//------------------------------// // The Forgotten Guard // Story: The Forgotten Guard // by leafz pegasus //------------------------------// The Forgotten Guard By: Leafz Pegasus Princess Luna takes a daily walk through the Royal Canterlot Castle gardens every afternoon before she raises her moon, to admire a statue. On this statue stands five humans wearing royal guard regalia. And at the base of this statue, carved into it with gold inlay, is a plaque. In this plaque lays a story, a story that commemorates the five human guards that gave their lives to protect the peace, to protect Equestria. . . “Captain Iron Chevron, you are hereby requested by order of her Majesty, Princess Celestia, to have a private court session with her immediately,” said a miscellaneous Pegasus solar guard. “Inform the princess that I will make haste to meet with her,” replied Iron Chevron. “And what if I don’t?” the Pegasus guard said with a sneer. “Then I’d tell you that’s an order, lieutenant,” Iron Chevron shot back. “As ordered, Captain,” the Pegasus guard said as he stalked off, venom dripping from his voice. “Some ponies… Really need a lesson in how to be less prejudiced. I’ve worked my ass off getting to the rank of Captain, more so than any pony would’ve.” Iron Chevron made his way to Princess Celestia’s royal court, ready for whatever she had in store for him. After all, that’s what it meant to be the Captain of the guard. Expect anything, and be ready for everything. He approached the door to the court and the two guards at the set of double doors stopped him, trying to make Iron Chevron’s arrival as hard as possible, “Halt human, state your purpose.” “I am Iron Chevron, captain of the royal guard, and I order you both to let me pass, I have a private meeting with the Princess,” Iron Chevron growled. “As you command, Captain,” the two guards parted, allowing Iron Chevron through the large double doors. “Ah, Captain Chevron, I see you received my request,” the goddess of the Sun commented. “Yes ma’am, I did receive your request, but not without the usual venom that the pony guards give me,” replied Iron Chevron politely. “Sadly yes, I can only encourage my little ponies to be less prejudice. I can’t make them believe something they don’t willingly,” the Princess replied back sadly. “It’s all right Princess, what is it you wanted me to come here for, because it obviously wasn’t just to discuss the racism extent of some ponies,” the captain said back to the princess, raising an eyebrow. “Ah yes, that. As you know, the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration is tomorrow,” the princess looked Iron Chevron in the eye, “and I’d like you and your squad to watch over the ceremony.” “I… It would be my honor Princess Celestia, to watch over this prestigious event,” the captain of the guard said with a smart salute. “Then be on your way Captain, I expect you and your squadron to be present in Ponyville tomorrow at 12 o’clock sharp.” “Thank you Princess, I will be on my way immediately,” and with that Iron Chevron bowed, and promptly made his way out of the room, on his way to the barracks, where his squad would be awaiting. “I hope you and your squad well Captain,” Princess Celestia said as Iron Chevron left the room and out of earshot, “for this may be your last mission.” Royal Palace Guard barracks “Men, we got a new mission, and this one is from the Princess herself,” Iron Chevron said as he entered the room. “Are you serious sir?! A mission from the Princess herself!” Shieldbreaker said incredulously. “I kid you not Shieldbreaker, just moments ago I was personally asked by Princess Celestia for us to watch over the Summer Sun Celebration.” “Why, that’s the biggest honor our squad’s ever had!” Redblade exclaimed. “She also mentioned that we should be in the town of Ponyville by tomorrow at noon,” Iron Chevron said while looking at his soldiers, “we should make haste if we are to arrive on time. Come on men, get your swords sharpened, shine your boots, and make sure your helmets are polished until I can see my reflection in them.” The entire squad replied as one, “Sir yes sir!” “Good, now, get to your duties and report back here within the hour,” Iron Chevron said to his squad, his squadron hurriedly ran about to finish their duties, eager to start a new mission. 1 Hour Later “Are you all ready and properly prepped?” Iron Chevron questioned his squad. Their reply was once again simultaneous, “Sir yes sir!” Iron Chevron motioned his squad to follow him, “Then let’s head out, the Princess already has a team of unicorns ready with the teleportation spell.” Iron Chevron made his way out of the barracks with his squadron of four other men in tow. The human guards made their way to the top of the castle where the team of unicorns, hoof picked by Princess Celestia for their talents and none biased opinion of humans, were waiting. The presumable head of the team spoke up when Iron Chevron and his squad were within earshot, “Are you and your team ready to go Captain?” “Yes we are,” the Captain looked back at his squad, “Aren’t we men?” “Sir yes sir!” Iron Chevron chuckled quietly at this, “You heard them, we’re ready when you are.” “Okay Captain, just enter the circle and we’ll start the spell,” the unicorn pointed to a simple circle marking on the floor a few feet away. The squadron of guards stepped into the circle fully garbed in their weapons and armor. Once the squad was ready for transport, the unicorns started to charge up enough power to teleport five humans in their entirety, all the way to Ponyville. The spell was ready within 30 seconds, and the unicorns pointed their horns at the humans and unleashed their polymerized teleportation spell at them as one. Ponyville, 11:45 The main trading hub of Ponyville was lively with activity as everypony was getting the town ready for Princess Celestia’s arrival for the Summer Sun Celebration. However, that didn’t stop them from gawking at the five large human guards that suddenly appeared in the center of town. “No need to be alarmed, we’re just Solar guards here to watch over the Celebration to make sure everything is in order for the Princess’ arrival,” Iron Chevron stated to the crowd, quickly dispersing them with the air of authority he held in his voice. “Alright men, let’s make our way to the area where the Princess will be arriving.” With that, the Captain and his squad made their way to the designated area, posting themselves in the doorway, stopping anyone from coming in early that didn’t have reason to. Iron Chevron put on his guard face, steely, unwavering, staring straight ahead, but always on the lookout. He and his squad stayed like this all the way until it was near the time Celestia was to raise the Sun, certain that their job was finished, they began to lounge around outside the entrance. Iron Chevron was bored. Yes this was an important mission, but surely no one would be foolish enough to attack the Princess surrounded by her personal guard. He was lost in his own thoughts until screaming was heard inside, “Captain, what’s going on in there?” questioned Shieldbreaker. Iron Chevron pulled out his sword and gave an order, “I don’t know, but I intend on finding out. Guardsmen! Swords at the ready!” With their weapons drawn, they ran into the building, what they saw shocked them, ponies cowering everywhere and in the place of the Princess, was a sinister creature that had a mane that would’ve made the night sky envious. “Who are you, foul demon!? And what have you done with the Princess!” Shouted Iron Chevron. “Surely some pony must recognize us?” questioned the creature, who was then interrupted by a purple mare, “You’re the mare on the moon! Nightmare Moon!” “Well at least some pony does recognize us,” the Nightmare was interrupted by Iron Chevron, “It matters not who, or what you are. You have foalnapped the Princess, and we intend on bringing you to justice!” “Ohhhh, such bravery,” said The Nightmare, sarcasm evident in her voice. Iron Chevron smirked, “It isn’t bravery which I hold, it is loyalty. Loyalty to the Princess, and with that, either come with us, or die fighting!” “Forget what we said earlier. Tis not bravery, it is foolishness that we see in thou! Do thy know what thou is up against? We are the immortal Nightmare Moon! All of Equestria will tremble before us, as we bring NIGHT, ETERNAL!” “I care not what you seek, foul demon. You have taken the Princess and will not come willingly. Now meet your end!” “Tis thou that will meet thy end, mortal,” and with that, the Nightmare let loose a large bolt of darkness, hitting Highguard in the chest, throwing him across the room, silencing him. “Highguard! Damn you to Tartarus Demon!” Shieldbreaker lunged at the Nightmare with his broadsword, the blade whistling through the air until it hit its mark. Shieldbreaker smirked at the Nightmare’s lack of speed, until he realized that his sword didn’t even leave a scratch on the creature’s armor. The Nightmare looked him straight in the eye and said, “Now, our turn.” The Nightmare ripped the broadsword out of the human guard’s hands with it’s magic and used his own blade to cleave him in half. Iron Chevron shouted in anguish, “NO! Shieldbreaker!” “Captain, allow me to avenge them,” Iron Chevron looked over and saw Redblade, “allow me to avenge them and kill this Hell spawn.” Iron Chevron decided his choice immediately, “If that is your wish Redblade, then may Celestia be with you.” “Thank you sir, it’s been an honor.” Redblade held up his two short swords in a defensive stance, “Come at me, FOUL WITCH!” “We art not a witch! Die pathetic mortal! Die like your fallen comrades!” The Nightmare charged at Redblade, but Redblade knew exactly what to do. He spun to the right at the last second, sweeping underneath of the Nightmare and attempted to cut at her soft underbelly. Had it been any other being, it would have worked flawlessly. But this was Nightmare Moon, the immortal goddess of the dream world, and left nothing more than a scratch in her ebony armor. The Nightmare spun around faster than anything of that size should, and impaled the distraught guard through the back with her horn. The Nightmare then tossed the guard off of her horn into a group of ponies near the exit of the building, not knowing that these ponies would be her end. When Redsword looked up, barely hanging onto life, he said this to the purple unicorn who had spoken earlier, “Stop the Nightmare, avenge…. My fallen…. Comrades…. Please, do this for…. Me,” and with that, Redsword exhaled for the final time. The six mares, sickened that this man had just died in front of them, just stared until the purple one ran out, the other five soon following suit. Nightmare Moon didn’t notice any of this, but Iron Chevron noticed it, and he was determined to give those mares as much time as possible. Iron Chevron was about to give the Nightmare a try when he was stopped with a blade at his chest, “Captain. I realize that you want to deal with the Nightmare yourself, but I won’t allow yourself to go out on a suicide mission, I’m doing this my way. And no order from you will stop me,” Iron Chevron looked to the body connected to the blade and saw that it was the last of his men, Swift Strike, his second in command. The Captain looked Swift Strike in the eyes, “I wasn’t planning on stopping you.” “Thought so.” Swift strike pointed his sword at the Nightmare, “It would be wise to surrender now Nightmare, for I have not lost a single battle, and all against foes mightier than you.” “Mightier than us? Thou must jest, for we are NIGHTMARE MOON! The greatest evil to have ever befallen Equestria!” The Nightmare went back into the Canterlot royal voice in the middle of her rant, deafening every pony that was still present. “It doesn’t matter what you are, I am NOT losing to a cliché movie villain that wants to take over the world!” Swift Strike shot back. “Thou did NOT just call us CLICHÉ! WE WILL SHOW THOU CLICHÉ!” The Nightmare, enraged by Swift strike’s comment, charged up a huge blast of magic, and point it straight at Iron Chevron, “Let’s see how thou fairs without thy Captain!” The Nightmare let the bolt of magic loose, straight at Iron Chevron. The Captain unable to do anything at that short range just stood there, waiting for the impact. But it never came. Iron Chevron looked and saw a burnt, mangled, absolutely devastated Swift strike standing in front of him, legs and arms in a star position, protecting the Captain. “Let them… let them remember me as…. As the guy who saved…. Captain…. Iron Chevr…” and before he could finish his final words, he feel onto his knees, and then onto the ground, his breathe gone. “Swift strike… They will tell of your sacrifice for years to come, but now…. Now is the time for action! I have watched as you slaughtered my men and fought them like play things. But now! Beware my wrath Demon! I will not rest until I know you will fall!” Iron Chevron shouted at the Nightmare, his voice strained with anger. “Then give us thy best shot, mortal.” Iron Chevron went into an offensive stance, holding his Steel guard’s sword in front of him, “I will show you my best shot, HHYYYYAAAAAAAAAA!” The Captain charged the Nightmare head on. The Nightmare, thinking this as just a headlong rush without thinking, just stood there, waiting for the inevitable collision with her horn. But it never came. Instead, Iron Chevron ducked at the last second, spun off to the left and took a slash at her unprotected flank, leaving a thin line of blood. “THOU HATH MADE US DRAW BLOOD! FACE THY WRATH!” The Nightmare tried to blast the captain like she did with the others, but when the blast made contact, Iron Chevron just took the brunt of it with his sword, chipping it in several spots and some of the blast burning his hands. Iron Chevron, not phased with the burns on his hands nor the cracks and chips on his blade, came in close range again, this time the Nightmare saw this coming and attempted to impale him on her horn, but he dodged at the last second to escape the fatal blow, but still ended up gashing his left arm. He looked down at his arm, the limb was bleeding profusely and just dangled useless at his side. Thanking Celestia he could fight one handed, he charged back into the fray, nicking the immortal goddess on the cheek and him suffering another injury, on his left calf this time. “God dammit,” cursing his luck, he glanced back over at the demon spawn, and he unsteadily stood back up, using his sword as a make shift cane. Once he stood up fully, he held his sword in a shaky grip, pointing it toward the Nightmare, “I… I’m not done just… yet…. Bitch.” “Thou surely jest? Why doth thou continue to fight? Thou hath already lost, that much is evident in thy pathetic state.” The Nightmare questioned to Iron Chevron. Iron Chevron looked at the Nightmare with a serious look on his face, “Because for every second that I’m facing you… Some pony out there has another…. And I know that I can’t win…. I knew that from the very start.” “Then why doth thou continue?” The Nightmare seemed more confused than angry at this point. “Don’t you see? All I’m doing…. Is buying time…. Time that the ponies that will take you down…. Will receive.” He smiled contently at the Nightmare, whom hadn’t seen his plan the entire time. “Then that means…. YOU! THOU WERE BUT STALLING!” “Right… on the dot bitch.” Iron Chevron could barely stand at this point, and the massive blood loss was blurring his vision. “WE WILL FINISH WITH THOU LATER! WE HAVE MORE URGENT MATTERS TO ATTEND TO!” and with that, the Nightmare dissipated into black mist, off toward the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. “Heh, Iron Chevron, look at yourself. You’re a wreck. Oh well, by the time the Nightmare gets there, it’ll be to late. Redblade, Shieldbreaker, Swiftstrike, and Highguard. Know that all of your deaths weren’t for naught. With your sacrifices, the Nightmare will be no more, and Equestria… safe.” Iron Chevron spoke his final words, sitting against the wall, his sword across his lap. He died from blood loss minutes later. In the time after the Summer Sun Celebration event, the Nightmare was unable to stop the Elements of Harmony from retrieving the Elements. Iron Chevron made every second count, and so it was needed. If the Nightmare had arrived seconds sooner, the bearers of Harmony wouldn’t have made it, and The Nightmare would’ve been unstoppable. In the years afterwards, ponies were less prejudice towards humans, even making friends with them, the few ponies who still didn’t like humans were mainly ignored and shut out. But it was in fact Princess Luna who was affected by this event the most. Those guardsmen were the reason behind her return and for that she was grateful. Princess Luna takes a daily walk through the Royal Canterlot Castle gardens every afternoon before she raises her moon, to admire a statue. On this statue stands five humans wearing royal guard regalia. And at the base of this statue, carved into it with gold inlay, is a plaque. In this plaque lays a story, a story that commemorates the five human guards that gave their lives to protect the peace, to protect Equestria. . .