spread as far as Brismane! I’ve even got news of salve cows!” “So..... What do we do?” “Locate the elements,” says Luna, “and stop the segregation. And if I’m right, which I should be having experienced it before, you must get to Applejack, Rainbow Dash and whoever is leading the unicorn army -” “It’s either Twilight Sparkle or Prince Blueblood” I say. “That toad. Anyway, you must get to Applejack, Rainbow Dash and that little toad Blueblood and harness the power of the elements - the same way the Mane Six got Nightmare” “Why will we need to use the elements on them?” Asks Chocolate, always curious. “Because chances are they have been corrupted by racism of superiority. Henceforth they will revert to a chaotic form of themselves looking somewhat like Nightmare” Luna replies. “Um... Chaotic Applejack?” Says Chocolate. “You bet.” Says Plumage. “Looking forward to that, aye Orangey boy?” “Don’t call me Orange.” Chocolate growls through gritted teeth. “My name is Chocolate.” “Oh - Luna?” I ask. “”Yes?” “I - Um- Where are the Elements?” “Celestia hid them from me right after the Nightmare thing. I’m sorry, you have to ask on of the elements that would never be corrupted because she is much too intelligent.” “I know who,” Says Comet. “And I bet you know to, Plumage” “Do we really have to talk to that boring old pony?” Asks Plumage sighing. “I think I know who you mean.” Says Dewdrop. “Me too,” Says Strawberry. “I think I get you......” Chocolate says hesitantly. “Could somepony please tell me because I haven’t a clue who you’re on about!” I say frustrated. “Oh, silly!” Says Luna. “Ponies, You’re all wrong. You must talk to Fluttershy!” -End Chapter 8-