//------------------------------// // Scootaloo // Story: Tavi // by Hoover //------------------------------// In 1492, Scootaloo sailed the ocean blue. ^^^ Just popped in my head, thought I'd share. Made me laugh. Eh :/ Scootaloo -Hoover "Left, go left!" "Wha-Oka- Oh crap!" "It's alright, 's alright. Okay, um... Go right. THERE! Behind that crate! Come on, go Go GO! YES! High five!" Scootaloo was on the xbox she'd gotten on Christmas, playing the new Haylo. Tavi was in our room, on her cello. She had put blankets over the doorway, as our constant communication distracted her. Scoots had asked me to help guide her for a few matches online. I looked at one of the five clocks in the living room. Huh, 46 minutes had passed since we started. "Crap! Okay, gotta go, Scoots. Love you." "Love you too, dad." she gave a quick but and continued on with the game, leaning forward on the sofa in front of our tv. ----- "Hoover!" "Chance, hey! This is Cedric, my old roommate." they shook hooves. We sat down at Sugarcube Corner and got a cup of coffee. We talked for an hour or so, mostly just telling stories, until the conversation shifted. "So you got a kid now, right?" Chance asked, leaning back in his seat. "Do tell." Cedric said, leaning on the table slightly. "Yeah... Scootaloo, that's her name. God I love that kid. She's awesome. I don't know how, but she has this constant source of energy flowing. I mean, like you wouldn't believe it. But yeah, I love that kid." I said, smiling at the memory of her hug from Christmas. "Of all the people, who would've thought you'd be happy to have a daughter." Chance laughed in his seat. The rest of the conversation was completely unrelated to Scootaloo, and therefor shall not be written in this chapter, as it's name is, in fact, titled 'Scootaloo' ----- "Dad!" Scootaloo rushed to greet me as I entered. Her and Tavi were watching something on TV. I joined on the couch, and they resumed. But it wasn't long before it was late and Scoots had fallen asleep yet again under my arm. Tavi took a moment and rested her head on my shoulder. "We were talking today. About cello. She didn't get a word I said." "I can see why." "I think she's more attached to you than me." Tavi said, smiling. After all, she was the one who wanted a foal in the first place. I looked down at Scootaloo, and smiled. "Maybe you should tuck her in this time." I said to Octavia. She agreed, and took Scootaloo in her arms to her room. When she came back to her room, I could see a smile growing on her face. "Feels good, doesn't it?" I said after we were in bed. "Hm? Oh, yes, I suppose." "Hearing her voice say it. Knowing she means it. And saying it back." "Yes..." "There's nothing better..." I turned off the lamp, and Tavi and I drifted off to sleep, the sound of absolutely nothing polluting the air. ----- I woke up to a brisk Friday morning, mostly by Octavia bringing in some coffee. She was in her bathrobe, and leaned her head on me, occasionally sipping her drink. Strange. I'd almost forgotten how much I love her. I saw the clock, and realized Scootaloo should have been up by now. When I went to wake her up, not a single hint of stirring came from her room. I entered the familiar blue-painted room, whose color was unrecognizable in the early morning. I saw her body move, and walked over to her. I lay down by her side, and gave her a hug. "Hey dad" she said, mumbling. "I don't feel too good..." "How so?" "Throat hurts, headache..." I felt her forehead. "Dang, Scoots. You're burning up." I gave her a kiss, and went to get Tavi. "I think Scootaloo might have a fever" She came with me to her room, and we both sat on the bed and talked with the orange filly. "Let's get you into some fresher air." Tavi said, getting Scootaloo up. The filly shuffled behind Octavia, tripping on her own hoof twice, and yawning excessively. Tavi got her some medicine, water, and a blanket, and took her to the couch. "You go on ahead, I'll look after her." I said to Octavia, when it was time for her to go to work. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, it'll be no problem." And it wasn't. Scootaloo and I talked for hours, had laughs, finished the interrupted Lord of the Rings trilogy from Christmas, and had a great time. Until Scootaloo threw up. At around midday, she had suddenly woken up and rushed to the bathroom after a moments hesitation. All I could do was put a hoof on her back and wait for it to end. After it did end, I put a trash-can next to her spot on the sofa and tried to keep her awake. She vomited two more times, slightly splattering the carpet on her way to the small waste container. I got her some water, ginger-ale, and a packet of saltine crackers, and told her to eat them slowly. For the water and ginger-ale, I wasn't sure which would be better for her, but in most of my memories, my mom gave me ginger-ale, so I told Scootaloo the same. When Tavi got home, she saw the trash-can, and gagged, covering her mouth with her hoof and closing her eyes, looking away. I moved the can into the kitchen, and when I came back, Tavi was asking Scoots a bunch of questions regarding her health. ----- That night, when Scoots was feeling better, we did nothing but sit by our fireplace. Scootaloo wasn't in much of a mood for anything, Tavi had no work to do, and I... Well, I don't do much. We watched as the gas-propelled flames licked the false-wood, burning nothing whatsoever. I sat with Tavi and Scoots, all three of us wrapped in a series of blankets, warming ourselves from the cold January air. Without noticing, all three of us fell asleep. Right there, with the ones we loved most, all helping keep each other warm. ----- Saturday was a whole lot better than Friday. Now that there was snow on the ground, Scoots didn't have school, and wasn't AS sick as yesterday, Tavi and I agreed to let her out. I couldn't resist following. Scootaloo started building a fort, reinforcing the low-built walls with sticks and twigs that she had pulled from trees and off the ground. Meanwhile, I started making a fort myself. We gathered plenty of snow for ammunition, and thus, the Great Snowball War had begun. I lay low, peeking my head out every once in a while to see what was happening. Scootaloo was doing the same. Once I had a sufficient amount of snowballs for throwing, I poked my head above the wall. Immediately, Scootaloo started chucking the balls of snow at me and my base, crippling my defensive barriers, crumbling my main walls, destroying my confidence. This kid had some kinda good aim. I whipped around, and picking up snowballs with each hoof, hurtled them at her base. Her reinforced walls were too strong for my weak throw, and mocked me with their standing. I reached down again, but no ammunition received my out-lying hoof. I cursed under my breath, and realized something. I was completely fucked. I watched with a wet face and eyes wide open, trying to catch my breath, as the horrific sight of Scootaloo with 50+ snowballs came up from cover, and she immediately started throwing. My mind sped up, and I vaulted over my wall, stumbling when it crumbled so easily under my weight. I got up, and was hit in the leg. For the sake of the game, I let that leg hang limp, and limped on. Snowballs whizzed past me, and my mind sped up even more. Each encounter becoming closer and closer, until another hit my leg. Now crawling with my front two hooves in a final-stand fashion, I could hear Scootaloo come behind me. I kept crawling, trying to get to... Well, away from the enemy. But it was useless. Scootaloo muttered something in a foreign language, which amazed me that she knew, and put a snowball in the back of my head. I lay limp for several minutes, as Scootaloo went to get Octavia and show her her triumph. Tavi laughed when she saw the outcome, and how poorly built my base was compared to Scootaloo's. I got up, we laughed and discussed our war-time tales, and thus, the day out in the snow ended. ----- 11:09 pm, Tavi was in the bathroom, and I was already in bed, attempting to read. She came in, and when I looked up, I had a surge of heat overtake me. She had dropped her hair down below her eyes, whereas she normally kept it neat around her face. But she looked so damn sexy. Like... Wow. And god, those eyes. She got in bed and lay extra-close, spooning me. She looked back at me, and I could tell by her face. There's gonna be some bumpin' an' grindin' tonight. The R. Kelly song jumped into my head, and I got my sexy on. We kissed, tongue and all, and I slid my hoof down her side to you-know-where. Eventually, we were all-out just doing it. I won't go into detail, but in the end, we both fell asleep needing the rest. ----- At nearly two in the morning, Scootaloo ran into our room. "Scoots? Hey whu's wrong...?" I said, mumbling. She was slightly trembling, sweating a little bit, and on the verge of tears. I immediately took her in my arms, comforting her. She must have had some hell of a nightmare to do this to her. Tavi was woken by this, and when she saw, she tried to comfort her as well. The filly lay between us, calming down and falling back asleep, in the arms of Tavi and I. ----- On Sunday, for the sake of boredom, we went into town. Mostly to catch up with some people and to get some hot chocolate at Sugarcube Corner. On the way there, we had to pass by a dance club, and, well... "...Yeah, man. That was fuckin' awesome. I mean the way your cock slides, god that feels so fuckin' good, I mean, like..." I was looking at a white mare with light blue hair with darker blue highlights. "I'll be back in a second..." I told Tavi, going over to the mare. "Hey, what's your name?" "Who the fuck are you?" "I asked you a question, please answer." "Fuck off, man." I sighed. "You see that mare and filly over there?" "...Yeah. So what?" "That's my wife and kid, and right now you're setting one hell of an example for my daughter." "So what? It's none of your business what I say or don't say." "Look at yourself. You're drunk, high, and you just got laid five minutes ago. You want a filly in fourth grade to see that? Imagine goin' to school with that image in your head." "You better fuck off now, man. I ain't in such a good mood." "There's a joint in your pocket, I can see it. Hangin' out for the world to see. So shut your mouth or I'll find a cop." And that just about shut her up. She tried to come back with something, but had a sudden lack of words and couldn't. She gave up and walked inside, muttering under her breath. "Okay, let's go." ----- Sugarcube Corner got snowed in by a sudden blizzard, and we were stuck inside. Thankfully, Pinkie Pie and Mr. & Mrs. Cake had a stock of blankets and plenty of tea and hot chocolate to warm us up. "Hey dad?" "Yeah?" "When are we gonna get home?" "I dunno, Scoots." About an hour into the blizzard, I started noticing a number of ponies going to buy drinks. "You guys want something?" I asked. "I'll have a gingerbread hot chocolate." Tavi said. "Same." said Scootaloo. "Looks like that's three." I walked into the line, and waited as the other 14 stallions and mares ahead of me ordered. When I got to the register, the cheerful pink mare greeted me. "Hi there! What would you like?" "3 gingerbread hot chocolates." "Oooh, good choice. It'll be right up!" A few minutes later, they called me back up. I paid, took the drinks, and headed back to the table. We were stuck there all day, and almost had to spend the night there. Luckily, a group of ponies came along and cleared the snow away. Scootaloo went off to bed, and Tavi and I did the same. Although we did get snowed in, it made a pretty good memory, and it taught me how much I depended on Tavi and Scootaloo. That night, I slept easily, knowing I had a wife and daughter to wake up to.