//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 (Trixies return, Cadence sings) // Story: The First Year // by TwilightsmyMare //------------------------------// THUMP! Thud, Thud, Thud... I woke up to something jumping up and down on me. I cracked an eye to see Scootaloo hopping up and down on my chest her little wings beating excitedly, Twilight lying to the side with a smile on her face. "Wake up Dad! Wake up!" I grabbed her in midleap hugging and tickling her. "And a good morning to you too." "Ahh! No fair! You’re bigger then me. Help Mom!" Twilight giggled and dove right in, all three of us laughing and tickling one another until we fell back exhausted. "Big day today Scoot." "Yup! Got to tell my friends!" Twilight smiled softly. "Yes that. But Rick and I need to see the Mayor and Miss Cheerilee. And I'll need to write the Princess and let her know what we decided." "Why Miss Cheerilee?" "Well we'll need to let her know you’re with us now. As well we'll need to see how you’re doing with your schoolwork." I explained. "Oh..." I laughed. "Relax Scoot. I am sure you did the best you could... Considering the circumstances you were under, but you know Twi she'll get you back on track." She blushed slightly. "Thanks... Mom and Dad." I smiled at her. "You know, you really don't have to call us that if you don't want to. We know we can't really..." "I do!" She interrupted clutching us both. It was plain to see she had been missing having someone to... Well, love and who loved her as well since her mothers passing. We'd do our best to fill that void. We all got up and had some breakfast, Twilight and I discussing what we needed to do mentally while we ate. Then we all headed into town together, Twilight split off to go see the Mayor and I went with Scootaloo to the school carrying her on my shoulders as we walked and carrying her scooter for her. "Dad?" "Yes Angel?" "Angel?" I lifted her down and gave her a hug. "Well ya. You’re my little Angel. Unless you don't like that...?" She smiled at me blushing slightly. "I do. Thanks. But... Not in front of my friends ok?" I put her back on my shoulders laughing. "You got it. Now what did you want to ask?" "Do you think I'll ever be able to fly?" "No. I know you will. What do you say you, Twi and I go down to the park after school and you can get some practice in?” "Okay!" We approached the school and Scootaloo struggled to get down. I lifted her down giving her another hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Love ya Angel. Have a good day." "Daaad! Your embarrassing me!" "Sorry, sorry." I turned to head to the school as Scootaloo scootered over towards her friends and classmates. Suddenly I felt a pair of forehooves wrap around my leg, I looked down to find Scootaloo hugging me tightly. "Love you too Dad." She whispered then fled back to her scooter zipping over to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. "Big news guys!" "Did you get your cutie mark?" They asked. "Better!" I left them to talk as I entered the schoolhouse. Cheerilee was cleaning the blackboard when I entered, she turned and spotted me. "Oh! Rick, how nice to see you. How can I help you?" "Well Miss Cheerilee it’s a long and horrible story but with a happy end I hope..." I explained to her exactly what was going on and what had happened. She was shocked and saddened by what had happened to Scootaloo. "I suspected something was wrong but never this bad. Oh I feel horrible. That’s just the kind of thing I should have spotted sooner!" "I think she was worried she might get taken away from Ponyville and her friends so she kept it a secret as much as she could. I don't think even Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle knew." "Thank Celestia for you and Twilight!" I blushed slightly. "Oh come on. I just hope she'll be happy with us. We don't exactly have any experience being parents." She smiled. "Oh you'll learn. And I think you'll both do just fine. And now I won't have to listen to any of Scootaloos wild excuses why neither of her parents can come to family appreciation day.” We discussed how she was doing at her schoolwork, not too badly but she needed some improvement. I was sure Twilight already had a plan for that. Thanking Cheerilee I left before class started and headed back into town. Scootaloo was surrounded by her classmates no doubt telling her story again and again. I detoured around visiting Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to let them all in on the news inviting them to go see Twilight when they had a chance to talk to her about it as well. They were all very excited and proud of us both; Fluttershy broke down into tears when I told her the circumstances, sad at first but then happy when she learned Scootaloo was going to be with us. I got back home shortly after lunch to find Twilight with papers spread out having a snack. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her kissing her neck. "How did it go?" "Excellent! The Mayor had no problem with it and the Princess's wrote back expressing their gratitude for us handling the situation." "Did they say what they were going to do?" "Well... Other then Scootaloos bruises which are already fading, we have no real proof. They probably won't be able to do much..." "I understand. I have an idea though." I told her my plan and she nodded enthusiastically. "That’s a sneaky idea. I'm sure they would approve. I'll help you research." "And our other question for the Mayor?" "Also not a problem. Cost us some bits but who cares?" "Exactly. We'll have to do that tomorrow when she’s at school." "Sounds good. Okay just sign, here, here and here." I did so trying my best to get used to writing Sparkle as my last name. Twilight then stacked the papers up and put them away then turned and tackled me in a hug kissing me. "She’s really our daughter now! Oh I hope we're ready for this." "We can do it love. Cheerilee and our friends have faith in us, I do too." I answered kissing her back. We had a simple lunch then Twilight sent some letters off to Cadence and Armor as well as her parents letting them know the news. Then we did a bit of studying and research, we found what I was looking for and I committed it to memory. It was almost time for school to be let out so Twilight and I walked there side by side enjoying the day. We got there just as the bell rang and students came pouring out. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom came galloping over. "Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom I'd like you to meet my parents! Rick and Twilight!" Apple Bloom rolled her eyes a bit. "We've met them before Scootaloo." "Well ya... But they weren't my parents then!" Twilight giggled. "We look forward to seeing you girls around a lot. Ready to go Scootaloo?" "You bet!" "We're heading to the park for bit girls, care to join us?" I asked. "Sure! Mom and Dad pick me up at sis's in a few hours." Squeaked Sweetie Belle. "Sorry. Ah got chores." "That’s ok Apple Bloom we'll see you later." I said. We headed to the park and while Sweetie Belle and Twilight talked I tried to help Scootaloo develop her flying skills. I really had very little idea of what she needed to do to get off the ground, but I did know she needed to strengthen her wings more. And now that she was getting regular meals and a safe place to sleep I was sure she would improve rapidly. Granted it had only been a day so far but encouragement helps too. I lifted her in the air and carried her in one direction while she flapped her wings as hard as she could in the opposite direction. She had a fair bit of power already, no doubt from using them to pull herself and her friends on her scooter. After an hour or so we collapsed beside Twilight and Sweetie Belle exhausted, Scootaloo curled up on my chest and rested there while we all talked. Then we walked Sweetie Belle home and said hi to Rarity then headed home ourselves. We walked along Scootaloo zipping along on her scooter ahead of us then turning and coming back and zipping ahead again. As we got home the sky was darkening, there was a rainstorm scheduled for this evening so we hurried inside. Scootaloo did her homework while Twilight and I made dinner. We ate together as the rain started to come down, a few peals of thunder made Scootaloo look up in shock. "What’s wrong Angel?" "Nothing... I'm just not used to being very dry when it rains." "Your old house leaked honey?" Twilight asked. "A bit... But I usually slept outside on the porch or in the clubhouse once Applejack gave it to us. It was nice but it leaked a bit, Apple Bloom fixed it up great but she couldn't reach the roof." "But what did you do in the winter?" Twilight anxiously asked. "Well, I'd have to stay home then... It wasn't nice..." "I'm so sorry Angel. You never should have had to go through that." "It wasn't so bad until Mom..." Twilight and I both moved over and hugged her. "Thanks." She whispered. "For everything... Taking me in and being my parents." "We love you Scootaloo, and we always will." Twilight whispered as we squeezed her. "Definitely Angel." We finished supper and tucked her in on the couch again, we'd need to get her a bed and a room of her own soon enough. Twilight and I headed up to bed and cuddled down together kissing softly. "Eeeww..." Came a small voice from the stairs. "What is it honey?" Asked Twilight. "Um... Could I sleep with you tonight?" A loud crack of thunder made her jump and us both smile. "Of course you can." I said. She zipped over and snuggled down between us, as we all drifted off to sleep together the thunder didn't bother us at all. I woke up early the next day, looking over at my two purple maned sleeping angels. I had thought I was lucky before, who could have known how much a small tomfilly could change things. Jump right into Twilights and my hearts. Life was going to get busy. Twilights eyes cracked open and she smiled watching me gently stroke Scootaloos wild mane. Morning love. Morning. She’s beautiful isn't she? A real heartbreaker when she grows up to be sure. I'll be chasing the colts off with a stick. She giggled quietly. Ready for today? I think so. How about you? Not a problem. Scootaloo stirred then opening her eyes and smiling cutely. "Morning Angel. Sleep ok?" "Sure did. Thanks for letting me sleep with you... Um, not that I was scared or anything." "Of course not. Hungry?" Twilight asked. "Yup!" We got up and had a nice leisurely breakfast, I made her a lunch to take and we both gave her a hug at the door and watched her scooter off to school. "Well, we better get to work." She kissed me passionately. "This was a great idea. She’s going to be very surprised." "I hope she'll be ok with it..." We headed out, we had a lot to get done before school was out and we were determined to get it finished. By the afternoon we were both tired but we had it all done. We found Scootaloo leaving the school grounds on her way home. "Mom, Dad what’s up?" I smiled down at her. "A surprise Angel. Come with us." We walked awhile while she scootered alongside us until we got close to our destination. I reached down and scooped her up. "Eyes closed please." She complied but peeked up at me occasionally squeezing her eyes shut quickly when I noticed her. Twilight levitated her scooter alongside us as we walked. I put her down gently. "Ready Angel?" "Yup!" "Okay open your eyes." She opened her eyes and stared straight ahead for a minute at what we had set up for her. A simple plot of earth with a small wooden cross with the word 'mommy' planted in front of a nicely cut tombstone. Carved into it was. Sugar Blossom Beloved Mother Taken far too soon Scootaloo turned to us her eyes filled with tears. We both knelt down holding her tightly. "Now you can come and see her whenever you want." Twilight whispered. "Thank you... Thank you... So much..." She cried and cried as we held her, we just stroked her mane and told her we loved her and it'd be all right. Twilight and I had gone to the Mayors office to find out all we could about Scootaloos mother, we couldn't find out much but at the very least we did find her name. We had secured a section of the Ponyville cemetery the day before and had a grave dug. Next we both headed out to Scootaloos old home, her father was passed out on the deck which suited me fine I really didn't want to talk to him again anyhow. Twilight separated and lifted out a large section of earth where Scootaloos mother had been buried careful not to disturb anything within. While she was doing that I worked a spell of my own on Scootaloos father, nothing harmful merely a bit of insurance for the future generations of ponykind. Infertility, no more Scootaloos, no more abusing daughters or sons. It was a fairly simple spell but still taxed my abilities to their limits. We then brought the mound of earth back to Ponyville, Twilight kept it in one piece all the way there placing it carefully in its new resting place. We stayed there awhile, helped Scootaloo gather some wildflowers for the grave then headed back home. Over the next two weeks we got to know Scootaloo and she got to know us. We cleared out Twilights private study and straightened it out and decorated it as Scootaloo wanted. Yes we spoiled her, but she deserved it. We moved Twilights study down into the basement; we cleaned it up and found we had even more room for us to study as well as room for even more books. Having an adventurous, energetic and curious little filly around can cramp your love life a bit, okay a lot. But with some fooling around in the shower and a nooner every few days... Well we kept our passion alive. Scootaloo filled back out, we fed her well. Her wings were filling out as well, and with some help from Dash and encouragement from us she was learning a lot. She was getting really strong and could almost get off the ground. All three of us were amazingly, ecstatically, deliriously happy, sure there were problems and adjustments to be made but it was amazing still. Scootaloo had just headed off to school one morning and Twilight and I were relaxing and cuddling on the couch when there was a knock at the door. Opening it we found Fluttershy waiting head down. "Hi Fluttershy. What’s going on?" I asked. "Oh well Trixie is supposed to come back today... I was just wondering if you two wanted to come to the train station with me... If you’re not busy..." I had almost completely forgotten about that, with Scootaloo keeping us busy we hadn't given it a second thought. "We'd love to come along Fluttershy." Twilight offered. That perked her up a bit but she still seemed down. We all walked together through town. "Still worried she won't come back?" I asked gently. "Yes... Not a single letter... Maybe she’s having such a good time..." She seemed on the verge of tears as Twilight moved over and hugged her tightly. "Come on Fluttershy, don't cry. We'll see and we're always here for you." "Okay..." We got to the train station early and waited nervously. Finally the train arrived and passengers disembarked, but no Trixie. Just as we were ready to leave and comfort Fluttershy she stuck her head out of a train car pulling a large suitcase on wheels with her magic. "Don't leave without me!" She called out with a grin. Fluttershy spun with a smile on her face but it quickly faded and she backed off shy again. I could see she wanted to run to Trixie but her own insecurity kept her stuck. Trixie managed to pull her suitcase down off the train just as it was departing, she left it there and rushed over to us flying by Twilight and I to throw herself into Fluttershys surprised embrace. Even more surprising was when they finished hugging and were face to face she leaned forward and kissed her softly. Fluttershy blushed heavily but didn't back away. "I missed you so much!" Trixie gushed. "I... I missed you too... But you never wrote me..." "What?! I wrote you after every show! I'll straighten this out with the mail office later!" I broke in somewhat hesitantly not wanting to ruin the moment. "How was the tour?" "Oh it was wonderful! Crowds of screaming fans for me and Sapphire of course. Better then I ever dreamed, Sapphire wanted me to stick around for another tour in a few months but I declined. That’s enough for now..." "But...! But I thought you loved that life!" Fluttershy interrupted. Trixies smiled at her and kissed her again. "I did. But I love you more." "Oh... I never thought... I... I wanted... I love you too!" They embraced hugging and crying while Twilight and I stood aside. Did I miss something? Silly. Looks like they got very close while she was staying with Fluttershy. Okay... But their both... What? Mares? That’s not a problem is it? Aren't there same sex relationships back where you came from? Well yes... Not really common where I came from. But now that I think of it here they might be far more common. They are... It doesn't bother you does it? I don't know... Looking into their happy, smiling and crying faces I knew whatever hang-ups I had from before simply didn't matter. They were happy and in love and that was great. No. No It doesn’t, I'm very happy for them. She leaned over and kissed me softly. I'm glad. Guess that bouquet was pretty accurate after all. She giggled. Do you think they'll get married?! Rick. Sorry, sorry. Still getting used to it. Of course they should if they want to. Better. After all you married a pony. She smirked. "Well let’s go get some lunch and you can tell us all about your trip Trixie." We all went back to the library so we could talk in private, I dragged Trixies huge and heavy suitcase there, thank Celestia it had wheels! We ate and chatted together. "It was so strange Fluttershy. The first week I missed you a lot... I mean, I knew I liked you; you’re so beautiful and kind. But the excitement of the tour kept me from dwelling on it too much. By the second week I was really missing you! And all your animal friends, the cottage. I know it might sound strange. But the tour was exciting so I kept writing you and not speaking my true feelings." Trixie explained. Sound familiar? Sure does love. Trixie caressed the side of Fluttershys face lovingly. "By the third week I knew I had to get back to you, the realisation that I was in love hit me like a ton of bricks! I mean... I never thought anypony, especially from Ponyville would ever care for me or me for them... You know... Because I was such a..." Fluttershy interrupted her kissing her softly. "I was nervous around you at first... I had heard about you from all my friends, I wasn't there when you came to town the first time... But as I got to know you I could see that entire attitude from before was just an act, to keep anypony from getting too close. Thank you for letting me get close... It was so hard when you were gone. I kept thinking you would never come back..." They kissed again then seemed to remember us both of them blushing a bit. "Ahem... Sorry, thank you for lunch. And for introducing me to Fluttershy." Twilight smiled. "Glad to. Let’s pick back up on our lessons next week ok? I think you might need some time to... Readjust." We bid them farewell and watched them walking off side by side Trixie pulling her suitcase behind them with her magic. Twilight nudged me in the side. "Only took them a month." She said teasingly. "Well... I guess being separated must have given them that extra push." I kissed her. "I don't think I'd want to be away from you for a month." "Oh you." She smiled. "I'm glad for Fluttershy; she’s been alone for a long time. Her animal friends with her of course but..." "I know what you mean. I wasn't sure before that I'd ever need anyone in my life... But now that I have it." I kissed her passionately. "Never letting go." "So glad." I scooped her up and we went back inside. Later that afternoon Scootaloo came home with a note from Cheerilee. "Oh, you must be in trouble now Angel." I laughed opening it. "No. It’s just an invitation for one of you to come to family appreciation day. You know cuz I missed so many. I thought maybe you could come Dad, and tell us about the Everfree forest and stuff!" "Sounds like a good plan. I get the next one though; I know your classmates will love to hear about Equestrian history!" "Uhh... Sounds sweet Mom..." I laughed. "You'll see Scootaloo history can be interesting. And I'd be happy to come, when is it?" "Oh. Tomorrow." "Wow short notice." "Well... I might have brought it up in class kind of on purpose, because I wanted everyone to meet my awesome new parents!" I grabbed the squirmy little Pegasus and hugged her. "You got it Angel." I spent the rest of the night going over what I knew about the Everfree forest and looking up a few things to talk about. I didn't want to disappoint my daughter after all. We tucked Scootaloo in and headed to bed ourselves, we laid there warm and happy in each others embrace when a scroll popped into existence above us and fell down. "Odd time for a scroll." Twilight remarked. She opened it before us and we read. Twilight and Rick Heya! It’s Spike again! I hope you’re both doing well, that was quite a bombshell you dropped adopting Scootaloo! Your parents are so excited to meet her and invite you both to come to Canterlot whenever you can! Shining Armor and Cadence are also thrilled; they just finished moving into their new house. It’s huge! Oh right, the reason for this scroll. Shining Armor and Cadence wanted to invite you up to the ski lodge on the mountain for the weekend, in two weeks time. Just so you know its adults only so they weren't sure you could make it and got me to send this early so you could make plans. Princess Celestia is teaching me so much! Sometimes it’s a bit boring, like when you used to go on and on about ancient spells Twilight. Oops, um... Never mind that, I miss you guys. Rarity’s still single right? Anyhow let me know what to tell Shining Armor and Cadence ok? Love Spike "Hmm... Well that sounds nice but we can't leave Scootaloo alone..." "Don't be silly Rick we'd never leave her alone. Although I think I could convince Fluttershy and Trixie to have the Crusaders over for a weekend sleepover. I think they'd all enjoy it." "Sounds like a plan." "I'll write Spike back in the morning." She yawned sleepily. "I'm tired. Goodnight Rick. Love you." "I love you Twi." I kissed her softly and we drifted off to sleep. The next morning Twilight sent off a letter letting Spike know to tell Armor and Cadence we'd be happy to join them if we could get a sitter, which was fairly likely. She congratulated Spike on how well he was doing and assured him Rarity was indeed still single as well as to let her parents know we would visit as soon as we could. Scootaloo and I headed off to her school, we raced. She scootered as I ran but it was still no contest she was simply too quick. I broke off before I exhausted myself too much and she came zipping back after a minute or two. "Aww... Giving up already?" She asked sweetly. I grabbed her in a hug and noogied her gently. "You’re too fast for your old man Angel." I lifted her up on my shoulders and carried her and her scooter the rest of the way to the school. She didn't seem to mind her friends and classmates seeing me carry her, she just balanced up on my shoulders beaming away. I put her down at the door and she led me over to see her desk and some drawings she had done pinned up on the wall. One especially cute one of her, Twilight and I together under the library tree labelled 'Home' caught my eye. "Aww. You should bring that home; I know Twi would love it." "Okay!" I tousled her mane and she zipped over to her seat as Cheerilee entered. "Settle down class. We've very happy to have Scootaloos father here today! Mr. Sparkle! Come on up." "Please just call me Rick. Today I'm here to talk to you about my job as a Warden for the borders of the Everfree forest." "Boooring..." A little filly with a light purple coat and a darker purple with a white streak mane and tail as well as a small tiara on her head rolled her eyes causing another filly beside her to giggle, she had a dark grey coat and a lighter grey mane and tail as well as a pearl necklace and a pair of glasses. "Diamond Tiara! Silver Spoon! Quiet please." Cheerilee scolded. I held up my hand to placate her and I also shot Scootaloo a look seeing she had a rubber band in her hoof pulled back and aimed at the back of Diamond Tiara's head, she sheepishly put it away with a small grin. "I can see how you might find it boring. After all you live in town, why would you need to worry about the woods? Well normally you wouldn't, but you never know when a situation might come up when it would help to know a few things about survival in the wilderness and the creatures that dwell within..." I went on for a few hours telling them about the uniqueness of the Everfree forest and about the dangerous creatures that lived there; I told them about the other creatures as well of course and assured them that Princess Lunas Wardstones kept them all safe. I answered questions when they raised their hooves, and they had a lot of questions. I looked up at the clock and realized how long I'd be going on and on. "Oh, I'm sorry I've just been talking and talking. I should stop and let Miss Cheerilee do some teaching. Thanks for having me here and listening." Scootaloo broke out in hoofclaps. "Yay Dad!" The other fillies and colts joined in even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon though reluctantly. "Ooh the time just flew by! Thank you Rick for all the interesting information!" "Glad to. I just had an idea as well with your permission?" I asked. "Ok course, please go ahead." "I just thought maybe some of you might enjoy going on a short camping trip one of these weekends with Mrs. Sparkle and I along to chaperone of course. Perhaps we could put a sign up sheet up here on your desk Miss Cheerilee? That way after they've gotten their parents permission we could arrange something?" "That sounds like a wonderful idea! Talk to your parents about it and if your interested and come back and sign tomorrow." "Thanks again all, have a great day." I exited the schoolhouse with a wave and a wink to Scootaloo and headed to check the border, all was well and I stopped by Fluttershys cottage on my way home to see how things were going for them. As I neared the cottage I could hear some giggling going on, I got closer to the door and heard some... Unmistakable noises, as curious as I might have been I turned around and quietly left. My guess was, they were doing just fine. I got back home and let Twilight know about my camping plan. "I don't really have any experience with camping... I've read some about it of course! It should be fun!" "Well, we'll see how many of them even want to come. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle for sure I bet." "That reminds me I should go and talk to Fluttershy and Trixie about the Crusaders having a sleepover there." "Well... Now might not be the best time..." "What? Why?" "Well I may have overheard something when I dropped by to see how they were doing... I didn't look! I just turned around and left." "Sounds like their getting along fine." She said with sly smile. "Oh yeah." "Riick! Don't be naughty... Well..." I kissed her passionately and we spoke no more for awhile. Scootaloo came home dragging her poster for Twilight after school, a little the worse for wear but Twilight still put it up on the wall with pride. We had dinner and talked, seemed quite a few of her classmates were interested in the camping trip. Might be more difficult then I thought. We asked her if Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and her would be interested in a sleepover at Fluttershys. They all loved Fluttershy so she thought so. We let her know we would be going up to the mountains with her Uncle Shining Armor and Aunt Cadence and had to promise to go somewhere we could bring her next time. The next day I walked with Scootaloo to school again while Twilight went to see Fluttershy and Trixie. Cheerilee presented me with the list with a grin, it seemed the whole class wanted to go! Still only twelve fillies and colts but I was sure they'd be more then a handful. I thanked her and waved goodbye to the kids as I headed back into town, I was going to need supplies. I got two tents for the girls and two for the boys as well as one for Twilight and I. Sleeping bags and plenty of marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate. Plenty of standard fare as well. If there was anything I'd learned in the past couple weeks it was kids could eat! I hauled my load of camping gear back home, Twilight was back with good news Fluttershy and Trixie were more then happy to have the Crusaders over for a weekend so we were all set to go to the mountains. We checked out all the gear and got everything organized for the coming weekend, Scootaloo was so excited we set up one of the tents downstairs and we all camped out inside that night. The rest of the week passed by fairly quickly, I visited the school a few times to check with Cheerilee about her students, if any of them needed anything special I should know about. I also checked along the border of the forest and a short ways inside looking for a safe camping spot, I checked with Zecora and she was more then happy to direct me to an excellent spot not too far in the woods beside a small brook. I spent some time clearing it out and planted a Wardstone there as well as making a ring of stones for our campfires well away from any overhanging branches. Friday night came and all the fillys and colts began to congregate at our house. Twilight was sure to get an accurate headcount as well as having a long checklist for everything we would need. We headed out to the campsite; everypony was excited and eager... Well almost everypony, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon complained and whined all the way. By the time we arrived at the site I was getting a bit sick of them. "Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon. You know the camping trip was completely voluntary right? If you didn't want to come all you had to do was not sign." "My Daddy said I had to. He thinks it'll be good for me to learn new skills. Humph, what a waste of time." Diamond Tiara grumped. "And I couldn't leave my bestie stuck with all these losers." "That’s enough of that young fillies. Go set up your tents everypony." Twilight broke in. Brats. Oh don't be so hard on them, their just not used to this kind of stuff... Ok fine their brats too. She giggled and stuck her tongue out at me then went to set up our tent while I gathered some firewood. By the time I got back there were four nice and neatly set up tents and one pile of poles and fabric on the ground with two struggling fillies under it. I lifted the tent up to find Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tangled in the ground cords. "How are we supposed to build this thing? I'm not some blue collar, lunch pail pony you know!" Diamond Tiara fumed. I chuckled as I unravelled them. "All you had to do is follow the instructions girls. Their very simple, here I'll give you a hand." I showed them the instructions and got their poles, cords and tent all straightened out. I coached them through the process, they dragged their hooves hoping to have me do it for them but once they realised I wasn't going to they put a bit of effort into it. It might have taken them three times as long as anyone else but their tent looked just as good as any of the others when they were done. "Good job girls." They both blushed a little. "Well... Thanks. I still don't see how we'll ever need to know this though." "You never know, better to be prepared. Ok come sit down everyone and we'll get the fire started and make some smores." They were all excited for that, I showed them several ways to get a fire started. Not as easy for the non unicorns but they got the idea quickly and I snuffed the fire before it got too big several times so they could try their hooves at it. We got the fire built up and roasted some marshmallows and made smores as well as popcorn for everyone to snack on. As we got everyone ready for bed one of the young colts spoke up looking nervous. "Um... Mr. Rick, sir? Aren't there monsters in the woods here?" He had an orange coat and a turquoise mane and tail. "Yeah! Like Ursas! And Cockatrices! And Manticores! And..." Another young colt burst out he had a light green coat and a dark orange mane and tail. All the other colts and filly crowded together looking nervous. I smiled to them. "Calm down, just like I told you there are dangerous creatures in these woods yes. But!" I picked up the Wardstone from the ground to show them. "This is a Wardstone, created by Princess Luna herself. With this here no creature can come close to the campsite. So there’s nothing to worry about understand? And even if we didn't have that, Twilight is here she'll protect us." I said with a grin. She batted me playfully in the shoulder. "You. Rick is right though we're perfectly safe so don't worry. Everypony off to bed, lots to see and do tomorrow." A chorus of Aww's but they filed into their tents bedding down with plenty of whispers and giggles. Twilight and I laid by the fire looking up into the night sky as we listened to them. Just like that night. She snuggled against me her head resting on my chest. A few more filly and colts around but yes. You, me and the stars. I kissed her softly. We rested there until they all settled down and the fire was just embers then headed to our own tent. Before we went to sleep Twilight added a bit of insurance of her own, not that we didn't trust the Wardstones but better safe then sorry the saying goes. She cast a more simple ward around the campsite that would waken us if anything above a certain size entered. We awoke early the next morning just before the fillies and colts and got some breakfast ready. The rest of the day we explored the woods, not too deep of course. I showed them different plants and animals, I should have thought to invite Fluttershy then the animals would have just come to us, oh well next time. I tried to make it interesting for everyone, and Twilight had plenty of facts and information to share, Diamond Tiara still looked bored but Silver Spoon seemed to be getting more interested. Every other pony was having fun as well, that evening we had a nice campfire and sang songs then told scary stories until late in the evening. I didn't know any but Twilight had a few that caused some screams, squeals and giggles. The next day was more of the same with Twilight and I trying to teach them how to find food and water if they were ever lost in the woods, what plants were safe and others that were not. I don't know how well they listened, they were having a lot of fun, but that was the idea. That evening we gathered for one last campfire and meal then packed everything up and cleaned up the campsite so we could get all the little fillies and colts’ home to bed so they would be ready for school the next morning. We dropped each filly and colt off at their homes personally to thank their parents for letting them come. Diamond Tiara actually surprised her father by hardly complaining when we brought her home, and Silver Spoon actually thanked us when we dropped her off. All in all it was a success; we finally got home late in the evening and started to put the camping stuff away exhausted. Poor little Scootaloo couldn't keep her head up so I carried her to bed and tucked her in. "Dad?" "Yes Angel?" "Thanks, it was great!" I kissed her on the forehead. "I'm glad you had fun. We'll do it again sometime." She smiled happily and fell asleep. I went out to help Twilight finish putting everything away to find her fast asleep atop the pile of tents. I gently picked her up and carried her to bed sliding in to cuddle up with her. We can put the rest away tomorrow. The next week things were busy, Twilight and I made sure we packed some warm clothes as well she, Trixie and I had plenty of studying to do. Trixie assured us that the Crusaders would be more then welcome at Fluttershys, she seemed to be looking forward to it. I did my rounds as usual to the forest; Twilight accompanied me on Wednesday to recharge the Wardstones. We walked side by side enjoying a little peaceful time together. "So when do you want to bring Scootaloo up to see your parents?" "I think when school lets out for the holidays would be the best time." "Sounds good. She may be a little rambunctious but I know their going to love her." "Definitely." I unearthed the stones one by one and she recharged them, I could manage one myself but that was my limit. Friday evening we escorted Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to Fluttershys cottage. "You be good now Angel." Twilight and I hugged Scootaloo. "Don't you two worry we're going to have so much fun this weekend, right girls?" All three of them smiled. "Yes Fluttershy!" Twilight nudged Trixie. "Don't let them see you’re scared, they can smell fear." She whispered with a grin. "I... Everything will be fine, just fine..." Twilight and I chuckled. "Just teasing you Trixie. Have a good weekend." Twilight reassured. We hugged Scootaloo once more and waved as we departed; we got our luggage and headed to the train station. Shining Armor and Cadence were waiting for us when we disembarked. Cadence was bundled up in a big warm coat waiting in a chariot while Armor helped us with our luggage; we all boarded the large chariot pulled by four robust Pegasus and took off. "You're both going to love it. It’s so beautiful up there." Cadence smiled in memory. "Definitely, skiing, skating they've got it all." Armor chimed in. "Sounds nice." I replied. As we got higher the temperature dropped, Armor threw on a warm jacket and Twilight and I dug out some warm coats of our own from our luggage. Finally we came to the resort, a large chateau nestled against the mountain with some smaller cabins situated out past the ice rink. It was to one of those the charioteers took us to. They dropped us and our luggage off then after we thanked them they took off towards the chateau as we bundled ourselves into the cabin. There was a large stack of wood and I quickly got a fire going as it was quite cold, the toasty fire quickly warmed us up and we shed out winter garments. As Cadence shrugged off her coat and relaxed back on the couch I couldn't help but stop and stare. She was considerably showing, her abdomen was very swollen. Twilight nudged me in the side. "Rick, stop staring!" I shook my head. "Ah, sorry. Cadence, are you sure you should be here? It looks like your very close..." She smiled. "Not to worry, still a month to go." She looked down at her belly. "I know. I’m so fat…” "Honey you look great, how many times do I have to tell you?" Armor pleaded. "I have to agree with Armor here Cadence. You look beautiful." Twilight nudged me harder in the side. "Rick!" "Sorry Twi. But really, pregnancy makes women... Er mares even more beautiful." "Humph." She turned her back and stomped over to our room. "Your in the doghouse now Rick!" Armor laughed helping Cadence up as they went to their room. I sighed and followed Twilight determined to apologise. I entered the room and closed the door behind me turning only to get tackled against the door Twilights soft lips pressed against mine. I wrapped my arms around her kissing her back and swung us both into the bed. You’re not mad at me? No silly. She is beautiful, and just because we can never... Oh Twi. I'm so sorry. You’re still more beautiful to me then anyone. I love you. She pressed herself urgently against me. Um... Cadence and Armor might hear us... She broke our kiss and smiled. "ARMOR!" We waited a second, no response. She giggled. "Sound suppression spell." I laughed and we fell into each others embrace. The next day Armor and Cadence took us out skiing, they were both quite proficient. Cadence of course stayed on the safe slopes but Armor zipped down the harder ones with ease, all the more embarrassing for Twilight and I as we could barely stand up on our skis let alone go anywhere on them. After an hour of trying and falling down a great deal we decided perhaps a sled was more our style. we joined Cadence on the easy hills sledding and having a great time. Later in the afternoon we tried our hands/hooves at skating. Twilight let me know she couldn't skate worth a darn; I had a little practice with it. I could stand up and move forward without falling down at least. I stayed by her side supporting her and falling with her on occasion, no harm done. Cadence and Armor again were quite proficient, having wings no doubt helped Cadence but Armor clearly had spend many a winter out on the slopes and the ice. We capped off the day with a snowball fight, Twilight and I built a fort and so did Cadence and Armor and proceeded to lob snowballs en masse. Now I thought this was an area where having hands would give me a massive advantage. Not so much, maybe against an earth pony or a Pegasus. But after the first barrage of a dozen snowballs at once I had to concede my advantage was miniscule at best. Thankfully I had Twilight on my side and she could magically launch as many as them, maybe even more but we kept it light. It was just for fun after all. In the end with two demolished forts and everyone soaked and cold we decided to call it a draw and get inside to warm up. Armor and I dried off and went out to chop a bit more wood. "So you and Twily ok? She looked mad last night." "Ah, she was just teasing me Armor. Besides I'd have to be crazy to ever screw up with Twi. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me." "Glad to hear it." "And you'll be a dad soon. That’s so cool." "Hah your a dad already bro." "True. And she’s great I can't wait for you two to meet her. But raising a baby from birth is going to be an amazing adventure for you both." "Scary! I think you mean, we've read dozens of books on it and my parents and plenty of others have given us tons of advice. So why do I feel like we have no idea what we're doing?" I laughed. "I guess you just can't really know what to expect until you've done it yourself. You'll be getting to know your new foal and he or she will be getting to know you." "I never thought of it that way... Gee I hope she or he likes us." "No chance of that not happening. Let’s get these logs in and warm up." We brought them in and had some hot chocolate with dinner chatting by the fire until we all turned in. Twilight and I snuggled together under the warm covers. "This has been such a great weekend." "Sure has. Even the falling down." I chuckled. "Ooh yes, I have aches all over." "Well we can't have that." I began rubbing her back gently kissing her neck. She cast her sound suppression spell and we embraced with wild abandon. I don't know if it was simply the situation, or just our passion growing even stronger but I truly did feel the earth move. We laid contently together afterwards drifting off to sleep when the door slammed open and Armor burst in. "Twily! Rick you ok?" Twilight shrieked and pulled the covers up higher. "Armor!" "What? I knocked and banged on your door. Didn't you just hear that? Didn't you feel it?" "Oh right the spell..." Twilight whispered. "Wait, felt what?" "The whole cabin just shook I think we were hit with an avalanche... What were you doing that you didn't... Oooh...!" He laughed and ducked out of the room to avoid Twilights thrown pillow. An avalanche... Well I guess that would explain the earth moving... I quickly got dressed and we went out into the main living area to find Armor checking the windows, white... Nothing but white at every window, but it could just be a snowstorm. We cracked the door open an inch and struggled to push it shut as tons of snow tried to push its way in. "Well damn. What can we do?" I asked. "Not to worry. They have a crack search and rescue team at the chateau, I'm sure this kind of thing has happened before, it'll just take them awhile to dig us out." Armor reassured us. I checked the chimney and could still feel a draft coming down from it so that was good news at least. "Lets all sleep in here to keep the heat up its likely to get very cold now that..." "A... Armor." We all turned to see Cadence leaning against her doorway. "Its ok dear, we'll be fine." She took a deep breath. "Its time." "Time, time for what?" She rolled her eyes slightly. "I mean, it’s TIME." He stood there shock still for a moment. "What? No, nonono... It can't be time. They said a month, THEY SAID A MONTH!" "Calm down, I don't think this foal cares what they said." She said as she struggled into the room. Armor immediately rushed over to help her over to the couch to lie down. "Ok... Ok... What are we going to do? You just have to hold it for now. They'll come to get us soon, just hold it honey." Cadence cried out in pain. "That’s... That’s not going to happen." Twilight turned to me. "Rick! Can't you do something?" "What?! Me? What can I do?" "You said you had training for injuries and emergency situations." "Yes but for broken bones and cuts. They don't teach you how to deliver babies in First Aid!" "Well what about the healing magic you've been studying? I've been meaning to do some research into that subject as well but I'm just so busy!" "I'm still not skilled enough for anything this important... Armor! Surely you've had training for situations like this from the military?" THUD. I spun around but couldn't see Armor anywhere. "What happened?" Twilight went around to the other side of the couch. "He fainted..." She levitated him up beside Cadence to comfort her. "Okay... No problem... People and ponies have been giving birth for thousands of years without a doctor present right?" "Well yes... But..." Twilight was interrupted by another cry of pain from Cadence. "Alright let me think for a second... Deep breaths everyone, especially you Cadence. Twi, we'll need towels and bedding and hot water." "Okay!" She galloped off to get them. I knelt down by Cadence. "Cadence, I don't know what I'm doing but I'll try to help you as much as I can." She smiled at me gratefully. "Anything... Oh Celestia it hurts!" I grimaced. "I bet. I might be able to help with that at least. I've been researching healing magic and I know a spell that allows the caster to take pain from another into themselves to lessen it. May I do so?" "Please!" I cast the spell carefully, it was my first time using it and I was immediately bombarded with pain. More pain then I could ever remember feeling; I could only imagine it was still worse for her. Twilight came back with everything we would need opening the door to fill the pot with snow to heat up and forcing it back closed with her magic. We got everything ready but I had no idea what to do next, it had something to do with contractions getting shorter I thought... Twilight stayed by Cadences head drying her brow from the sweat pouring off of her and reassuring her all she could. I waited down by Cadences nether regions waiting for some sign as well as averting my eyes. Rick! What?! You have to be watching in case something happens! But I... Her... Please! Don't let anything happen to her or her foal! Okay... Okay love. I turned my full attention to the task at hand; still having no idea what to do until Cadence screamed and the couch and floor was suddenly soaked. "Okay! This is it. Push Cadence, as hard as you can!" She did and moments later a small pair of hooves came into view, she rested then strained again and more of the forelegs came into view followed by a tiny head topped with a small horn. "A horn! Good Cadence, keep it up!” She kept pushing until most of the foal was exposed, I turned it slightly so its hips could slip out easier and it fell into my waiting embrace. I wrapped her in a towel, yes it was a filly. A perfect little unicorn, the lightest of blue coat and her mane and tail dark blue with streaks of light yellow in them. She was breathing and looked healthy not a wail from her as she stared up at me with big amber colored eyes, with a little trouble I cut the umbilical cord tying it as well as I could then cleaned her up wrapping her in a warm towel. Then I passed her new foal up to her mother and fell back relived. Cadence smiled but still grimaced. I could still feel her straining and pained with something... Right the placenta. "Just a little more pushing Cadence and we'll be done." She strained and tried for a few minutes but nothing. "Oh damn... Cadence I might have to..." "Please I just want to be done!" I washed my hands thoroughly in the hot water and very reluctantly and gently reached in, I felt around trying to find the sac but instead found something small and hard. Feeling around some more I found another nearby... Hooves! "Another foal! Twins Cadence!" "What? I... Ahhhh!" Another spasm of pain shook us both; when it subsided I tried to locate the head but realized the foal was backwards. "I can't turn it... I'm going to try to pull a little, push with me." I pulled very gently as Cadence pushed but the foal didn't budge. The minutes passed by with no progress, I was sure that this was a dangerous situation so I took drastic action. "Brace yourself." I gathered all my concentration and focus and teleported the foal out onto my lap. My first attempt at teleporting anything that big and it strained me badly; I saw black spots swimming in front of my eyes for a moment before I could shake it off and turn my attention to the foal. I wrapped him in a towel, yes a unicorn colt with a coat of solid black and his mane and tail light purple. As I cleaned him off I noticed to my horror he wasn't breathing, I shook him gently to no avail then desperately turned him upside down smacked him lightly then again firmly. He burst out crying and more then that his tiny horn lit up throwing me across the room into the wall. "Rick! Are you ok?" Twilight screamed. I held up my hand and picked myself painfully up. "Nothing broken, just scared the little guy. Definitely his father’s son." I grinned. I walked over and gently picked the squalling bundle up from the pile of towels he had fallen in cutting and tying his cord as well then wrapping him up and bringing him over to his mother to rest beside his sister. The placenta had passed easily with the foal gone and I wrapped it up and put it out of the way. Cadence levitated a foal to Twilight and I and went to the washroom on unsteady legs to clean herself up. Twilight and I sat together on the floor holding the little bundles staring down at their cute little faces then turning to kiss softly. You did it. Cadence did all the work, I just helped. Don't be so modest. I kissed her again. I'm just glad they and their mom are ok. Cadence rejoined us and all six of us fell asleep right there exhausted and relieved. Twilight and I awoke the next morning to two pairs of healthy lungs wailing loudly, Cadence smiled gently down at us as she placed them under the blanket to suckle. Armor was lying beside his wife smiling but looking sheepish as well. "Thanks Rick! Thanks a lot! I can't ever repay you." "Hey I just helped. Cadence did the hard part." "If you hadn't been here... Well I don't want to think of what might have happened with me lying on the floor leaving her alone..." He said angry at himself. Cadence caressed his face gently. "Don't be so hard on yourself. It all worked out." She lifted the two foals up and she and Armor each burped one. Now Twilight and Rick we would like you to be the first to meet..." She held up the little colt. "Prism Armor." Armor held out the little filly. "And Shimmer Armor, Mi Amore Cadenza of course as well." We could hear the sounds of snow being moved outside. "Sounds like the cavalry is here." Twilight said cuddling Shimmer and Prism. "Good, you should go and get checked out as soon as possible Cadence, Shimmer and Prism too." I insisted. She smiled. "Of course. For now let’s just enjoy this miracle." We all sat together sharing our warmth and cooing and awwing over the two new little lives in front of us.